' - * 1 - ?!'>??. 1 ? to night ud 8^?rtar Pretabl? thundar atonn ; V f\ WASHINGTON N. C. I RIOAY \FTERNOON JULY 2 HI?I >AY AT CHAMiBD O'CLOCK IN J JURY DRAWN bj Stem U> be] \ information given oat this morning, the CM? of flute T*. Wm."Bwinner, charged with vio lation of the Stnte liquor 11?, will be brought up In the recorder'? wrt Monday. July 5th, mt clock. ImatMd at In tb of Mist 4*7. u bed ft ret been an-l noanced. Both aid?? her? agreed | to the hoar. Bwanner wu tried In the reeor der*? aonrt abont two weeka ego, rila-trlml revltlng decease of the In-1 ebtlltr of the Juror? to arrive at rartlet. ??!? :f*. Th? following names hare bean drawn for duty on Monday: R M. Oaaklll. W. M. Williams, J. R AJllcood. H. E. Reddfck, Jimea O. AUlgood. John W. Ctlark, W. B. Bowea. A. C. Scott, 8. Brldgeman H U Artfcbell. L. M. Sheppard and 0.? E. Bock man. Theee hava been or are "Being notified by tka akarlff to appear in coart at^the appolated time. Threes* baa arbnsed oonslderablr Interest la thU ?action and It Is ex pected that a large number will M on hand Monday morning to wKaesk Mlea Ivnj Himn cove bar *?t I ted claju t MWUfll .orpr ? I party loot evening nj( her hone on Harvey etreet The feature oT tSf evening waa n drawing contest, thr problem being to draw a ?Ig. a mar and a parrot, Using only shorthand characters. The first prise waa woi by Mlas Pearl Whitley. Miss Bather Kesslnger won -second prise a Mlas Bthel Week* was ?warded | >?? '' third orlu. ?Cter the cohteit delicious leel cream and cake waa served by th' I h net sea The occasion waa a moat | pleaaaat and isitjoyable one. Many Expected At Meeting1 Indication? are that a large num ber of bnalnea? and profeealonal I men will be preeent at the meeting] Which !? to he held tonight In thr] room? of the local Chamber of Com merce. Numerous reeponio* havr been received to "the poet card' which wore aent ont a day or two age, linvltlnff the people ef Beaufort J?r do. Pitt and Marti* eeuntle? tr Ulead the meeting. A detailed dla marten will be heM relative to the #rf??l##tlQn ?? ft W*ftl ?rrtlt ??lor tor thla Motion. ciiMiD mommy ?* Aooonrrl of holiday. Ten will lev, mon'y | ?r taking Uvdlm ?< our gal nrday'o few price* and buy enough | to loot notll Taeadar. J ?. AJPAMB ? 00. Keep Kool ' AT TUB BELLMO TO&A.T. "The BtTMgth sf the I Weak," Baeanar drama In two perl* f Bud the Plumber,' -The Silent Men," a Broadway Star Feature In throe I r/rdCk" *" "Urr"'' 8M6C1A1, r?A I or TH*| Hi *4? WAREHOUSE IS READY ' ' PHWtkMK>Xg AHK MJUMt FOB mis i LOCO. ^WSS^SSi MANY BUYERS ? moat successful >??00? la ex pected kf the management of the Washington tobacco warehouse. Ex tensive preparations hare bMO made for marketing the tobacco of the farmers of thU bectlon/ and It ;s predicted that the local mtrket this year wilf closely riral in alse that or the okder established markets in various other- parts of the fetatc. As heretofore, the Washington srebouse will be under the men cement of 8. A. Ormtely. of Rocky, Monet. Va. Mr. Gravely la an ex perienced tobacco men and will I ha to the .aeetetmnce of % capable. | force in handling the market. Prac tically all of the buyeta who were) leotT will be in Waah thla year, and In addi tion to thin, it Is stated that a num ber of new buyers will be on band. Walter Wlndley. who U alee in terested In the management of the Weehlngton warehouse, has been in 1 artotfs parts of the county during he lest few weeks and e Urg-? num ; 'xr of the farmers hare promloeJ to market their crops In this city. Mr. i Wlndley he? tied considerable ex perience in tobacco marketing and | le well-known in this buslna throughout thia sect'on of the State. | H" ' ' r ' ? . I Becker Granted mm iBay Pocimt New York Potk* (MtU ' -- GMUd Reopite I'ntil * , . HA} 26th. Albany. It la paofl* hav* *o mm ar plnuiraa tak'n I ha?