TRIAL BY JURY Ikf Mr. aaaraa 11?K talara?. ?m tk* MW| far I *1? t am Maaor Uwr. Ha m i ?r ? Kbt in?I II ot au to Urn M*t? ?Wim?? aattaa a( m MMWH ??<*?*?fr." Dm ?arr ?aa mil??, W. H TwMnMi. JTTT *. a. Maaat. Haary A. IT. ?T. WaJkar ?M J. He TWt <U aat ?1? Ml at I ?1 a lU M tka buM M? rapidly ui li ti tkla ftonlu that tk* inudi wM4 ba ml; tor ?raatlaa by ?M-, *- ?L hM km dlawaad vtU ? harrow Ultttnl k> <11 M n( ? M gnili tklr tltanoa. Tha ttaU ?????t? a Mat I? aad *a(*ht ' m Mm* ?M (Ulan ?1 tka Met Wo tdtlK. 1 W to r?i t? tHrmi aCtka ynwr w * wkaia. A trlbata ot tar* ud r?tM ?na tka "Ckarak Aid Bodaty ? of tka Vim yiaoytarta* ekatih. Waakla?tea, ?. C., ta tka vaatarr M Xn I 1. ArehWl. ?ho dlad Jaaa IT. till. Ma na faltkfal la ^tadlu t? gaataty. aat ?avta? all at Hi lataaaat*. : *? ?>?< i fear aaM awl art# IMna'i ?rlakM .fraaaa 4*.n? wlU. * aaaa*^J?kli tjJL * ? a ai tMaai >aJ hi-1.. ?aiaUll Mr Ckrtallaa rtrtoa. ?l?tk "W ? Maata aaal <6 Mr Ma tt aai ?la* M (to far MM. ?. *. KM i, r. ?MM*R. MM. t. M UMIUTI. Mn Koal "Vfc'C.:**' a Ma 0m*mm * ,y 1 TiPi| -}j BELLMO u ?; rr- * -V?r, I TOttlT. "TV* mrrnftU Vnnri," ? mr?t Mt ? M?<H, MM?? Wof iX P?t 0-. ?fetter. "Mn* To?." ??w Il>ilr wM Tm His, Mr f*T?rlu. tb* *?." -A br Oiff The Belimo.: <*W>WW!Sg1*1' Installation Ik* BMMlai of Orr Lod(e No. 1? A. r. * A. If., which will be KM Mat T*?ed?r ?Trains ?Scen tar Ik* taraUs mi *iu he in **? lutatUUoa will b* ? ?a* u Kumi end their wit??. The following officer? will Mvur. W. B. Single JT' ?Mar Werdoo, a. It' Jtmtt. JMIor Werden. ?Ut. r. v. Hope, ?enter Orates. C. M. Cnmpbhll. It. Jmalar Praora. a. p. Mertln. ?mt ?*?*??, M. A; Smith hooM tftewert. S. H. Reed Trie*. 1. O. Ohauncer Trannr, B. X. WlUli SecreUrr. O. M. Wlnfleld. 1 "BOX PARTY." ! WIU b? a "bo* party" at ebool boose Baturdar July trd. at eight o'clock. la xdrdlally inrlted to bo priesat dad Jote 1? the Sun. Every girl I? reqaestad to brin? a box and ??cry bor * pocket full of coin. ttUXWVIUW OOlfKSfl ?- fO UVBUL NVRDDIW Montgomery. Ala., Jan? M.? Bal tar aad Robert WaUUna, negro ex-contIoU, ooafeeead at the connty fall bara yeatarday to th? killing of Mr?. Laeelter. -white housekeeper, tba sbootlag of Wiley Houae, a planter, aad the burning of tho plea ft loo home. The ertmre were committed In Brer green, Concho caoatr. oa the al(fct of June t*. The bod lee of the two rlctlma were threwa lato a creek aad Mr?. Laa Hlera* /oand two boar later. WWi mati niUiiMii * - ON THS "OPW DOOH*' retting. Jane BO.??Warning that tba United Statee would aot re?g: ale# any agreement between China [aad Japan which Impaired Ameri ca? rights la China or endangered tit? "open door" v.iu.) *as oonre/ ad to the governments of both China uid Japan la an Identical note from Washington, which ?was delivered ?boat May IS. The aotas were handrd to the for | *4ga oAoee of both countries a week after China bad acceded to the de | nanda contataed In the Japanese ul 1 matom, 1 ost at In c upon concisions *rora the former nation. mm R. r D .So. 4. jfjfe J. J. Law la delivered a very I ytf lira aarmoa to tha Charitable '* * of Lodie No. 1 Sunday A Urtt D amber ol the T?ara k Ulna Jalta Raa?aar aad Myrtla kka&wara laaata of lira. Ma sla I>. Uiion Saater. . ma*. I. jr. Law* William H- R ?x>r? aad 111? 8 tal la CaMlCUXi w*%* loaata at At>. K Boater. Mlaa Aaai* Coa?l*L?a ??ant Bur Ur wltk ??n L?ara Brliht. Carta Maw a?aat Sanda? a1*ht wtfk k<* krat*?r Mi ?ttaadad tha Oklliraa'a Dar |a?clana at; Mr?. Joaatta Law!? tad 4mmU (Hit Baturter i Wa ih a?rrr t? not* ! H Mm. Cam all ?a Aiiiiaod. I taw la aaa af your H| wart wkara ma lnt< hM takaa tka trdtbU t* ] ira m? kow uir mllaa It; I Italini all Hkltr haa rIMaa ? biarala to '?