No. 12 mm C. A. TRAIN HAM KIRK D BULI.FT , TH80DGH HI8 HKART AT TH? RAILROAD STATION AT MID ?' NIGHT LAST NIGHT. CAUSE UNKNOWN Wm b? OompMr of bl> Wife at tlx Time. Maftd Co Hare Drawn the 1 Plato! frvtt His Pocket Without Warning aad (Special to the Dally News) Psimele, N. C., July i*.?C. A, Trainham, a resident or this city, committed suicide' last night b> fir lag a ballet through his heart. He died instantly. The tragedy occur red at tb* railroad Ration, at mid Ught. No reason ha/" been assignee tor tke act. Jt It stated that Trainham was a Iks station In the company of hi. ?01?. As far as can be learned, he 4pvo no warulag, but drew the pis tol oat of his poeket and fired i shot that ended his llfs. Hs was twenty-four years of age and had. bosn a resident of Parmele for aboat four years. Hs appeared to be 1* tho boat of health and did aot hare any troublea that would justify his aot. He was smployed by the Western Union Telegraph Company as Hasman. 4 Ths body will bs shipped to hI? relatives at Oardensvllle. Vs., which spM Train ham's borne. 5CB4M*? NEGROES ARE ARRESTED by With Revol vera and Knlrea Near Green ?ilia. (Special to the Daily Newt) Oreenvllle, N. C., July B.?Aftci | several days' chase through rarlou parts of the county, Wright Mayi and Ed Mayo, two negroes, wri yea torday captured by the deputy sher Iff In Carolaa township. The negroei weer hrsught here and will be trie, before tho magistrate Saturday. Last Saturday, the two above mentioned men, in company with i third negro, Tobe Wooten. causec* considerable dlaturbance at Staton' Mill. They were arm- d with pistole clubs and knives and harrasaed ev ery passerby, threatening to do them bodily Injury. The officer were notiried and rushed out to th mill, but the men had disappeared Wooten la still at large and la be |ifvH ** the county. 4HfmtT9KD VOH Krna DING. Bigger WaHaae waa brought up f>ef#rt the racerder yesterday after Mol. ?h?rge4 with speeding HI* au toaeblla aa the atreets ef tht city m? Ml taxed ?1.00 co.t? o HouM of Happintn. BELLMO Theater TODAY Epitodti "UIU.10N DOLLAR MYBTW "WW HOUtt OF ?BNTI.BY" Rtllun Dr?m? la Two Partk "A BBAIt ATTAIR" Kayvton? Comedy TOMORROW. COMMITTEE ON ROADS -MEETS ?I8C8MBD BK8T METHOD TO BE BMTLOYID IN REPAIRING ROAM. t*LANS SUGGESTED tYeut Down (he Rlffr VrttrrdBj Af U moon, om Hcarch for BepoeiU o4 Shell-Rock Sear Hill's Creek. ' At k meeting of the good roads committee of the Chamber of Com uieree, which was held yesterday af ternoon, a discussion took place as .o the best method of repairing the road between this city and Ohoco wUdty at the most economical fig -tffe. A. M. Dumay, chairman of the committee, suggested a plan which met with approval and which may be carried out. He soggeetrd that a space, ton feet wide, be <fag oat in the center of the road to a depth of about on? foot and that th!s be filled in with shell roch and then rolled down. "This would provide an excellent highway at the lowest possible cost," slated Mr. Dumay, "and would an swer every 'purpose satisfactorily. If w* go ahead and try to shell the en 'tlre width of road. It Is going to cost more than we can afford to live for th'o work at the present .ime. The ten-foot space would af-! ford, ample width for traffic and che aidee of the road, which would necessarily be used but little, would keep In fairly good sbape.'