I ' I 1 Aufust 5, Itw, .? the poatof ute tk. sr, > .*t .25 f. Foot Month? 1.00 Six Months 1.50 On? Tor j . . .i 3.00 _ _ Subscriptions must be paid fn? In advance. J{ paper, is not re eeiwd pfomptljr, telephone or this office. " Subscribers d?iriin the paper discontinued, will please notify this o#ce, olhorwrieo }t will be continued at regular subscription rates. ''JAMES L. MATO . . . . . Proprietor CARL QOERCH *?????* ? - Editor WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, JUNE 2?, 1015. When a lad/ finds she can make a speech, the husband may as Wei. put the children in a hoarding school, strangle the canary bird an. renew his acquaintance with tho fellows at the club.?llou?tun I\js,t The new? that Washington had been designated as the meeting place for the Elks of tho State next year, was received hero will considerable elation and satisfaction yesterday aftrnoon. Washing ton in not going to spare any pains in showing the visitors a go-n time whe thev come to ihis citjSafxt June. THE TJME FOR SALES. This is the time of year when merchants usually put on a *ale i. order to get their summer stock t reduced as greatly as possille t make room for the new fall and winter stok. One of Washington* leading stores has already held a sale of this nature ami s?v j. others are now on the eve of holding similar events. Tho store which has already held ite sale, enjoyed a mo?t gra;! fying rush of business. This was due to two facts:?the fact tin. it had the goods, and the fact thut it let the people know it had then lioth are highly essential. A store may be loaded to the eeilin with excellent merchandise, but if the people don't know that th goods are there, tho sales aro going to be very low. ADVERTIS ING is what counts. A merchant may g?) ahead and hang a pin-* of oilcloth over the front of his store, but he'll get small returns But if ho gvo ahead and mvrrs the community with circulars, ?1 vertices in tho papers aud thus shows the people he isn't afraid t spend money, that he BELIEVES in his goods, they'll think thai something big must be going on and even if thcv are not in th market for any goods, they will visit the establishment just to se how the salo is being run. Tho local merchant, whose sale has just terminated. *>par d n pains in letting the people know what bargains he had to offer them Ho ran frequent page and half-pago advertisement-, and the resul waa that hi* store was crowded during even- day of the sale. Hi example should be one that the other merchant? of the city wouh see the advisability of following. The rea-ou whv this city prolwbly hasn't liad otner ooiivcntiou. here is because we haven't gone after them. And. we mislit ado. that's just tli? .reason why we lip v en', t secured a good iiuinlxr ' other things besides conventions. , Washington is an ideal place foi conventions and meetings of all kinds and there is 110 doubt that ; number of ordors would bo only too glad to meet here if they wen properly approached on the matter. Only ope thing marred the pleasure and enjoyment of those wh. attended the Chautauqua in this city, and that was the ehatter ami laughter of those who were not interested iu the various perform anew and were too ill-mannered to permit those in their vicinity to hear the various number1. Innumerable complaints have beet made of this fart by indignant patron* of the Ohautaoqua. RUPTURE EXPERT HERE. Wen Known to l>**dtng Physician*. Who Indorse His Method?. W. B. 8EBLBY, the noted rup ture specialist of Philadelphia. W ?ending his pergonal representative (o Washington, N. C-. to minister to the n??eds of the ruptured public, thoroughly equipped and prepared with the most difficult cases. Inter ested parties can consult him f*cj at the Hotel Ixiulee, Wednesday god Thursday, June 30 and July 1. 8 BE LEY* 3 SPKRMATIC BHIKI,D TRUSS, as used and approved by the U. B. Government and the Tsar of Russia, will retain any case of rup ture perfectly, acording Immediate relief and close the opening In s short time on the average case, ft produces results without surgery or harmful injections. No leg ?traps to irritate and soli. No binding of hips. Clean and dnta ble. Examination and advice free. Per sonal reference on request. Cut out and k^ep for reference. Home offlcc }QI7 Walnut street. Philadelphia. flvlrorlbe for the Dtily Now?. IM IM o| "Spring Ktnr," A tur ti? ud ?lncfitii bovtli will ?