"i? ?w?i- ??*? iws ajvt utuer pap*r qr *ni state *? ? ?- ?? ? ? 'II DAILY new! WASHINGTON N. C. MONOV* fajTEKNOON JUNE 28 HiS No. 12* NEW PLAN IS SUGGESTED PORY.M.C.A. ??Bj| ro? LOT IS AVAILBLE ?4mm Mir News, M > roMaaM ?( WHlltitoi, l| h??a VM T*r ttoek IHKMri in '?? ?"ml t. M. C. A. Mitettoal hhd the .MM. that Mr. MM H4< br local dtl.ee. It I a*?eat* u aee that the be? of tbeee ?M iumU U aa latereta* ?hleb a?-| !?*"< la mar oolanaa with R?t K. Il Oar Whether It la ?oaafela. ?r aot, 1 4a aat too*. Howerer, . th?N la .?other eveaae o?ea. which I do act hallara aaroae ta Waablac ?oa haa (lar* caaaMarattoa. hat #hMk M atiam to ma. mall Ma* ?M r. M. C. A. eeeetlob la a Mo* tatMactorr waur all aroasd. <* Market atraat, ta t ha rear of tha ?tataft?, than ?? aa old Math odiet eateeterr. efridaaUlr touM to tkU eharah by a ?abHe-eplrtted "MiMl at Waehia*toe. Aa attempt haa M halt t> tha ?aat M eeca thle lot for a ailtary. hat tha de ate.ami. aod ralatlraa of thoaa who hra hwlled oa HU lot. wOald not Hataa Mi ?ar amatmUa that ' Idl dMarb tha graeaa. Altec coo I (hat all at tha lataraned ?wttoa ara taw w?Ua* ta tire ovar drlc porpoea, aarh ha a llhranr ?? atia?a? laatltatton. tha that 1MT ta real ere her ob)ec Mea. aj.de tha iMriaet. howerar, that UM ttma ha hot Interfere Wl hat tW tha tat ha oaaaotad ? ?%? \% ?rM Umt tkt #ub' I taay thlsk orar (Ma matter ul ?It? I niuot it. iraly room, VIM I Latham Wallops I Old Ford, 5-4\ Mil Omm ot MpaMMora. Bete? a laetfe era?? rf a?e?t?!or I MM Latham Umu taMt mapped I ?p With tha tnracatlM (root Old I #etaripy aftaraaaa, tha aaora HW H- The ?uai? wta replete, with WU*( IhriHe aa4 tha ea?e)-| MM Mdt* ??hath teaae wae a I fatten Mhteat J. .??* Ward acted at the ?*rl. while Boot t lh t Mutter Mt?. VETERAN AT WEST POINT Thla la Geo. H. G. Glbaon. tile old [ ?at graduate or West Point, who at tended tho graduating exercises of the clan of 1915. General Gibson was graduated from the military academy , to 1???. | MAKING PLANS! FOR LOCAL ELK HOME !rBPOBTKI> that IOCAL U>DGE ' j JS GOING TO KRKCT A BUILDING. NOW AT WORK Oommiitee ia Maid to Have Matter J In Charge and Is Expected to Report at the N'ext Meeting. According to information given' out this morning, the local lodge of Elks are making plana for building i a new home In this c'.ty. It lb stat-j ed that this. mutter ha* been under j discuBBlon for some length or time | and that a committee has the mat- j ter In charge, it i* expected that a j detailed report will be made at the next meeting j It da reported that the committee, i which 1? In charge of the Matter,' has made satisfactory arrangements regarding the land on which it la planted to locate the building. Tke local lodge has br?n rapidly Increasing in membership during the last two years and the present , quarters are not large enough to cosnforta'bly house all of the mcm b?rs. They desire a .building of] their own, containing all the jrc ?4*frnnentB of an up-to-date fodge. | "WHRBK DOHfi TfflH ROAI> GO? ' '"Never Went Anywhere," Answer] Otvea President'? Party. Windsor, Vt., June II.?Preeldnt Wilson and members of hit family I ovt (or aa automobile ride became] lost today In the foothill? of the j Qroea mountain?, and for nearly Ave i hours vere riding through dense forests, u$ and down steep Inolines, | ?trt of the tine ta a driving rain. The President wee accompanied by Mr. and Mre. Francis B. Sayro, is Margaret Wilson. Miss Helen Woedrew Bones, Dr. Cary T. Oray i and several secret service men. ? chauffeurs ef the two cars car-. rylng the party were from Wash-1 ?n?y>n and the president knew the country at well as anyone with him. ? ?At oae place Sayre leaned out | and spoke to a farmer. ."Where does this road go?" he Inquleed. | "I've been living hure all my life, j and It never went anyhwere," re plied the man, while the Preside tried to ?reeerve hi* gravity. IMHf l-OOKH H)K LONG WAH. Jane IS Italian aUltar authorities today aaaerted t be t all lira arm?, ammunition and *xplo | alrea factorial la the kingdom wrfra day and night. making | ready tor tk? poaitlblllly ?I a eon ?Mc?, ?t too ml?