rC NEWS IT MTERNOON JOLT 10, WIS No. S' NEGROES;STlR UP A ROW W N. S. TRAIN shooting aPFRAT ?'oifolk. Southern train from Nor folk, caused considerable excltomnt between this ctty and Oreenvii; when they started fighting over the poseselon of sbme I'.quor, which a member of the party had In his pos session. When the argument hecsme heat ed, one dl the men drew a revolver from his pocket snd hit another over- the head with the butt of tho pistol. Ag be did so, the gun went off, the ball penetrating the breast of another negro, who was slso en* gaged In the dispute, and finally lodging in the left arm of still an other negro. That ended the argu ment. When the train arrived at Green ville. the polico of that city put tb disturbers under arrest. Hood Blck of Wilton, was the negro who was shot through the breart. He is In p. crUleal condition. Paul D!fon, also of Wilson, was the negro who start ed the fracas by hitting W'lllam Settle over the h ad with the gun. Tho nfcgro who got shot In the arm was George Johnsen, of Orconvllle. Father Shoots His Daughter Mian l'nyof, of ToytonvlHc, I* in n Critical Condition np Keeult of Accident. StateavlUc. July 10.?Mlss'H ss'.e Ma? Payne. 18-year-old daughter of J. R. Payne, of TayVorsville, Is In a dangerous condition here as the re sult of a rifle ball wound received about 7 o'clock yesterday evening. Tho ball entered her abdomen and perforated her Intestines, making her condition very critical. 8hc was brought here by automobllo lat' la*t night and an ^operation was per formed, but the ball was not re moved. Mss Payne was shot In an unusual manner. Her father, arm ed with a 22-callber rifle, was sesrch in* for a cat which had been catch ing chldkrns. The father wm oh the porch and the daughter was sit ting In the kitchen when t^e r'fle was accidentally discharged. The ball paased through a disbpan. struck the floor and jtlanelng on the floor entering Miss Payne's abdomen. Miss rayo*'? is 49'uhtful. A TRt'U WSH STOftV?A KINK Ipt of R^e Herrlpg, Qa|t Maokerel , and C?r Herrings Just arrived this morning. J. B. AI>AW8 ft CO Ph?n? IT. Mt-IM. MOW OOOD? I?OB SAMB MONKY ?r rama good? for leu money ?t I,.E ADAM8 * CO, 1 f-M-u?, Houte of Happinem. The Belimo Theater TODAY 'TOR Tinf HONOR Or IVnfNA" M?)*>tle dram? In (?? ?>?. "LOV?. IOOT AND CRASH" K?r?ton? Comedr M(M?AT 1 "TH? HWfBOADB" ? Brottfhp drama In two ad? ( NO QUARTER' . C?m*dy-tsoil at KrcuUr Mcaefnn of ('.ham ber of Commerce. The regular monthly meeting ol the Washington Chamb r of Com merce will be held Tuosday night A number of Important mutters wll! be brought up for d'.scusalon and I* *s desired that a largo attendance I*? present. The white way com mlttce is expected to make a report aud a diacuaslon will also be held relative to the good roads uiove xucai In eDau^ort county. , PAV CAftH AXD HAVE MONEY Special Saturday low cash price as UHual today at J. E. ADAMf & CO. T-10-ltc. GRIN'lHXti MVC1I WHEAT. Haven*' Mill U Ke|.t lluMy by Form cm ol Adjoining t'ountl?*. / One of the largest enterprseH h Washington aud one that should t terest every farmer In this sectlo j ri the 3tate la tho wheat mill whlc. Is operated by J Havens. He i grinding wheat rrom every adjol: ing county, but very little from th fsrmers of Beaufort. Mr. Havens slated this morning that he hopet uyire of the Bpaufort county farm era woufl take the matter up ant that If they needed any furth r li formation he would he glad to aup ply thejq witk H. VAl DBVIliLE AT !4? i% Small Leaves for Pacific Coast ?f-3 Iwpwt Project? ob y^m CoMt. Will View KipodtloM. ?" 7 * - v? . ?? ?