<*?? *H7 mntitiom ud Mwmtia mi or mu m? mIh tK*a M*1 (U tlr*4 out, 4011, Kupld u4 ?Nm rotv CkUuiUe T?b r*tum lauHiM]?, t?Uf bMiUir ,b?w?l mM? M Ure* up row Untr. n?r wholMon* ud tker??#Mr llaulH; 4o Mt frttn 4? HWMi TVr kulM UM fill. NEAR DEATH BY SMOTHERINl Bat Hoihtni, With Aid of Cardui Effects Her Deliverance. Draper, N C.?Mrs. H pirn DaKon, cr (his place, say?: "I suffered f?r years with pain? in mv left side, and woulc oiten almost smother to death. Medicines patched me up for awhiW but then I would get worse a^ain. Pinal ly, my husband decided he wanted me U fry CajdiH, the wcman'J tonic, so lu bought me a bottle and I began Using if It did m? more good Ihan aH the medi cine? 1 had taken. I have induced many of my friends tc try Cardui. ?nd they all sa/ they havf been benefited by its use. There nevei tias been, and never will be, a medicine lo compare with Cardui. I believe It L* I good medicine for ail womanly trou ble?." For over 50 year?, Cardui has been re lieving woman's sufferings and building weak women up to hrallh and strength. If you are a wo mm, give it a fair trla! ft should surely help you, as It has * ?111 ion other?. ?* Get a bottle of Cardut to-day. Wrtt, tf; QtfiMoc* MWn ??.. uai? ?4 t Han &?**. T?nn.. for St* t* firm* o6r?ur MM ?n4 ?4 VKi* *??%. "'flirt Q Ik; NOTJCK. I hara thla dar quallad u admin istrator of the aatata of Sarab I! Ifardinf bafora iba dark of Holt ?>. bora III O.bkojh. "U, Juljr 4. 1?JJ. Kiicd; n> ?mr ?tt?r hi. bulb. H vj* ti?! k? ni je? a?r> eld. ??r ur tho? aattl be **? tlx month? -eld. He was paaalopately fond. Of mmlc In hI? yottn? r year? *nd for hoars h? would ?It oc the kitchen floor ?nd pull th? family cat's tail In order lo hear It howl. Jaykay's juvenile ambition was to be a fish peddler, la h!? mind, taere v*s do other portion In the world hat held forth so many ailurement*. u ? wo.aim. however, bi ?aw an rate citizen. whose sleep had been ?lsturbed by the peddler, hurl a oot at the latter,* which knocked he fellow unconscious for over an "lour. That ended Jaykay's atubi ions in that line. When hs was twelve years old." Jakay was able to walk, talk plain ly and eat without being forced fo do k>. He could alio recite "Maiv ? Tad a Little Lamb." in a manner which brought tear? to the eyes ot his listeners. H? waa also s skillful performer ?on the piccolo. ". He left home June 18, 1817, to make his fortune. He tried to- gr-t \ position ss the skeleton In a on? - r'.ng circus, but failed. Then he suc cessively held down jK>sltlons aa an nntructor to the ~aboiigtneee 0{ Afghanistan, lecturer on the Chatt 'anqua platform !n eastern 8yrfr? and as interpreter for the varlou r'.bes of savages In southern Africa. Finally he came back to Amer'.rn hccame established In the dry goods, business and in 180? he owned h!? *wn store. Ho ig now a most su--| eyeful bublness man. Beware cf the P ft t*he deeper th? -ut the har.* ? n ? tho vchicle and tbo tuuro it ntu-% t'Md. Find a new way of doing li :d work, be a read builder and nc rut maker. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that th. rm heretofore existing and tradinj; inder the name of Ccott & Bergeron i partnership composod of W. A. Jcott and B. Wj. Bergeron, has thU lay bean mutually dissolved. This 16th day or June, 1916. W. A. SCOTT. B. W. BERGERON. Witness: JAS. L. MAYp. li - \ 7-4 wc. Fop Coughs That "Hang On." Llngeriing coughs, bronchia' oughs, la gripj>e colds and similst (ilmcnta thai "hang on" until Ma: ?re Hkely to Isst all summer If no ?trod. Foloy's Honry and Tar Com ?ound will allay inflammation, t-leai 'opped passages, relieve djfttrcse eg discharges at the sonrce, banlsl ?uITy. whr^ir breathing and hen! n d Root he raw nasal and bronchia' mneagee. It Is prompt In action, -afo and sure. Contains no op1 ? toe. Davonporf'a Pharmar* Washington.' Juo? li.