OTHER CASES ol Stmt? t?. I 1 Ruta. w tn*i/MMtar ?4 in Mas aauttad t? ?mi la MM ?a i?t V4a?ss at Market aad Water itreefe kv their actomdbllM at a apaed. ayeaodtng tow miles an hoar' Tket ?ere both releaMd upon par; at eoeta. f ? Daga *" MewSe ittkaraU. colored. waa ' afternooa Ma [ en red <0 71 ? oe tka roads. Ha we. rowan ot aetfalt aad battery aad ad a quantity ot liquor la Me VMaler la Coart B. Cutaler. who waa arraatad Wedneeday eight, ckarged wltk bar lag too mack liquor la kla pbmm | eloo aad aha Mag slightly lacbrt atad, waa brought ap before the re-_ tartar yeaterday afternoon. He war" triad tor>being Intoxicated, but no Judgment waa paJMd. the recorder, reeervlag Mntence uatll tbla aftar aoon, whan the defendant will be ( triad on tha charge of rlolatlng tke .liquor law. IWATH OP 1KB SMITH, UKAMKUNBW BRRN NKt.tlO New Bern. July ???Isaac Smith, one ot tko wealthiest negroes In j North Carolina, and one wkoaa ca reer baa kaea aa spectacular aa any | other colored man lat^s atate. d ed here Wedaeeday st*ll:15 at his ; koma aa Joknson street, attar being III for a faw days, malt h la a nltlre at the city and daring tha year 111) ha waa a eiprsasmatlre to tka legi? la'are fro M*kl< county THaya are TPrtoua eattmatre of hi# wealth, r???iag fro# a ii?n4re4 thguwnd I? Halt a atllllgn dollars. He will H K'1*4 ?* r*Mt ?H? ultar WAI TKHIAX CHURCHR#. $3,600.00 NET The U. 8. ww depertBieet aacur reparation for AsMstee. but wars unaeccsasfnl Uoal fltr rear? ago s trial ws> hsM is tbtr cHr. Is which as oBclsl froai Wwb Isston ctty represented Iks Unrtri sient. AMOS? those who gave tes timony skew 1st that the deetrsc tlon of the churcbee had been thrsach rssdallsm were M rs. Poll; Cowstt and Mrs. Mars, mother ot H. B. Msyo. of thla city. Mrs. Cow ell teetlftsd at the Usee that she had aees s Uslos soldier !l??c?r. o r?>t?fo, Be?u(ort coaaty. I? at th bntlffm s' ? rtrw fh^l *?? arrayed U? Minwlllf* ?I fWW?? ?H? Bel kat?a ?ia'PH c*eh ptbar. carrytni *?m i?t? ?>wt, am t*, m i mi m w, I A ?*?>#?? poll#*Bi?* f?t * ?al t*r ? M" (twar'i cow ?ad KWnN Mr ?w' '? ? ??? ?i* H??i lltfM ?(? *o?> to tki? arH* lor th* arroat M CkHI tf roll?* J. tm *f1 7 ?y??, W to trt?k) im>4 t#? H?U|? limit* U<4 PhMr r??i lit hi? ww* ?*? ?*>? *0? IW Poll? Chief wv* an Itmnf lh?? t ud l*ok th* ???! *w*r from mn*r. Mill? r?*if *io ?4 **d tot (ho oow? aw*y (mat Mra. Spoactr a(*ta Th* poor Mrwt a?? bam-ltiatlad a*4 doa't know ]*?t whor? thay hlilgfc .. ,, I HA14TAX OMANOM COTNTY ?OH<>Ot, ?ri-BKIMTKNnKNT* S**tl*ad Mock, fair Th* rouaty board pf edaeatlea not If Halifax Monday I* Kumar aaaolM aad tam otbor Ihta?? onata? Dr A. I. Harrlfoa ot Bnflotd. ?? county ?ttportnlaadont fad -l*etod I* kla ?toad Prof. t. W. Ak.y*, lot MVarat tko aiHriitudial of tk< *?' m, a. (M w?w? ?OhOOto. I > ooaaty WY MAKE A CHANGE IN 'TAUQUA M""*? MSOCMTIO? (8 Bfe !!?? CO.ISUHCHED SI THj|| wuwnwn. WEIL ?fOKEN OF Mtur? the Swarth Red path Cheutatqtta * Washington next 1? a question -which to IT preo Mil d'bated. by local Oh??* taaqae iWMtorr It will probably soke time before a decision to tfrWed at although the matter will be tflaeaeeed ?t the meeting of the gttaraators Monday night. Ths Red path association has bees 'how In* at several cltlee la the State during the leal jatr and to ?Id to hare fcfrea the hlftheat tal lsfactloa. They charge 12 5* tot ?eaaon tickets and allow the city a parentage orer certain recOtpU A leuer has been received by )oc4f Chautauqua officers from the ghdf \ntors at O old shore, where the M 9ath company showed thto yeat. The letter stated that the OOftpdlly had given excellent progfamft dad "hat a profit of orer $?00 had been nade by the guarantor?, above all ?expenditures. The Wdahlngton uarantors, during the two year? hat the Chautauqua had boon held n thto city hava failed ts-ahow balance on the right side of the edger. The KOframs rendered by bmh associations are nlmtiar M many re conetotleg prln &*>(?? K" orPlap tp ?trpal Oom*i?a|opfr JB. Wrtrti. H? k#a MHrlpMf d wKfc HT#r?? plpfkp ?I "c???it-f rar ?I," a ?owjioa'.llpp aowptk'Pf ?k? ??