DAILY NEWS TRK WEATHER?Th?a4*monu tkla ?ttUMH. Fair tomlrtt ud W*4mMter. WASHINGTON N. C TUESDAY AFTERNOON JULY 11. IflS No. 1? ? * NEW OFFICERS ELECTED FOR TAUQUA H MORE PLEDGES It HO At a aaatlag,af Chautauqua HUT art on, which ma hal? la>t night la tka man of tka Chamber af Corn More?. plaaa tor naxt raar'a Chaa taaqaa wan dlacuaaed and new af. O?an elected. Than wan about 1? guarantor? >mm at tka neatlag. PraaMrat I. D. Crimea prealded The following new -officer? wan. Praaldant, 8. -O Moea. Vka praaltaal. J. K. Hart. ; Bacntarr, Cart Ooerch ?' r IVaaaarrr, W. O. BUla. It waa aiond tkat tka aneatlTa| committee ha eaimaail of fire a? ban. Ineladiac the preeldent and who an to act aa ax O. 41. Morrla, Joha O. Braiaw, Jr.. aad B. K Ulaon wan elected aa tha ramalaiog me kara of tha eomaatttaa. O. T Bland M alacled chairman I ot tha ticket aellnc cotnmttee and j Ha? A. Wataoa. chairman of I adnrtlalog commlttoe. Altar a laagthr dlaruaaioa Jadgej ?ragaw aadt tha motion that waa tha aaaaa of tha aaaetlng that ao contract ha vatarad lato for aext raar'a Chaataoqua until than akall kan kaaa tMgal aa maar aa (OC ad?H tlaketa. or thalr equivalent. Tha aaatloa waa carried Mr. Blaad aaada tka au>Uoa that Jad?a Bragaw ha ragaaatad to draw up aha artlola (or pnbllcatlon. re qaaatlag tha fao?le to aacan pledge, aa eartr aa paaaihla aad aaUfrtea thaa whan tha ?ladgaa might aacarad Thla motto* waa alao car ried. There waa oou eider*bla talka net tha qaaatloa of aaxt raar'a Chan taaqaa aaanrlalloa aad a dlacaaaloa of tha merita <f tha Bwarthaaora aad Rad path aaaoatatlona. It waa flaallr decided that tha dadalon of tkla mattar ha t aft with tha execntlre oommlttaa tor them to aat upon. Mr. Blaad alao aaada tha motion I that hr-lawe ha drawa ap. la order | t tet tha aaaoolatloa might ha plac ed oa a parmaaaat baala. Attar a geaaral dlacnaaloo. thej maetlag adjoaraatf. Street Commlaaloaar McDeTltt haa atarted wart ahelHag Second a treat from Brld?a to Paarea. Thla atraat haa alwara hraa a bugbear ta aatolata aa aeaoaat ot tha depth of tha aaad aa4 manjr rata, v MoDerltt aaaruacaa that It will he pit a MM "hapa far tuff* nummi wmna TOBiowr Ml*, WM otrm M M** la !?*?>? ViaHoma to OHf. Mr. aad Mr a. Waaler DwHa? laat Bight gara a aa? dava tha Pamllrb ta heaar at thalr gaeata, Mra. Bmll Doarr, Nn. t. H. Smith. Ifn. *o? Bailer aad Mr. Maadowa, tha lattar tolag af Back? MoBBt. Mr. aad Mia. A. t. ?Hlford Vara ataa I* tha M?W. ' yi BELLMO TODAY "Ml MMUM BINO" Maktrt nuin k S un ?FUAMI" I Tt?? wtunr or bat*" Kwtat Dnuu la M ?utfe. "**?won met murtM urr I om?4r dtmui. The Belimo. IfflHi, tLIAM. KHVOWfAlLE NO REASON FOR SUICIDE (SpOctol to the Dally New.) That the auiclde of J. Will Miller yesterday at Oriental vu ton? pre meditated. to the |?dm?I belief to day. Mr. Miller never kept a re volver lm th? house until the letter part of tost week, when he carried oae there from the bank and It 1? believed at that tine he had made H hit mind la end Ma Ufa. Preeomably there to ao canae (or the auiclde. The affnirs of the bank vera loked lato laat March and foaad to ho UI good aha pa. h there Is any shortage to the (aads of the lnatttatlon. the money haa been takaa oat alagi that ,t4me. State' Bank Examiner<\ Hubbard arrived at New Bern this morning. He will leave for Oriental today and begin aa Investigation of the bank's affairs aa soon as possible after reaching there. MERCHANTS SIGNING DP LA HUB MBMBEftSBlP PKOMI&ED FOR BU8INBB8 MEN'S LEAGUE. at Ureearlll? Oo^mto. Hare Alrvady I'p la Hut City. Aocordlag to laformatlon