* Corfgressman John H. Sipnll will leave Monday for Chicago, wherr be will lain member? of tbe committee ou river? ahd harbors of the House of Representative*, who are to make an inspection of the rivers and har bora on tbe western coast. The members ol the oommlttee will meet in Chicago on Wednesday. While la California, the/ will be theguests of that State and also of the cities ot Portland and Seattle. There are several important pro jects on the Paeiflc coast upon which favorable reports havs been made but upon which the committee de sires more special Infornmtlen. It is understood that the committee wltt also be afforded an opportunity of visiting both the 8an Diego and th? San Francisco expositions. Mr. Small will be accompanied by Mrs. Small, who will also leave here Monday. ? Mystery Over Horse's Injuries tninuil HflonxlaK to Hugh Paul Found Yentrrdnjr' Afternoon With Httfth (iash Inflicted In Hid^ ^ Whether by accideat or through malicious intent, a horse, belonging \o Hugh Paul ?-as yestcray a/tnr ? oon found to be so badiy cut that It was necessary to shoot the animal n order to relieve Its sufferings. Mr. Paul's son, according to re port, had gone to hitch up another hor&e, and when he returned to the hed he found the first animal lying on the ground, with a huge gash In ts B'.de through which its intestines were bulging. Dr. E. bf. Brown was summoned and after an Investiga tion, stated that the wound was of u nature as to make It practically certain that nothing could be the ^uprem* Qra^l Master above * -omnrnd bla spirit. To th* hear broken widow and orphans, for com fort, strength and oonsolatioo, > would point them to the Ores frhlte Threne, trd- That a copy of these resoln t'.om be spraad ur^n our minutes V copy msMed the faithful widow, and a copy a<*at the Dally News and Orphans Friend for publication. Respectfully submitted. O. M. WINFIKM). * RBV. R. V. HOPS, R. L. JONAS. Committor Keep up Roads By Taxatior tii < ?1.n Hold la Carrltack Town ' ?l>lp. Vote la OT?rwfiet>?la*l> la f?i? of SUnBf. n?lti?Tto. N, Jnlr 10?>o ?iMtlo? wli held la Currituck town ?li 1 p, Hjrd? ronmtr, rxaatlr npon the qa?ftlsa M search for htar4^of tbli country to bring ?bout a peedy conclusion of terma whereby ha exporting of cotton to neutral ountrlee may continue unimpeded The chamber pledget 1U support tc the Prealdent In all meaauret that ia ma/ deem wis? to emptor in the ighteou* solution of the many grave roblem? now before him. ?tvfc? Dol lam mmI Fifty Crmim WtH fl^e you now at aur stndlo rohably the finest finished picture* on crajr got at any studio for tfc't af money. Let us prove It 0 ma. BAKER'S AUDIO rami TOWWHT-A FINK cake of toilet soap to each cuatp m r spending 50 dents each wltb us after I o'clock tht* M J ftt-m ERRORS COST WASHINGTON FIRST GAME LOCAIM PLAVRD KAtJGKD GAM K IN TUB FIELD IN GAMK VK8TKR0AY. SCORE 6 TO 4 Snappy Fleklln* of lirnrkn?) a Fen tor? of the Game. Muorv 1? Hitting Star. Kincaid rttchea Good Ball. Six to four was the result of yes terday's baseball game bel# mouth aggre gation and hud more mt.. oh base han the visitors. Kincaid pitch a good game and was also anions :he hitting flats of the day, getting two clean blngles and another iwi out In center field, which mlgh possibly hare been a hit, but whlc! the scorcr marked dowu an an error for the center fielder. Only six hltt were made off hlB delivery, whllt the locals managed to gather eigh from the offerings of "Pons" Brown Moore also did some excellent I ting, getting three safeties*?one v them a three-bagger- -out of a many times at bat. Edgerton, Cow ell an'd Carnow were the other local* to secure safe hita. The account of the game by In nings is aa follows: Ftmt Inning. Plymouth: Bagwell rcached first on Hackney's error but was thrown out trying to reach second. J. Brow grounded out, Hackney to Moore. Perry