- " ' , WASHINGTON N. C WEDNIJSJMtf AFTBKNOON JULY I?. HIM Vrry 11UI* ekug* la l*mp*r*turr ? = ? - ^ ? : WILL HE FATE OF Depends on Them Whether Wash ington Will Have Event Next Year or Not 1 WILL BE NO SOLICITING . ? Lbl Vili be L*it trt Harris Hardware Company. 5t Tickets Musi-be Pledged. People Will Have 30 Day? to Siga Their Pledges. When the Chauteuua guarautore, at their meeting Moidtj eight, de cided that no contract for next jeer's CLeutauqua would be signed until 400 adult ticketa had been pledged, the question underwent considerable discussion and many opinion# were expreaeed on the autUr, In order that, the proposition might be p*r eeated to the public la detail, Judge 8tephea C. Bragaw wee requested tt prepare an art lete for peblieetlea Judge Bragaw has done ?o, end hi (By Stephen C. Bragaw) At the meeting of the ChaeUu qua guarantor* Monday night, th Motion wee- made aad imaaimouai adopted that the executive commit tee should not hare authority I make an7 oontract for a ChauUuqu Cor ltlt until aa many aa 100 adul cuon tlcketa. or the equlvaler thereof, should ftret |u?e pledged- There are maay for the adoption of this 1. That whea an opportunity i git-en to the elttoeaa of Waahlngto to attend first-class muatcal, liter arj. dramatic dftd educational ep 1 tertmlaments at Hit Uvea IB cent for each performance, It ought no to he exported that btfloes* men who make H poeelble by pledgin them set res tor $I1M, must go a mad and bog others to accept th benefits provided. S. That when each guaranto' voluntarily beeomea personally r? 1 sponsible for fltOO. others choul be willing voluntarily to pledge thes eelves for one ticket nt fl.oo o two tickets nt I4.P4T without waltlp to be solicited. I. That as long as dtleeas ar eacouraged to whit to bd begg'C they will eontlnue to do so an Chautauqua will never become a pe m an en t institution In Washlngtoi but will, always depend on the co; tlaued effort* of a f'w. 4. That the present system wl continue to meke Cbautauqus a bm den upon a few unselfish aad pr - press!ve spirits and to tncourag Indifference end eelflshness and nu* llry the effecta of the Chautauqua a ? better cemmunity builder. I. That pes pis never are much V terested In what th'y havs to be ttfgged tg maintain. and ?Je not t M ?s. If % Jhau beg* you fer a dol -for t :#||r eaee charity 1 **? ***" ran ?ki?. iw rM ?f Ma >?4 4tnalu tk* tnm IM> mlU. W II w J% ?f > wortfcy eut .( eUrtlr VOUIMVMUUr ?? ?? lift ? 4oit Iw. p? n>t fwH m tk* Mk, M t *?*w ?1 Mttatertlo* <? r**r kMrt. Ml nmM) tim M vk?t > II it, M tn* 1 ?Ml WMIM kow tklnfa ?1 ?*t Nut t? M tetMt tW, t ?or I trail,. mM U tka MU ?t kam? t* I- tfceaa raiatlrat ?ho Ho? tU? I ra?, wrn U-aaat *ataaa?. ? um'? ?wrtf. -i H out of Happine?*. BELLMO Theater today or haw tva ?art*. uh" Tou are interested. That*? why the "Lprd lov? a cheerful i Every roan freta more Interest la a community uplift movement tkat *f is voluntarily helping to ran than '?a feala in one run by others that Uo ia bains begged to help sustain >y contributions of mo*ey. 6. That when it it announced th *ome contc opera company is com ng ta town for one alght's per >rmance. nothing more is done tha i deaJgnate the place at whl< lokata may be purchased.^ and ause people realise they mnst go| t the time sad to tke place deeii oted and secure tickets or mtsft k? performance, tkey go. pay $1.80 a $1.00 for a ticket and do not ait to be bagged. This to because hey. want to see the show. 7. If "tke citizens of 'Washington I o^not want Chautauqua, it should r ot be forced upon them each year. [ : the* "DO want It, they should -go j ter n." It to far too good a i > go bagging. v' .V *4:M Daring the la?t Chautauqua, a lit-1 ;Ja.deHaw. ?is Itsrlf yisw ?M?I skatf if the 'antmaH appearing] ?v-tM "movie" screen were be enrtain. He had a?w aeen a nomg picture show, though the coat Jfit Jlt? c?rto. It t ? pltr