? LOSS IS $40,000 HKW t? DMT Mm) A nilMa (trm. wklak wlpa* oat Ml a kaMaaaa kloak. omrr? tkla aundac "at aadhal, ?>< raaaitad U Ik* UM'0 piamlj M tka nnnt ?m.uCni MM of laaaraaea I !? Bat Tka i Ht?. * Tin. Co. Co. t. WL?mUmf Mi \ Far Inn tka talulw flra fe paru?<>it bath t tka Maa* la tka attawpt to tha apraadlo* f- * Mapa. Tka kaOdlaaa war# ataaa to aatkar aad la aptta of tka attorta of *ko vara aaatatad br tka lb* >a?il far aararal koars. At Um tka kaat ra aa lataaac tkat. aa aaa eeiM (at rar j elaae to tka klasa. baa at tka oaaUata af tba ???Iihm kalidlam vara aan*,j W h Ik (Mat part ara?r?kta, *?. >?* mm bj bal Mcc M*7or Kvxlir, la aa tatarrtaw wltk a rapraaaataUVa of tka pall; ?Now*. laat atjkt Mad tkat tka laaal poUoa kad aataad orat *1 sal l-'r1 loaa at Itqaor darlaf tka aioatk of - Maa. ? "Tkat doaaa't aoaad big aooagk," rapllad tka raafrtar. '.How maa> pint? would tkat attar Tka sapor flsarad (or a arcond. ? Saraa knadrad ted twoat, <.'ght ka finally aaaonaoad. Tka mortar tkea took tka pencil aad radactns tku ta kalf-plata?the anal aku of tk# battlaa?(Mad oat tkat It ?alte l.?t? fcalf-plnt? of. moo.-. Sr. ?rowa. who *k* lUtanluj to tka utiaaaidkUp?. thaa grakkad Ika pmrtl. aad>ftar dola? a I'.ttla fl? arias ?f kU b?a, kad tk* followlax iCt IBMUM! 'Tkara ari t Wat alftkt drink, la ? aa?k kalf-plat. Tkla would (a ta nkow tkat o T* 10.7(1 drtaka ha? ?laaal tkatr war ta tkttaty tktwau PP4 >H? akaatad ad lat? tka ?at . tm" Aft?* wklak path of tkaaa prraaat lafalyad K a ekaaolata ?llk-akake. Mn> vom ? lift W _ '? f ">*** * ??? W* taw mtln4 u titoroftlof wrtUta, ripM4 "X. M. W." T?? kl? kM?fn ??4 ?loo for tko ko?ofit of Mtar rotdor?, II Mtu >U to lUto tlut WI But km tko author M ?II utUl? Mr pabUootlM. Wo ???00. * tkor m doolro, tat It 1? ?mwiry ttat ?? Mow u>? wrltan HMMT OH AOCOCNT of holMor. T?i will un ?oa*r t>T l*kl*g UnlUli 0< oor ?U nrdtr'i low ?rtaw ud trar wonit to loot ntll T?oo4*r. J. ?L AX>AMft * CO. M IOiM A. HU? will giro too feltattMiWkkIM**? ? *V ??? M? ?Mi ???.. A. h. Goods Roads Work \ In Hyde County ittfort county ml? h t ob frft 8n> Quarter town ?hI p regarding "good roads" work? i? the oplplon of r. J. Berry of thU oily, wh-j rt tly dlacvised this natter VUh W. Mason. of Swau Quarter, superintendent of tk? roif?* work which la being oonducted la that They are making considerable Improvement In the roada around Swan Quarter." stated Mr. Berry, "and Mr. Mason waa kind enouyi to axplaia to ma (he method of pro cod are which Is being carried out there. "Tka work la being done wth Kidd road gradar, which orlgtnUlv coat them ??5.00 and which is glv las excellent service. Mr. Masons ?force consists of three laborers and riTa himi. Ho figures the nost of the work perday aa follows: Three CU9, at 11:v $3.00 8ttp l.io 5 honei, lucludlng feed, C 00 Toial. d?y |9 11 'rThwof the horsee arc Oaed it. kauling the graft?. ' One plough !a v tad when th<> road Is heavy, and two oK-bonw ploaghi ar? employed fh?n ihe work t*-not %o h?rd I have talked with several men who have recently bees orer the roads In Uk?t section and all of them ere IcuU In their pral?e over the kind of road that' te being oon ? itructed. I hexc heard tome of the men say that hatter program la br ing- made by Mr. M a? on end hie force than la made by the convlcte In our county. Of couree. I don't krysw personally whether thla is trhe or not. One tM?g I? certain, how ever. and that Is' that rh~y are get ting their work done there a good deal cbeapor than we ere. Wants Cleric s Union To be Organized Here Belin?? That Union. Corrpored of Local Store Cltrkr, , Would Offer Monv Advantages. ? Editor Dally New a. Dear air: I taw always been greatly Inter ested te tka development of W?sh lngton and am glad to s*o that ?o many projects are being brought np at tba present tine for the develop-, nt of the community. 