PAMB IK Tlli? STATK. T TON DAILY NEWS - -TUB WBATHKB?Probable at oil or*. Light toiiUitriy rlaU. WASHINGTON N. C. TUESDAtftfTEKNOON JUNE 29 H!S T, Ho. 1? wmm ? ? m g ? ? ===== ALMOST FIFTY MERCHANTS SIGN UP ?MARTY 8NDORSK.MKNT 1? UTV EN LOCAL CKKIMT r:r-l ?'J. f;.w j STILL AT WORK Will Visit Brer) Merc*/ ant tn Beaufort, Hyd?, Rttt and Marti? Co ua tirat la N^ar Akmost fifty local merbhftnts snd i repreeeatatlve business men of] Wnsfcflngton have signed the c< tract of orgftninattoo tor ft credit -anion and are co-operating to better tie local credit and trade condition? * limmm I ? - r U._ *- * ? n?ari7 1 bbotwhiobi dm ob*ju given Ik* ?HWlliaUo?. and pr.ctlc.lly M OWdUoo or tn> iW h? b?M ":TolcM ???ln?t the project. mett Inr U Im portsuice of Knowing the hoalth at'" aanitary conditions of a>i- resort o etnnmering place you contemplat visiting before seeking definit plans. The preaenpe of flks in th dining room, mosquito** In th> sleeping apartsnents. or unscreened doers or-windows anywhere in th? house, should maks yon go -slse .wh-rs. Either the lack of, or an in esnitsry means of. sewerage dispo* al should be strictly decided agatns' The milk and food anppl) should h' known to be clea nand free trow tl.: Infection, and the water supply should be known to be unpolluted But 'ven tms there are uncontrol (able ehsnces of typhoid lnfectioc and the oftly perfect safeguard If antl-tyhpold vaccine. The B?sl' f*oard of Health reeommettds It U alt vacationist?. . " - Keep Kool i Y~ AT THE BELLMO ? ? ?! . 7+f-a- &i] TODAY; mA Gentleman from MIm featppl," in ft v? aot? featuring (an ny. fat TOM WISH. Re snr? anf thU fro?tf?rtnl prod act Ion, ts'l I? woiiOtrfu! In both acting nbf photography. Cfcne 9+r\y to a*o!<< tb* crowd?. Wa Tmvo In?tat1?d fenr that mak? fotf Imagine that 70a ar' ?n tbti keneh. . ? The Belimo. "JT8 OOOI.?W* MK PHQV? IT HAHMW FAVORS PLAN REGARDING Y.M.C. A. JTOOB BHUMV BKLIEYBH XKW SVOGK8TION AK HXC8L LKJfT ONK. SOLVES PROBLEM Would B? Kcouomfral Arraafcniect for Roth a Y. M. C. A. and a PmUfte Ukmy. Loatkft is Good. That the suggeatlon mad? to ttrday's issue of the Daily News re garding the building of a joint 11 brary and Y. M. C. a., was a most practical one and worthy of ?er'iar :on*l deration, ? was the seaUment voiced thsl morning hy Judg Stephen C. Bra caw. Judge Brags? ?fated that he b#tleved the plan 2 ?eatible one snd that ft woaM 1 ? ah excellent solution of tho proV '?m of fladlyg quarters (or both : pubMc library and a T. II. C. A. "If the old cemetery lot can be taeured tor suoh a purpose. It would be an Ideal location for thq build ng." said th$ judge. ^"The plan aa outlined In yesterday's Dally New? appeals to me ta several ways. I? Tould be the most economical plan. H appears to me, and vould hold 'asih many adrantagos. 1 .do not Sellers that eHher Institution wou I interfere with the o:v-r If proper arrangement* were made. I had not thought very much on the prop isltlon until juit now, hut the mor? onslderatlon I give It. the more 1: appeals to me as an cxcellcnt scheme." WKRK OTHKK PARADKH. WMhlnfton DfmooiitriUloo hy Huf frafbta Was Hot PHmt One. Mrs. H. W. Carter stated t h noming that >he was mistaken yes Verday when .-aha made the. assertio 'hat thtil Nut Meet With Approval. Tbe New Theatre op< ued la*' ight to a full bouse to witness th'i ?penlng performance of the Empire Musical Comedy Co., which wan tj fill a week's engagement at that house. The performance wa# 3n*pletA failure. Judging from the -eception that they received from 'he* audience. Without a doubt It m among the sorrleat that has war been here. Of course the man igement ot a theatre has no way of . Illng what kind of a troupe he has ooked unlets he Hhould go to some dwi that they were playing in and ee the performance of the ??