A NEW RECORD Ok? atmtmoao Ula AJao IWW^ *?*' Qrefloiboro, July l?.-Wh0Ul?f the Ort?< U< relatlr* w ??uor ahlp menu Into North Carolina U oon .>atltutlonal or uuconatltutlonal. there ' U one law.? that of aapply a*d 4? mind. -J that re?atn? protty ?l?Iy ec~o?re<l ?P?n ?? *>y*>Uo" .? aacau to bite ? pretty good con*M tutton ? of 1U own. Httlhor tSa OtoT ?W. WbW. j?te? P^1- ??". to agin tii I?W, nor any of ttw oth?r mwm of prohibition hare had | any" appreciable a?*et ?? "rt^D North Carolina HUroU; and. reoog slalng thU, tin manufacturer* of blockada Hqaor ara haajdng buay. Thar are ??. o ? ?*? <????* thpy t?he their own ebanrea on Mr nUhioi tb? eupplJ. . -fv Even before' the Ortar ** effect ire. latenud ret?n*a official* predicted that tkla atate -atota would add maoh worry, wort *?a revKmatblllby to the Job ?? ?17 a-Joyed by aa Mere! deportment. Aa the *?*? and month! bar? ?aee*4 tfc1' ?r~lc-| tlom hM beem bowie omt more ? | ly than waa anticipated. Tfcare hi* not been a momenta real tor the; Said man la tho Orecdaboro dlrwton which embraces tha greater B?rt of. North Carolina a. w.U a. IJgg* of South Carolina and Virginia Theee man hare worbad rallantly to ^T,r. .re, IncrWag tlda of tba block?t? mwrufbctttre; but ?pp?r**^ ? U tut U the thl* eolurnB ot ?oM orer on. aprtag branch ia ^1 ruinated anothar arUaa over an adJolrMnx atraam. April, tb* Ant month of tMj Ortar taw enforcement, there waa a record number of ?elaurte In tba, territory of tba -dttrUlan; anothar, record waa aatabllahad In May: a*d| there coma, along now a reoordfor Jama.' Tba ??a to tb* ?ald aaliad lad daatroyad |u? ?Ulett ?<?? laat month. ?? of wMch wara operat^ tag t? North Caaollna territory. ? wara la South Carolina; bat that atata baa a law almllar to the one Introduced by Mr. <*!??? *? ?" Virginia territory tbara waa found bat one atlll- It would aaam that tba .aiopttalrlnara oC tba Old Domln tea bar. mored down aaroa. lb. line, where th. dam and | Tha atate ???? aJmo* erery whara In tha mate haw beea buw. too, and their work baa not beon without arall. " porta of thalr ? eelaaree. Aa tbaaa m.u and aha revdnoore bare ?rta| oalaught. oa tba o?UU of tha bloekadar*. tbafa Ma b*a an ap parent dacraaaa ?n tha supply of ^aan atonU Tba ?t?H? eapturad hare Ml 0' ??- ?* 7'*'^ InMtaabla. Shaat Irea. galrenlred Iroa, Ua. or aliaoat anything that aaa ba aoldared and will bold water baa baon praaand lato aarrloa. Bom* of them *re Mg onaa. too. tb. aara Badlag hear lb graat QuanUttaa r. ! .moem poarad <M J** ?????? |0M, ud at another f.fft. Tbara waa bo w?ito**y latt Wm ?" round looa*. howr*?l !??? **** ? gallon w aetaad bf tb* pu during v.. Houm of Happh mm. BELLMQ Theater ? - TODAY &-V " ? jr.(x>vu oiiArrBR .?>, ? , T! irm OCh?r ftarH. TOMORROW. Aaothtr Chapter of ') 1 OHAttUB CHAPLIN The Bellmo. OF COUNTY IS BURIED 88 YEARS OF AGE ~s5*ar.> ? ?~ o. ?o? OHMa, vko alod w? w?h, held ^.rd!! * "on m th. horn, of ?*?*" ?? ? jbuu !!T! * h'r ??????. Mr. o ?rrow ,rormw^ the 'wo <"?wn w. w - ' C*r-Sk*d?i z"c^rt <~th ? rT* ? ?" o' h?r honiu*. HtM WM ?' fnua of remerkable 7 ??d ability t J ^ * 9rmt r~dw Wd !!jf of ? wondirful momory ^ w.u.?Tw " ?? to the tfar pncMfa, w ^ ?? -- bom DMr Norlh u^L OWo. uU ? WW * ? mn^f. ? ? ' She Um^T !L D"U"d 8U,?*- Bh? rtJZTh ??n*' ?*% "Ho r^Td? w ?""*? "d w'"?.r. "f KUmton. Th. latter I ^ ZT :' '"? ? -ntl?? ?? to .he **70M ?"?? <?e?tr rnn QO DOWN TO MEXICO IN THREE MONTHS! That th. Unit* 8f,? J <???! upon to ml troop. Into Hex I l?o within th. t " or months *m the opinion of the re?u-| ?" arar oad.u .t Mor.hlw ^ ?. JSS2ST "" ?? ""It wouldn't .arprl.4 m, ? ? '.. w*r* *" down Morche.ri j 2LtS"?W time" I ?tmtod th. lor* I w. "Tboee ?rm? "* ?