given oat thla morulas, the merchant? of neighboring -ciMw ara fast algnlng thair name? to memberahip In the BmUmm Mea'a Laague. Twaat.' man la Greenville bar? already a PNd to oo-oparate. In the work. The ^merchants of 81 m peon and Grlmesland have been toileted and it la expected that work will be started In BelhavTa "and William aton within a few dare In order to eacure the merchanta of thoae cities for membership. It IS cxpectad that President J. ft. Hoyt will call A meeting In iew days in order to take up eotne Important matter* relative to the League. The date of thla meeting will ba given oat later. COMMERCE meeting .tonight. ATTRACTION? AT NEW THEATRE PLKA8INC The New Theatre opened to a foil bouse last nlgbt to wltneaa the open ing performance of "The Lynch Trio" and "Batler and ftawn.~ tin two acts that are filing the board p there thla week. Without a doubt they are the beat vaudeville set? that have been to thla elty for a great while. The singing and danc log wf the k 149 pleased every one pud thf aomedy. tfhglng aa{ danelnp of Butlet and ?swa- alao drew tortJv applause after sp?We T*a?s will U t cfc4??? ?? H>P>? ?msl.l.lv in<r *i??i ?uiirW'r ki b?r?. V? ??Hlei (bal^ther will ?m ? tr?w4 er?rr ?1*1(1, ARMED POSSF HUNTS NEGRO movwnT-nv* mmk hvxtixc i* r hlllfcl OlWM k ttat If Magrr ti OMgkt Ha WW Km Baa Oomrt Im for a Mai. M Ik* Dallr Naw?) I Ktotton. Jiir II? aaparata ptKki at Oraaka ooaatj man aaaara? ararr ?lie of road Ir tka coanty kallT alfkt tor ?ara? >??!??. a roang aatra, wka a* B?f Mrtar alKbi rtot town Sanaal Orar br. 1? ail t? yaara ot U' wkita. as a 8a?v Hill A?a? ?saw af tka iinn vara fat Ml thta nam ??? M Ma ilatad a*)* tk? k>Ml of >? tkorlty (tat (ka KartltU? atfaloc la ?ao? HtH la*4ar ?'?V ?<? tta< If Batkaa wm ??4ktv ?k*Y? *??? >? m um, & - r [TWO INJURED IN AN AUTO ACCIDENT ' ;??-j"'. ' '? * " : SMAMlS TUBOl'Gl m?u SUBDUE \kak chouo WIKITY. CUT BY GLASS WIm PwU and His Son of Anrora, HMrtw Painful Iajarim. Rrnak Mile? V? Also m Om. Aa automobile TVcldsnt. In which the cmr was wrecked and two men quite seriously injured, occurred this morning a ear Chocowlnlty. The machine belonged to Tillman Paul, of Aurora. He wa* driving at the time It the accident and had two parsengers la the machine with him, his son, Hoyt Paul and Prank Miles, the latter being a resident of this city. Mr. Paul waa badly cut with glass and t>raised 4n several pla?ee. His son received a severe gssh in the leg and lost consider able blood before the wonnd was bandaged. Mr. Miles escaped in Jury. The car struck one of the wooden bridge?, which are frequent in the roads lu this eounty. One of the| front wheels went through the bridge, bounced out again and then went Into .the ditch. The windshield of the car was broken and che frame badly bent, the mud gusrds were smashed, the front axle bent and other damage InfMcted on the car. The gentlemen were driven Into town by H. C. Bragaw in his auto mobile. They were treated by Dr. Dave ayloe. BAD WRECK ON A. C.L.I OCCUHHSD LAST NIGHT NBA?] HOPE MILLS, 8. C. FrHght Train Derailed. Refrlger-1 ?tur Train Crashea Into It. Traffic le Paralysed. (Special to the Daily News) One of the worst wrecks In the history of the Atlantic Ceast Line occurred late last night near Hope Mllla. South Carolina, whan a fast freight went off the track, 26 cars being derailed. A refrigerator train, coming close behind the freight, crashed into the rear end of the wrecked train and ploughed through several cars before the engineer could bring the second train to a stop. No one was seriously injured although several of the train crew received bruise* and cuts. ; Traffic on the Coast Line has b^en -sralysed for eighteen hours. Wrecking trains have been sent out from Itooky Mount, Wilmington and other points in order to clear up the tracks. tOMMKJUK MKKTI >'<j TONIGHT. ?Hl RCMMKV NKR7, ?10?) of Mnrar* a?d Twntm ot iMIxxliM dmli HI?