W" WILL NT paid for Dally. News o( April SO. JUy 1*. II. ud If. Om cop; ?i aaah wanted. Deliver to Daily Wm office. TOR SALE: CHEAP, GALLON COW. MRS. PRED PARK BR. 7-17-JU*. BOOMS FOB UMT WITH Ol without board. Apply No. ISO Harrey afreet. 7-S-tfdh. FOB HALR: A PAIR OF H1AVY roan* malMr. E W. WOO LARD | Phono 170- J. 7-10-tfe TWO AITCOIfOBILEB FOR BALK cheap. One horse and buggy slipped in tree. N. W. LAHAM [ Chooowinlty, N. C. MMta FOB SALK: No. 8 OLIVER TYPE writer. In excellent condition ] Hundred dollar machine. Firs: one bringing me $30 seta th#| typewriter. BAKER'S 8TUDlO 7-14-tfc. FOB SALE: TWO lOO-ILP. RETIK.' Tubular Bollem and Fittings; Ir | good order. J. HAVENS, Wash In g ton, N. C. 7-S-Tu-Th A flat. After Weehleg Oil clot*, a fu,- washing oilcloth and Un?x]ee% he ?ure to dry It property. If Iti Ump U will speedily rx*. aad flaal^ Wove totally spoiled It Is a grot tol* take to use too vasch water fo waebtag it Tbe ?*??b *b<rvld wer*l; be ma< out sad paaeid eve <Ae m? New York j B? tdaa thirty-Blue nowvpepert plated In English. New Tork etty baa tea In Italian. Me Cbanoe fee Him. iianic Teller? "Tbla obeeh ia a. igh?. but you must be introduced' Caa ycii bring your husband?" Worn an? "Who. J set? Why, If Jack thought yea waated sn Introdaetloe to me he'd knock your block eff ?ae^elaed Plain Dealer. Cut Flowers Ottr inwiiiut of wad ding boaqiata and ?aaoratloa> ud oar art In Horn daalinn ?abiMM tk? MM Mui at lb* Floral craft ' Haaaa. Val- ? Haa. Camatlooa aa( Aatrta t ha mw?a>l? flowara. ran prtM I4at raa Aj lap taubar M> Mall, (Tata^apb ait Pkoia erdan promptly n aeut?4 by J. L O'Quinn & Co. Pb?a?i Uoiowo %>ra?, traaa h?i"*R\i.FI01|, N. C, I* CAaaAflji ^i^oou A?n n? none? or inoiraiBABo) t tan dalr qaaiinad boforo tha Otark of Ita 8a??rlar Coort of Bmi tort County u Admlalatrator of Harman Hobba, iMllt All par tow ladabtod to bu tatata ara ra IMaM to Mkt aattlaaaat with ma and all aoraona koldla??abta ar elalma acaJaat hla Ml* to ara aotl M to mo (ko aomo wtt ??. dolr ttawtaad aad Tartar*, wtlhla twalra ?Oktta tram tbla data, rm fraoorlkal b> tow, alao tbla aotko will to plaodad la bar ot tkolr raaorarj TMa Mar ttM. 1?U. W. H. HOBM. mm mil '*ur ; | .JbcMBvttte, N C-. July IT.? The board of, aldermen held aaotfepr baa 7 aeasloa teat njfiht. It MBS an ad journed eeeelon of tha regular meet ing held tha drat Thu radar night af this Month. ? | Tha Maybr reed tha patttlon from tha druggists asking that they be allowed f to remain open at certain hours on 8undajr for tha-aale of to baccos and soft drinks. A motion waft made and carried by a rota of foar to mrm that tha drug storas ha al laired ta keep open on Sundays drulng the hours from 1:80 to 19: to in the morning and from 4 to ? In tha afternoon. [ IWf Am TO Years Old. "For soms ttae my *rtfs and myself were troubled with kidney trosW*." writes T. B. Carpenter, Ilarrlaborg. P*. "We suffered rhen msile pains all -thro?gb the body. The Aral tew ?ew mt May Kidney PT!la liHsmud ?. After taking Are bottlee between oa we are eartlreTy ??r#d. AKhoog h wo im both In the 78's we ir II vigorous as wo were thtety rerfra ago." Foley Kidney rata Atp alee# disturbing bladder ?easel en Dneeapsrt'a Pharmacy JfOTICB OF HALS. By virtue ef a Deed .>f Trust ex eeutod by J. A. Wilkinson to C. if. Push, Trustee, on the 19th day of Vorember. 1913, and recorded la 8ook 178, pace 444, Register of ?eeda Office of Bsaofort County, -forth Carolina, the undersigned will >n Tuesday, the 10th day of August, '?15, at ten o'o'ock A. M., aell at pnbllc auction to the Mgheet bidder for cash, the following described >roperty, to-wlt: (1) One 160 horse power, four valve horizontal engine manufactur ed by the Valley Iron Works. (S) On? General Electric Dyna mo, No. 86882, 90 KlUowatta. ( S ) -One General Electric Gen erator. type, 18, No. 8108. (4) One 200 horse pawer upright boiler manufactured by the Wieks Boiler Company. (5) Together with all belting, piping, wiring, pulleys, tools, appll anoce and equipment of all 4escrlp ?lon used in conneotlon with the electric Light Plant- owned and op -rmt?d hjr thus Hid J. W. Wilkinson, is well as all buildings of every ' Inscription enclosing the machinery herein described or used in connec tion -therewith, also office building ind fixtures; all of which la situated a that certain tract of land in Jh* Cown of. Belbaven, Baufoafc County, >. C., and