that child bu Vm kept ut of an orphan aaylum sad de -ived of Ita advantages during the w yars It kaa H red- Br has . i her. It has been decided to fire" notice ? the cltlsans that Idr SO days from uly 16th, a list will be kept at tbe arris Hardware Company by C. F. ?land to enable all who want Chau luqua for 191? to s'.gn for tioketa; ?d that no contract shall bo signed nill the number of subscriptions >r adult tickets shall have been lead to SO*.. It looks as if the fate of Chau-! auqaa for another year Is in the tlance. If the requisite number is btatned, it will be assured. It de -*nds upoto what Is done in the next 'ilrty days. No canvas will br ade. You who fead this, If you ?tor Chautauqua for 1116, can d* /our part by acting now and ?ub seribtag. You daa't have to p until BMtt yagr. > CONGRESSMAN SMALL OFFERS SCHOLARSHIP dtrrm A. * M. hWif id m* Itak. tag M Mm?? ta <*?? Ctafc CHirmvia Mia H. Saul! I nottfl?! lb* 8(?(0 B?Mrtta*at or | Afrloultor. tk.i h? will offtr ? <?koltr>hlp I? A. A M. Coll*??, t ?odi 'or tuition d thtt Milit? for Iti? bor I of II? o*ra oluka Of lb* flrtt con irtuloatl diftHet who miku tko) hoot rooord for 111*. Til Mir tootltlok It tktt tht horl wtaaltf tht Kholtrthl* ho ?r?t?rc<1 OOlU?? tot Itttr this 11 iirtSYI Ai i>ir| Mlaa IIokm? CaiuU, Hlletld pom for Ik? Acnra of ?eetr? la II daalfn that la to bo the kcrMta of II nation wide carapai,,, prtMdtof ?... ralabratlon of Elactrteal Proaparltyj No?rmbfr It to Dawmber I ' *?r? than 100.MMM oopHa of u,. 'laalga, on poatera-asd placard?. Mill ba dlatrl bated an ?T*r tba land. good roads DISCUSSED AT MEETING LAST night. push work along '""'W'Vlt.. K?t?oeC "Good roads" waa the principal Z^Z"'aD "?**".??' ? *ld ta? The JJJJ ? ?? OD? of the b.? ?u.?ie? tIul I baa been held recently. About twenty-five member, were present. ? A. M. Dom?,, chairman ot tki ? good road, committee, roport'ed o. H "" ?">???? that the committee had Hmde since th, |,? meeting ?nd 1 I ??ked that the committee be allow ? cd to continue ln pOW?. H# >|(U,d ? that (here waa a ,lar*o deposit of ? shall rock near the' city, which It ? had been Intended to look over, but ? that the commute, had been unable ? tc do BO. It waa also suggested at laat night's meeting that a com m 11 toe h* ?pointed to solicit subscriptions for/defraying the cost of building ? the road out of Washington towards ? Rhocowlo:ty. It W.a finally docld ? -d. however, (bat tke road comml| t*? mike further Investigation ra ? ardlng the sosi of the wort, |he ?kOl|-r#ek prpposltlfjn ant otker je ?II? and report a> soon as possible. A special mealing *111 be held to '???t** this r^part and the eab.srta ,u* ??iwiim som mu ta# wip h? ????luted. *rwd4a?t flackaey brs.rht ?p "?(? ?I | xiitf fair far "??????t. TM Matter waa dladwis. <d. hut It was daaJdad that It was 10? lata to do mush ikls ya?r ,?d that It wotrtd ha better m devote Ml tkf -?nergt'1 of tka Chamber If Commerce to tka g*?d**e*dl work. Tka ant regular mating ef tke Chamber will be tke annual me't lM. ?t whlck oflaara for tka ens* Ulf roar will ka elected. PENSION BOARD MEET ? Tka Penal on Board of Beaufort I county Hat lo tka eourt hoaaa this' ""''I *?? considered applications r-^aa of pea slonu and tka tow yaaaloaa. I three applications for ?Ions. Of tkana. two: "I'd. being those at ot Blownta Oeakfc. t of Cka?*-' HKATK.N IN K , ? ; -c _ WASHINGTON (Milj I KZCVTlNG ILUii (JAJfK. \ PLAY HAITERAS aL -fqr V? (Special to uJ pWllj New .) Ocracoke. J alf 11.?The 8t. ad [flrcwe Brotherhood boj. ar* camp ing on Uie Uoxeog Mocrratlon. Ono ?r tha. first eveddd -in connection with their cusp was ?baseball geni? with tbo HM 0"? *f Ocracoke. Ocrs coke >?