** lot thrta AUTIVE WORK ON ROADS IS BEGUN rnntwuno ?ni^p nu AT AITIORA OS 8ATT'HDAY MORICINH. 200 ATTENDED Committees Appointed Co l)oci Koal? Over Which New Mud Clay Ho ad 1? to be Bailt. At an enthusiastic "Rood roa-ls" meeting, which was held In Aurora Stoturdaj mornlnff, definite pl-ins were made tor p^uMng alone thw cork of coojlmctlng a good road -oad out at that city. About 200 persona attended the meeting and great interest was evinced in the proceedings. W. A. Thompson and Mr. Lawrence, of Aurora, both made cxcell' at addresses on the preeent prospects for securing good roads and the best method of obta'.n'.np results. The following committee was e ? looted at the meeting to take entir: charge of constructing a nand-i-lay : road across the sand hills . Meyers ' Poncer, W. A. Thompson and Rev. T.. N. Lawrence. The latter was i ejected treasurer. ! The proposed route will go either I by way of Edwards or by way t ! the Respaag road. The people along caeh of these routes arc exceeding ' ly anxious for the work to be don? on their highway. The route w4.!! be definitely decided upon Tuesday! night, when another meeting will ! be held for that purpose. Commit-1 tees were appointed on both of the above routes to collect monoy and secure subscriptions of work. Which-' ever route raises tho larger amount -of money will secure the stew roai. Enthusiasm In the work is grow lng dally. So far abo&t $1,100 have been subscribed by if the j two ronfeiin money and tn iabAr. Wants Road ThroughEdward (?Ives KfoVon Why Hi eh way Lead ing through That Town Should Receive In prt.verrent. L. 0. Tripp, mayor of Edwardtf.! was in the city today and had con- ! s!der?.ble Information to give out re-' gnrding the road improvement j which It is planned to make out of j 1 Aurora. According to Mr. Tripp, , je\ery effort should be made by the tuift'hs of the county to attend the m^etiing at Aurora tomorrow night. ! when It will fro definitely decided I vhlcli rout? !? to be Improved. "There are two roads leading out of Aurora," said Mr. Trltp, and one c.f these will b? Improved. One 1b 'known as the Respass road and the other one lead*# through Edwards. In my mind the people should not hesitate for a second in deciding that the road running through Edwards Is the logical one to repair. The other would only benefit the peo ple living at Respass and In addl 'llon to that. It leads direet to ?<(?*: Bern. The road rurfnlng through ! Edwards Is the more direct rotate to Washtngton, and If this road it lui ! provrd, the people trt Bonnertnn . will bplld out to it. The people of J Edwards have also agreed to 1m- ] prove Main street themselves, tod j this will lav? eon* expense to the g neral road work. Edwards 1c1 willing to do more than her share In , getting this road improved- We be ; litre that It Is the proper one m which to work. "I hope that a larfe delegation will be pree-nt at the meeting at Aurora tomorrow night. We espec ially urge the business men of Wesh ington to attend." "Oeatleman From Mimilftalppl." A feature film In five.reels' "Thp Gen t Iran an from Mississippi," will be shown at the Belimo theatre to- ' morrow afternoon and night. This I Ir one of the best picture? being I shown on tho screen at the present time and has attracted country-wide attention. The atory revolves a round the adventures in Washing ton of a newly eleeted Senator from W eal sat ppl, and Is fllll of comedy, interesttna alt nation# and ?le*r Cs? t Bin !??? "I d68t **?' t. K (MM ?>*< *? iw? ?1 VX EXPECTS BIG LOCAL SALE OFTOBACCO KSTJMATKtt S^Cr AT LOt.U, MAKKKT AT- ABOI't ^e*o,w? povmm. DISCI&tESt CROP ' ? "k?*? ? IWIctn tomtng 8?W? WUlb.B?|fc, Lor?, Market? Dan Bier H?