*we. '?'von admitting that the perfor nance was rotten last night, which * was. there was one thing that hould not have happened and that t the -way that some people hnve n expressing their disapproval of a how W a person attends a play, ?nd does not like It, they should et up and leave the house very uletly, for It tn?Mrt be remombcr.jj hat thers are always some people a any who do not wish p disturbed by ??ch boisterous sp lauding and Among tit* am. With the majority of th? store? ! ta Washington closed on Monday. It 1? ?nAatlt that a large number of local,residents will vlalt Belhaven p orjer to wltcess the big Fourth or Italy celebration, which Is to tield In tkat city. k moot attractlvo program has been arranged and many Interesting event? will be carried out. The auto mobile parade Is scheduled for 10:30 o'clock In the morning. It ' i? expected that a large number of machines will be entered In this event. The calllthumpian parade will begin at 11: SO o'elock. It will march through the principal streets, ending at the corner of Main and Pamlico streets, where the two prises will be presented the success ful contestants. This promises iq be one of the meet amusing feature " the liy. The Olympic game* will take place ??H Mata street promptly at flooa. A lumber of corteetants have entered ind keen competition |H expected. V balloon ns^cir^n and parvliuli* 'eap will occur at the baseball park promptly at two o'clock and will bo followed by* a ball game between Belhaven and Aurora. At 8:30 In he evening a magnificent display of fireworks WM be given. The dta-! olay will be exhibited from a barge *nchored at some convenient spot I n the river. | Indications point to the largest ; 1 ?umbun""" from the farolu: condition, that prevail In tha< country, waltln, toi FIRE LAST NIGHT. Broke Out in BolUUiig of i'lnillro J Coop?raffr Cd. Fire brok? oit last night a* the Pamlico Coojonge Co. building m catrt Main ?treat. The department anuvered Uxe alarm In record brtmking time Aid managed to ix tln<\i8h the ftfnrr before muc i daindRe could *! done. The fire wjf caused by sparks from a nearby smokestack, which! landed on .the poof of the building RKHOLUTIO^B OK ItBHPKCT From Otun Onrc (."amp No. 52T wi o. w. Whereas, the Great und Supreme Ruler of the Universe has in HI? infinite wisdom removed from a mung us one pt our esteemed sIe ?UJI, Mrs. JOhj^ PsviH. who patiently I endured much suTffcrinK until -Alte i end came. Resolved that the members of Gum Grove Camp No. 525 W. O. W. 1 desire lo oxt that the fSr*t public examination for teach ers' certificates will be held In Washington, at the graded school building, en Thursday and Friday. July &th and 9th. All teachers who expect to take the examination this year are advised to stand at this time. No prlfote examinations will be given unless It was iBuposHV* for the applicant to etand at tli? regular time provided by law. In order to have certificates renew -1 teachers must have attended teach' ers* meeting? and pars a suceenfu' ?*xam?'nat?on on the Teachers* Read toe Circle for 1914-16. Work will begin promptly at ?:0i' o'clock and all teachers ere asked to be present by that tlma. A cur taln time Is allowed for eaoh rib J act and any one coming In affT e subject Is begun will have to wait Mil that subject Is finished and the? begin with the class. All neceeaary paper, pens and Ink will he proved ed. Remember tho date and the hour. (Signed) W. O. PRIVKTTK MMt?. ?r I.NTBRB8T IX MEETING. Will iHfldP Tonight W)ut ll?>ad I to be Improved. Considerable local Interest It be ing manifested here today ov< r the outcome of the meeting which Is to be held tonight at Aurora, when It will he decided which road la to b> laiproved. The committees, which were ap pointed at Saturday morning's meet ing at Aurora, will make their re ports tonight and whichever road has raised the greater fund, will be Improved first There appears to l?e a general sentiment In favor of working on the Edward? road be fore any other work Is taken up. F.rWOHTH LEAGUE MEETS. Regular MmObh Will IV Hold To night With Mr*. Bland. The Bpworth league *U1 hold their regular monthly business an I devotional meeting tonight win Mrs. T J. Bland on Second street. All members are urgency requested bo present. The meeting will ?cgln promptly at S 30 o'clock. \I>IMS( OH TO MEET. I (up k t lull to .Meet Thursday After n?>on for Election of OMrers. The Add!?co Book Club will meet Thursday afternoon at five o'clock with Mrs. Jotin Rodman on West Main street Th'* will be the last u-.eetlng of the ?eason. New ofTcern will be elected for the enauln* year and ?liter important blhrtnesy will he brought up for transaction. WAKNS NKWHPAI'EIW. Now York, June 2tf. -Counsel fo? ?