AILY NEWS tki*. ?fUrnoon. Pair iMlftt mud tomorrow. WASHINGTON N.C. THURSDAY AFTERNOON JULY ?, IMS No. i lSir* VJO BY MR. FOWLE 18 BB1NU BUtt/T Q!f MAI \ COST $50,000.00 Oo. of ?h* l*r?*,t landing pro la W^tngtoa 1? NCWI yrare la Ma? CUIM oorby 8. H. fowl* on hla propartjt.oa Main atre*t. it eat of low b tfcrw-atory bona la?? an to b* *r*etrd, extendi*? from 8. R. raw)* * taa'a ?tore to >.k* building of E. R. Mlxon. Th I win cow a fronta?? of about 1?0 ] hot Work OS Ike building next to Mr. Fowio'i store la prograaalng aatia facto riiy and tk* walla ar* alrrady half a p. Tka old building or tk* Carolina Dlatributi ng Co. la b*lnr raxed and tk* |m*ftf next to E R. Mlxon'* will k* filled la to n l*r*l wltk tk* r**t of the ground ?11 tk* nalldlnga will k* of brick and will b* thr** atorlaa kick. Tk groaa4 floor will be d*Tot*d to atoraa villi* office* will b* locate oa th* other two floor*. Although an fl?ur*a hare b**a given oat, It la *ip*otod tkat tke project will coat batwaaa M(,ooo and Ko arrangement* ha** k**n made ai y*t far t*nant* la tk* building* Tearing Down Old Buildings on Harms 5 KmcO. Other 1 Intend, IWork was atari *? today In tear la? down tk* old kalldlnga on tke H*T*a* prop*r4y oppoalte the poat offlc*. Two of tk* balldlaga are to be coBlpl*t*lr raxed. while th* one fea th* eoratr la to b* repaired and pat In ?ood a bap*. Whan ao*n thla afternoon and aaked wkether he contemplated ?ractla? an y saw building, on tha property. Mr. Harena aUt*d that he did aot Intend taking any action* In tk* n*ar future. BJY8 IMKKlt. S'ttlng upon my porch laat nigh with my eye* opetl, looking upon tk* world movraunU. many tklnga running through my mind. 1 uld to my**U. "Wonder how many bona** th*r* ara on th* block In froat of aa*." 1 counted them an foaad twelr*. 1 found In thoae ?w*It* r*ald*nc*a that ther* wero oa* widower aad e!?bl widow*. I aald to aayaalf. "Or..t heavena. ?l^ht agalaat oa*." I thought "Be certainly eaa't !aa? Ion?." , BAKER'S STUDIO ?. H. Browa. of N*w Bern. !a ?pending today I? the city on bol Specially posed photograph of Jtflsa' .une Morgan, who has neully ?pened a camp for working girls In sterling forest. Grocnwood Lake, N. J. Miss Morgan Is the daughter of th? ?ate J. P. Morgan. MAYOR TALKS OF THE PARK 'PROJECT bkuevkh dock property GOULD BK USED POR PARK PURPOSES. HAS OTHER IDEAS 11 Dwlitoi of Tearing iKmv City ^ Market Sojne Tlnic In Put are Plcr There. Whon asked this mornlhg wkelh ?r H was feasible to uue the d'.v dock property for park purpose?? Mayor Kugler repll'd that he le lieved a part of tho property could be used for a park without Incon venlenclng the shipping In any wp7. "The matter will, of course." I said, "have to be brought np befor the board of aldermen for decision You could not use the Immediate waterfront for pnrk purposes, be cause this would Interfere with boats loading and unloading at th" dock, liowever, If a fence were built, dl* ?ldlnj the property, the probl?; might be solved satisfactory for both reoreatlon and business "The park would not be very larg " ?extending back only about If f*et, but It might answer until other arrangement? could be made. I' would be only temporary at that, for If It ever becamc necessary to use the property for mercantile pur pose?, we would have to give that preference. f "It has alwayp been my Id a to tear down the elty market som" time and build a pleasure pfor upor Its site, where the p'tble could J07 the breese from the, river. Th f.ty dock property would mske a go?d leestlon to whleh the markei ewrtd ke moved. However, It will pffobably be seme time before