* Captain Leach stated that. In a good maay cases It would not be necessary to cut out a hollow in th eenter of the road, this part iften lower than the sides, and al? j that would be needed would be to put dawn the shell reek. The matter; ?i te brought ap at the aeart meet ing of' the Chamber of Commerce \nd the suggestions will be acted epon at that time. - ? Go After HhWI Hock. . JThe committee also went by boat to Hill's Creek yesterday afternoon to locate a deposit of shell roek. ?hlch. It had been stated, was lo cated there. They -were unable to l\n& the deposit, however. Another ?rip will be made In a day or so In 'he effort to locate the material. PREDICT GOOD MARKET FOR TOBACCO HERE* itorsgo WnrflioDM lielng Improved, j Kxp?1 12,000 Hales to 1* RalMcd la County. Indications are that Washington] #111 have an excellent cotton mark et this fsll. It wss ststed that ad Ktlonal cotton buyers will be tho market here and that the farm ers may expect to get good prlca for their crops. It |s expected that | about 11,000 bees of cotton wl)l be *rewn by the f?rp|erp of Ueapfprt ounty this fc?r, A concrete floor is being put in cotton storgge warehouse. This building is Isr$e enpugfi to ftofp *.,000 bales pi cpttfp. It is also be ng put In condition for the pier age of tobacao, having sufflpient 00m fot 6.000 bog*hca4?. The <|r?r 'prinklsf s|rs(eya. which has beep |rtr ?talU4, U ?0* ??????t protection n ease of fir* ?ud tho warehouse as 1ft offset tho lowest Insuranc ate (k Mr ?imHer bttlWng In thr st ?t? 1<n *wi wun I MIL M or GOOD ROAD < COMMCTtD, Nkcrllrat Headway I? Being Ma?e *1 Road Work OM at A aw*. (Spatial to Ik. Daily New?) Aurora, N. 0.. Jlr ll.?O,? two mtjee of UMllant .and-clar road ha? bm eonatroeted alnae the oon viet |U| at&rted work al the I* ginning of ihla month la addltloa ito tka e?,.leti, coaaldarabl" In* labor kaa been donated and the work la bafag puabed aloat n laat <? aoealbla. mmo rim *w*iu*o. Tt< trial of Orl? Tttrt. ?oIor#4. 'k?f?l wit* Ml ?lilo*. w*? h.lfl be fore KMstdwr Viiihu r?at*r?>r alt?raooB. Tk? Ofiiidint wu fouid (4lltT 4*4 vil lin ?d 115,00 and It*, ?lib ?* *ll?r??UT* ?t M ?k HUtf '?%*? HUGHES TRIAL WILL BE HELD TOMORROW WILL. BK TKIHD BKF\>lftK THK' KBCOKDBK ON CH.IIWK OK RBTAlLttU. SAYS NOT GUILTY Muk?* A? 11 lion hat He's Victim of a "Ki;?nn-U|?." Did Not JkU M*n IJqnor, m Accused of DuAuff. The trial of J. A. Hash??, charg ed with retailing liquor, will be held Id the recorder'? court tom>r> row. Th? trial will be by Jury. When ?oen this morning and asked for particular! regarding the case, Mr. Hughes made the asser tion that he was iunocent, that he had not sold the liquor and that h? believed himself to bo the rlctim of a "frame-up." "A man came up to my place Sun day morning." be said, "and ask**d me to sell him some liquor. He had been engaged In selling m die.nee of some kind In the city, I believe. 1 told him that 1 did not have any. He then asked me if 1 had change for a dollar". I gave him the changc and he went out. "About fifteen or twenty minutes later. Chief Roberta and Officer Traylor cam? up' with a warrant for my arrest. They searched the plac trying to find some liquor, but did n't locate any. Mr. Roberta then searched me and found the dollar bill that the medicine man had given me. "That's all there Is to the ca?e The medicine fellow had evidently been sent up by the police with the marked dollar. He must either have had the iquor In his pockct all the time or else secured it from some one else, because I positively did not ??11 H te "M*.** / ?$ OLD RIVER TUG WILL BE DISMAN 1 LED Wiw Built 48 Yearn Ago. Hud Thrw Hull?; Onr Hull t InMdc of Tlie Oilier. Built In HU7 and probably th oldest boat in commission In this 'o?ct!on of the State, the Erueka Lumber Company's tug. the W. F. Taylor, ia to be dismantled, the ' engine taken put and hull wrecketf. She haa be n used on the Pamllc for the last twelve years. The Taylor was built In R'ch I tnnnd, Va., and Is probably one o tho most peculiarly comtructPdl boats in operation today. She wo built w'.th an Iron hull. This grarl nally b gan to wear away and r roncrete hull was built Ins d - of thr iron <Jne. After a number of yenrr the concrete began to show sign of wear and a wooden hull was add cd. With the enormoua weight o< tfei? opnatructjon, the vess 1 draw ? lose to eight feet of water. Bh ha? had-five or six boilers in In plgpe fhp wm bgift an4 as man? On()||?fr Hep praeent rng!ne la to be take .j out and will be Installed