1 have a suggestion which I would like to' make for the consideration of your It to this: Why not ocgaats? a unions or'this kind In ot 1 cities sAd they are of great benefit, noi only to the clerks who work In ?tores, but to the merchants and other residents of the city as weH., 1 understand that there arc one j two merchants la the city who wMl not clone their doors .promptly at eleven o'clock Saturday nights 1 V this store-clerks ot the various business establishments wero united., they would regulate this matter themselves and there would b-* 'no! ?further grounds for complaint or ' diarsatlsfaltion. Then too, 1 beltuve It woald be a Rood thing If the clerks were given* a half-holiday once a weok during the summer months. This Is- -being done at Elizabeth City and other cities in the State and ot tty* IMKhanu are lo?lng t^Mg hJllOd^or it. In fact. It glfee'tfce clerhlfa chance to galp a -fast and prepares them tor better bantling of the u&ct Mk-* ???>??* ?JJJIy all of the stores close at noon ??af. T t, Tbrre ure many advantages to be derived form a clerk's union ^ad I bring up this matter In order that others of your readers might offer their views In the proposition and state whether It Is practical her? or not*r Th^re are a number of Other anions in Washington; why not a olerks' union? Very truly yours, * 6. L. H. Are Again Raising Wheat In County Farmers Are Raising 15 to 18 Bushels to Acre. Crop Ha? Been on Increase for Last Few Years t That tbe (irnin at Beaufort county ara again paying eongidtr *Ma attention to tli? r?!ilns of wb?at ?m proven by tfto wa?o? Ipada of ibl> puoduct ?blati, darlaf tt)? la? ?r? ttf9ti tU? Ml g: U? crop kaa k'ao t?ry rupcotifiil "4 tltot tk?y ?raw M much m 15 t? If buaktla to lb? wr*. TH I? ol as ?trt (it? quality ?Rt U hr tu ?UM lat* * tU* I'll) ot (tow. About 100 bnifula kara MM trougkt ta ? ?t l???t ? ?nan amount of wheat. "The fgrni*ra who Ujid thf!r wheat na Hied bey- enrooted tkpigeelvei a* 4>tc ??*!?? HW MM and aalllng about in boats. Hie j'ine pres^ntoi a most plctureef)je an - attractive' appearance." Many cameras were brought Into play to y bis daughter, Capt. Maple sett. Mist Oosaett will appreciate the assistance of the residents of Washington in carrying On her father's workr_ QTRLfi ARB OAMPIWO. CampflM CJlrls l^ij^li*# Outlntf | U?o Country, Members of the local Camp Fire I Glrlf have left on a three-day camp 1 ing trip on the Car-Skeden farm 1 They are In the care of Ouardlan Jennie Cox and Mre. Frapol? Cox They expect fro be gone over the Fourth. SPBOIAL LOW PRICHS 8ATVR day on ell Orocerlee, Dry Ooods, Shoes, etc. J. E. ADAMS ft CO. "GOOD TASTE" - J RYSTAL ICE CREAM It is now confessed to be the best Because it stands the popular test Of"Goud Taste Front Bishops down they love to sup. From Stevedore up tlicy call for more. So M before we sav ?gain. i'< V "H it Confessed to be the best." TRY OUR CHERRY CREAM-IT IS DELICIOUS. Crystal Ice Company fHONE M WASHINGTON. N. C CELEBRATION! MON DA BELHAVEN Hl-NDKBIM OF VIH1TORS KJL I-fXTKI> TO BK IHKHKKT ON THAT WAY. MANY FROM HERE Washington lUrtiilrnU Will LrrtVr Ttilf Aflmioon, Tomorrow nnl Monday. Interesting Program. A large number of local residents will leave this afternoon for Bel haven to witness the relebratlon which Is to be held in that city oh Monday. Others win leave here vie automobile tomorrow and otlll more will leave on the afternoon tralr. Monday afternoon. It I? cxperted tha1. between two aud thfe humlrvl Washington residents will be In Be! liavcn on Monday to view the many events that are to feature the en tertaining program which Is to bo put on. The program will ?tart at ten o' clock and the program com m:. tee has bo arranged the various events that there will be "something do':-g'" ?vory hour from that time un'il midnight. Numerous races, auto mobile race*, automobile parnd , callithuniplan parade, baseball g hit": and balloon ascension will be r*r rled out durlnsr the day. A base ball game will be played between Aurora and Relhaven at 3:30. Firr works and dancing will be the prin cipal means of diversion in rh evening. The merchant* of Rulhaven -iav. ralved a good-?lped sum ?o rover lh" exp'nse of the day's relebre'luM anl hundred?! of visitors are e\o'.