* alwafa lorod tha woman rolka, and tha Hrat two or tkto* Rlrla 1 trar lortd or th?*ght I lo??d ll?*d right aloaa to ma. t oould w ttirm ovary dar or ao. Bat a* I got old ar t bogaa to wan dar tartar from homo. Bo to ?wk* mr ?torr ahortar. I hara aaaght ma ??lrl Is [Watt Virginia aad I toll roaV>- n* htr ar?rr thraa tnoutha aim Ilka ?aalag Mr ararr dor or ?o. Her "4g natara loolta awfully good 'hrw tlma* a woah. bat har profila will look Jnt ?|*a tlataa a? good So *o ara going to oxakaago photo graft*. OIto a* ? good Job; ?>**0 mo look IwUtr th?n >h* ?*? ma lMt 1 jwt will ha takUd to d**th iH ?0* - VVR1 1TVW0. THIEVES ROB JEWELRY STORE ? wtokk or wil. uu to the dleeorerr of the thlrree. The robfcer? entered the store through the reaf entrance, breaking a pane of glass out of the window and thrusting an arm through to unlock the door and remove the bar. Although thwo were several other watches in tne case and a number ^ articles ot Jewelry, Including Watch chains, brooches, match boz os, etc., nothing else was taken. , Thia leads to the belief that th robbery was committed by whit?? -con, for the theory la advanced that It negroes had been guilty of the ict, they weuld have tgken aomo of ?he trinkets of lesser value/ " This Is the second robber^ of the store within the last Sow Booths. In the first robb?ry, the thieves also | rulered through the rear door and took two watchee -out of the show caees. They also made their eacapo. Robbed Shoe Store. Two negro boys, John Hardy anl Nat ore?*, were prrested jeetcniaj ou the ikai-f* of hhvtng ?tolen a fair Of ?hoes and two pair?.of rub ber heelf from %the shoe shop of James Its, losated In the atore form ally occupied by Bland's restaurant on Main street. The boys will be given a hearing this afternoon at the recorder's co^rt. KICK, RICK! WK Li K K TO I1K kicked If you have anything to5 kick about. It makes us try harder to please you. J. E. ADAMS & CO. HI NO I .ETON NEWS. Mrs. Sam Hardison, of Pinevllle, was a business visitor atfl. R. Wool ard's Wednesday morning. Mrs. Herman Jackson spent a , while with Mrs. Claud Woolard , Wednesday afternoon. I We are glad to note that the far mers in.this vicinity have fine crops j ?vhlle they are needing rain. j Come on Oak Orove and give us the news It makes us wary and *orry too to get the dally paper and nothing from yo?.. .y Joe and Evan Wlllard and Ara' Singleton were viewers at the hem? >f Thad Jack son Sunday afternoon. Mrs. W. 6. Woolard and Mis? Penny Jackson Were visitors at the home of Mrs. Herman /fekso? Mya day mernlBg. Mra. H-rmaa J?cklf|l I? Ml t)?? sick Hat. la'MlMM (th Wlltard attended mr In ?nr mid,' Rudar ?rtemoon. t ' (IS THB WtTKIt WACO* Montcomary.~ AV , July t.?Ala bama today I* dry. bel?? undar a platrwldo prohibition UMiirii and Iwo problblfioa regulation and ?? rorcament law* Th? atatavlde law? wont Into eU?cl *1 mldolnht W*d nfMay, whll? the enforcement l??a. the ?ntl llqnor adrartMn? law and antl-Hqnor ?hippfn* law wnt tatn affect apoa paaaan ?maral month? ???. 