In th? ne-. tut which the Bureka Lumber C la t)f|rlfa|| t>n||t at the present tlm flWHn BAH* TO PAMMCO BBAOI (SpM'ftl to the Dally Nowa) Aurora. (J. 0.. July IB.?An en joyable fall to Pamlico Beach wa: glreh yeaterday aft'rnoon by Hardy Tlrempaoa Is honor of Mlaa Woolen of ClgftMvon, N C.. who la tho laut'it Hn. Porter of thla city. Abont twenty per ion a were In the party. Bathlag waa enjoyed at the b?ach. UM BAKFR. J.; i i i ?? , Tlmea Mem to be hard and mon y acarce, bnt with -All of thla up to Saturday night we war* 111.88 a hcad of laat year tba earn* tlm?. I no learn baetn'ee with an other ptiatograpbera h away off. One IkHll we know, we treat the people a* right ae we Ma*w bow dome kick of ?nam Mt wr?ry <lae of bad neea. not oaiy la ?Mlu?Xtky. hat wo *o try aatf gWb rtfitfc; and I bellara tba people ae 'a *hMe ap preciate it. We ara to4b? to do oaf if. don't tare bow bi? we grew. We ara go{ag to be yonra to plea?" and eerre. Wh?ne??r Tof\ ?na t? IW* Ho* ??r aa. / Um'S STUDIO. ACADEMIC PRflCESSION AT YALE UNIVERSITY Tho acadoadc procaaflloa ?t the fyue commencement. Behind the* mace bearer are ex President Timothy Dw^gtat and Preflgeat Had)?/. At thA fight of lb? picture are Supreme Court JU6Mce Charles E Hughe*, a bo received tha decree' of doctor of la^#, and Ptof. William Howard Taft, former president of the United State* Ly ULSBURG CIVIC CLUB DOfNG GOOD WORK ? ??? City Official k ProniUe to AM Thorn In HhHt I'mler-taklngs. Loulsburg, July 16.?The Civic league, of which Mrs. Jas. A. Turne/ is the aggressive president, gave an al fresco supper on the oollege cam pus Tuesday evening, which Borved its purpose admirably In bringing out quite a large number of the lending cltlsens of the town. Before the meal was over enthusiasm ran' high, and the ladies had everything and everybody going their way. The mayor, the city commissioners, the chief of police, the health officer, tlie attorney general, the doctors, the lawyers, the preachers, all plodg ed themselves henceforth to takt orders from the Civic league in mat ters pertaining to their work of mak ing the little city-on-thc-Tar more beautiful, more sanitary, and a safer! place in which to gnow boys and' ' Already the gooT'wort has be'gw.j Chief High, who recently came back' into his own, is making good, and' already the streets show marked mprovment. The present adminis tration give? promise of cleaning up ?iio town?in more ways than one. I WILL NOT SPEAK AT ( THE COURT HOUSE i Lato to Make Arrangements for Mrs. (iomIsu's Addro*. It was stated this afternoon that Arrangements could not be made for vlrs. Goodno, StnCe president of Hie VV. C. T. U. to upeak tonight at the ourt bouse, as had be*~n announced ? oaterday. Mrs. Goodno arrived In the city his afternoon. A reception will be j ;lven in her honor at the home of j Mrs. O. B. Carmalt. .VAIIKHOI HKH T9 OPHN ON At'OCHT III I ?ccal tobacco (Qarlfet will open Wed-, i cday, August lpth, jjncJ it U ex pected that New Burn will be hronged with hundreds <jf farmer* from all section* qi tfcl? ?od pd Joining count !ps. Hoth the* Dill and Banner warehouses wtfl he readv tc ceelre the weed on tfete 4?tf? AH f the principal t oba ceo companlr: throughout the country will hffve buyers on the market end tfo- price here are*expected to equal that \>y.6 on any market in ICaitern Norih Carolina. 16-1**1X0 MOtmWMWH OAMK. Cedar Rapids. Iowa, Jhly 15.? Pitohars Belbold, of Cedar Rapids and Oarrett, of Mason City, divided honors in a 16-lnnlog ecorelets pitchers' battle In a Central Asto j c:atlon game yesterday. Mi 1 iAY GREENVILLLE HERE TOMORROW c/ Cfauigr? Have U?td Mud?