described as follows: beginning at Pantego Creek at lh* Northwest end of the Belbaven Lum ber Company's dry kiln, 126 feet from King street, and rifrmlug hence oastwardly on a line paraiki vlth King street to the Norfolk i "outbern Railroad Company's tr*ck hat goen to their water depot; 'hence up that track to King street; ?henoe with King street westwardly to Pantego Creek; thence with said Creek to the beginning! Together will all right, title, interest snd r* tate of the said Wilkinson In and tc the abore lands and leasee thereof (8) Also all wires, wiring, poles ?rc lights add motors on the street ind in buildings In the Town o ?Vlhaveh, North Carolina. u?rd In connection with the aaid Bleotric Light Plant by the said Wilkinson (7) Also that certain franchise with all amendments thereto whleh wai granted to tfifc said J. A. Wil ton by the Board of Alderman of he Town or Belbaven, on the 26th lay of October, 1987, for the opera Ion of an^ Electric Ugh ting Plant 'or the fewB of Belhaven. Ateo 180 shares of stock of Pon *o Deep-sail Development bo. Pla<* of Sale, upon ths premises of aat<V Rleetrlo Light Plant, In Belhaven North Carolina. This aotfee dated and posted thl? <th day of July, 1918. rheumatism. tm and eore 0. rvmn. Trustee. 7-9-4 wa. Tobacco STICKS Tk* firmn ralatng tskMeo fa BMltrt Omtr Ma Mauri thair Tabacco fltlckj. any alt* or width, the John l>. Ropor Lumbar Co., Bclklvn, N. C. 'PrlcM qdoted oa a pplt eattoo. BamplM >1 Vollra nardwara Co. "a (tor*. Mhana Mid at th? Mom Ptealag Mill, Waahlacloa. N. 0. John L. Roper Lumber Company, PEPSI-COLA BOTTLING WORK? E R. M1XON & CO., Props. WASHINGTON, N. C. New Bern. N. C-. July 17. ? Jesse J Andrews, a white man of Duplin, county, was last night lodged In Ja'.lj here to await trial at the next, term of Foderal court. Andrew** wis brought tiere from Clinton by Dep-j uty Marshal W. M. Gardmer, of ColdBboro. who made the arrest. He li held on 'the charge of making and tolling liquor. R^yenue officers had locatedcthe' still operated by Andrewa on the! border of Dpplln and Lenoir coun-j ties and when the raid was made they canght Andrews in the aet of] making liquor. His still had a ca pacity of about 30 gallons a da/ and was in full blast when raided. The outfit waa de^tr?yed and the op-| crator arrested. His case will be tried before Judge H. G. Connor at the next term of Federal court. I II ! COTTON SipiOi -'Washington, D. C.. July 17. ? Senators Simmons and Overman are due herei within a few days. Thoy ^Tc coming to look after depart mental matters. % Tho North .Carolina Senatorn are 'lelng urged to do what they can to 'help out th? cotton and dyestuffe situation brought about by the strictures of Great Britain and otli *r belligerent nations. They wil take up the matter with the State Department and the British Ambas ?ador when they come here. NOTICE. I have this day quailed as admix istrator of the estate of Sarah i; Harding before t*e cJerk of the 8 parlor court. AH persona holdln ialma against um estate are r> i netted to p res on: calms to me. dul ???rifled within tw* month* from thl idete. All persoM indebted to ear stmt* are request** tt^make an 1m I ledlete settlement. | This lCth day ef June. 1911. T. J. HARDING 4-16-Cwe. tin DDE gi eiiwi Washington, D. C . July 17.? Anti-Democratic papers are feeling out for a candidate to put up agalnr. President Wilson next year. They j have "not been able to settle upon I any particular man, but the sues? | ag Is around er-Senator Elihu , Root, Representative James R. Mann and Senator John W Weeks, with Senators Robert M. LaFolMte and , A. 8. Cummins 'and othpr progrea j *ivea In the background. The namf jof e^President Taft is mentioned, and Col. Theodore Roosevelt is stiP a favorite with* a small Dull Moos, remnant. I Sew Bern, N. C-. July 17. ? A meeting of great importance to the farmers of Cravon county wag held In the Chamber of Commerce rooms last right when preliminary steps :>ward the org-anizaUon of a truck growers association acre t-aken. This meeting came about a-s the result of efforts made by th? Divis ion of Marketn of the NorttT"Cara llne Agricultural Department which endeavoring to gel the truck groVers to combine and lo better grade and pack the truck which they sell. Tomorrow afternoon at 4:3* o 'ock auether inaa'-iny will he li''?tl and at that time the organise ?;?n ?vlM be perfeeted. Farmers