< plared mini tost ?sme. ????on. but this ?n tli? moat m*? ;<*w. <*? M? tins e*er glided on t h? !? ? features w 4be g*me were P* ripwle and O'N'all tnd the fast fieldlag of Qlbt?. Many spectators Were jtfjftfat. The score, by Inning* Wat taf follows: R.H.E. Washington 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2?7 6 1 Ocracoke 0 141,1 0 0 0 1?9 9 4 To Play Hatter**. A bis crowd #lll leave hero to-| day with a picked team from Wash ington and Ocracoke for Hatterae. | whore they expect to beat the Ha U-raa baseball team? which ban not I been defeated onc^ this season. "Chocolate" manager for the team from Ocra coke, said this moratog. "If onr boys | p ay today as they #ld yosterda Hatteraa will hare to |o. some." The I t o win will consist of fire Washing ton players and four Ocracoke boys Mr. Wefcab, captain of the Ocracoke team, and Mr. Moore have b^en busy getting everything ready fot the tnp. ,r~ BaJoyahW Va, lrlaod m that this U one of tb moit detlalitful eumsaere that tfrr ] have ever spent. A large nurahe spend the evening* ot the Casinr I where the* e?4<m_l?e 4*">Cliut. Ml?> es Isabel Carter and MlM Mildred J Davis are teaching the moden [ dance?. Special Excursion. On Saturday night. July 24, therr will be an excursion from Washing ton to Ocracoke. The large an< commodious schooner, Susie Mulr will lrave Washington at eleven o' clock that night In order to affori'1 those people who are employed v til th'.s hour, an opportunity tn spend Sunday at Ocracoke. Special rates will be made known latnr through this paper. WILL MAKE AHDRESS AT COURT HOUSrl State Prcotdnt of W. C. T. V. Will Be In Waalifngton Tomorrow A telegram was reeelv^d today , from Mrs. Ooodno, State president o( tho W C. T. W., statin* that ?he would ho I? Washington tomorrow Mrs. Ooodno will speak at" the wart hoof? tomorrow a'ght ae eight o', elwk she la one ?! th? mest iWWd Mr-mltn ot the State sad it Is ??parted that ? large audlencs will be OS hand to bay bar. CAUSED SENSATION AT MOREHEAD CITTl (?paeitl to the Dally New?) Merehesd CI!/. July 14.?Al though a number of vary "alaasy | bsthlat salts have bssn MM aa U> beach during the present season, a yoaM lady who appeared on the beacV yeeterday afternoon caused a HMIlM .which Sitturd anything Hurt. haa yet s?smd at thla popular summer resort. attractive, appeared la a aalmoa-j attraction, appeared In a ealraon colorad creation made ot allh. New ?11? doHs't aet very well after be ng w t and While the. yoaag woman at tracted coneldernble attention before tahlng a dip la th* briny. It la aald that there was a regular riot aft?r she- had made two or three plaagea hen ath the wares and ntaraad to the beach far a ma hath. She prepad ta h? each aa attiMUoa aad the crowd grew qt> large In bar neighborhood thai She WIS flaally forced to retire to t We WV?i ITALIAN ARMY'S NEW FtEUD GUN A feature ot this new Italian field tun u the tin. which can bo moiif ?o m to afford ?t-Je range of fir?. Are Having Big Time On the Naval Cruise Washington Starts Good Chance of wmnirg at T argtt Practice. Interesting Events Happen Durnir.g Trip. (Special to the Dally News) I The following Is a report of the I cruise of tbe North Carolina naval militia, which was received from one of the Washington men' this morning. It was sent from New York. U. S. 9. Koar?arge, Friday, July g We have been working hard to day. During the morning we ha*.' lire drill from g? neral quarters. The men are always having souio amus ing experiences but one of the moat laughable occurred during the drill this morning. It was laugbafela ' . W1B aatttfai. '-'BRMir of the Blip's ilivisotu? hue t^'o ni? u de tailed as "smotherers." In case 01 fire they were supposed to get their hammocks, and If the fire 1? in our part of the ahip they use th- ham luootn iii [?fring the f*re if pok ?lble. As the captain went over tin *hlp to mako his Inspection, b* ?am*? to two men who wor' stand '? g by with their hammocks, appar ??ally not knowing what to do will* hem. He asked one of the mer what he was golti? to do. The lat ter Btudled for a moment and final 'y confesa d