W?ATH?R nmunt fair t. Mckt u< T?iKi>. L4*hi to mo* ormu slate. J., MONDAY AFT AFTERNOON JULY 12, WIS No. 9 SUFFRAGE PROVISION Action in Oklahoma Case May Ef fect Constitution of North Carolina Says Mr. Small SHOULp_BE DEALT WITH If Amendment ?s a Whole is Nullified, Registration Under Same is Also of no Effect . That the actlou of ih" Supreme Court re'atlv? to the Oklahoma en ?t i tattoo amy present a prsv* prob lem for other southern states. In cluding North Carolina, was the sen timent expressed by Congressmen John H. Small In an interview with a Dally News representative. Mr. Small stated that this problem wa? of too eerioua* nature to be neglect-; ed and tkat stepe ought to be taken . at once to eoo what actual effect!, the Oklahoma case may have on o?> own State constitution. His remarnr In part were as follow?: The opfplpu or the Supreme Coor. of the United States construing th suffrage provision of the Oklahom Constitution aa contrary to ,thc Fed eral Oaoatitutlon and making tb< same void, presents a serious proL lorn for the consideration of severe eoathern States, Including .NortL Carolina. The first question pre ?anted la as to the effect of thi opinion upon Article ?. Sections and f of the Constitution of Nort) Carolina, as amended In 1*00, am usually raftred to as the grand father. clnuee. 1 prefer* not to **? pm? it ths time a definite oplnon but aliapty to etatp that a very se rous q nest Ion la raised as to whether iha opinion of the Supreme Cour in tha Oklahoma case does not mak. ?told the suffrage amendment of our Conat((otlon of lite. If thla amend oaant as a whole Is nullified, thej the registration under the same Is also of no effect. CI In the oplnloi* of tha Attorney Oeneral and oth > ahl# lawyers oar apffrage amend meat of 1900 cannot be maintains' under the decision of tha Supreme Court a i the Unlta* Skat's, then a serious end very Mftag problen Is ptanrtsd for solution. ?Shall wo pursue In thls contln gency the policy of "watchful >alt lng"? If ^>o quail fleet lona of euf rage ae they, existed prior to 190( ar? r< stored. What will be the attl tnde of t|ub republican organisation In ths next*flection? We may as sume there are numerous republl oaas In the State who are satisfied with prroeut conditions and will make no effort to have registered the eolofci voters In the State but it Is squally certain that the autlop al republican organisation will net pnieriflu this attitude sod that they will bring pr< ?sure to hear upon the Stpta republican organisation \o tsks advantage pf the situation and Ifirfgiptar and vote til negro* a? id fonupr days. If suah a oondltlon shall psaterlgtlpo tha eltpgtl*.? ' :-.U| - >1 . TODAY Q; ' "THE RBKBOADK' Brontho dran* In Mo ?U "1?Q QUARTBR" BMUty Com?drxlr?mm I TOMORROW "THB VrtBHUfO RINO" IkgtMTt fMll't I? ? MH "THKR (OOI/U. mVIMm" * ' KrrMMM C?m*4jr The Belimo. ITOQfc, KTOffOWMW*; ?ring and adopting another amend ment to the Constitution which will nt euf rage qualifications and the demand' >f the best ideala in our civilization | iqulre of ua to maintain the pres nt status and to avoid racial coni -U?t. Our colored cltiaena realiu; | that their rights of perron and prop ;rty are wen guarded, ' *hat flfPTfj children are being educated and the;- ' are happy and contented. I repeat why should we delay consideration I of this acute and basic problem? | Why should we not meet it at - time when the people of the Stat? j are at peace among themselves? HAVE MAHE IjAHOE SHIPMENTS OVER THE COAf^T LINK I Laigr Quantity of Oucumlterw an TO BATH. A party from this city , motors :o Bath yeaterday and viewed the I many poiota of historic*) Interes! | n that city. Among tho?a who too the trip were Mlosof Ella I ?pent la pitying a numbsr of game Rev, R. V. Hope was ,1b? guest c honor at th# plcnlo and waa oalle upon to make an address. He fr rfponjled with a moat intereitln *pe ch, which waa Well appUude. NOTICB TO RLEfTTHlC LIGHT AMD WATRK PATRON' Patrons of tfee El ctrir and Wate deoartmenta will please be notified that our collector will not call t oollect their water and light bill' as haa bees the custom in the paat All bills are due on tho first of th month and payable not later t ha 6 o'clock o A. the evening of tha flf teenth. If Ml paid, service will b discontinued on the uoraing of th 16th and a fee of fifty crnta viK >? charged or re-connect ton. %?' prescribed bf law. ^ h. . 