(too la tea and one-half Tka * F. t). * ItamliM '0 lat tka wa party how aaaaia o( Oaar Mr. W. A. Ma alia a,raatdaat of tku 1 tarried to WkaWar??, t? raara, allow In? W aaak l?Mk. J. M. Oot*>a a?ent ?Badar ?Itk Maate I? Wa.klnfton. Lawl*. M Bath ha* kaao MM Wl* Maa ?k?f ? Barak Waolard ail Mlaa? ' " M connletoa. KIU ala Mrrtla WVol I Mi Aaala My aKkt aa? Baiter Cka*t?lai' - *r ?11 eoatl <W? ?kt t%? V? MM? SEARCH CAR TO DISCOVER LIQUOR? MAYOR AND POUCKMAN RK PORTKD TO HAVC MAINE Jpj ( PRIVATE RAID. FOUND HERRING Are ABnid to Have Drofcm Imt Box Car and 0? ibid tte Ooo In the hope? of frustrating the ?apposed attempt of * local mer chant to ship illegal quantities of llqnar Into Waahinfton, it U re ported that tf> mayor ol the city *n4 a poller officer Uurt nlgtit op?n n' the seal oil the door of one of the A. C. L. box care and searched the contenu of the car. They Were un successful In discovering ahy viola tions orf the law and are reported to have left the scene after attempting to repair the seal of tlie car as they had found it ; -- Seven barrels of herring were yes terday shipped from tyortolk- to a merchant of this city. The oflclals. It is believed, suspected that anoth er attempt vaf being made to rail road liquor into the dlty similar to that -which was discovered two or threo weeks ago. Accordingly, the mayor, in company with one of the police offlcers, 1? alleged to hare vlrtted the A. C. L?. freight yards in order to see for himself whether the barrels o* ijerrlns contained any tlqaor. It 4a stated that an em ploye* of the Coast Line viewed the officials in the act of entering the ear. The omployee walked in thfe direction of. the car andL as the of ficials .heard the not&e of hi* ap- J proach. It Is Stated that they sprang from the car and ran away. The employe, waited for a time and it is alleged saw thf mayor and the policeman return to the scene. Thev ara then reported to have closed the ftjpr of the ear and arrtmfel! thtaga they foun-1 them. This morqlng, when an tnapec tlon of tbe oar was made. It was found that the aeal had^been broken ahd some of the Barrels in the car tampered wtth. Nails had evident ly been driven llirough tli'j boards In order to aacertaSn the contents. In an effort to aeeure both sides of the above story, a Dally New* ropresentative this afternoon called rn Mayor Kugler. The latter stat ed that he knew noUilng afoout breaking cpen the seaj of the ear or tain*? r'ng wit.- the con'en s o! lame. IAD' LAflT MOHT. Party Enjoyed Pleawmt Trip Down the Pamlico. An enjoyable sail wa? given to a large number of friends last night by Miss Annie Fowle in honor of her house g?.icsts. Misses Sarah Lilly Docery. of Rockingham, snd Minnie Little, of Charlotte. The trip wa% made on tho "Mot/*'. NOTICE TO TEACH BH#, Tk? whit? teortar? of ?? 'MW ar? Hk(d la lak" notic? tb?t Ik* first ?obli? for t?a?k ?r?" a?rtlfl?ktM fc# M4 t? Wartla.toa, t the frad.d ?k?ol ' bolldlnff, en ThurMay and Frl4?y. i?ly-?tk ?nfl tl?. ?!>" *ip?ct to tike tb? o*m?U*U?? (bit ;n?i trt adfl??d to itand at thlij ,flraa. No priT?t? elimination! ?1111 h& *l??n hW.U ?' tkWoiilM? ,f?r the ?telpMt. t? atand ?t Mi? MKkr lUa.KMM 1? 1*?. 1? oritor to hi*i MrUfiMtM rtnmM laaohiri matt ktr. att?nd?d Nuk tnf BMtinn and phi ? ?uoe??fni wnluUov on the Toockor.' Rood ill Clicli for ??14.1?. Work will be*ln promptly at tdt ?'Mook tod ?II teockar. or* aiked t^ b? ? by that tUoo. k Mr tain 11?