that he did rot k nov "What would you do If you wei it. home, fire broke out. and .yoi 'ound yoUreelf In the fame povltlor you are now?" queried the ra tain. "I'd throw the hummock out o 'te wlrdow," replied th** man. The men have spent the grcatc art of the day In battery drill. Tli runs are new to the men, b-In k th >ld-fashloncd type with the doubi ,;ght and range bars. The men ar hoping to make a good record. Tl' Kentucky hafl spent tit* day in hnrc sighting and If possible w'.ll go o the range In the morning at *ix o' clock. We will borr aight while sh Is on the r.ipgo and begin firing a scon as ?h complete* practice, i i ? ? K^t unlay. July 10. We will opt bp ?bio to ?et to th I range before tomorrow morning, fo. | the Keatuoky 41# not complete he ! until dgrk. Washington fir? [{bo first sfiot from (be Kearearg Enstgo Sjnall will point and lire th j (!rot (our ihotg. These will be fol ! 'owed by the first fun crew, whlcl I w'U fire eight shot?. This crew 1 imposed of Sampson And Kelly a polnters, <Vorge HSrrl* and Sat* Wynne m trainers. Henderson Lilly G, Bright and Oreen a* sight set tort, Whitley m plugnitn and Btsell. Union and Gardner as loaders. Th'? will bo followed by tho second orew *.-a? Washfhgton, which will be omposed of Surlei and Mlstell a* pointers, Swatn and Cordon a trainers, J. Harris, Wilson, Bright and James aa sight Betters, Rhod*r 4t plugman and Sawyer. C. Harris and W. Warren as loaders. Lieu ( tenant Commander Vanderhoof will do the spotting for as. The le?k of firing the gone Is no caey one. The shells travel at the rate of >900 feat i second and the men will probably firing * tbe rate of a "hot erery ton aeeonds. * ? a a ? Sunday. Jnly 11 We went on the raage this mom 'ng at els o'clock The wsy was fine except for the bright san. wh'cb bothered the gunmen w?^. the meo were mtor t?rvo?* for a ma meni. when Ju*t before we bega' ! firing (lie ambulance party cajn< u: and ?-lood behind them witli lb?' stretcher and 'Tlrst-ald" package: They booh gol over this. boweve"\j and settled down to business. T! j men firrd *ell?not as well an we had hoped for. but as well as had; been expectod. The entire seor'' ha* r.ol yet b'en rnnipieted. but we un derstand i'lat'we are probably ah'aJ o; anything that has fired up lo the present lime, which includes Mis souri. Wisconsin. New Jeraev. Penn sylvania and District of Columbia. We are now und* rway for New York. \Vh had to cut out the trip i '.u Newport, n? we did not have tint?? ?o go there aud "New York also. The -? arboard wnlch will gel shore leave' omorrow and the. port watch lb ' ?lay after. We will then be read v to Vrv? for 11 amplVH Itotnla and liuui? . Tho cruise an far,has been thor oughly enjoyed. 'LAY GRERNVILLE HER! trllevotl Th?t <?iimr Wll' I*" Sl.-ged at Plrj?iliig Park. Otlu-r | (ittino Atmnurd. Th1 management of the local Imno .ill ?ram Mated thai arrangem1 nt? vere being made for a gnme wlt'i ihe Greenville t^ani In this city on *r!day. The manager of the Ore- it vllle team stated over telephone th'.? morning that he would no dellnitely by tonight whether his team could ?omr. If the game Is played hen*. Washington will Journey to Green ville the foluwlne Friday, The local* nill play Plymouth at Plymouth either Monday or Thc? lay of next week. They also expert 'o play a game wlHi some oth^V '??am here before the game with reenville next week. Fixing t*|? Flehl. Work ha* be n started on the randatand at Fleming park and It i expected that this struelure will e ready by the lime of the next -ame on the local diamond. A back ?op ha* also been put up and oth^r raproT media rwa<1* on the Maid. NEW BERN IS AFTER THIS CONVENTION (Special to the Pally New?) New Bern. N. C.r July 14.?-Vet erana of the Chr!