* ?"? *** of thin/ ITlkl? ?W?li* "? what they're! _ *>t: rh"T ?" claimed T *1 P?Wb"1" <" "'?"?"?Ion th. wmm than! ?h. public generally Uu?lht." | IS CHARGED WITH ASSAULTING GIRL ABo?e4 That You* Ha wm Oat is the Fields n?*l Attro>pte<3 |o AoomIU (Mrl M Work. Wlnnton-8*l?m. Jnl7 1?. ? Re??rU rocolvod hero W4ajr from Kloj cou rt* til* InfurmUlon that Or or Dual), ? 704 frklU W*9 Mi4 to IX *<K?t *? ?mt* Bt ?**, WN arwftea w*c noodoy MUrnoos on tk* #k?r*a of ?ttMk# ?t ptmlnal wtm ??on wot* twsfiMl '?*? *??*>>'? ?i ?' HI K??. J?h? ?x? r?. ?ia?? la llwa tkw* ?. it K <aUf?d that tk* WBI RH wont to tb? <1*14 whoro Ik* ronn* l?4r wm at work at *tten>to4 tho MMVlt.1 Boob was orrootod *a4 ?lao *4 uo4*r ? Soma *t (1,000 wbMta wm at oneo tt??n ?Tko sowi Ma oaooo4 ao *od of mrprUo In tk* Kin* ui Toboooo Tillo oootloa* a* Doub la *14 to oomm from ?a* of tk* k**t fomllloo la tho oootloa. ? "V1'-. , >'* HONOR rO? TBS BEU. Tieomo. wub, JulT 11.? Vaklla o IB cot wot* cloud aa4 a holt buliaoj woo proclaimed horo todoy 1n hooor of tho Ubortj Ml, wklok arrtTod from Soattlo Tko boll toft tori Olrmpta toolfht. < Try do for Kodak* oo4 ??*. ?rorr ooo of ooro I. frook. ~ W^ool. nothing kit tko boot BAWBR't WVMO. J: (Special to tfc* Daily News)* \ -r Ocraooktf. If. C?. Jul j ll^-A baaoball Min made up^f Ay* Wuh lagt^a playera and four Ocracake players Ntorstd from Hotter** to day rlcto?ion% otoe tte fee t Hatteraa team by a ecoro of IS to t. Adol phus O'Neal, of Ocracoke, pitched for the Rod O'e and ooty allowed aix bite. The itao-up ?M aa ftrt ??L r, . : >">/ VraMy : " ??J ? Bam Fowle, a. '?/. - v'-J Adolphua O'Neal, p. ' Hurra/ Tolaon. U Happy Phelpe, 2b. ^ v ^ John C. Taylor, lb. Ref. Fulford. rf. A. Will lama, of. J ; Cecil Bran, If. 8ylroaCar Glbba, a, . A largo ?owd accompanied the team, among whom ware Mlaoee An nie 0 rice. Udbena Carter, Kllaabetb Simmons, and Elisabeth Carrow. The Doxsee aite preeenta a vary ?triklng appearance with . tents pitched along-- th* ahoro. The Boy Scouts In charge of Rob Vowle and l$e 8L Andrew i Brotherhood are ? ?oar' fBoeo occupying the oamp ilte. The Soonta arrived early this morning and one of the Urot eroate was a hike to the surf where they anjoyed the broakera (or an hour. Hepry Moore went to Moreh<?ad this morning la Dosaee's opeed boat. He wlfl return this afternoon. / BAR AC A CLASS GOING TO ASBURY CHURCH C3 aea Prom Local MetbodUt Cbarcfa Will Joormj Oat to Bnayoa Simdrny Morning. The Bpraca Clasa of the Methodist ;hurch will go out to the Aabury M. E. church Sunday morning and will bold their mooting with tbol Sunday School clasa of the Utter ?;al1l 'I oaoej K a. m. ' in Lbe akarck hora if f;U a. Lutomoblles. All members ? and j >thers who will ? are requested toj >e on hand with their automobiles promptly. USED CASKET TOR STORING LIQUOR EhIm Club at WUMOB-Sttem. Winston -Salem, July 1?. ? At 3 o'J clock this mornlngT members of the locsl police lores round 10 gallons of com liquor from a Roanoke din-. tf.Uery, bidden In a coOln in the' rooms of the Eagles' club, last after! It bad been uploaded from as auto mobile and carried Into tbe rooms. J Tbe whiskey was round oft the sec-, ond floor at the building occupied by) the Eagles. Tbe casket was a part of the paraphernalia of the club. Noi hrresta wore made at the time, but j later, John Barnes, a member ot the ctab, was .arrested, charged with be-j Ing implicated with two others Ju tnktog the wfelekey lata the build in*. . f I MAHllIKD WKDKKMMYi ' Mnw HAJUi TODAY M r*? owtaka (MMi Borneo Of Pitt Oontr. (?XfM t* the Daily *???) Ofeearllle, *. 