* I? allowed Cor oaok wb )??l *kna .aoy ono cAmintf m tliif ? jttSefcla boon will b??a to wait U?1 that .objoet U flnUhrt an? tk?o ?Wfllt wltb tha rta... *11 nafawafy i#0f> P? a?i lak will trfr* Boa.mbor tk. tot? aa/-?k. konr.' (?imod> ? yi: a. mtvurri. ?-?? it*. * M V fkaltt? do anaakaa? ?ola? ?a nr m Ami v ? *?r? aafcM *?<)? m?? Stt? CUM. eharf?* with atat rlnf Win Cax M HW? Ut?t **? K tvo '?ta ?|t, ? UM ta tli? racordar'? eotftt wmt-imf ?hmoon. H* vaa InM goitr of th? ?M*m*. ?ad tr tha r*cord?r ta aloatj *n on ?a ntb ? ?? W?lfc M M An effort local reaideiMa train from tUa th? Fourth of eitlMns of ^ _ conreoUntlr mafra Op tri# I? no haven and vltMH fen frt* ?aloFr tlon on Monday. Wfnd wna raeatir this morning, bovatii tkat the Norfolk-Oovtkara haaal) Sta ???!? xnent la oaa on that 4fl and wfl nnable to ?at on a flJatra train [" ?? ]DL T. U. TO UKKT. H W Browght IV at To**wrdW? i An Important mating of tbe W. C. T. u. will b? hm tomorrow af ternoon with Mrs. Q. t. The mooting -will start promptly at four o'clock. All ??qibers are tri ed to *o present u U?r. U era bi? business to lie brought up for dlacussloii add dttporal. NTGROE8 ] Cutting Affray Ooa6ted This Mors* Two negro?, both of whom are I employes on the sejlrerago work that Is being done In the'city. engaged In a rasor fight tktfe morning on Third street near tMrw. One of the negroes, an mod WD?. ?M bad ly wounded and warf.tokf* to. the hospital, where big cets irere treat ed. Tk? ether, &????' tVWWh. n ill his escape. The police ar? hunting for him at present. A ?laody raaor was found n a garden n*ar the seen? of the combat. WHITES FROM SAVANNAH. Hju-lry fiparrow Appreciate? l>elly News In Georgia. FdKor Dally New?, Dear Sir: 1 am enclosing herewith check to cover my subscription up to Feb ruary 1*1?. Kindly change my ad dress to Savannah lnstead-of Egypt, Georgia. , . Your paper la making a splendid Improvement and I enjoy reading It Immensely. Wishing you all ths success lDjjie world and with kind est reg^WrtT I beg to remain. Very truly your?. H. O. SPAHKOW VJOLATKD traffic laws. TV?? Oasea W?e Brought Up Rrcordfr'i Dpurt Vswt^wdaf. At the recorder'? soqrt yesterday ftfterfoo*. three esse? were brought up In which (he defendants were ac cused of Tlototlsg traffic ordlnaae A. 8. Wellaee was charged with speeding his autosioblls and *g* fine<J costs of e?urt. D?. Sam Nicholson was charged with harloc m light? o? hI? ear He wa? released upon peymeat gf cos'a. Vernod Freeman was tfcgrged with bating m light* m hI? m* ehlne and wgt also fined ?otti of oeurt raw MILK P06T*. i A number of attractive mile*po?t? have been ?reeted on all of th? road? leading to Whahlngton for a dis tance from four to fir? miles out of the olty. Th? posts ar? siarilar to those used along sail roads and bear the legends, Mllee to the Benk of Washington, Washington, N. C. 4 per eant paid on all eavlngs, -com ppunded every quarter." = ? l-= SPEAKER'S DAUGHTER A JUNE BRIDE Several thousand gneata ere to attend the wedding o< Miss Geneviert Clerk, daughter of Speaker and Mrs. Champ Clark, to James M Thomson pehllaher of ths New Orleena Item, at Honoyahack, the Clark homt* a *mwttag Qr?n. Mo., on June SO. "With thla plcturn of the bride and groou la ahowa the ilamood oecklacc and all?er Jewel caae preaentari to Ml? by the members of tha Sixty-third and Sixty-fourth congresses Will Prepare For Convention