-^Hope that tho hMdi of t h? ?factions would tenia thrtr encea waned today when k kiovn Carransa bad given not i .-a to it* United State# that he woald not agree to a truce with Villa las diccussion ofp-ac#. announced hta intention of Wit hit military campaign t? I his adveraarlea. * Nsw F??ta Aboart Caaoar. A ?tudy of 1.000 cum of caoMr ?# the stomach rev#?la the fast that lift-* dfsoaae claim* mora men than wom^ aa ita victim# and that It occvr* meat frequently between the tfta of forty and alxty yean. Ulcer of the atom | ach, on the dlfc?r heed, appears moat ! frctpently between the acta of twex* | tgr aa? forty years. Id over M par neat ?f the caaaa of cancer hsredttj ?ud to play aa part .London. June 25.?-An Amster dam dispatch to the Central News #aye that the Germane following their victory in Galicia, have made preparation? for another attempt t>* capture Warsaw. German troops from Galicia already have been trnnsferred to the Bsara -front, west of Waraaw, says the dlapateh. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD NEW SHORT ROUTE. FREIGHT SERVICE Tf you value quick traasporta tico, -route your shipments via Norfolk Southern Railroad.' fatch the tijpe made by tbeir A enrs, and yon trill fiml your interests arc bast sorrel by patronising thorn, as "Time if money." "That's what I want Mother?Daddy drinks a wtien he's hot and thirsty'' For evtry member of the family there's nothing half as Invigorating, r^rwhing, deliciou? tat a glasa of Peptf-Cota., . Sttinflat tbtthlmti i fm - t/io ? ta*flo?t brednff ?neugh to mak? you "fiU No. tctUa th* tmt of tha d?r. nt ?11 fount* boosted in i too,? your PEPSKola For All ThhrtH?Pepsi-Colm PEPSI-COLA BOTTLING WORKS E R. MIXON & CO., Props. WASHINGTON, N. C. ur* *t>i>-*????? /?.* a?iM ,u?t< v u J. LEON WOOD & CO. BtNKBM mi HROMM. Application will bo m Ad? to tki vt?\fnor Of North Carolioo for tka pardon o t FTedartck L?Roj Bush m: Boporlor Court or . Beaufort 'or tbe trim? ef' .*3 a rdef. ? nd mtaoeod to the Stajtee prim for * torn of Ittoo? (?I) >f?r? All pereeaa who oppoee i irnt til ot ?M K^u ?n IbtIuT f forward tk?ir protaata to th- HI Tbta *?th iar of May. lilt. '4 TWENTIETH CENTURY Water Cooler SANITARY tee in'Separate Compartment ECONOMICAL ~ Only requires small amount of Ice. Will pay for itself lirst season. $12M> Harris Hardware Co. WE ARE AGENTS * lver .Johnson, Reading Standard. Emblem, Hudson Dayton and Great Western Bicycles sold for cash or on time. also have the most Complete repair shop in the city all work guar an teed* D. R. CUTLER Phone SM THE STIEFF Tone A Quality Tone From every standpoint o t tonal values the Stieff tone if a quality tone. Through out the entire range of the in strument there n ta ?vene*, a velvety smoothness that speak* tI)e work of a muter hand. Stieff ton? i? ? rvp combination of unlimited Volume and syro pa thetic ilpaing quality, Stieff i? ?vid?nc*4 tfc# iMtflfflfff** IO """I The Way to Buj Breeze SEE McKeel-Richardson Hdw.'Co., W. R. Gay ? Electric Shop City Electric Dept. THE VIRGINIA BAY - '* OCEAN VJEV/. VA. Open June 13th to September 1st. Ninth Season Under Same Management. The Mo?t Popular and Most Liberally Patronized Summer Hotel on the Virginia ~ Const. lOO Rooms Immediately on Water-Froot, Overlookras .Ches apeake Bay. IiHull View of all Vessels Passing Through Historic Hampton Roads . *V~ .. ' Syr .? " ^ iL. . Amusements Bathing, Boating,Fishing, Bowling, Billiards, Music and Dancing, Motion Picture Shows, etc. etc. ? Rates, in Keeping with the Stringency of the Times For Particulars Write JNO. A. TUCICER, Manager Until June 1st Louise Hotel ;Washiagtp?^N^C , '?Rabbit" Maranville Drinks ?4he quick-step beverage tor qulcV-^top I thinkers and players? for people \rho do i things?for athletes vho W? tho punch to deliver the good* in * pinch, Daaiuid tlx fMwbt* W M MM mcoyn|i i^Utitwtioik ATLANTA. OA. i&oltlin? Works F. E. MAYO, Prop. WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. '1' ATLANTIC M0RE1IKAD CITY, N. C Opens June 15, 1915, Opening v Ball June 19th, H> ft fOSTJfR, > 1A. )s COOK, AaUiM.