1k Mont*om?ry Ike Winona with bat raw aieeeptlona eloead Wad naaday afternoon. th?lr atoeke of llaaor ?Mh>( ukkMted by t ha -%U> lal? ?H?? GENERAL CARRANZA AND HIS CABINET of the cointltoaooAtUU In Mexico, !? her? b??q in huIod with hie full cabinet. Left Last Night F$r Ocracoke Part j of ^aihalata Dfpartw) on t#r inland of Ocracoke. A Joll* party, composed of local resident? and visitors from neigh boring cities', left last night on the schooner, Relief, for Ocraoke where ttary will enjoy a vacation of a cou ple of week** duration. Among those who took the trip were M".sees Selile and Elisabeth (.'arrow, Rebecca and Elisabeth Sim mons. Latham. Jones, Adelaide Olds of Belhaven, Annie Cox. Adeline Mayo, Mary Watson, Annie Grin? and Bertha Hawk, of New Bern; Magaja. Edward Long. Rog. Fulford. Oefcfge Green and Robert Jones, of New Bern. J*red Cohn, of New Bern, Lester Savage, Harry,Williams, 6am Grist, Arthur Elliott, Hugh Phelps and Mrs. W. C. Fauoette, chaperone. es Plan Mr. Hmall Bel tore? That Good Re sults May VBJj Obtained fii>m Publicity M. When asked for an opinion re gaTdlng the recent "publicity" meet lng which was held In Raleigh. Con gressman John H. Small stated thi morning that he believed consider able benefit could he derived by various section of the 8tate in ad frrtialng the resources and sdvan tages to be found here. *T don't (zatly know what plac of publicity are to be advocated/' raid Mr. Small, "but a page adver tl*ement In some of the magatlne that have a national circulation would undoubtedly bring good r? suits for North Carolina. The truth | should be told of our resources, bu' Infinite pains end care should b taken that no exaggerations of any kind are made. However, I do not ' believe that we need exaggerate In 1 any form, for we hare no cause t be ashamed of any pgrt Of our Stgte," HKiMBHT Pfuepa PAIR FOR fftsh oountry eggs; cash or trade J, U. AO A MS * CO. VIM?w t a*. turaft? tok gets stringy or efe HH* Ip I b/ the action of th Ug. A few drops of vineyor put taw hg ink "111 make it usable again Vr ^te better plan 1? t* keep the MV 1 Msfr?ttlc Mounts Iks. .?? ?ros (sins of P*-to Rico ire t stsrartlo that ihey attract wrr< yorr , plant Knes and ft has been found (ha ?woe oW survsys are In correct *> baM A mtte er iuo WK APP1UDC1ATE YOVR TRADE and we guarantee satisfaction. I J. E. ADAMS A CO. ' ADDI8008 MEET. IAM Mejita? of Che Hnuun ^ Held Yeeterday Afternoon. The Addlsco Book Club held the , loat meeting of tho season yester day afternoon with Mrs. John Rod man at five o'clock. After the' guests were seated on the broad I veranda, ehjdying a delightful breese from the river. each was given a | fire-cracker?a reminder of th I coming Fourth?and a poem on the! home of the popular club in the meter of "My Country "tie of Thee," written by the hostess, which was sung toy the club: "Addlsco, 'tla of thee. Members we're proud to be, Thy name we love. We love thy strength and age. Thy hlstory'a every page, Thy literary fame; Thy praise we sing." The club wan called to order by the president, Mrs. B. C. Moss, and the responses to the roll-call were I suggestions as to the program for | the coming year. As this was the regular business meeting, thero wero no papers to be read. It was unanimously voted that the study for 1916-191C should on five -topics of the day, a continuation of the last program, "The trend qt the tlm**." On this program committee, the 'ollowlng ladles were appointed: Vfeadameg J. F. Mayo, W. B. Mor on, 6. R. Fowle, Stephen Bragaw, John Rodman. F. H. Rolllnn and Misses Jane Myers and Josephine Whitney. On the book commltfe, the fol owing were appointed: Mcsdamep .. L. Knight, C. F. Warren. Herbert Bonner. D. T. Tayloe. W. D. Grimes, John Sparrow and Miss Betty Har vey