*?U ?Pi t'i efcr. Vt* pw t*HH t? Ur nr* *Hk WVA ktfi4r?H ?f ?<)?? at Hot C?r?Uo? AMI 184 rtrii k?y | km ft* 4tri?i Ik? tMt t?w /aara, Mr. F*k> nn, >M I? put ton m ? ??t ?* l?M ik?a 41 inn ? nun f?rd. M?Plol?Pl M?fc?rt ttM t i M&fr town? la tki? M?tiM M) I? tk? d?BO?itr?tlop km, Mr. J??kk jrin \%i * ttmb* of bltxlw H tkt c?m?nt-?r?T?l. ChtH wllk pit lll?w 14? ?I kl?k war aarfiifpf maurlal. k? dtelara. ?Tim MjUrhim ninr at WW TUAIN TOJOOHT 1%? W?w Tfcpatra will ?ffar tk?tr patron? tonltbt a* aauanall; itropf flra-rapl arotram Tka atooad apt aid? of "tli* Mutir K*y" will t? I tha mala faatira *T?ry on? tha' *?* tbla pMara but rnday nlpv tkat tbla Mrla' Uit boa#* bp' (?trona. Tfcarl - mm. - i-- ? ? P t?o raal Iw titfaiatlil raal eoiapdr ?? roa ir. laoklaf far a plaaaaal rraa In*-? ?nr?rta!?m*at atf n4 tb? Ntw Tbaalra tonlpkl. Tk?aa war? an4 ralpora of war \ ba*a at lata? P?* aartaa rnta GERMANS USE RUTHENIAN CHURCH AS WORKSHOP ?^Trghal SMkWteo cburcU ta anicla u?d b, lb. O?? army a, . ?or^hop during tb. gre.l drive on Lem ..V_~ I Militia Now At Gardner's Bay Wtuhmfton Boys Hope to win Silver Trophy For the Beat Gun Crew at Target Practice An Interesting communication from oh of the members of the Washington-naval reaerrea, was re ceived this morning, detailing the activitlea of the boys who are on j their annual cruise with other divis ions of the North Carolina, naval' militia. The letter, tn part, reads j s follows: "We ware furnished a tourist car I at Waehlayton .and went on bo*t& lt| SB T-- ,rd - tn. the train. At Mockeye^Feri^ took - a special trtiln and the Bel haven, Hertford and Elizabeth Clly I divisions were picked up at the!' f r specttve home stations. We ar rived at Norfolk at 8:30 that morn ing. "The men were Immedately takcl) I to the navy tug. where they slowed j their hammocks and bags. They were then taken up town and given I breakfast. The North Carolina j brigade, went on board the tug eleven o'clock under Commander C L. Morton, Lieutenant Commander Shlpp. of New Bern, and Lieutenant? Wilson and Rodman. ~In^mtd!ately upon arriving at Hampton Roads Ike men went on board the Kearsage j where they were given their billet!; By four o'clock all of the men had | learned Oielr stations and we were | under ftf. "As ?op? as we wer? put of Hamp ton Jtpfdp. t(ie naval mllltla office! went oe M officers of *he deck. headed nprtfe far Gardners Bay. where (?rgat prgatlce wl|l bp held ?The Hejrtli Carolina ?eft have from the forecastle to the quarter to oleaa nod man Lieutenant Buys of Bclhaven has t|te fir*t and third dlrlelaa*. With Mn |i JiMt*r flegra ?re Lieutenant Poppendlok sjf Ellaaheth City, and Ensign Capplr ol Mart'trd Lieutenant Brlnn ha th? Krt ?14? af the ?hlp, ?lih the seeond ??4 fourth (JlrUlops. Hi? ?unior officers ?re Lieutenant Sum ter and Ensign Small, ? "7e?t?rd?y being Sunday, ai Kande war? not flailed until ?'.