Local B. P. O. K. Lode? to D(k?m Mutter Friday Might. OUmv S?. At the meeting of the local B. P. O. B. lodge Friday night. * fall re port will be made by the delegate? vbo attended the State convention at Charlotte laat week. It la also underatood that the committee will report on the building proposition. It la expected that It will be definite ly decided whether a new home is to be erected by the local lodge. Committees will elao be appointed to attend to arrangements for nert year's convention in this city. V. B. Shelburne, of the Baugham^Sh >1 burne Tobacco Co.. has already of fered the local lodge the une of the Centrrfl warehouse for the eon,von tlon. HORKHEAD KNFOIV^KH HIJAI/TH LAWS Morehead City, It aeetn". 1? leav ing no atone ?nturna4 an far as io aa! health conditions arc eon?erae<J, whereby t hi* renew t ?halt IP o t be what they claim it tp b*?the moat dsUgfotf^ fotelje *l9?f South Atlantic cpas*. The town authorities believe in protecting t^e visitors #s veil aa the home ?eop|e and nar# inaugurated ??varal measures to thftt extent. Ha shes rotfeptly Installing a Mnltary aA??r iretein which lftrgely pQUtfpls thf Of ftad f#wags Situation they hft*? Just tnftcted ? mosquito ordi nance, alsa t vftc?ln?tlon ordlnanoe. The moaqulto ordlnftnM maka? It unlawful tor any person, firm or jorporfttion to ftllov tor *ftin bftrral or othor rooaftaola wherein Is eon- , tftlnad wfttar to bs kept for ft long ; period of tfvat. unless th? sama be ( Krm nad with Ur? 1* mashes to the . square Inch Th? vaccination ordinance maka? It unlawful for any child to %nter achool without flnrt preventing eith er a certificate of vacelnatlon. or a wall defined acar of vaccination against amallpox. HOME Building And Loan Association vein Open ? New Series July 3rd. COMR IN. Call at Banking Houae of Savings & Trust Company For Booklet Explaining It Bowers-Lewis Hold Big Sale Mercliaedielns Brent Will lfc-?tn To morrow wid Continue for TWrg !>?*?) . Elaborate preparation? have beei. made by Bowers-Lewis Co. for their big removal sale, which begins tc morrow and which will be of tlilr. day? duration. Owing to the fact that thin com j>any will move Into their oc? build Ing In* August. II Is their Intention of disposing of as much of th^lr stock an possible. In order io lie this thcr are offering everything at greatly reduced prices. They ba\ advertised the sale thoroughly In both this olty and the surrounding territory and are expecting lurg' crowds. Their full-pago advertise ment. wetting forth a few of tVli many bargains appear.-. In lojiy'.-s Issue of the L>*lly New.i DOCTOR hayh thaw ALWAVH iikkn SANF New York. June 30.?Dr. ('has P- Bancroft, head of the New 1 la nip shire State Hoapltal for the Snsanr and a member of the Federal rum mission which e-camln^d Hairy K Thaw during bin sojorrn In Wv Hampfhlro swore on the wltnra stand today that Thaw, 1? ills opln Ion, was not poly sane, but alwnyi had been sane. Dr. Bancroft testi fied as an eipert alienist In the Jury procoedln?? to determine Thnv's mental condition Thaw'? Mt Id killing Stanford White, Dr. Bapoyoft ?aid, was not a product of a ?pataniattacd delation ?uo hat oharaitfrlitfl th? true ptra moiaor WIFE DrlXG. WIIXAKD (1AWT <fllT Hit? JOII Buffalo, June 10.?Mr?. Jen Wll lard acoompanylni her husband who la traveling with a wild west ahow now playing here, la dyng of tuber culoela, acojrdlng to four Buffalo physlclana. Tbev declare she can not live more than a month. Mre. Wlllard starta alone today