0? la If l?~ To he marled one d?r, gad then placed beklad prison bars two dsys later, has been the eaperienee of /aha W B?, oolqrod, wke Wednesday Was united Is marriage to laUo Darts. Both patUsf reside about serea miles ima tow*. " -ifci ? ? IHIIs with another negro, John' ?Hagan. ease Into ton Wednesday to (at a marriage Heease. They claimed that the girl la the case was over 1* years of age The ttj cense was lusit'i, y L. > H Yesterday the fatker of the girl same to town ea'd swors oat a war raot for Bills' arreet. which was la doed by ifatfatrate Tyson ft was ruled that the girl was a mere ehllB. Kills sad fa gas w.r? both arrtaMd aad are botag held for trisi today Altlee Rwpaisad With lilSSIS Constantinople. Jnly 1*. ? Aa ofll Floor of SUBMARINE GOES TO THE JUNK HEAP act Bf"*nd No I "?* "??t 'O tho junk b?u me olher day. b.lnj utterl> ***? u< It m bo?fl|l by the United States In 1900 for 1160.000 DISCUSS JUVENILE LAW ENFORCEMENT | General Sec refa^y of Jinnll* Apso-| cWUon Spmt Ye*terda> fie *' Rev. Crawford Jackson, of Atlan t?k. On , general Secretary of the Juvenile Protective Association, spent yesterday In the city And con ferred wlt^ the city officials regar Ing tho new Juvenile law, which baa recently been passed In this State. Dr. Jackson's visit to Washington! ?was made principally In order to | discuss with the recorder and other j prominent men, the enforcement of the juvenile law. Thla law effects juveniles of eighteen years and un der. Instead of potting the youthful offenders In Jail, the Juvenile Asso ciation insists that the beat, m ehlef probation officer, or "big brother." with a corps of capable assistants. This has been done at mass meetings In other cities, pre sided over generally by the mayor. The organisations thus formed In. each cfty have a two-fbld purpose. They deal directly and In a salutary, manner with the young offenders | against the law, after getting the consent of the court to suspend eentonce for a specified period for^ the purpose Indicated; and to ob tsln adequate legislation, 'and fur ther, a? soon as possible, the em ployment by the city, county- or state of a paid Probation officer, for all or part of his time as may be necessary. A number of these! associations have been formed In j. ?other cities in this section of tho EP WORTH LEAGUE HELD MEETING LAST NIGHT BnJoyaMe Krming P??*ed <>* the Church Lawn. Was First Owt- , duoar Meeting of tho League. An enjoyibje Social meeting of the Kp worth league was held on the church lawn last night. A large number were present and spent a most pleasant evening. | The lawn was attractively dec orated with lanterns. Tables and ehslre were convenlentl/ arranged on the grounds. A drawing contest afforded much amusement. and other gamee were enjoyed. Refreshments were served, which were contributed through the fenerofctty of Frank Carty. The next social meeting of the XxsffQ* will me In the form of n down the river. t Thkr will be held nest Tuesday lJght. mk FIND NO REASON FOR TRAINHAM'S DEATH Mr*. Tralnham VmdnUy Accom panied Ite imln.i to Gtrdeiuallli-, Va. Had N'othliij, to 8*y. (Special to the Daily Ncwb) Partnele, July 16. ? It will prob ably bo hdm time ? If it ever really ds knov^n ? before Information ife- j gardlng the roaaon for C. A. Train ham's auicide will be given out here. 