.i/- .vi * ??} ? t '/??!?' ~?J k ->?> .* ? :rj\ = ? r" ' t 1.1 ,1 ===== THE WEATHER?C lout r U? *>t?U. ?km?. m WASHINGTON N. C. flGHT IN POLAND ? to raaalnta, ima4 >rrrlo,?tj ?M ?? ? Iwt iwHtirti mt a Mita >4 tk? todar admit* tbta. vhlle r? I? t k? Mk 4m ti uiuii ?l*t ?art* of lit front. to k?o tk< A?(fi< nii??M at dlf kNM ?olata. kal tiactdM a ratlre ?Mt to awst Onitda On a* OolU Lit* to tko Dot* Ut*. fHa> 4o ?Ml MM'tl -tavo. koKkt* to tko north wm UM A TMM irnmit ?*M?rw tka ?unto iKm tort haantr to mm u t?K to l?4 rotoforeocoeoU mm fko Akntfllo f and (h.t tk? or otfht tojnrod oa tko ?rltuh ?hm Aaslo-Caltfermtoa fro? Montr?*! by *rrtT*d at Qnoonatovn with tko (toad aad tntared onboard rotrocrad rottorat?* tha claim tkat a ItaHaa aakaartoa aank a Oarssaa kattl W?Nf 1 MM to Hub M. Tk? latter. vitko?! ??? ?MtlM MTtktai. M ?tlasM-t? k*?? MU tk? M? tk* Arlak w!tko*t UT ?M*M?atac. H M (Mata? tt*t * at tottiw ?t to?r war* u kU .*? r. 1.1 i a* Mi?* A. M-, aad r*. A. It. HARRY THAW ON WAY TO COURT f M to M? Melty * '"a c9Lrtrooul ?iere be u on tri*] ARE WORKING ON CREDIT GUIDE OVER T8 LOCAL MEN HAVE AORKKD TO COOPERATE IN WORK. VISIT BELHAVEN EteM Maajifan to Se? Merchant h In HdhBTM, WWtamrton, (?recti Tflk Md Other OHien. Orer 76 local business and pro faaalonal men have agreed to co for t hie mM adjoining <*3urt~ ?11 have given the prol ct their h??rty endorsement and many of them hare already notified ,v. P. Hasfy, under whose direction 4lie League la being - organized; that j they ara deriving excellent result* j la tha way ot collecting old bills, j Theee bills ara largely the account of mao vrbo have forgotten or neg-1 hxled to pay np and who ara deair ous of securing a good rating In the! credit guld*. which Is to be pph-: Vshed 1d tha near ruture: J J. T. Henry will start working1 Belbaven thts week and anllstlog the support of the merchants In tha' City *?* the movement W. P. Henry wlH !*ave for Greenville tomorrow and will pat .tha proposition up fo? tha consideration of the buVne?* mea there. Work will also be started In Wllllamston In a little wMta. ft la planned to have local secretaries In Oreenvllle. Wllllgm etan and Belhaven a? well as Wnb ?agtoa. AH the secretaries will co aperaU la furthering tb* suece*? of tha Lotgae. Tka merchants of-tha wmallc country towns will also be visited It la aimed ta Make tbe credit fculdr t ?m*( compute 99 "BLIND TIGER TRIAL AT AURORA KBNXEK IlKAI, BROUOHT INTO OOVHT AND TRIED BV Jl'BY. fS ACQUITTED Jury Reach cat Decision After Short Dclibcrptiun. Stated that Wlt . Haw Deal Sell Liquor. (Special Tjorrespontowij. % , Rennwr Deal, a resident. of j^ftUora. |Hfn*rj< ^alarrl>v nLaht an ^.hi \2Em * hilinFVjid PquoV' ' The trial was ti M *lo Aurora last night and the defetidaut' was ac quitted. It Is stated that witnesses saw l>eal soil liquor to eleven diffaren' men and purchased noroe of th^ stuf themselves. They are said to have hidden in the bushes and watched the salo of tho liquor to Deal's cus lowers. *Tho trial was by Jury. Evidenci as Introduced which is said to have proven- that Deal had the liquor in his possession and sold it to the men. In spits of this, however, the jury acquitted tho defendant after but a short deliberation. Down in dear old Mexico it is th presidential chair today'and hell to morrow. Don't lose faith in your husband Explanations are too tftdlous. Do not overeat. It la distressing to the stotnaeh and the pocketbook. ?he ratwy oi all pel BeauCort. Pitt and who yurcb.M* their MANY ATTEND -EVENTS AT BELHAVEN tWRTH OF Jl'LV OSUCIUtA TW?Jt IX ITITXEBHKD IIV liARUB CROWD0. 