'ATMBarfi *4N* U ?? .? flerbcft 8. Houston, vice-president of Doubled??. Page & Co.. who was ?Ire ted presldont of tbe Associated Advertising Clubs of tbc World at the recent convention fn Cblcagfe Mr. HoostoR was born In Illinois and bs>i been In newspaper and magatlne work all blsbuslnes* Hfe. WASHINGTON NEGROTAKEN JIM BLATON, CHARGED WITH MIRDHH, FOUND AT NEWPORT NKWH. Actum?] of Hiring Sb?< mm) Kill?4 II?ii ?Mi ob November 18, 1914. ftbirtff Gone After Hhi. Word was received yesterday af ternoon from police officials at New port News, Vft., that Jim Slaton, a Washington negrvo. who is under the charge of murder, had been taken in that city. Deputy Sheriff Wliid icy left for Newport News this morning and will bring Slaton hack with him. 8laton la accused of having mur dered John Howard, another negro. !? thla city on November IS. 1014. He shot Howard through the head ar.d- the latter lived But for a few hours. Slaton made his escape and since then has not been h srd from. U'acr'.ptlons of him were sent to the various police courts In this section of the country. DOl'llLK MAKRI AUK VEHTKKDAY ' Miew Ine* TettTtoa and Mr. Clyd t'aul and Berth* Carrow?) *nd Mr. Ad. Windley were united marriage yeeterday. Bev. K. V. Hope, pastor of the Christian church officiating. Bpth couple* ?re resi dents of Washington and trill mak their home here, BXniCT LAffUK Nl'MllRR OK llf/uwrw AT THK WABHnStrro* IWHT1TI TK t(?*t of ()f?l #tp HEADS ADVERTISING CLUBS S. C. COMMENTS ON NOTE MAY HK Jl'STItK'ATlO.N KO? STAHD T \KK.N BY MAXY. IS "TIT FOR TAT" Briknr*. TtuiC If Blockade 'ommt, CI ?| j H-h R%t* to Btorftl** the In a discussion, UMs morning over the content? of the German noto to the- United States, which vh made public ta Saturday newspa^rt Jud#? Stephen Brafaw stated this morning to a representative or tli? j Daily WeW* that there might be som justification tor Germany's method of submarine warfare and ber ef forts to ebtai* her enemies from obtaining assistance "If It ie true tbat England has blockaded the coast of Oertaany and prevented (he shipment of food aup pile? loto that coaqtry," said Judge Bragaw, "then I dft not see why it shouldn't be Just m fair for OerT | many to blockade the British coast in order to prevest England from I tecurlng ammunition or war aup plles from neutral nations. There i are always two sides to a question md It la usually 'the bit dog thai hollers.'. "As for the 'horrors of warfare/ of which one reads so much In the oapers. I don't see mush difference In a man getting shot with a rifle. I b Ing pat under the Influence of I chloroform and gaeses or being sent I to the bottom of the sea In a *uh juarine. In our earlier ware It was V common praetfee flor one side to dig pits, cover over with cover tfcea w* *** would rfd* and then be slaughtered. "I have not given the matter much thought and cannot say what may be*the results of Germany's hope. 1 am convinced, however, that the entire cause of the war Ir wrong, founded on no Just cause, and I sincerely hope that the United Slates will not be dragged Into it." liOCAL BAJJi TEAM IS ARRAXUING FOR GAM KM T HI H WKKK Kvpect to Pl?)' Plymouth, Green-' Ay den and Ellz*be1li j City In Near Future. Letters bare been written by the ? manager of the Washington base ball team to Greenville, Elizabeth City. Ayden and other teams In this