* lit l-ln. -wp fc Of LocmIn. c.'nmr will Slnrt at 4:30. j *"he McoDd game of the weapon I Will be played at Fleming Park to morrow afternoon between Wash ington and Qreenvllle. Word was received thla morning by the man agement of the local team that Oreenvllle had arranged to be h re tomorrow. The gamo will be called at 4:30. Considerable changc has been made in the line-up of the Washing ton fam. The lirfleld has been bolstered up and a change or twoj will also be made in the outfield. It is reported that Greenville has a ?trong team. An exciting contest 1b{ ?xpoct'd. The probable line-up ofj the Washington players will b? as follows: DaYMLgort, c. .gLj?s^ii*ier' ?? >nd?radwt- ss. John rrttney, 2b Jim Hackney. 3b. Gcorgo Hackney, If. Cor row, cf. Clearly, rf. RRTl'UNKI) KIIOM .MOKKIIJvtn Ical Military >1? n It-port Kn.foy aide t-hirniiipini nt. Col. W. C. Rodman, Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant K. R i.r wis Regimental Color s rgeant j k Nation ard Regimental Svrgean' Major R R. Handy, have returned ? o Washington from tli? Slat" mill tary encampment ar Morehoad They reporl thai ?he ? n ram pen t whs on?* of the most successful ever ltrdrt by 'ho ?late militia. HORN HUM); HHJK SKKS. V Remarkable Cure lit California Lob Angeles. July 15.?After 21 lepra of ut.trr dnrki)Chs, Mies Tom flna Carlisle Katv ijto faoe of Iter' mother todsy The g|rl wa? born blind. A surgical operation recent ly gave her slghF. She was return ing from Berkley, where she la a student at the 8tate university, iviien he walked do*q the gang of ft steamer Scores Ptood by, In alienee, with heads bird, as the girl, atill uneer-J fain In her walk, came down toward the waiting . growd. Her mother, moved forward, but there was no *'.gn of recognition until Mra. Cgr-j l'.tle apoke. Then the girl apron?! forward to embrace tho mother! whoa? faoe ahe beheld for the first time In her life, but whoae voice had been familiar since ll flrst crooned a lullaby twenty-one years ago over a darkened cradle. Mlsa' Carllalo today met many friends, whom she Teeognlted only by their i voices. JUG LAW IS PARTLY UNCONST1TITUT.ONAL bo Orrliuvn .fudge I'lfltln? In <"??*??; 4^iil<|U?>i- Sliip|K-?l fur Private IV. llalelgh, N. (*., July 15.?With no violation of the liquor law# b fort the court, Judge It. it. Peebles y?s turday morning at the opening of court for the last day, charged the grand Jury that ho far as the Anti Jus law relates to the importation of liquor for private in* it is n?.-' constitutional. Ax it relates to the importation of liquor for purpose of pale it is constitutional and to be enforced. "After a careful reading of th1 Kentucky opinion, handed 'dpwr .Judge Day. I cannot understai d hw tlier ran be any divers ty i?t' opinion between men. well ground ed in t lie law and who are eeeklr.g the truth rather than the gratifica tion of thcCr own wishes and desires. "I tlti:'. it is plain, umi r the decision of the Supreme Conrt, tint uir law is unconstitutional so far as' ? affect?? the Importation of liquor, nto the Stale for private purpos'-a.' Where it aff?*ft* liquor shipped fori purpose of Rale or other illegal us . it is coiiHt'lutloual ami ought to be rlgiiily enforced. "It seems M> lue thai the burile? of proof is on the railroad* or oth'T transportation companies to show that the liquor shipped la for pri i ate us'." UUIiUARD WILL GIVE NO INFORMATION 1 m pre *iui (ilven, However, Tint >1111? r\ .'.flnir* ft th-lraisl \\'< re in tiin.'l shape. (Special to the Daily News! New Bern, N. 0 . July !?" Uni irlxuminr Hubbard laM night com pteted hI? Invest lgn''on of Hi" Oriental Hank, bin declined ii> mak any elatemeni. It hs* been le?rned from lo'Ht bp ill: iiffle'.als. however, i Hint the impredion ?*1? n out w:? ?. r.o the effect tint SPIfer'a aetrounrr were In good sliuue. If this is th? case. It Is nov. kno?n why llubbnrd re hi pert tu give out any Information. He will prob ably return to ItAleigh today and I? cxp cte<J to make p?