*, 1 A w?W-?lUu4od meallm of th* bnard o( itevudi and board of traatMaot |K? MathRdlat okwrgh ??? hold lMt al?bt TU? "urn of, ??.*00 >u fmHtM from tko U. ?. | War Davari*'*? u reparation for, luim t? t|? Malhodlat church of, Ma eltf durln* Ui Mrll war It Vfc* ?Mld*d at Uat nlght'a aiMtlni 1 that ?11 tk* ladokUdaoM or tk* lo-1 e*I ektnk Ml paraooaf* k? Hid iff. Kil ladabwdnraa amouata to 1 boat ??,??0 aad Ihvh tk* okorth And pirtOBli* wlthoat tar tlaanotal unaWru?. ?lh?r aiattara Of ife'aor Importaoo* ?or* bMaaht ap at tk* nwOtin* (ohm Bur* ' motTat ,1. WArd kaa baa AealVai hr rrfttfda k?r* tkat M. I. McDatfr. *ko waa -n*a?od la eonatrncMon work In Waaklattoa dwrln? tk* 14at aOtoral maatlM. la aow at Haatlaftoa. W. V* . mm k? i* nmm?m tk< of ?r*rUa* ? kril eoltef? W. t ?klHIotkorr-. at talk, la apAdl.? 104*7 UI * *#?. COMMITTEE OF MERCY SAILS TO AID SERBIANS Profwor Ptpln ? Columblft^alvenlry expedition \o aid Serbia known a* ihf Committee of Mercy, photo graphed ou the steamer Themtflgocles as It sailed from Ne? York At tbe right Is Prof. Elbrldsq, Cc'by of Columbia active head of the coinVnlttee, *#e1ow are Dr. George Haohr, Dr. Peu-r Obltaky and Dr Henry Poltz. ?hu went with tbe expedition. DR.S. BURBANK PASSED A NOTKR PHTHOiN WAS KNOWN IN THIS CITY.] Hied at HI? Ham? Id \Yllml^gtoi VostwUf. Una IMatlvrs Lit Ing la Wiwihiitaton. " W* lUiaed Hcrr. i ?f jpril Or. Thoa. 8. ?urbank mlngton, wall known to a MfW* oiunWr of rsstil??? of tWiT d ed yesterday at hla home In Wil mington. Dr. Burbank was one. of the leading surgeons and phyalclans in the Slate. His death la mourned by a host of friends. He la survived by three children, a sister. Mis? Jen. nle Burbank, of thla city, a nephew S. F. Burbank, and two niecea. Miss Mamie Barbank and Mrs. William Rumley, also of Washington. Dr. Burbank was raised In Beeu fort county, having lived but a short distance from Washington. His parents resided here for about forty years. Hla wife passed away a few years ago. REDUCTION IN VALUATION lAVKIiVrc (XWIPMIN.ANTH >VKIUO II F. A HI) 11%' BQI'AIJZICKH | VR8TBRDAV, Intofntal? Cooper**;? Co. Proper! v Itcdured ?lrt.7(K? Norfolk goitlJitrpi I ?i? H.duccd IMMMWr 'At the meeting yesterday of Ih* board of coanty commlMlpnern end ' *4 iHiiion, who oumpoi? tfia board of eqpalUatlon, about twelve complaint? were heard from f'#} 4epU of Betbavon, Pantego. U,n* Aer? and Cbecowlnlty townehlpa rn gardlng the valuation of property Several reduction? wore made. Th# oeuaty ta* ??'nor had ralr ed tho valuation of the Interet*?r cooperage plant at BelhaVen $31,800 on tkla yearf'a booka. Upon oom plc'nt of tho ownart, it waa decided t? reduce thla ralae IIS.TOO, tear ing the valuation $18.800 higher than It vu laat year. The Norfolk Son thorn vm elao granted a reduc tion of $1.418 on aome lota near Be) have?. The other redyotlonr werrt of entailer amounts. -Today the board la hearing com plaint? from reatdenta in Wa?hlng ton tovnahtp, city of Waahlngtor and Richland townahlp. Tomorrow Will be given over tp complaint? from om Bath. Jsh anantian mretino tonkiht. ?vary mm I? awhile nni fall?? bkM a wallop at tba aharpnaaa of vnnaa'i two ? fortallln*. of Mira*, tka arookadnaa? at Ma own Mah anil wlfa mar b* on*, bat rttia? t*\*lta ta IKfhOla. ' LAST OF GANG IS CAPTURED] l.OCAL OFFICIAL? RECEIVK WORD OF THIEF'S ARREST. W? Member or r?