section, asking (or games. It ts ' probable that the locals will Jour-1 ney to El >abeth City the latter part' of this week and will stage a con test with.the Elisabeth City club on tbo latters' ground? Efforts are alio being made, to ?ccnre- the Greenville club for a game at Fleming Park. A return gsmo will be played with Plymouth next week, according to Information Kivsn out th'.s morning, the locals planning t? make the trip to that ^iy rta automobiles. MOT0R8D TQ JttM'ffY WOVWT. A pleasant autowoblle trip to Rooky Mount WM enjnped yesterday by a party of local autoists. They left here early yesterday morning 'and returned lMt night. The tr'.j I war, made without accident. Thvse ? in the party were Mlsson* Lathsm Janet, H?ciyn Jones. Hybttla Orlflln, Mm Hlount, Qrace Jones, Meters. William Knight nad Johnatban Havens* They vlsRed Mrs. & B. Trenholm la Rocky Mount. ADVOOATM TEACHING OF RPAN1BH IN HIGH BCHOOLH Ashevllle. July 11.?HeT. Harrv Bar dwell, president of Candler col Havana. Cuba, was the prin cipal ep'aker at the Southern Meth odlet conference today at Lake Jun alutka. Rev. Mr, "Bardwell is. en thuslastlc over the missionary ou' look la C?ba. and advocates the teachlB? of Spanish In our high echoola in order to bring the next generation Into closer loach with L*tln-A?ertenas la general. He de clared that. Cuba offers the most fertile mtsetoaary field In the world at Boford asking enr opinion ol the war he gooff enough to state yoar ?W*. W? w MRS. J. M. THOMSON IN BRIDAL GOWN Uenevleve Clark, daughter of 8peaker Clark. ?bo *i\i? marrlrrt on Jim SO to James M. Thomson of New Orleans, photographed In her weddlu. fo*n POLICE RAID CRAP GAME ELEVEN XEUUOES arremtkd IN OREENVlMsE SATURDAY AFTERNOON. 8U Escaped In Spite of Revolvcr ShutH of OlUrtrs. Offender* ?n? Ik-InK Tried Today. . (Spt-clal to the DiHy News) Gr-enville. N. C.. July 12.??AI 5:30 Saturday afternoon local pn lice official* made a raid on h (ram bling den near the big mill on the A. C. I.. tracks in the southern part Of the clly and capturod eleven ne groes. The negroes were sitting on the tracks and are alleged to Iih\: been engaged In shooting era|?a. I The officers. It is ntated. had been notified of the gambling Eight of them secured an automobile and drove out to the tulil. Th'y made thulr approach in a cautious mannc" and tho negroes w re unaware of their perscnce until the command of "hands up" wu given. *?he crap shooters looked up Into the barrels of eight revolvers, which were lev elled directly at them. 8ome of the negroes made a break for cover and the officers fired. It Ib b'ileved thai five'or six of them made their e? cape. The others were taken to Ja'l and will be tried this atfernoon. A ft on g the crap stioptern wa* Paul Dixon, the negro wtio hit another over tho head with a gun -on the Norfolk Southern train lar* the gun going off and wounding two other negroep. There wa* also a woman amonff the K?mbleri. IU AHANTOltrt MHKT 1WIURT* fcyerjr Chautauqua guarantor la urgently requested to be pre*' nt at the meeting wjlleh ?? to t?o held to night in the Cbtmber of Cowmwre room*- Oflloera for the ensuing year will be electct) end other Important matters will be taken up for con ?I d era t'on. The meeting will atari prjwptty at (1:80. OOWB lii|ixton I'nrt) Mnti.nil lo l.nk >l?ttMiiiuhke<'t Vnh'riU). Three autoi left Washington y<* tardus for Lake Mattamuakcct It Hyde county. Tbey left Washington a'. 