from b.M partr of Craven and ether cour.tl*a "m oxtondod an Invltatlou *o jo:n this association. Oar JITNKV 0?m? Till. Mil .V DON'T MiSS T1UB. Cut oat thb up. enclose with 6c to Koiey 4 Co. aicago, 111., writ.ug. your a ad ad ms plainly. You will rooeiva In dturn a utal packago oontaluing oley'a Honey and' Tfcr Compound. >r coughs, colds and croup; Pole; ;fd iry Pills, for pains in e!dea, vud back, rheumfttlm. ackache. fdney and bladder a4tmant? and oley Cathartic Tabfeta. a wtfole jme and thoroughly cleanetag ca iartle. Stoat people en|oy then %*nport*? Pharmacy. Local Churches First MelKoduU Church. W??t Secolld street, Iter. E. M. Snipes, p*stor. Regular service* at 11 a. uu, sad 8:00 p. in., with seriuoa by the pastor. Sunday school, K, 11. Mixou, superintlhdpnt, will meet at 9:45 a. m., Ba^mca class, W. M. Kear, teacher, meets at the suuie hour. First PmtbyUrian Church. Gladden street, Rev. H. iJ. Sea right, pastor. ltcgular services at 11:00 a. in., and J*:00 p. in., ?with sermons by the pastor to which the general puulic lias a cor dial invitation. Sunday School. C. M. Hrown, Jr., superintendent, will meet ir. the morning at 9:45 o'clork. 9t. PtUr's Episcopal C htt nh Bonner street. Ker. X. Hard ing, rector. Morning and errn ing prayer with sermons, at 1! :00 a. m.. and rt:00 p. m. Sunday School. E. K. Willi rr., superintendent, and DiMe lass. TT. S. Waird teacher, tneef* it 10 a. m. All moat cordially invited. First Baplist Church. Varket cfre-t. Rev. 7?. I.. <?m\ ?nistor. Rf^ular *prvic('n :? t t 1 ,\. in., and 8:00 p. m.. wilh ser nons by the pastor. Sunday 'School. W. G. Privet* u Deri nten dent. 9:4.r? n. m. Viailors and >'?!. mgers eordijd invited. Christian CJntrrh. East Second career. Rev. TC. V Hope, pastor. Regular aorvic if 11:00 a. m.. and R*.00 p. m with sermon* hv the pn?tor. The Hi We School meet* nt 1' ?V1oek. W. O. superintei' dent. The pnhlie i-j eordiallv iiivit*-1 SERIOUS SICKNESS * FAMILY By Being Constantly Sapplied Will Thedford'a Black-Draught. McDuff, Va.? "I suffered for sever' rears," says Mrs. J. B. Whittaker, t (his plact, "with sick headache, ar stomach trouble. Ten years ago a friend told me to I* rhedfetfd's Black-Draught, which 1 du and t found it to be the best family medi I oine for young and old. I I keep Black-Draught on hand all th fkne now, and when my children feel little bad, they ask me for a dose, and does them more good than any medicir. they ever tried. We never have a long spe'1 sick ne6s in our family, since we commence using Black-Draught." I Thedford's Black-Draught is pure' vegetable, and has been found to regi late weak stomachs, aid digestion, rt lieve indigestion, colic, wind, naur-*? headache, sick stomach, and simi lymptoms. It has been in constant use for moi than 70 years, and has benefited moi than a million people. Your druggist selte and reca?<n*n Black-Drai^ht. Price only ac. <ir Backage u>-aay. n c i Eifrsi ii irariiT? Cornish, N H.. July 17.? --Ar 'angements were completed today, for President Wilson's return to Washington early next week M<m hers of h1? family will remain here and hope th&t the President will be able to Join them nfcuin later. ATter an 'arly round of gol! President Wilson r ???'red ?o his stud: for o consldeiatlon of the nation': business. We Couldn't* II we would, ncitber would we If we could, SKLL you inferior GOODS. "QUAIilTY GROC&RIES OUR MOTTO." Fine Lot Country Hams and Shoulder*. Chas. IV1. Littler EASI CAROLINA Teachers " Training School A Stale Schx>l to train tcaehers for tlie Public Schools ol North Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one purpose. T uition free to all who agree to teach. Fall terra begins Seplember 21, 1915. ROBT. H. WRIGHT. Pres. ?Greenville. N. C. For 10 DAYS ONLY 20 Per Cent Discount on All REFRIGERATORS Harris Ildw. Co. J LEON WOOD? Membe ? New York Cctsoo Exibangf. ? JAMEi, W. 10 E J. LEON WOOD & CO. BANKERS and BROKERS. Stocks, Bonds. Cotton, Grain and Provisions, 78 Plume Street rpoater But'.dlug. Norfolk. Va. Private wires to New York Stock Exchange, Chicago Hoard Trade and other financial centers. Correspondence respectfully eollclted. ^ Investment and marginal accounts given careful attention, Coco-Cola Bottling Works F. E. MAYO, Prop. WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE DAILY NEWS GIVE RESULTS i ?:'* ' *

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