2,5(M) VISITORS L\U. rorm B?l? BeUutveo. W?Ut*y. Many JWnWenW XH\ the1 ? City on Short Vacation Trip?. The Fourth wit ?pent very quiet Ij In Washington. Outside of a few fire-crackers. ?o specimi attempt ?a? made to observe the holiday. A large number of person? visited Beihaven; many went to Ocracoke, others spent the day In their auto mobiles; a few enjoyed a trip down he river but the majority reraa ncd ? uletly at home. The Swanner trial afforded dl ers'os for several hundred who hronged th?? eourt hous? and was ho only excitement. Hi?1.1? INSTALLATION. >rr I/odjco Will Install New OIHcci at. .Meeting Tonight. A cord'.sl invitation to all Ma?on c men, their wives, shlldrrn and ;'dow8, has been Isnued by Orr .jdgo for the annual (nstal|atlo*i of fficeri, which Is to be held tonight Sojourning Mt'OBs are also cordially nvlted to be present- A social sea don will be held on the lawn in ront of the Masonl; hall ap# re cshmeats -vlll be tervs^ LEADERS OF THE JAPANESE NATION y of the Impartal hous I tk. opinio? 1? t? oa?n* , In vir? of lb* ?IrilnM relationship botvMn Jaoaa ad V-A'-'U -1*1* photograph nhawtng tha maa ?ho kar? Uu 4?tlaj ot thalr country in thatr hands It a ?aluabn* ?n'Mhirri'K'rt Op* II xu mad* on the occ??loo of tt< *?? ?*??> ?1 tka ?mt>r af; Qaaaral T?r?ui?h. coramnd?r m t>; A4?tr*i Taco, oaaM, mlantar ? hou??ho:d. liohtad MWHn' B*tl la Kal Hara. mlalattr ol torafca a tain OF GUILTY IN SWANNER CASE SMALL SPEAKS AT OCRACOKE & B'HAVEN LAKOK CROWD PKB8KNT AT OCRAOOXE CEUKUnATlON ON FOURTH. GOOD ADDRESSES C'onfiTMinM Tdla of Work of IV velopmrnt om the '?'?od. Talked at IkllwTfa TcAtcrdaf. According ifj accounts reaching this city today, tbe Fourth was cel ebrated In a moit fitting manner at Ocracoke. Rain Interfered to tome extent, but the program waa carried out successfully. A crowd of about 1.500 visitors were at the island A most Interesting address was made late Saturday afternoon by Congressman John H. Small. He discussed the qualities of the tneu who fought in the^Mnerlcan revolu tion and showed how these same qualities could be applied to prob lems of peace at the present day and In the Interests of progress. He complimented the people of Ocrs ooke upon the advancement they had made In many line?, laying par ticular stress upon their school sys tem. Ho stated that they could do still mpre by Improving their schools and giving some attention to the building of good*rp?ds on the Island. The question of navigation and a harbor on the Island were also brought up. . . -CJgJV Small was obliged to come through Swan Quarter And" Belhsvefc yesterday in returning to Washing ton. While in the latter city, the committee which had charge of the celebration in that city Induced him to make a brief address to the large crowds which were present. He made a most excellent speech, complimenting the residents of 'Jnl havejj upon their progressive spirit. He also stated that there were a number of progressive and shrewd men In that city, who were doing aome excellent team-wbrk In "a'd vanclng the Internata of Belhaven Ho concluded by congratulating the c'.tisens upon their celebration. Writes From Florence, S. C. Former WmIiIkkI?? llmldent *? Hr?rd From. Mc?kL; WUH?