| War all over the State ara much Interested In the approaching State o invention which la to be held at an early date and which several cities are endeavoring to land. Appnr the moat active after this meeting ar* New Rem Goldrboro and Durham and the ' Boya who wore the Gray in each onr of thoae clllci* are do'ng everything possible to secure tho convention. The approaching convention will be of more than usual Interest on ac count of the fact that a successor Is lo be appointed to General Julian 8. Carr who holds the office of Star Con\mander. General Cnrr will have to rcslga thla office on aocount of the fact that he has been eleeted as LI-u tenant Commander of the? North Carolina and Virginia Veter ans. Several other very hnportant , ofltcee am at** to ho filled at thla convonUon. WILL GIVE OUT STATEMENT TONIGHT BANK KXAMIXFft IM HTfTJL AT WOK K OVER M1LLKKH Atxx|jm RUMORS ARE OUT Krported That Slight I>lfK-rep*nrl< * Have IWni Found. Miller's Friends Art* Htauacb In Their IMItrf. (Special to the Dally News) New Bern, N. C., July 14.?In formation received here this after noon i9 ?? . effect-that Bank Kx ?n*' ^,94*?* d I* Still Investigat ive .ondltion of the bank at -utal, of which J. Will Miller, who committed suicide, was cashier, and that a statement was expected to be given out tonight. It is rumored, that sjight discrep ancies have been found in the ac counts of the bank. Whether thla In true, ha? not as yet been ascer tained. No official statement of any kind has been made. Mr. Hubbard is allowing nothing to be taken from the bank ballding until a complete investigation can be made. Miller's friends are staunch In their maintenance that his account* in the bank will b?> found in good condition and. in fact, this appears to be the g neraT impression among the citizens of Oriental. If such is round to be the case, the only cause that can be given will be that of personal troubl' s of which friends of the dead man knew no:hlng about Mrs. Miller Is said to he pros trated over the sad tragedy and her condition is serious. The funeral services over tti?1 re mains of th*'sulfide were held st the home yesterday afternoon. Rev. B. P. Huake. rector of Christ Bp'.s copal church of this city, officiating. The services were largely attended. C1MBIKNTH OX 1XTKHV1KW. Reader Refer* to Art I rit* < 'orating From Juilsi1 IW huuw Monday. <ilv?w Hi? Views. Kditor Dally News. l>ear air: 1 was very much In tor? Hi?d in an nrtlcle which upuparcrt in Muiiday*a inane of the Dally N'-wn. 11 waa mi interview with Judge Stephen (\ Hrupa* ?ml hud reference In Oer many'a latent ikup to tliin country. It uppeara to nip that "turn about in fair play." If Kuglmid put* a blockade on Germany, why <hould n't Germany blockade the Kngltbh coast? Let me compare the inter national situation to two men. Smith and Brown, who have tfccome mlxod up in n quarrel. They get out on the atr< eta. each with a revolver and u pocket full of bulleta and com mence to pepper each other. Jonoa happoua to be In a building near where Brown Ik ?tending. Brown flnda that his am munition la getting low. He aee* Jonca looking out ot a window, watching the scrap, and he shouts to him to throw him out ?otue bullets. Jones complies with Ma request. Now don't you think that Hmith, who see* Jone?' gel. la perfectly Jliartifed In taklgg g pot shot at the latter In order to HSU him from supplying mi enemy with ammunition? That 1? the only way that th? ?fi liation has ever presented Us*f, to we. Very truly your?, H, ?, H. l,.\IN>ll TROl'RLB HKHIOi n. Bridgeport, Conn., July 14.? Prospect? of settling the labor trou bles at the plant of the R' mlngton Company, where vOO stru:v ural Iron workers are on a strike appeared doubtful today. Fears are growing that the strike eventually may Involve 8.000 Iron workers and machinists here. New Theater TONKJHT "THB LYNCH TRIO*' Singing and Dancing "BirTl.BR AND SAWN" Singing. Daneta* and Tmltln? t?RBBI?8 OF MCTYJRB8?8 PRICBS- l?c and

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