* o' clock. The mea Immediately began cleaning ship After breakfast th y vara called to Quarters. when an aspeetlon wgg mat? by Captain hrlaty and Commander? I.emp and Morten. Mr. Lamp la ?ommande' ?f the Dletrlet of Columbia brigade. "All of the ttuartaraaatare and Ignalmea were then pat to work tiring signale. Among them from WaaMn?toa were I-anler, Bonner lad Svila. Pat Forejaan la In ehargi .f the engineering aaotlon, which 'neldd'g the meh from Waahlngton te has with blm Henderson. Lin o^f Hobbe, Sawyer aod Bridges, hei latter being aeelslant at the dy a^o: flarlee and Meeklns. who arc a -the radio room, and O. Harris a? 1. Harris. "Whitley aad Gardner. In addi "on to their dntlae aa boalsrwaln net*-?. out ae puileyaaen for the twe tan erewa, which we are counting -Inch shells. These ?hell*. with the missile, are aliou' 'I*1!* feet long and weigh about 12" pound? "Tomorrow the boy* get tin h five o'clock and will '-"gin their work at We are all looking forward t p a l?if day." liLOWlXti HKfORTN AH TP COflMTION OF Karmen of Cnrlrfrf mid Pjuulico I>o Wefl glfh l*ot#U?M ?ail Other Trtysk, New Bern, July ???-Ceding farmar? frojn ?everal ?actions of Craven, Cprtergt and Pamlico coun ties who htve been in New Bern this week, hgr- t>Mn Int#n1*wg aeason In Ita Irish potato orop and hundreds of cgr loads have been sold. Carteret county ha* dene well with tho po tato also and with cabbage, and Craven ha* had Urge crop* of both. It I* the general assertion of the farmer* that the c?Uon crop this ?saaon will be *t glast SB per cent cmaller than that of last year. Much of tho land thit was last year put Id ootton has this year been devoted to the growing of tobacco and the Indications are that that orop th!s year -will be the largest In the his tory of tha three coun^e*. Antici pating the, a new tobacco warehou*' la being erected here to take care of tho Increased bus'.r.*** and to give the faromrs ample market fa ellltka. . Only Kredtsg Two Bui M In or*. 0. R. Fowle etated this morning that only the two beddings next to F. R. Fn. j Kept f2fl() In Hiding for 40 Year*. A r* aldent of Beaufort county re-1 rontly purchased a piece of proper-1 ty, paying for tt with $200 in gold, j which, It was learned. had been in hln possesion for forty years. Tin? man in whom he paid the money, tic posited it in the Pavings & Trust Co. and m- n t'.one d how he secured It. Upon request. J. B. Sparrow.; cashier of the bauk. wan axked to I figure out how much this amount would have been iucreaned. had (lie original owner of the money placed 't?Jo. tlu:'-hank and allowed the.In-1 terest to be compounded. The fnl-J lowing letter was received from Mr Sparrow on thin subject this morn ing Kdltor Datiy New?. Deir sir: % In response tn your request, I | have made the tabulation desired, and take pleasure in >>ubmitting herewith. . The facts arc the.*' : A short tlru^j ago a gentleman. making a depot! at thla bank, bunded III two hundr. d I dollars in sold .remarking that he J ad sold a plere of property and Hi?1 purchaser told him he had had th.it J .?old for forty yearn, which m-aiu! hat ftirtv yearn ago he laid away| wo hundred dollars in gold, which Juring all those year* had not yield ed him one ceni of revenue. It hn?j -i pi t her counted anything of ben f:' n the community life, and lin? n*.11 ?hat time h*<>n aubject to lo?s l?y fire and burglary. Me had hie se.-O j ?so to *pe?fc ?but where wa* h harvpi? Now aupyuce }te had plfteed th"' | two hundred dollar?