&nR Which Per. |>etrnted ltobbcrlea Along Nor* fo'k from K?w Item (o Elizaliiih City. Local police ofllcfals today re r^fred' frord of tha capture of Alex Cutler, the last member of the band| of thieves that lias been so active along the Norfolk Southern railroad between New, Dern and KJlrabeth City. Cutlrr was found b> the po lice of New Bern at a negro wo man's house In Smithlown. Goorge Howard. sp?rlal agem of t!ie Norfolk Southern. ha? been at vork trying to break up thin band o! thievPB for sev' raj weeks. and. In fact, he effected the arreM of three of the gang In Kllz?lifth City a short time ago and traced Cutle Id New Dern. China, with her 40M0ii,'mj0 pup u'atlon. :?>leinnly admits that little | J -.pa:} Iscts kicked aud i-uffed and spanked and humiliated and sham ed her before th^ whole world, nut China has i*> army to apeak of and the Jap haa. And Uncle Samuel Is Just about In the sam? boat with China. How do you like the pros pect? FIND ANCIENT TOMBSTONE 18 IHSroVKKKI) ON i'()!.. J.\MKk FAK.M NKAlt <iHi;KN\ IMJ;. Mitikr<l (travo of Itofolutlnnnr* llrn?. Confederate 8oldler? Aild ?1 An?tli?*i- Inscription lu It. (Special 1? the l?a:ly Non> i Greenville. N. C.. July 13.?Col F. G. jAnx'H yesterday came acrusn an nnc'ont tombsionn on liis farm three mile? from this city. Th* stone marled the grave of Taptuii Stear?. who *?* a ?oldier In tin Revolutionary *ar. The origin? letters on the *ton?? are s? dimmc with age Urai they are hardly d'.f rentable*. A ne?"r Inscription hai beeu aild?*d. however, and Is belin ed iu have been made by Confederal' soldiers during the civil wur. Tli latter inscription wh? evidently ill *? nrk of an e*p?,~\ured annie-cutte. and rf!?'ia at follow*: Captain 8?ear? I!??h here In ?'at?'. A warlhy man mid abb*, l h k tcmbntone doth mark his fh' And iitJikrH soiu?' poker table. KI'WOItTll V.KAtil K MRKTH. A m 'et na "'I the Kpworth l/#^u will be held tonight on the la*n ? t lin Met hod-mi church All membei are urged tn be preceni I A bifr hr-ad Is not always h fu' Tells of Trip to the Panama Exposition J, Q. Bragaw, Jr?. who Recently Returned From I'acif-, ia Qoast, It Enthvh'tle Ovtr the Many Attraction* to Be Sten. In aprgklpg (if the Panama *??? ?lllon, J. O. flrgggw. Jr.. who re cently returned from hit visit to the big fair, stated thle morning that It wm well worth any mani time or money to >ee the manr wonder? r 8an Francisco and Han Diego an<< I th? country en route to the Paoifld I ctast. "I want from here to Celtforn by what la generally known at the central route," aald Mr. Bragaw. "I ?pent a day at Denver and another at Salt Lake City. The Journey wai a moet interacting and enjoyable one. We paae~d through large area* of farming land and Haw soqae ex cellent crop? all along ii*e route. Large field? of wheat and oats were to be seen through th* central at at'a. 1 also tiw many fields of corn, but I do not believe that their corn out there wa* as far advanced as la oars. 'The exposition Is as great as the most enthusiastic r'ports that are circulated about It. It would take one nan many days to see all of the exhibits and attractions. In spite of the ware In Rurope, practically all of tbe cowtrte? are rcpraaented aoutti America ?ho l?a? ?o* "Haa North Carolina any bu!M !.