'Mrs. Tralnham accompanied her husband's body to Gardensvllle, Va., where the Interment will be held.1 She had i>othlng to give out before> leaving home. It Is not knowh whether she will return or not. CUTSLER RELEASED IN COURT TODAY W? ww. *>t Guilty aui#> of Violating the State Liquor Law. D. Cutaler, charged with having received more liquor than the law allowa, wan today brought up fori trial before Recorder Vaugh&n. A ? large number of spectators wero' present to witness the court pro- J eeodlngs. The trial wss by jury. The Jurors remained out for about an hour and then returned with the verdict of "not guilty." Cutslcr wa? released and the two gallon* of "monkey1 rum," which wero found In his pos*; session and which had been confis-* cated. were returned to him. The Jury In tho cas^ was compov; od of O. B. E. Cutler, Claud Beach em, Milton H. Hill, Goo. W. H. Har ris, Jarvis H. Boyd and T. B. Jnrk ron. The dofendant was represented by W. C. Rodman. In a. post-examination. Catsler testified that he had received the two gallons of liquor from a negro,] Joe Connor, near Snoad's creek. lie stated that he paid 4.00 for Che two jjllO? . Hughoe' C>w Continued. Owing to the absence ot ?ne of the principal witneisea, the case against J. A. Hughefl. charged with! retailing, was continued until Fri day, August flth. If the witness Is ^ot present at that time the oese will be nol prosed. The Jury In this case' was discharged . HAH HTARTKB BIG HALE. "The ?ar.aar." on Market street, yesterday commenced a 10-day sale. Mr. Orleans has' made sweeping re ductions In all of his departments and large crowie are expect* V take advantage of the many bar gains which are to be had. Mr, Orleans r?fcently returned from New York, where be made eome most ad I vantageous purchases. CHANGE VALUATION OF PROPERTY IN CIT-* ' *?' Hoard of Kqtullmltn Altmd Vnl uatiun an llecra of Property WUIiln <MLy Limits. Tli? board of equalization, which has just completed hearing tbe com plaints of resident!) In various part* of the county regarding property valuations, made several changes In valuations in Washington. A list of the alterations that were made is as follows: J. W. Dailey; $3,250 to $2,500. W. M. Bell; $2,250 to *2.t00. H. B. &1ayo (lot); $550 to $400 W. M, Worthlngtont. $2,700 to $2,600. Wm Bragaw & Co. (lot); $3,00< to $2,500. WV E. Swlndfjl. $2,000. to $1,750 " W." G. "Wljlls, $1,250 to $1,400 __ Q.^ A. Phillip* (factory); $12,000 to $9,4 00. CT'C. 'Chpped go,- $700 to $7*0. A. L. 4nd B F. Bowers. 2nd $?.. $1,500 to $1,750. A. L. and B. F. Bowers, Main St.. S3. 600 to $4,000. W. K. Jacobson, $1,800 to $2,000. Chorry Furn. Co., $3,250 to $3, 500. Dr. J. G. BW>nni. $2,730 to $3. 000. Wm. Cragaw A. Co. (lot), *1.500 to $4,250. Mary A. Malllson estate, store on Main sr., $6,000 to $5,fioo. OsCHr Runs, $300 to $750. Geo. A. Phillips. ePtorson bldg..i $12,000 to $11,000. URGSS ATTENDANCE AT CONVENTION WaKhington 3Ict Ktate l*re*i clent of W. O. T. U. Vi??ttT<ltt> Aftirnuun. - > Quite a few ladle* of the city were at the home of Mrs. O. B. Carmj'lt yesterday afternoon to meet Mrs. Goodno, State president of tbe W. C. T. U. Mrs. Goodnfc spoke of the work that the organisation if doing in the State and commended the local Un* 'on for tbe excellent work they wnre doing. She also told of the I <??ate oonventlon, which 1s to he held this fall at Raleigh and urged that the Washington ladles attend In as large a number as possible. COLD WAVE ANf> KNOW BTR1KK WAJmiXttTON K?