>b|lc! hit finding* th ert. ltHTUlNKD i'"ito>l oriMCDKH. Hlt'fl flallie Cftrruw. A<lpletde Olds, Mary Wation, Kliaebeth Oar ' row. Hit Harris and Annie (Iris' and Mr, #eth Baugham have return-1 ed from Ocracoke, wh#ro they have been ?pending the |a?t Iwo week*, They report a most enjoyable vara-j t ion and say th?? the rest or Ike Washington people on th** Island ( are having it good time and are ln| the best of health. OAVF IHHTHD.W PARTY. A ti r or a, N. C., July 15.?Mr?. | Porter gave a birthday party Mon day afternoon for her ll'tle nephew.] James Wooten, who had arrived at i the vencrabia age of four years. About 75 children were present tQ help make the occasion an enjoy able one for the youngster. They did It. ; Ml?c Awrrptnx l>tfWnn Ormnlwd I Wpuhinuton. July 15. ?Or*anl?e tlon of a mine nweepln* dl*r?:on ofl the Atlantic *m announced to day ?t the nevy department. Tt ?1*1 eona'nt of the cruiser* Baltimore and San Franrtaeo end the lival tut? Ontario* P%Up*V>. Pulw?#,^ oonQB?, BIG GAINS ARE CLAIMED BY "GERMANS THRUST AT VK-JUH N HAh 81LTED IX IMPORTANT ACTORDIXO TO HTA TEM EXT FROM HKKMV. ALL QUIET IN EAST < oiidltJotiM Are Said to be Unaltered. Mini) Ship? Bank by Hahmvinm During Month. Italian Airmen Make Kaid. London, July 15.?The German thrust at Verdum has resulted in an Important gain, according to Ber lln'a official statement. In the Argonne the Germans re port the capture of Freuch position* along a front of a mile ?nd four flfthn, a gain extending to a depth of ihree-flfths of a mile. The hill known as No. 285 also was taken, the statement say* The latest French official state ment claims that G<-rman attacks in tho Argona? were definitely ?topped. After a heavy bombardment the German aat tem p t ?d to recapture the trenches near Pilken taken by tho Hrlttah July 5. but were easily re pulsed aays the Paris statement. Italian Victory. Reports of an Italian victory tn the Carnic Alps with two miles of Austrian trencher cr.ptured. have been received by a Geneva news paper. Many Ships Destroyed Figures given out in Berlin show the Hiukiue of 42 inerchan' levse!* by /German submarines durlna June, th# tonnage of d-stroyed ?helping, including fishing craft, totalling 125,000 tons. Only AdivH> Ik in West. The battle line Iii France Ik fur nishing for i he moment the only news of prouounccd military m<-i l v - Ity. The German struggle for Ver dun is regard? d by London "obs? rv crs as on in earnest, with ;ssaulta on bc?h tho Argottur and ih-? Woe? vre. Latest re port h record a cha< k for the German crown prime ?h IiIm .muck* in ih. funu <r re gion. Nothing Stirring in Km*. Almost complete sib-nee veil? the situation in the euKt Petrygrad re ports no engagements in Southern Poland or Eastern Cillcin, and both Vienna and Berlin declare condi tion? in that territory unaltered. Haiti of n??iitiit Airmen. Komu report? tji* situation along ||ie A ustru*Italian fropit unaltered, I he brief oflirlal statement nttly f-'hrunhllng a raid by Italian alf? >npn on a largo camp In the neigh* borhnoij pf Uurin a, which Is ed to h^vc been vutvetsful. The Ulcgt Austrian statement tl>ere nave bean several artll }rry pn^gements *nfl that an In fantry atturlf wijfc fHpi|J?fd i|f?r |<e4ipiigiU German engineers ?re ctfengtlteu' Wig Die defease of i'<>n*i*Hf tnripla on a huge scale, according (u Vie?-* through Mytlltn*. 1M1VMI.OPH ItIG PBKM?<'HM. l-?"rtl l-'lrr Htearner Kon<ea Water Through Hiwe at Prepare of 0OH l'ouwl?. Although the local fTre stamer Is about twenty-flva years old,"a t?st whtoh was made yesterday afternoon showed that ft la still In the beat of condition. Through 700 feet of hofto a pressure of 206 pounds was registered, which would mean a prepire of about 240 pounds at the eoglne. New Theater TOXlGflT "TUB LYNOH THIO" ftlnitlnic and Dancing "BUTIjBR AND SAWN" Staging. Dancing and Talking I?ft R El .8 OF PICTUHS9?I PRICBB- 1%? aad >lt "GOOD TASTF." Crystal ice cream We make many different flavors, but only one kind of ICE. CPEAM The beet kind. Jutt to. Try our fresh Peach and our Sctipj-crncng and see. Crystal Ice. Company PHONE M WASHINGTON, N. C

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