fanned. NO R1JK8. Washington: Davenport was hit by a pitched ball. He was thrown out at second on Edgerton's ground er to pitcher. Cowell hit safely, ad vancing Edgerton. Carrow died or a sacrifice hit, Edgert*?n scoring. Powers fanned. ONE HUN. Second Inning. friTIyiomB}' v: TrrTwn'"oul "on a ^rounder to Bowers. Pli Ip? rolled out to Moore. Hassell reached firs' on Bow era' error and took second when Moore dropped the hall. .Mid gette flew out to Moore. NO HI7NS I Washington: Webster fl'w out tr first. Moore was hit by a pitcher hall. K'.ncald connected with a 'asi cne on which Moore scored. Kimal'' being thrown out at second. Dawn j-ort grounded out to short. ONT RUN. 'ililrd innfnc. Plymouth: Kincaid hit Cooper. Bland and Bagwell fanned. J. Drown grounded oat, Kalncatd to Moore MO RUNS. Washington: Edgerton slngl d C'owell reached (Int on Bland's ei ror, Edgerton being ijn??wn out a' second Carrow hit aafely. Cowel' raking th!rd- Hackney flow out t Perry. Bower* fJ?H out to Bland NO IUFM8. Fourth Ifining, i Plymouth; Perry singled. P Brown gnij Pfrelpp fanped. H?" 11 singlet), Pf rry ?cpttA Hg??e:i 'hrown out Rt secund on Mldgette' .-rounder tp pbort. ONE RUN. Washington: Wtfcjrter reacher first on Cooper's error. He w? thrown put trying to "teal third Moore hit saMy and was thrown ou trying to steal second. Kincaid h a long fly to eenter, whloh the fie.ti er muffed and wm thrown ?out try ing to ste?l third. NO RUNS. Fifth Inning. Plymouth! Cooper walked. Bland hit to Kincaid. who threw to Bow ers, forcing Cooper. Bowenr threw to Moore, for a double piny. Bagw I grounded to Hackney, who mad* n lonsatlona' stop and gol his man r. i.rtt. NO RUN? Washington: Davenport grounded out to short. Edgerton walked Cowel! struck out. Carrow hit to right field and reached seoond or the fielder's error, Edgerton scor ? Irg. Hackney out on a ground? 1 to abort. ONE RUN. Hlsth failing. Plymouth: J. Brown flew out to jVebeter. Perry doubled to center ' P. Brown sacrificed. Perry Uk' ' third. Phelps reached first on Cot J cll'e 'rror. Perry acorldg. Hassel' rcnched first en Webster's error Fhcipe srorng. Mldgette flew ou' tp Carrow. TWO RUNS. Washington: Bowers flew out to left field. Webetor dittoed to een ter. Moore cloated one for thre* sacks end scored on Klncald's two bftgger Davenport flew out to C" ter. ONI RUN. Have Returned From Ocracoke I "arty ranit* Hack From LmI .Nixtil ua tbc fUllcf. . Manj .Vre Still at Ocm-uko. A party of vacationists returned last night from Ocr?cok?. wkere thej hafe been *p ndlng the lasi few weeks. They came back on tke ?chooner. Relief, and report that t hot' who remained on the Island are having the finest kind of a time. L'athlng. fishing and boat riding furnish the principal methods of d' v?*ralon during the day. while danc ing Is enjoyed at night. Those who returned to Washing ton last night were Misses Latham Jon s and Ava Bell. Mewrs. Lester Savage. James Raugham. William Blount. Robert Jones, of New Bern, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Buckman. Writes Home From Newport >lurra> Lanier Kay* Washington Ho)m are Alt In Ik*t of Health and ?re Rnjoylng ilk- t'rul*e (ireatl). In a letter to his mother In this .'Ity, Murray Lanier, one of the members of the 6th Division Naval Retervcs. who ar^ n their anflral cruise, stated thai tlw boys were now st Newport and e\ ?ryone waj? having the time of 11??i? lives. The lett r went on to tell of hoi*i ? if the Interesting incidents of th 'rip and staled that nil of th' WaFhington boy? were in the be. >f health. They expect to be In New York by Monday and afi ? shore leave in thai city will ri?