* in a well ?na<: Aged bank, wjiere firt and burglar proof protection would have kept absolutely **fe, and In addition, would have bean rov red by Inst anco at no iDit to the i}?pu?ltpr Drawing interest at four peruse* gut* compounded quarterly, at the end ?' forty yesr?, he would have had tc his credit in the bank. $ 1,344.28? or Just 91.04?.M more than he hrl when he drew the two hundred dol lars In gold from Iti hiding pltoc These figure? are the result rf a tual calculation, and show on th statement exastly as they would aj: prar on the savings ledgers of this tank, from the time the original de posit was made. Idle money Is useless, and yon eafi do your paper and your peopl no better service than to encouraga swings and the keeping of every dollar at wcrk. I will gladly co operate w'.th you in a campaign far thrift. Very truly yours, JOHN H. flPARHOW Cashier Savings A Trust (!o. In addition to th^ nhove. the banV would probably have joined out the money to some party?say j Bill Jones, for example?getting slv percent Interest on same. Bill Jones , would Invest it In some enterprise and In a few yeara would probably bar? cleaned up two or three thous and dollars. The first leason In diplomacy Is to eount Itft.ftt9.%91 before ex , pressing an honest opinion. In the i ?e***;*e any n)4 II? will do. I MAKS IS HALTED Rl'HMIAN HNBi, WHICH FOR MKKI.V ni?N.AVj:i> WKAK NKSK. ABB NOW I'lTTtM. 11' STROXfl ?' HI8TANCE. sunk ' X ? .tuoirUo Submarine Klnk? Italian \\ar*liii? Anuilfl. I'Ull in tlgUt Inu A>odK Auktn>-lUUn Front?*?*. London, July 9 -The Tcutonle march tUrounU Southern Poland ??hlch was beRionlng to threaten l.ublln ?n?l Warsaw. ban been broueht to a halt In the anile north norih of Krasnik. where the Rus sian linos had displayed ?.-akin??. I bey l,av. been atrengthencd and It no? appear, that they ?re holdln*. Airs**v?-*.er',uu*s Kail. Determined A ust ro-Oerntan al iempts t? drive the Russian. out of ??hat remains lo them of Oallcla have tailed. Pelrograd reports as sault. by Br at forcea east ol Lum ber*. but deelares they ??? repula ed w.th heavy losses to ?i- attack Inu army. Lull o*. Italian Frontier. Apparently t h cm 1? a lull in ?h?* furious fleeing al"?? AuMro Italian Iront, after ill- r teen I de lermlned .tuck* by the In.adini* forces. ItnMnn C'i'uImt Torj?r?l ratio. by m Anatrlan .ubmarlne Moat ofr the crew wore .a*?a. Plymouth Team Here fcr Came l*ta>?T4 Arrived Thlf. Aftenwwm at 4:20. I.urn?' ?Vuv <1 on Huuil to WltiiPM. Hull Cittino. The Piymouilt baseball learn ar r.ved hern lb'.r. ?IterBOu? a? 4 ih xilolk southern Ira n They ?verr Im/e.l'ately driven out t? Ih? ln.ei.all park, wh-re the itamn la s.hedu t.. I.e played A number of rooters ai" jmpnliled tile ilalUira h ' re. Wathltijrlon fans comluenoert Ko li k put to Fl-nanp I'ark shortly af ler three o'clock and by four them were about two hundred per.ons on hand, watch!:., the hoy. warmln? up Several ladles were also pre sent to help Cheer the local playarn pa to ?WW. The balterle# for loday will hai tot Washington?Klnkade and White, of Wllantt; lo? Plymouth? Rr,.?.,! and ?ld?eM., I'f Hal'lah. M<>?/r untiMf vr MiKhrr of )ltn Ohllih-cn^gltfifttl l?J tf?e Hn?1. Dalits, Tc*., July 9, ?The bod? of Prank Holt will be burled her#, It w?? announced today, because the | woman h* married flv* year* ago la Texa* "cannot bear to think of b'f husband lyng in a distant grac*." I "My daughter flrat yielded to ynur wishes that Lbs burial ba In Ithaca. JJiyY-v ?0 ahe might he apar ed the ordeal of the funeral," aald ( Mm. Holt'a father, the Rer. O. P. S'nRehauKh, in making the announce ment today, "but later nbo. I^Matwl on Frank being burled here. wh*re aha expects to make her borne." The body 1? expected to arrive j bera Sunday. New The?ter ?fO-NlfJlIT. "THB IfA8TKH KRT" Snd FSplaode of "Tho MIIMonatrea $100 uO Bill" la I "The Mllllnary Man" 1 RmI Prl??? tc and 10?. -*t&