<1. That between flr? ud ,li mtluoo pounds of totxcco would i)e mar keted In Washington thin aeaaon, was tho statement mule this morn ing by V. B. Shetburn?, at the 8hel burne-Baugham Co.; ?roprletora of the Central warehouae In this city. | Mr. ghelburne added that he expect ed the local Reason to he successful, In erery *ay. The market will be' In better shape than It erer has been In th-> paat and there Win be plenty of buyers on hand ?when the sr. j open?. In speaking about tblr year's crop of tobacco, ilr. Bhel bnrne had the toll owing to say: I "The first plantings do not look a? healthy as the laat ones. I aup pose that thla la caneed by the cold weather that struck the young' plants Just after they were aet. and caused them to aplndle up and bunch, aa they ahould tiave done. The laat plantings, while ?orne of them are buttoning early, look much healthier, and do aot have a long wet ap?tf to nob the, tobacco, they ahould make a good qual ly and produce good weight to the plant, although the yield In ponnd. to the acre will be regulated, and 1 think will not be large, by tho number -f leavea that can be let; the plant, which. If the wea'hor continues dry, cannot be many." The Central warehouse la now complete and la one of the finest, 1 ulldlnna of tta kteaMa* eaetfrn Car bitna. Has Returned From Capital i Sumil States Sentiment Appears to Bo that Amicable Settlement Will Be .Mode With German?, According to Congretifmaa John H. Small, ylio bas Just return d from Washington. D. C., there is a general sentimont prevalent in of ficial circles that an amicable set tlement will be arrived at between thla country and Germany. When asked whether he believed a Hpecial session of Congress would have to be called, Mr. Small ?tr that he saw no reason at the pr ? nt time for thinking that the pres ident would Issue a special call. He added, however, thot it m!ght be probable that congress would con vene somewhat earlier than m?ua!. In order to attend to several impor tant mattrrs which r?',Mired dis posal. "The question of revenues is at nays an import Ant one.'* said *fr ftn>a|l. "pa account of a diminu tion of Imports and custom receipts, our revenues have decreased son vlderably. I J?M|*vs that they ?re wjw on the Increase gfjip," - Another Still Is Discovered OfBceri^ad Illegal Distiller)' in the ] Woofe ?ar McConnetl's Sta tion. So Arrests Made. Offices discovered a 10-ftllon' distillery Saturday night In the1 woods about a mile from McCon- J nell's station, near Blount? Creek. No on* was found at the still at th*| (Ime the raid was made. Over *5 gallon* of molasses-beer wss pour-' ed out on tho around by the officials. ' Officers James. Pedrlok, Roberts and ' Hay made the raid. HOME Building And Loan Association Will Open a New Series Jn'y 3rd. COMR IN. ^ Call at Banking House of Savings & Trust Company For Booklet Explaining It. LAUNCHING OF THE JACOB JONES at Catuden N j' JaC?5 J?n6"' th* lat'Bl Amerlcan ?"rpedoboat dpsfroyr Outlines Plans of Local Suffragistf President of Local Organization T elf* of Progress The i Association is Making and What They Hope to Accomplish. For the purpose of ascertaluing the strength of the local equal suf-1 fiiigp association and an outline of j tho plRDs of this organization for '.uture work, a representative of the Dally News thlB morning called upon Mr*. H. W. Carter, president of tho association and aBkod her for facts pertaining to tho above. He j found Mrs. Carter at home nnd af-1 ter a few general remarks, proceed-: ed to the Interview. "How long lias the local asHocla t ion been orgar.2ied?" was the llret question. "If 1 remember rightly," replied Mrs. Carter, "we have bren organiz ed about ten weeks. This does not mean that the suffrage cause is only ten weeks old In Washington, how ever, for It has bern under discus-1 sUu? lor a considerable length of Clue. It was about ten weeks ago, thnt we officially organised and elected officers " "Pe you have a pi*c#> for holding meetings?" "Yea. We meet In the hali in the Hodman building on Market street over Scanner's store, yfe bav? a comfortable am of rao?w? la that building which are ample ill ii* for our present needs." "Are regular meetings hHd. Mrs. Carter?" "During the winter months. meet every two weeks. We have not held a meetiov recently and will not hold another one until fell, un 1 ft as (t la a specially called meeting One of the featuree of our meetin- i t>o date has been the eddresses, T-hlch have been delivered by prom inent local men, wno are In favor of oqual suffrage." "Is there much opposition, do you think, 16 the suffrage movement In Washiiglon?" "We have sounded out the senti ment pretty thoroughly. Of th* lawyers In the city, I know of only two wno oppose the granting of vot<*s Ir women. All **?e others are tn ' favo.