* to Hlirfiff WifuHey. Florrnc?, 9. p., July I. 1?16 Editor Only N?{M, WgafclBtflrB. V. 0. ?ar ?lr.**' I have been reeding mr old home aper, with a fr?at dol qt at?ly, f0U ir* getting Into he right gait and giving ?0?? new?. K?'$ the good work up gnd fou fill alwgy? hav# on? lubicrlbev ?n Florence, f. 0. Kindly M#d m? t ?tttem?nt .of my account and I'll ?nd fwi< a moMf order, With b??t wUhee, I an. Yotirg tery truly, WILBY O. ORlftTE P. 8.- {life my retard? to Sheri ff Windley and tell him I hope he >111 hold hU lob ae long ai Sheriff Iodg?* did DBOTROY LIQUOR. "rowd flat her* ?t City Hall to WK imm Dtapoaal of "Hfrrtaf " A crowd of from ferty to fifty nrreone gathered el the city hell Ihte afternoon to wltn^M the final llepoeal of the berrel* of barring *nd their contente of "Joy Julc?." Many en eyo follow#* Chief of Po tica Robert'? ovary moTement with ,} wistful ?xpr<-mio? at d many a ongao *m drawn acroan maay a lip many a thirsty Individual tnimed ho Irony of fata. The liquor wan ??kea out of the barrel* and tha *>-4t!ee war? nnnehad In a moat hcarttee? end unmerciful manner. When a man la a man he la oaa r?l to otfc?r maa. fMherwl?? h? b i?i * ?%r?Mk Case Was Tried Before Recorder Yes terday. The Court Room Was Crowded to the Doors. JURY WAS OUT FOR 18 HOURS Sentence of Three if Defendant is Not Out of County Within 30 Days. No Appeaf Taken A verdict of "Oullty" was brought In this morning by the Jury which *at in the case of State vs. William Swanner. charged with violating the Slate liquor law. The Jury gnve out their decision after having been out lur over 18 hours. Considerable deliberation follow ed the verdict, Recorder Vsughan inviting the counsels to offer sup cest I on a as to the verdict. "I do not- believe." said Mr. ' anghan, "that we should be un necessarily severe in this case, but that we should give the defend*"-t an opportunity to reform. Instead nr cutting him on the roads or Impos ing an Impossible fine upon him. I Is with this in view that I will wel come any suggestions that either the State or the defence might have to offer." "Your huuor," said Attorney Ward. "1 believe that the defendant should be punished with a fine in stead of a road sentence. And 1 am free to say that If 1 were on the Wench, I woyld tax him with S10** and costs and let him go. Ha be already lost $218. which he paid fo* the Usuor; the costs of court w ? mount to about $60 and a $1H 'ine would bring the amount up to $378." "I hardly believe that a $100 fin would be sufficient," stated Mr1 Carter. "A punishment should b* i imposed which would make It cer tain that the defendant would not ; be guilty of again violating the law The court ought to hand down n I s^ntenco so that Mr. Swanner wll' t suit." "I have been talking the matter over with my client," said Attorn"* I Nicholson, "and I wish to state I ha1 my client Is not able to pay a fine of more thau $50 and costs. Thlr It sppears to me. would he a suffic iently h'-avy sentence bo Impose up on him." After further deliberation, It?