th<< project can be earried out. I be lev? that hte purrhase by the rtt? 1 of ^ deck property was oae of thr wsett Investments that we eoulr* kau made aid vt *>? bound tr( rwU? ?r??t banaflta from It Ir anp war It ???? ba & aunbar of m?a batom tki? bappana. but It Ir bound to ??a?r aa??rUalaai." Guarantors to Meet Monday Ki ruMtnf ?Ifkt and Uj to fill ft contract for % lorn? roa i'n?n of nick taodo ta k? u??d br ih? Bolivian armr. Tkn mlllo ?III to toKod to tholr foil coHetlr I lo fill Ik* eoatraet kr tho ro?? the Washington team n Its Initial epnt*"?. Owing te the rein yesterday, thf ocal team was unablo to Indulge In any praetlee. They will all be out ??n the ft old this afternoon, how ler, to get into shape for tomor ?ow's game. iOVKRNMKNT TO ABANDON PROSECUTION OP HUKltTA Washington. July 8.?It was be 'evod hero tonight that the ease galnet General Huerta, charged /1th conspiracy to violate American leutrallty by Inciting a new Meil an revolntlon. might be abandon d. Huerta !s due to appear next veefc before e "United States commls loner for a hearing. Althoogh of Icla's are reticent, persistant re torts are current *??et there will be 10 prosecution and that Huerta will tgree to leave tbe Mexican border and tak^ up ble residence some where In the northern part of tbe United States to interfere no ?ore In Mexican politics, Failure by the parties interested t< Appear on the above dates will i i the board from going into these | natter? after this time. It was ordered tliat the convlr! be hired to the ltichland Towu nhlp .Good Konti? Afceooiatiou for tbo month of August or longer If #.h*y want them. It was ordered that $50.00 bf (ami the same is hereby* approprl ated for the u?e of the Washington! Naval Reserves. It was ordered that $50.00 b< | (and the same is hereby) appropri ated for the use of the Belhav-" N'nval Reserves. Klecllon returns for Aurora achat, district were as follows: Ntimber | of regUfred voters. 112. For school house bonds. 86 Against school house bonds, ?3. Police Discover 12 Gallons Rum i !. C'utsler Arrested. Revenue <) fJcem Starching for StUl Where Liquor Was l*urrliii??e The police scurried lilt vehicle am discovered two gallons of "monke. ruro " Cutsler 1? at present confine? lu the county Jail, ?waiting hi* trial It has been learnod that he pur chased t)ie liquor from other par Ilea, Federal officer* ibis mornlni left the city on a search to locatt th* fiMH from which Cutsler ob tained the rum IIRVAft OLAD HV. WA8 HOIJHKR IX HRAMHH AMKRK .W WAI Pan Franolsco, July 8.?Wllllan Jennings Bryan, former secretary o (tare, while strongly In favor o universal peace is not an advocatc for "pea<5e at any price" he said In an address at a luncheon tendered yesterday to the Cuban exposition con mlsstoners. "I have been greatly mlsrepro sen# d." said Mr. Bryan, f jut I don"! mind. I am not visionary e nough to believe that 1 can preveri all wArs, but 1 do believ:, that many wars could have hern prevented. 1 ! believe in standing out strongly for I pcace. but when every means ol peacful settlement has been ex haus ed fighting Is Inevitable. "I am proud that I was a soldier a* the time of the Spanish-American trar. but 1 think the soldier should be like the f'.reman v \ > is ready foi flro without wishing for It. Bo th< soldier should be ready for wai without desiring R." Pull long foe If you must, bui hang a tkfcak nru It whll* others art around HEAVY FIGHT IS WAGED IN WEST 1HENCH CLAIM TO HAVE KK Pt'LNKD TKE >. FLAM. ING LIQnrWi -t> BY TEUTONS I.V ^^rHK!WH JWNM. ^ . V<* DEFEATED Were Mown Down In Firm* Attack on the I>*nUB?