*e State dcct S??t know ofllclnlN the attitude of Evlyn Nesblt T ha v. :owar?ht-paite paper, f beg to r main. Very truly yo-rs. MRS. P V* cannot give Mra. FV n defln!i answer, but If ahe will send in son. of Uer ed ventures. we will gird: p?iK *+. il,em. if they ar- of gen *rr 1n'*:?ar. ti \ K/l C ROAn HTATION ItlllKKK We alnc?r'ly sympathize with J O. Mixon and family of Itunyon, al* with hla ?latere and brothers In n ??ard to the loa* of their b*love*' mother. We ?adly deplore the df nurture of Mr?. MI von who haa bee one of our most s-atlmable frlrndr Rev. J. J. UwU. of B^th Circuit wan a gueat of I?, \\ Rheppard. nt Holly Olen Rat unity night and ?onducted a^rrirea at Aabury chnrev Sunday morning. Hla eloquent die ourae for the nharltable brother hood waa much appreciated by a larga and attenily.^ audience. The Chlldren'a Day eitarclaea were P>ndldly celebrated at Aabury ?hurch Sunday night. The church waa elaborately and taatefully dec orated with flow^ra; the color ?chema beln* green and white There waa prayer and an eaceV.ent -?xhortwtlon by Rer J. J. Lew!?, and *weet mualc rend'red by the choir -vlth Mra. J. O. Mlxon presiding at 1 hp organ The nomr?. racitation? ar.d pantomime were perfectly r?n dered hy the children and other memVn of the nchool. The whole [ program *** charmingly accom ??lldhed. A large assemblage waa ?reeent. Rer. J. J. I jew Iff, of Hath ClrcuM, wan a g it eat of J. O. Mlxon flunday night at Bnnyon We are having real pleasant j weather, bat getMng rather dry and dusty and of coarse aomo p?r?oni I complain ahont that Our vlsltora are <00 numerous to mention nama?. j rapt, and Jfra. I-each ara on ?mt 1% ?fifths eiUaa^ ENTIRE LINE PKTRCKJltAD .U>MiTH THAT KUS HIA.NH HAYR WITHDRAWX FIM)M THIRTY-THREK MILK BATTLE KRONT. QUIET EST' , Reported In the ..?Ktfn Th^Uff o# War. Au*> trlana Are f n?ttccc? ful la AtUuk Axainat the London. June 29.?Teutonic fores have pushed their war serosa the Dniester along the entire front. Ber lin announced today. Concurrently Petrograd admltH Ihe Russians have withdrawn from the thirty-uiltc Uobrka-Zurawna fronl. making it -.ppear that the entire battle line in :hat territory will be shifted east ward. Military observers abroad now es peot a Russian realignment on thn river Bui. Petrograd declares thw re-grouping necessitated by the Teutonic campaign in Galicla has been completed, and that the Mus covite armies now are in readlne*? to renis* further Austro-Germsn ad vance In either Galicla or Southern Poland. m Little Action In Went. Of the fighting along the western front Paris haa little to say. The camparatlve Inactivity of the French fore* Is attributed by London to 'heir desire to consolidate positions already won and to gauge better the general German plan of cam paign. German account?, ou the contrary, detail numerous French activities. Including fruitless attacks in "Tli'? Labyrinth." in the Argonne, in tlw Meunft hills snd in the Vosger Th? Germans report a notable success in an aerial battle along the south cm part of the battle front In whica two French aeroplanes were shot down. U AuAtro-CernuuiB Win. The tide of battle again is flowing with the Tetitnnic allies In Gnllcla ierman and Austrian clafms of Ictory are substantiated b* Ru? x!an tdm'.raloni of retirement south of I^mbcrg Simultaneous'v romp? the news of a Ku.'sinn war roandl a* th* front, presided over by the emperr>r. In Petrograd Ihe recent retirement of the war minister ?s to be followed by other ministerial rbangea, according to current report. Htnmi; Offnuilvf MwTfiiKWt Following recent indication* that th? O^rinani were resuming activ ity with the possible Intention of An other attempt on Warsaw from aeftr the east Prussian border, come re ports of a strong offensive mnt? men t by the Teutonic forces' In ?h? southern part "of HuMlan Poland. The tateat Ruurtan official reporf mention? this, but declare? that up to Saturday th? Bew offensive met with no aucrei?. It la llkewla* af firmed that Oevman attacks In *h* Rhavll and Narew river regions Vn<1 acroMr the Nlemen ha?? been re pulsed. ? T Austrian* I'nsueceaeful. Italy reports an unsuccessful At tempt by the Austrian? to ntikl the h?lichtw of ZellleakW*!. \ German Ruhm?uinM fluty. (]*rm*n nubmarlne aetlTlty hat born? frnlt Main In the alnklng of thA British ?t?am?r ladranl la it. 0