*um< heir way do?u the coast to Hamp on roads. Seventh 1 mi in k - Plymouth. Cooper and Bland ver.4 thrown out on grounders to Jackney. Harwell fanned. NO iUNS. Wabhlngion: EdKer t on grounded jttt to Brown. Coweli took a fB?i jne In the ribn, but wan thrown out it second on C arrow's bounder irown. Hackney grounded out 10 hort NO RUNS Eighth lulling. Plymouth: J. Uro?o reached fir?*t >n Moore's eraor. Perry followed ult on Bow r*' wild heave. P. irown got to frai on fielder'?? choice. 5'erry being thrown out at second 'helps hit safely and J. Brown icored. Ilassell singled and P irowr. tallied. Mirtgelte flew ?v.ii ??> Webster, who threw to second In rim^ to catch Phelps. TWO ltL'NF. Washington: Bowers grounded >ut to short. Webster fanned, Moor? lilt safHy but was caught trying in =teal second. NO RUNS. .Ninth Inning. Plymouth: Cooper grounded out lackney to Moore. Bland reach r rim on Bowers' error Bagwell h iafely and B)and srord- Bagwc -.brown out between |hir4 and how J. Brown grounded out to Mackii?-- 1 ONE RUN. Washington: Kincald ground << out to jeconjl. D#vepport was ro j bed of a jilt br J Broun'? ?*n?r tonal catch- Edgerton wga hit in I eh ?14# CoweU fapned W{ RUNS. Piymouth An n H K j Bagw 11, 0 C 0 J ( J. 'Brpwn. If 4 10 1 Perry, lb 4 9 8 rl P. Brown, p 8 10 1 Phelps, cf 4 111 I'MMlt, lb 4 0 I 0 v dgette, rf 4 0 0 2 "coper. ** a o o l ?land. 2b 4 10 1 Total 34 6 ? fl Washington AB R H E Davenport, ss 4 0 0 0 Edgerton, o 4 110 Coweli, rf 8 0 11 Carrow, cf 8 0 10 Hackney. 8b 8 0 0 2 'Bowers, lb 4 0 0 f Webster, If 4 0 0 1 Moore, lb 8 2 3! Klncald, p 4 0 2 0 Total 82 4 8 8 R HE Plymouth 00010202 I?6 6 f Washington 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0- -4 8 t fltruck out. by Brow?, 4; by K r raid. I. Base on balls: off Brown, t; off Klneald, 0. Two-baa? hits: Perry, Klocald. Throo-base hits Moorr. Sacrifice hits. Carrow, p. Brown. J, Brown. flkmttla plays Klncald to Bowers to Moore. Web ster to Bowers. Uonplr^ Undtay AttMrianc?, 100. 15,000 IN ARE L03I BY RUSSIAN FORCES ARE KFJ'lI>i IXO HOTH UEKMANS AMU ACVTIOAKN WITH HEAVY LOSSES. TACTICAL bl.VMH>U{ MAI?E. FRENCH GAIN Have R?x aptuml lVrnrliM Hcltf l?> (?tTnuuin. (irrnmn Xolc in Kv |N>c?d Eithrr Tw1?r or To morrow In Washington. London. July lo.?German mili tary activities, while leaseaing In Ualicia and Southern Poland, ap parently are In full awing again along the front west and north*.?* of Warsaw. Petrograd report* at tacks on the Russian posltlbns at several points In the latter section. Heavy loasea r?- Inflicted on tb" lult near Jednor ^ say. but near .wiiiiiow. almoHl directly west of Wnr^aw. a German attack resulted n the storming of first line Huextan trench?'?. In some of thene the .lermaus retained a foothold Austrian- I (?.'trmi. Pelrr.gr^d declares that the Mow a?: thv Austrian* ?cuth of Lublin. Siutli Poland, in beln>: followed i p. ihe Teutonic furco* there b* inp :i retreat with ilio Russians' !n pur ult. A Petrograd correspondent lescrlbes the check lo the Austr'an* resulting from a tactical blunder *iy Archduke Jo* ph Ferdinand, who in a too swift an advance left his army's left wing uncovered. He ays that cost tlio Austrian* lB.Onu men. Frfnrh Claim IJiiccmw*. Sanguinary clashes have occurred lor p tiie western battle line from 'ie Alsne to the VosgeK and In Hie it ter region ihe French claim a notahl" success. They report liav -ctaken the trench h capiured by he Germans June 22 ard continued 'heir advanre until they had Ruined ? oven hundred yards along a nlr hundred-yard-front. The German .tatem nt admit* that hill tup ?renches here were destroyed by '?"rench artillery fire ami had to b? vacuated. Take (icrtiinii Tmwlie*. Th- French also claim they have recaptured a part of the trenches recently taken by the Germans be ween Fey-en-Haye and I