->? or axhftHlaf" Mr, Ura gaw "Most of the Mates- for'y of th?m. I beli* ve?Kavo building? of their own," ho replied, "but the only exhibit I saw from North Carolina was In the health departnrnt of th? government building South Caro lina has no apae^al building either. "Leaving flan Francisco. I ?pent ( two darn at I<o> Angeles with rala ? tlvaa and one day at th*.~San Diego i fair. This fair la alro wall worth | visiting and has many Intimating , attractions. Heturnlng horn*. I cams by way of tha grand canon in Arls J ona and th*n via Santa Fe bark to i Chicago. ??I don't dwrtr# to cast any fe floctlon* upon any part of the ooun try. but 1 wlnh to aay that I am mor? satisfied than ever with con ditions In Norih Carolina. Thera Is , no section of the country that ha* ; anything on us in any way. That is ? one thin( that n\j trip has made ma ' re*Uat." TEUTONS AND .UNTRO-GER.MAN SWEEP IK HALTED. PIERCE FIGHTINc; REHULTS. NEITHER HIDE IB MAKINti MICH HH\DWAY. BATTLES IN WEST French mm! 'Germana lloth Report (iaina. Very Utile Change Hn? Tnkiu Pliwf on Aiutro I taliju Frontier. London. July 13.?Teutonic and Itussian arni:e? are in an apparent i?a Hock south of Lublin, where the uortliward sweep of the Auatro (iermans was halted la?t week. Pet :?grad reports continued fighting ?iIoiir the front from Jusefow on tbe ?"istula to Hyehawa. approximately ?hirty miles to tne paRtward. The Austrian? again have become ag rre^slvo there, according to the Ru Man statement. but their atcacka ??ere r?>pul?ed. Teuton* on I>efens|vp. I'mifticlal defpatrhp? from Aua rlan headquarter* say the Teutonic I'orcfi halted north of Krannlk be iuho the ol'Jcct of their campaign ?gainst Lentberg had been attained nli the capture of th!.? city and -.>1abUfthment of strong d fenalve positions to the north and ea>t. German* Win Victory. Heavy fighting in aevrral sector? >f the front in Franrp ha* rpsnlted in change at ground at one Import ant point, where the Germana won a victory. They recaptured t ho cemetery at Souchez. possession of which has long been contented. French Position Optimal. German headquarter? report ? surprise attack near Altklrch. in Alsace, resulting in capture of a Freuch position slorfK a 5t?0 yard front r The raptors ultimatPly re tired voluntarily to their old lino irenchea. the official statein nt hay;?, laltinp tome pri*oncrF with thciu. French Pcm'trofc l.in<* German attacks which follower! violent cannonading in the W??vre gion werp repulsed. Pnrl* r-ports '>erl5n roncedoa 1 ha' the French MiMraied 'he German line near* '..'o'vbrps. hm d"'-lar'-s tiiev noon ?ere tlrivn out. Hiffrronrr In KiiKluiif. In thp rtriUfli parliament Premier ^k?1 iiitb declared today n ijUrtiRklon r tlio ahetl controversy .irui the dlf ?r^tice |)niwprn ilio minister of in It tonic. David t ,1oyd-George, and ie former m?n!ftnr nt war. Viscount Haitian?*. would h?* d*tr!mental to Mi?? h it t ton'<? b?ft Interests. He da ??l!n d to Pfcttiify member* of pnr Uiinient ?liu tubiMHed yueetlonn. Italia** ?till Odinlng. flavcrat aurcea*#! along the Au? ? .?-(rattan front ar* rapnr|r<1 Italian army headqii?rtrr?. lOMMHIU P MKMTIKO TOWUMT. Notwtfhatandtn? Europe term* U? a nation of money ?rubber*, we ara r!ea?r<? to note an Increased demand f?r bolli money and our grub M id June Addain*. returning from Purope raya "ma War MUlt end!" That H'ttlM It. JUST RECEIVED-- 1500 Rogue Sound Watermel ons. for sale in Small, MacLean Building. Prices right. New Theater tonight "THR LYNCH TRIO" Ringing and Dancing "BUTUbR AND 8 AWN" Ringing. Dancing and Talking I?rkbls op picrtmiM?* PRICAH- tf?c and 20e

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