1:30 yealcrday morning and rt turned at 7 o'clock yesterday evei Jug. Th'y report the road* In ex ccUent condition. Thoee in the pa. ty were W. K- Proctor, J. 0. Proc tt?r, J. J Klk?, Mr. Edward?. He; bert Jenkins and P. J. Bland. "The crops aH along the route ar i pear m be In (he finest kind o ' ahapc," said Mr. Bland this morn Ing. "We couldnt' Irlp bul notic ?he excellent stand of corn, tobacc and olhff crop* and M looks an I the farmers of this Motion of th' State were tolng to. have a most sue ceaeful season." ' p (Philadelphia Public Ledger) XT. Employe? at th? oattle pena at Pa oil freight station were puaaled the other day when they found two ?tray eowa near the pens when they reported (or work. The cow* were lowing and wouldn't be driven away When P. H. B^rnhelael, a oattle J dealer. Of Newtown Hqoare, arrived he'aald the cowa Ver? the mothers of two calve? found trampled dead Wodtieeday when a car containing a herd consigned to him was onload d at r.^ The eaivm were burled eoon ?Mer the unloading and Bern ie'.Ml'a employer drove the herd to hi* farm. The two mother eowa ?of ?way from tka paatnre during the Bight and made the ee ven-m lie journey te their "kUM" ?t Paotl ta darkness TOItACCO BE % HON NK ARIXfJ. WarrhotttM of Kaat Carolina Oper Next Month. Klnaton. July 11.?The K'.nator I tobacco market will open for th nalet aeaaon on Tueeday. August 17 There hag been no meeting of th tnbacconlata this year to a^ *njf the daf. as a.certain time wn mad< a fixed date for opening th^ Ea? Carolina market* each year at r meeting of the varloua tobarcr boarda of-trade two yeara ago. Th< day fl*?d at that time for opening the markMa In OrMnrlllt. Klnaton Wllaon, Rocky Mount and roiuo ? V er town? wan the necond Taeaday after the flr?t Monday In Auguat. The wage grumbler I? uaually paid In proporUet t<* tart Ices > I. VVIIiL MILI/KK TOOK HIH (WX liFK THIS MORNING. F1KKI* 1ULLET TIIKOt'tiH HEAD. WAS A1X>NK AT TtMR (EASON UNKNOWN .m?tlKati?|p 1? li^HK MmIo of 111? Aicounl* in the Hank. Appear ed to In- Pftfeilly .Normal in Kvv) Wa>. (Special to the Daly New?) J. Will Miller, ca?Ui*r uf the ba/k t Oriental, shot and kjlled himself ?t his home this morning at about .Ine o'clock. He, usod a .32 calibre -volver and abot hitns-if through \e head. kit* watt in lila room ai ie time. His wife, wlw wag downstairs, ?nrd the no:?e of the ihot and ln? wliately rushed to tho room. She Mind Miller lying In a jwol of blood, ? .!h his brains bca'.t red o\cr tbo oo r. N'o reason hHs be?n found as yet - hi* act. Miller appeared to bo ai:tl In every way. An Invosti toii lb being made of Ilia an'ountn sen whether ther- h any short :e. It is auHpected (hat this ma; j ihe reaaon for the ?u^c?<1e. I-KKT FOR to S|icuil Tin !>a>n on iMlnm! ou Co?*t. A party of Wa*hi:igtot: young ur*n left Saturday night for (X-ra ?ke. where tliey will spend n days. They left ?-in the'miicnner ellff. Among those who i-onipuK>.< ip part* w?re Jeiwc Rowers. John lloyt. Jr.. Josh Tayloe. J. ('. iylur, William Ke*p;iHH, Clay Car r Hilton Hudntll. N. Henry Moor?? ml Hay Warren. '(O.MK KISS T1IK imini;." uiit Wa? tJenrron? AdvcrtlM-u. Xr* HunImiiiI Hung (hit of Window. (New York Hr.raldl Adopting tki0 philosophy that "It ays to advertise," friends of J. W. a-jghn, who married Miss K. Hes >r. arou-ed Hie curiosity of many ? sldents on the heights section In rooklyn by hanging a number of Knit on the brirleRrooin'B house. 165 llnton Htreet. Th" couple wero ? tarried In Koman Catholic church f the Nativity, Clasron avenue ami Madison etreet. From upper window? of the house sung Inscriptions which read: "An uther man led to slaughter," "When you are married and trouble begin tit him on the b*ad with a rolilug ?In." An Invitation for "all to ??im? In and kiss the brldo" also flaunted In the wind before n laugh ing crowd. nrKftTN AT HOl'gR I'AHTV, Mrs Weidey Dudley, of 21$ (Had |-r. Htr et, |m hostess at a housq Darty at which Mrs. Poerr and Mrs. T H. Hnilth. of Portsmouth, Ohio, \cd Mrs. Koy Bailey, of Huntlng ?on, W. Va.t are guests. JUST RECF.IVFD?1500 Rogue Sound Watermel ons, for sale in Small, Mac Lean Building. Price# right. New Theater TONICJHT ? Uit Rplaod? of THE EXPLOITS OP EIJUNE" "THE LYNCH TRIO" Ringing and Dancing "BUTLER AND RWAIf*' 81nglng, Dancing and Talking mc^a?ud *??. J;