As the present staff nf officers had served a ftfll term of two years, n election was In order, much to ho regret of the club, who woul. gladly have doubled the term of ?ervlce. The president, however, would not allow this. A nominating commltfe was appointed and their ruggestlons were entirely aatlafac tcry. Tho following officers were "leeted with enthusiasm: Honorary pres^ent, M If s IP M p. Hopt. President, Miss Jane Myers. Vie? prpsltfeot, Jkfn* Sephefi (J. Bragaw. Secretary, Mrs L. L. Knight. Treasurer, Mrg. J. B. Sp*rrpv, Librarian, Miss Betty Harvey. A delightful social hour followed the buslnes# session. Refreshment? -pre served with souvenirs suitable for the occaeie?? our beloved flagi se less dear because so dlmlndtlva, The ?lub then adjairned, regvet ting that they would not mr?t *|?ii until October, ?e*'s ttrangth reetetf. On a test, a bee was round oonpe nt to pull a weight 800 tlnee groat#* y\n Its own HPKCIAL LOW PlUCRfl SATI7R day on aH Orocerlee, Dry Oooda. Shoes, etc. J. K ADAMS A CO "GOOD TASTF." >RYSTAL ICE CREAM It ii now confessed to be the best Because it Mands the popular test Of "wood Ta&te" I mm Ttuhopa down tbev love to tup. Krom Stevedore op thev (all (or more. So ?a before we my Plain. "It i? oonfeaaed to be the beat" ! TRY OUR CHERRY CREAM -IT IS DELICIOUS. Crystal Ice Company , PHONE 83 WASHINGTON, N. C ItlliiMiMMtMlfl = I Pavilior Completed Attractive Structure Hae Hew Krert ed ?c Washington Park. Open 1"| I>?noe to be (i|?en Toaiftit. The new pavilion at Washington Park, which was erected by tb* young men of the city, has been completed. An excellent board walk leads to the dancing floor, the rq^f ha? been put on aud is now belni painted and electric lights are being Installed. The structure Is large and better built than the old on and presents a most attractive ap pearance. An opening dance will be given a th? pavilion tonight. PINEVILLK M'EWH. Rev. J. J. Lewis filled his regulai ? appointment Sunday afternoon at Wares chapel. Mrs. Clayton Jackson visited hei ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Jack ; son. Saturday and Suuday. neat Chocowlnlty. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Wilson sprnt Saturday night and Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J A.. Kober ?on, of Old KortTN Mr. and Mjrs. 1J. JC McGowans j were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W i M. Hudson Sunday afternoon. Mrs. K. J. Hod hps and Miss Luc* ! Jackson visited Mrs W. H- Jacksor i Saturday atfernoou. | Quite a large crowd [rom thl> I place attended children's day exer j ciss at Asbury churh Sunday night | Clayton Jackson spent 8aturds I night with hi* parent*, Mr an. I^klrs. W. H. Jackson. Miss Sue Swanner wan the guet at Miss Irene Kales Friday after ! noon. I Mrs. Arthur Moore spent Sunda | with Mr* Dave Pirvln. | Mrs. R. R. Wilson was at Ih' home of Mrs. Hardy Jackson Tue' day afternoon. i Miss Lucy Jackson was the guep of Beatrice Jackson Friday after noon. > Miss Bessie Rhem was the gn*> of Miss Sue Swanner Saturday nigh j and Sunday. I Cowie on Singleton, let's hen* from you. T\uo Suit Cases Are Seized Take? by Halaigti Police, ?*ppo?e4 to Befc>*pr to Reatdafkt of WMhln|p?n, Local police officials were notified yesterday ty tha RiUlfh polloe th two suitcase* of liquor had brep found on the Norfolk-Southern train, containing over SO pints of liquor, The supposition Is that a local resident had cone to Norfolk after the liquor, become somewhat dubious about running the gauntlet of the police at the local station and had abandoned the suit cases to ?heir fate. The Raleigh police stated that they bad seised the if^uor but that the Washington police could hav the sultcaaee and the clothes that had be?