*l?lent? of Washington woke up* this morning to find the tempera ture hovering around the sero mark and a fierce snow storm rspldly cov /ring the city with a mantle of white. It was bitterly cold all morning and many suffered from frott.bltes. A number of sleigh* were seen* on the streot* towards noon and onlte a few of thr- boys enjoyed the akatjns on the river / (Drank again, by gonh). "THK MAHTKK KW" AT NKW TIWlATRK TOVKiHT The third epl?od?? of The Mast'V Key will he shown at the New Theatre tonight In connection With two tplftndld vaudeville acts that are appearing there this week There will be a complete change of pro gram tonight throughout, and If porn wiffh to sp*nd a plea*ant evening, 'both in pictures aad ^saltlsfth. at V(?4 thU low tonigkt TEUTONS WIN ANOTHER IMFOR TANT VICTORY IN POLAND. OTHER HI CX'KSHES ARB ALSO CLAIMED IN THE NORTHEAST. PROTEST TO U. S. 1 Austria Claims Export of Anumini | Lion from (111* Cooolr) Tlirouten? the Neutrailtjf at the United ^)UU?. London, July 16 ? i'rzasnysi, Po land, has b?-\ by the Ger iD? ? ? inception of ^ . .?rs 10 be a ne wdrlve at . arsaw from (be north. A Berlin laluraent announcing the capture also records successes further north* vabt of Kionsya, south of Kolno bar .ag been taken and the height* of .)iBEauka, northeast of Suwalkl, stormed. Hp?*7 l-owtf* to French. Simultaneously thf German* re port tho breaking down of Freneb attempt* to win back lorn ground In the Argonne region, and the linfllr tk<m of heavy losses on the attack ing force*. Capture German TrwirheK Paris reports tho capture of a line of German trenches north of Arras and the failure of a German attack tn the Woevre region. It concedes a German advantage at one disputed point In the Argonue. ?... ^ ? T \ ? Neutrality of U. 8. Threatened!. Austria hatf made representation)* to Washington that thl.s country '? exports of war munitions to tb.^ Entente allies have reached such proportions as to threaten tho nen traltty of the United Htatoe. Flfi!itif}g a< Argonne.. The Ournmn drive in the Argoune forest region of Franco hos beon followed by French attemptr. to re gain lost ground The latest Pari.i report clnlui* ynrt. nl stioceer. Allies Win in South. Two hills defending Krlthla, off the Gnlllpoll peninsula, wero occu plcd by thr sllles ariT four asiauiu Monday, nrrordinp to Athens ad vice*. Constantinople, r^rnrtlng on the same eneiccmHifi, nayn that allied attacks. In which warrhlps supported Hit- troops, wore repulsed with heavy lon?es. Coal Strike In Britain. Gr?at Britain's coal strike prob lem continues acute, 160,000 miners having gone oat. despite the pr^hl* bltlons of th? munltfcon? act, Wll*<>N M AKW4 IXfJiBAHH Million and Half **or? I'r?n>?r t> V*lwe l? 0<mrrty, WUeoQ. H, C.# July 19 ? *e|t?t*r of Deed* John R. Dlldy on the 14th Inst, mailed t? the State Hoard Of Tax Commissioners tha rot urns or listed taxables for Wilson county. Tha abstract sl\ows an Increase yf ll.B90.808 over tbe year 1*14. or an Increase of nearly 19 per oent. Just aa soon as the tax commission ar has gode over the abstracts from the various counties of tbe State tbe taxes will be computed, and Wtlron's tax rate foe 1915, In most of the t^n townships, will be $1.86 1-S on the (100 valuation. This amount will run the taxes for Wilson above tiie $ ISO. 000 mark. The ayerage valve of -farm land Is fit per acre, an In crease of SO cents per ?cre. New Theater TOWIOH* ? THE (MA8TBft KEY" 3rd Kplsode "THE f.YNCH TRIO" } Ringing and Dancing ? BUTUSB AND BAW Simla*. tteMia* ?nfl Talking "GOOD TASTE" Crystal ice cream W? make many different flavors, but Only one kind of ICE CREAM The best kind. Just so. Try our fresh Peocf i and our Scuppernong and see. ? Crystal Ice Company phone n WASHINGTON. N. C.

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