INOON JULY 1 1915 ?*-? ft I* Keep Koo) At TUB BELIMO TODAY, Mh S?I?mU ?( "Tk< MU m Brttar M two )ttu I Um hi," I* two |ul>, u4 m. wu racelv I (rom O. A. 8i>< ncer. It m ota put) lta?u?? tu tw nipo*ltlo?: Vij -:>>e3 I am io tar tram kome. I '? j??? had ? Cla. trt? ? " *r*at tills **< UUHI, ?# IMOV1*. 1 a? grant] U of p hall I aoaatrr ?h tha 'u, ! mm wmat te M?? out g. |t 4? worth anyone'? trle and I am a? mmr mlodi to t wo will bo ?ot Toan ttwlr. O. A. SPBNCER 9" have been a "C&g L ?nd Moore, in a party of ft tine The , ... ftt wm. stov? a the bow. HW accident B?ftr the Wiahfncton * Van ' f#WgNk ? dock. The; pii'MN iyji broad cmbmk. v! ? t>l4 r -??jnr?;onr".^ d:r tended church ?t Aeberry Sunday and Mrs.1 DM- Woolard. i ! IJHH Helen, Margaret and Em-! Uy Kirrer. of Zion. wrre visitors nt Mrs. W. T. Latham'* Saturday. \ f C)Mater WhUley. ?f JesSana,. vis WMlisbtlit Cutler Saturday night . and Sunday afternoon. | Misses Llule, Essie and Martha' Latham and tfceir *uewts. Blblr is*1 %nd Bdgar Latham, or Washington.' slMedad aarrlcet at Aaberry Sun fm C. C. Ctttfcr Vt.ltail Wra O otter's broth?. J. B. Alll -ood, at lUr.r Road Saturday after * | Mt L. 8h?l>ard and Sit.. U.alt. Latham au.nded children'. night at A.harry charcfc S.nday night. > Kactaa and Ja?aa TWtm it Tom Waryey'a Bun I J^ ?? aa4 Mr*. Tom Alii tt*,'Black and ?kM<)> tt to ?v 1 ?"citate#-' j??UAi ? .Blair Lm .a <5 *4?ar Lattaa?, of Washington, and UlM.t Unll, B< ?1? and Mirth. mUa a Hying tup '?? rtMtm Su.d.y alurnooa. K1m Julia nx^H want Sunday with Ura. J. 0 MIMB ?t Bunyon VIM Nalila I.atham, of thla pig?.. '? ??andtng tha waak with h?r annt. 'frt. II. ?. Latham, at Wnatowa Laadr Walla? a ad Mlaa Nat. Wllara a*? Mix Ball Walla?, of Wall-WaUa. ?p. m ?unday wit* Mln la Latham. W> 1 ? * HWifi o< OMMk. CTtarrh to Or taataa IK*? Mn'a Lragiio. Iwr mala aapbar of tha Ckrh-| laa church la r to to Mi Krl 4*7 nltbt at 8;?0 la the room* at the local Chamber o( Commerce. Orer 100 pott card? h*T? been Ml to inercfcu'.t tn Bea*Tort, Mjrdei PIU and Martin coortlee. aaktns them to be pr*??nt at the meetiac end co-opcrato In the (ormtac of tka aetoclalinn. A laj-te nunber to - be '?W?t it [be pMrMltHw k* mat with heartr en drrvtaeat I'J alt- to -whom It feaa bMii trplalXKl . At tomorrow nl*ht's meeting, of flwri ifor th$ association will be elected, (be question of a Ipeal aeo retary will be decided, plaas (or fu turo work will be iHaomawd and many other matters of la por ta? ce iaken up. Abjfet 7f local merchants I have agreed to co-operate In - the It nnlon and It to now certain . the union be established. Leave Tomorrow oii'Annual Cruise ^WWrDort,' KoVr Yor^ and otttifr points aloag the At lantis coaiit. 11m local? division has m local' j^vialon : been ?reparian for &(?jyifr~for the lam several daya and everything 1 now in readlnsss for the die a pr tomorroWi ? ifcie , on the midnight trail at Norfolk SamMny. order ha? br member* of the ^??^Dtvlstoa to meet at the armory tomorrow night; rtprclail Notice. To members of the 6th Division. North Carolfna Naval Militia: You are hereby ordered to be at your armory Friday night. July 2, n?lfc; at 7:SO p. in. Failure to comply with thlr orler will mean s summary .court martial. ny order of W. B. ROMAN. JR.. . Lieut. 8enlor Grade, commending. H. T. WHITMCY, Boatswain Mate. IUH KY MOt'KT OBTW THK I>|5CIU!N(i K.\M1g BocKy Mount, July 1.?By de feating Newport Neva by u ?cpre of 6 to 3 yeatTday afternpoo Id * game marked "by splendll flelff'ng and retorATKD. Ban Francisco, July 1,?The IT. i. Submarine H-8, which went on the rocka last night near Point Bur lighthouse, 115 miles south of hare, vii floated at high tide late today. Previous messages that the boat ara? undamaged were confirmed. DRBPKftofE OOjrmnOJfH IN MEXICO CITY NOW EXIST Wf^ahiugton, July :.?Desperate conditions in Mexico City, with un tkecka# mobs rioting and looting, artf described In a dispatch cabled to tke fruited States government to ugh t from Vera Crus by a miriqr who 1 Vt thfe Mexican eapftal laet j fritor. Jdfi? 15. ? ; ??' ; H istroyers; It lines tfc? floe ws that aro difficult to r? . ftr CWW VioMto? mm r-DEFENSE DR'U AT