- of It. None of them oen put up a good argument a* to w]?i women should nut be glive ihc bnl lot." "Who ar? the olllcer*. of the loc.tl organization?" "I have been elected presld'r.:. Mian Lii'a Rodman la vlce-preslden' Miss Francis Satchwell Is trcasur ond Miss Adeline Mayo 1? secretary ' "llow tuany m^mh rs art- there?" "I do not know exactly, hut I I fieve rhat t*iere ar?? about ihirf five active members. In addition 10 thla there ar? a large number u , honorary inemh rs. who pav ilu- s i ] the association." "Has the bhhixMhIi in any pla-.f for future work, or have i he ladh? any sperlal purpose that they arc ^ striving to attalne" "One of the tiilngR we ar?' work ing fiw Is the eleci!on of ? woinnn on the school Ij >arrl. und I hellev that we are going to be successful In accomplishing this event unity The association believes that til* i presence of a woman on the board I* *1)1 be of material benefit to lor-*l school v,ork and w* pre trying our I hardest to ac?oiupl1sh this. This Is ope of the principal thing* ip*f v/e . are after at tna present time, pi-1 though there are a number of other' proposition* we hope to take up in ; the futuro." j "If thera anything ei?e of inttr-: est you can tell me. Mra. ('?rterf" 1 don't know of anything. "eptlng that you might ?tate that the suffrage representation in the Chautauqua parad" was the flrnt pa rade of women in the Rtate for the cause. At least I believe I am right In makring that assertion, for we ave not heard of another ps that ha? ever been held In North Carolina." "Anything else?" "I bellere that Is all " "Thank you very much, good bye." "Qood-4>ye." M WHOA I, COMKOY AND "KliAlNK" TOMftHT The New Theatre opens tonight with a week'? engsg'iuent of the "Empire Musical Comedy Co." This 1? eel* d to be an exceptional strop? tabloid troupe. They will gl?s en entire change of program every night. So thla week we will ha v plenty of good singing, comedy and dancing. Tonight the 11th episode of the "Rxplolta of Klalne" will be , ahown. Bo go out tonight and en Joy youraetf botfc M to pftetaref god vaudavllU. PLANNING 10 ix ur in ;oujp. Hi**" HI'KRTA ARHBBTED IX TH1H ' OOVXTBVs WAS TRVIXtf TO M.VXCK ASormcB revolc TIOX. AOOOIUMNO TO REPORT. ON TO WARSAW" y the Indians arc now under the uotectlon of Sonora State troops, s one of the settlers have expressed *ny cetire to leave thMr property. HKCRBTAUY DAXIKI/4 SAH..4. Newport. R. I.. June 28 ?Secre ary of the Navy Daniels sailed for New York ou the cruiser UoVotn vesterda.v. He will hoard a train here for Washington. TIIRKK HTIT.I/S 8KI7/ED. Afheville. June ??.?Three larne I'stHlcrles. *'re destroyed by -er? In Transylvania county, accord Ing to reports made at the local hcadnuirt?*ra today. The thr?e plants were seized durlnp the lat"? nart of the we'-k and all showed ike efferls of recent operations. Editors ~Meet A t Greenville !lel'cxt Mortin*. Ai a meetng of pastern Carolina whlflh was held 1? Green ville yflMerday, problem? 01 modern Journalism were dtocuweil M Uftftlt and a permanent prganiMtlfln V?9 formed. An intercsilnf address w(M by Kdltor Biggs of the OreeavMh Reflector on "The trill? of M tor." Thla wai followed *y ft ?be?l talk on "Modern newapaper meth. oda." by SJditor H. B. Utlef, of Il.e Ay den Dispatch. Editor Ooereh of the Washington Dally News, made a talk on "How to make advert'.e Ing pay both the advertiser and the newspaper. Election of officers followed {Kl addresses snd Ihe following were elected fOT the r DAHOfue Pro*r?m Chui(*4 NI?htHr I PH?. I*? -4 ?*.