*' ',d from nil over thl* section of ti." I HKHOM'TIONH Adopted by tl??t Women** Purrlp Hoctetp ul tlie First |'rr*l)| forlun Wnili *? i-. Whereas, our Heavenly Father ha? removed from our inldat to the Heavenly Home our friend and co worker, Mr?. Edward Lee Arcbbeit; There/orr we. the membsra of the Women'! Foreign Wlaaionary fiocle tr, do reiolrett 1st. That , while we bow in sub mission to ihe will of Qod, "Who doelh all thing* well, and makes no mistakes, we deeply feel the loss of our friend, who cheerfully and self denyinfly was foremost In all good works, tnd. That the Presbyterian church has sustained a great losa? In one who In past years faithfully Joined In singing the sweet songs of the aanotuary, and who now In thv> "heavenly mansion" Joins In sing ing the songs of praise to the Lamb. "We lovad thee well, but Jeaua loved thee beit! Oood night, good night, good night." 3rd. Thst we deeply sympathise with the bereaved family. 4th. That these resolution? h.t Hpread on our minutes, and a copv sent to the sorrowing family, aod ? also published in the Daily News. MR8 C. M. BROWN. JR. ? MARTHA B. FOWLS, i I ALT V. TBI-FAIR. I KICK, KICK! WF, I,IKK TO BE { kicked If yon have anything to j, klek ?boat It makee na try I harder to pletae eon. |% * ADA MB % CO. FIFTY MEM OTEI MEETING M H1SRHH MKN'H LKAUl'R WAS FORMALLY ORiUAMZKl) \T MKKTINO WHICH WAH HKLD UHT ELECT OFFICERS Will Appoint iVrmuMt llwudO Hr-Uw* I>rnttr?L Mrr i Working on ^hrir Cou?V? IJ ?t v ? *> . * An enthusiastic meeting the Chanter of Commerce room* last night. the "Buslneai Men's. League" was formally organised, officer* were elected and plana discussed /or future work About fifty business and profeaslonal ra- n of Wishln,; ton, Belhavea, PI net own and other cities In this section ? w era. ?pr ose ?t W P. Henry. field. mmiager of the Merchant's Mercantile A&ency. again explained the purpose of the organlratlon and the detAlls con nected with Itn operation. 'Several of the bualnwis m?*n present mad?* short talks, expressing thenjje'?*Ga heartily lu fgvor 4, Vice-President. J. F Iluckmair Treasurer, c. M. Little. It waa decided to elect a perma nent iecretary. who will be paid on a commission basis. Upon motion, tlie following committee was- ap pointed to wait upon several local men In order to secure a permanent secretary: W. II. Itus*, K. K Willis and Z. N ^eggett. C. A Flyna. E., It. Youn* and M. . F. McKeel were appointed.jk' Com mittee to draft by-laws for tho League. A. number of the ra< rclianta pr??j ent stated that they were at present working upon their llnta and eip(vt 'd to have them completed wltbln a short time. The*? will all 1?? **nt In to the central office and the honk will be published, containing the rating of all the residents of ;hla and adjoining counties B.P.O.E. Met Last Night flniUUng Project In DLwum<^1. >'o I h finite Action Taken. <\>tn mlllr? fo Continue In Power. A well attended meeting of the local II P. O. K. lodge wos held Ust llglit. The committee, whleh had "jeen appointed t-o investigate the proposition u( building i> home (or lie I o cm I urgttftl??tii>H. made a ?at? * factor?' report ?ind iter* reqye#|e$ *o continue their erfferte In this p*y. ject. It 1? not known whether 1^. STfllate action will he UU? or nqf, Bom? other plans may h? ?7f>tVM which will be aa satisfactory a>r4 can "be carried out wltt>ogt the ex pense neoesaary for th* CFFf||0|| Of a naw bulWInf PAPffl AT PAVIMON, Large Vomber Preeent to Plret Oane* at Park. A most m Joy able dance was (Ivan by the young men of the city lafet night at the naw pavilion whleh haa Just bean completed at Waahlngtoo. Park? A large number wera ftreeent and paftlelpated In the dancing un til a lata hour. The floor proved to be In excellent ahape and the pavil ion Ih ift every way auperlor to the old . one. VWtlY I1KHT KKTCBTP Ahtfl-EM on slice Apple J^lty. Phone 97. J. E. ADAMS * GO. New Theater TO-IHOHT. Rasfcngy Offer* v. BKOKfttO MINT'S vbnO?aKck Kdlaon Offer* ' - * . * "TRACKED BT THK two rto?l. - *?? j*, t. ?. y M MONDAY NldHT l?th taUr