WEST POINT ? ? O* oiJjl'twtirM o I 4p^nnm#omi?nt weak at Wot Hotni wa? the co??t-dcfen?e drill. In which men ot the| ?wtAlwJ The photograph show cadete firing one of the alx-lnch gun? and. on the left. of WQ r^Tln, ?. aagle of^^h^nd the AH KSJOYAIIIJt UAlfCK IM TStkhi M nw Hons In hWo/ spent by * Jar? inrtnber at the Elks' Lome last nlglft at a dance which wis given by Jfehn Hitom in honor Of M 1m Ellsa Jfranch and bar visit ors, Miss Carri4'smith, of Plymouth. Holllster and Bom Bern. Delightful and the-dancing! i a late hour, ?who were present ^Handing, Justice Sallie Myers. Will Lucritla Hughes.' lsaea Myra and .Iph Hodges; Miss 111 PatrirM; Mies nk; Mis* Mar. Miss Mary lib Maiufo Wlpdl?y,Jg4. Clark;_Mls9^ugaata Charles. Enoch Simmons; Miss -#??? Grice, Robert Fowle; MIbs Mary' Cowell. J. 1). Calais. MIbs Elizabeth Tayloe. John Small; Miss Winnie Nicholson. Roy Hear; Miss Mary Fowle, Henry Moore; Mia? Annie Fowls, I?ester Savage; M las Caddie Fowl?, William Knight; Miss Mary Bockery, Charlie Moore; Miss Little. Charles Cowell; Miss Ethel Fowle, William Patrick; Miss Winnie Beck with, Jamie WilliAms; Miss- Mary E. Thomas, Lee Stewart; Miss Mae Blount. Allen Channcey; Miss Mary Tankard. Jesnie Crawford. Mia* Mao A yen?, Jerry Newl>old; MiRses Eth^l and feather Kesslnger. Dr. Nathan; Carrie Smith. Sam Orlat; Miss Farah Holllster. Fred Moors; Miss BcM Hyman. William Baugham; Mies Laura Branch, Bruce Hodges; MlfB Ellsa Branch. John Taylo^; M i t ?d Important meeting tomorrow af ternoon wkh Mrs. R. B. Moore. Thai meeting will atart promptly at fire "GOOD TASTE" fRYSTAL ICE CREAM It is now confessed to be the best Becnute it stan 1? the popular test Oi "Good T?te" From Bishops down they love to sup. From Stevedore op they c?1l for more. So as before we n>' ?gain. "U is confessed to be (lie best." TRY OUR CHERRY CREAM-IT IS DELICIOUS. Crystal Ice Company PHONE ?3 WASHINGTON, N. C Low Fare to Belhavet ArrangeNMMt* Mad? for Washington IMdr^i to Wllnr? CWehrn t*?m ?t Ttml City. Washington resident* may wlin'? the Fourth of July celebration a' llelhaven Monday by taking parage on the Norfolk Southern train, whloh leaves here at 8 o'clock that afternoon. This will brinfr them In* to Belhaven at about 4: to. TVy may then return to Washington the same night. leaving Belhaven at 9:80 for Markeye and taking th.? regular night train from that point to Washington. Special rate? will he In effeet. the round trip fare froai Washington over tb* rmite mention ed above, being eighty-fir? einta. DIimiMm if InMiy. 17 Ml?n>r HI IM tot n>- iwtA*? m m BEING MADE Rl'WU VNH A HE MAIUNti Ml B 1MHI> KEfOtlTA NCE LN THEIR ROTKtAT JJHFXJKK Al'HTRO GHRMAX FORTE*. heir position at Krithta much longer. Recent attacks by the al tlea rrsuktng in ?epracUblr ad vance. it b declared six tbouasnrt Turkish dead were fotind In the trenhes on the front taken by the French. *? % r 1 l*re?ilox ICiuaLuin Hard. The German? and AuatrtanB are pressing the RUsslaus hard In their retreat through Northeastern Ga llcia and Southern Russian Poland o ward the river Bug. The energy of the pursuit, hpwever. I?! costing the Teutonic force* donr, according ?o Pelrocrad *liMoin?*nt*. which mention "enormous losses" Infilled on the enemy. 11 al I mis Move MIiikI)'. The Austrlana. although well oc cupied In the Oallclau campaigns, are not neglecting to keep h ?harp watch on th" Italian front, report? horn the Tyrol and TrentIno d'.? ?ricta. mentioning notable activity of the Austrian artillery. Italy's forces are making alow headway on the Isonco, unfavorable atmosphere condition? t'.oas. UQ1KQ ro (K'fWWfi, Party I?VM To#kl?? 10 ?xnt* Tint? cm MmhI. A party Of youal p?pl< ?111 1MIT4 mnlibt lor Ooraaok*. where liter will apend hvuiI waaka. Aaottaay party will le?vi h'ra Satarday night. It la eapeetad that quit? v number will tuli? th* trip 8atur> day and return to thl? *Hj> on Mo?' day. NO PA l*KH MONDAY. Oping to tM^nfaatgya attrafr tlona on Monday. July tth. and t'je fact that moat of the m^rpjntlU ?? tabllrtmente In t#l>*?ll*-''wtll bo cloned, the Dally Nw ?111 not be published on that day. New Theater TOMORROW MIGHT tat likak at -?nammiw* *?r