for Rmraett, Kan., their old home The champion begged the manage ment of the show f^r release, but It was refused because of h!? big drawing power. He gets |600 a day and percentage, and recently made ?1.000 la one day at Detroit. "Jmat when -we're ready to enjoy life," said the Mg fellow, "the girl m net go. I ean't believe It." Dew la a great respecter of colore. Tak? pteeee of glace or beard and eah** tkem yeWew. green, red aU ??lack. 9w*am tkeaa at elgkt, aed t% ?rtn ke found tkat tke yeHow will ke o^erHI with aeolatar* tka ima win I ^e Ha? M tkat tka v*4 !*(.%)** HINDS ARE RAISED HWJ44NKNT O HOA NIDATION WA* KOiMKD LAMT NIGHT AT AURORA PVR IMPROVING KOADH Ilf COUNTY. Ro<m Through Kopui WQ1 B# Prteclp*] ThonwfflifMT to WMb ingtun. Work (Mart* What was probably the moit en thusiastic good roads meeting erer oeM Id Beaufort county, took plac? "' " * -fc?.n a perm moots made for Immediate work on the roads In Richland townahlp. It wai decided at last night's meeting to Improve both routes lead ing out of Aurora, starting work on the Respass road first. This will be the main thoroughfare from lurora to Washington. An inter secting road Is to be built rrom Fowle's poplar farm on the Reepsns road to Edwards, so thst the resi dents of tho latter cGty will also have the advantage of a first clans t'.ghway. $636 In -cash and over $600 in freo labor has keen-promised by tho esldentt along the Respass road or carrying on the wort:. A sand ?lay road will be const! uct<>d, lira ham 'Bennett and Joseph Ross hav ing consented to furnish the clay. It will take about $500 to pay the onvicts to do the work on this road, .vhleh will leave $136 for the inter ?*et4B* road 4c Ud wards. T h* tOWQ <hlp also donated $100 for tho work ?nd the people of Edwards also do nated fund*, making a total of a 'bout $300 In money and an equal .mount in work for the highway to Kdwa'rds Tho convicts will star! work to morrow on the Respass road and it s expected that this highway to the township line will be completed in a month's time. Rev T. N. I^awrence was elected president of the good roads asso ciation and B. B. Thompson, sccre ary. a good roads picnic will >?e held at Aurora on aturday. July 10, I to which the farmer in all parts of the county will be Invited At that i *inie the good roads proposition will ! br given further discussion and an ?ffort will be made to enlist the services of every farmer In filling up the holes and repairing the bridges In the roads in front of "heir properties. ;K,IIMAN To UK XOTIKIKJ? W'HKN I'. H. ?HJPft HAIL Washington. June 80.?Ths d State? government has &4o#i#4 he practice or notifying ths 0?HI admiralty through Amhawadtf r*rd of the tmo of departure iK Ht, ery passenger ship sailing u#4*? -M American flag and gppr^gitoftMp ths hour* during whloh it will through the war ?one. This preoAUtloft le being'taken mi that German submarine cowwaMer* be on the watoh for American veiiels and prevent ft repetition of I he attack on the tanker OulfiifM, *h!ch Germany says was mitUMn for a British rh'p. FEATTUE PIOWRE ENJOYED. A large audience was preeent at the Belhno theatre last rttght to wltnese the performance of "A Gen tleman from MississippiThe pic ture made a most favorable impres sion The enjoyment of the audi ence was heightened by the pleasant coolness of the theatre. New Theater TO-fflOHT. AMOOIATRD rtLfifB I RBWI^-1 TOMORROW NIGHT (X)MBDT rW.Mfl. i FRIDAY RIGHT la* ??>?ie of k ?T"

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