*n found In them. THumph of Mwtee. II was but th Tthet da/ when th* triumph of the deaf sad dumb faced asa. It wa? a ?hlp Jus* startles fron Sooths irptoa to Canada You know Ihe enlieart ehoaie during the la? hoar froso tke shore There were *we aaen. deaf asl daaib. talking *ol*ilf with their flageee to the brother e> land, wbe co>?td reply They were thr only three that eno'd talk free* tka a*b??r4 RUSSIAN UDE SIL BEING Pm?OORAI> ADMITS A ooimx. l .\TjO> of THK GERMAK OF PKXeM VK MOVKXBNT AOAIS8T THK BIG I1KAR FORCES, WATER ATTACK Efforts of the Tntou cm the Baltic _ Are 11*1 wu^wl. IsUfM In (aJkllipoU C* London, July 2.?The RonIm line? Mtill are being swung buck In Northern Gallcia and Southern Po land, In an apparent effort by the Teutonic alllee to'clear-the way for i determined move on Warsaw The Russians admit a contlnua lon of the eflcmy offensive be ?ween the Bug and the Vleprz. At :he latter'? junction with the Vis tula In Poland lies Ivangorod, which Russian observers believe is the mmedlate objective of the Austru German forces In that region. Ivan gorod is little nvire than fifty mi'cs southeast from Warsaw. Just now the chief Rusalan hold rg power seems to be along the line )l tho west to Dug and the Un!la Lipa In Calicla. Petrograd also cords a repulse of sn attempt by lie Teuton.? io cross the Dniester 'car Hahcz. indicating that the line ?f tho Dniester south of that place (till Is well held by Grand .'Juke Nicholas' forces. GermjuiK Attack by Water. A German attack by wat?r on Windau on the Baltic, Just south of ho Gulf of Riga, was repulsed by he Russians. Petrograd aaya. rive rulsartf and many torpedo toon** nrticlpated In the attack nnd II is ((glared the Grrman? attempted to and troops. One of the torpedo boats was blown up before the fle-t retired. ? Kyea on GiUllpoll. Eyes are being turned toward ialllpolt peninsula, from whkh t'rring news recently lias cotnc. There are hints from the aide of th* Antente allien that successes Jus* '-??ported are to be followed by stl.l nore determined attempts to earrv omlnating Turkish position*. Ger man submarine activity, brought1 'larply to the front by the sinking f the steamer Armenian wilh the ' ^ss of a number of American llvea.? further shown hv -news of th* nklng of the British bark Thistle ?nk and the Norwegian steamer "arna through torpedo attacks. The Armenian P?e. The ease of the Armenian is bo ng held In abeyance in Washl-ig cm until the status of the vestal id the circumstaqces. in which sh" as sunk are fully determined. The situation, however. Is regard* ?il as clarified t? a great degree despatches saying th* Armenia tried to evade the submarine alts; ordered her to stop. Such au gt; tempt 1* believed by mary official* to jastlfy th* elnkliff of '.be rciirl. Preiich Repulse (Jeciuans. Th* Peril iteteneat teday ledi' rata* tha Frsnch armies have bean chiefly oeoupled in r*p\?l*lppf Qlb matt attacks. frhM tlHhf Tl^f. W>*n the m?t?l tip? oorao ?ff Ut .no? atrinpa. w(m4 'K* and of iKa atMn| eloiu-iy and flrmlv vlth atom blat>y thread ? TThm m* lhrmul r?pc?t?dlp, A bott?i? tip than ?v?r I? th* *?muK actl ono chat ne*fr oofnn oir.?>l??i 0*partm?nt. In National Ma//iurtn? VF3RV RRST KKTOHCP A WD I.KM on alio? Appl?> Phono 97. J K ADAMS 4k CO. New Theater TOKIC1H1. lat Kplaod? of "TMB MA STIC R KBY" S?OTHBR NBXT "DUMOHlMT STOCK CO"