* cortfer Vftuphan handed down th follQli'iftg J 00 8 i O n '? "The epiirt Imposes a Jail ser fence of thrpe months, giving th defendant 80 days (?j wind up hi *ff+lr> Ijere and set out of tb county. At tb? *?4 of that time i capias will b? Usued, tftst will pre veat him from returning to th I county. *1)1 thi*s be given s chance to go Into another commur Ity and bafln lift anew." In other word?, U Is understood j tb|$t Mr iwgnpsr has 10 dayi li ! whish to get out of th? oounty. H he I* ftlll g resident of the count? ?t the end of tbot tin?, the isn I tenoe will bt imposed upon him, o If he ever returns ni a resident, th' | sentence will ?till be In effort. The Jury consisted of the follow in?; E. L. Arehbell, foreman; J A. Alllgood, James Alllgood. W P Howcn, A. C. Soott, C. A. Flynn. Vesterday's Trial. The trial waa attended by one ot the largest crowds that ever p i^ke?1 a ciurt won. la Washlngto t Pverj seat was takeo; threo or four mer sat In each window and the stalrr leading up to both entrances, w ?re thronged with spectators. The rrowd began to arrive an h'.ir be fore the proceedings began an.I re c r ined In *.io room until all of *.he ?v oence h*d '?een brought ta. Aft or the trial went to the Jury a large number continued to remain In th relghborhood of the court house, eager to be the first to learn th? verdict. The first witness called to the .slant was Morgan Wright, an ens ploy? of the Atlantic Coast T,tne Mr. Wight's testimony oonslste^ print 'pally In describing the routln? of fret**' shipments His tesrtlssoa n? *?%? m ?l"? I the trial throe weeks ago. Janus Howard, another Haploye of the Coast Line wan also put on the stand and testified to having seen the bar rels of herring. . C. E. Jordan. Jr., chief clerk and operator at the local A. C. L. office, ??as the next to give t'stimony. II? stated that Swanoer came Into tb?' Coast Line office and that he (Jor dan) waited on him. "Wbv. time did Hwancer come In to the off'frd" wat asked blm. "About al' veo or twelve o'clock." "What took placo between you and him?" "He said that there were twelve barrels of herring in the warehouse, weigblug about I960 pounds." "Did Swanncr pay the freight on the herrlQgt" "No " Chief of Police Roberts describe?* be manner la which the whiskey had been packed in the barrel-) and narrated the d- tails relative *.j t ho seizure of the shipments by the po lice. C. L. Psyno. Assistant cashier of tia Savtagn 4 Tuist Co.. was dhrow'n the check which Rwanner had iasued in Norfolk. He staled that It was Swanner's slgnstur .. Payne was then shown one of the :ags that had been taken from one ?>f the'barrels of herring and testi fied that the writing was very much Uko that on the ch'ck "Would you be willing to swear that the name on the tag wan writ ten by Mr Swanner?" "I should say that It was his .*ig nature, but I ooutd not swear to .1 " Elmo Kldd and W. J. Pippin were pi trod on the stand and testi fied that Swanner had come to tr.om. asking that they give nim storing place for some 'berrtr.fr. which ho'ejiperted to receive. They bo*h refused to grant his request. Up to this time, all of the e*. 5? dence which had been introduced in the trial wa? practically th" i4Di? is h 11 beer, brought up In Ihe tfi?' hree weeks ago. The next ness, James (JitHam. of Nnrf??1k, pro duced some m*w sviftv^ro I? (h* case. Mr IaU>s?m la the son of f J. Utham and ? tWflW Mi Latham of fhls fU|T. "Wbat It t">H' kualpfaa, H> 14 tham?" am < membe? ?I the flfM ?I (J L. W?o|#rl * Of)," "What Hot bi)?lt)??a m (ti? lat" 'WholMll" IfOtHi" ?T?ll the Jur/. pleare, what 4??i. Inn rou will) lh< defendant " "1 met Mr, ?wanner as Jus* ?ttt a our litre and raid bin ikrn Ida of herring H? gave ma t cke