For the Man Tha t Cares Every Maflin Washington owes It to himself and to t is pocket-book to visit our furnishing depart ment. Cool Clothes are in Demand. SPORT SHIRTS \ Just received a new shipment in wbiie, teawiful stripes i nd tich coloring, with soft turn back collars and cufis. $1.00 ard $1.50 HOSIERY i>ILK and Silk Lisle n a'l the staple and novel ty shaJes. Some thing all men want and are Ko ine to have. 25c and 50 c UNDERtt EAR Cool U ndi?r wear in 2|>ivre or Union Suits,, in llie most dusiin bit; fabrics. This weather Oein.iiiUs it. We can it. Suits 50c ami . , $1 OU J. K. HO YT FRIEND OF WORKING GIRLS la liy |K)?od |d:ot> graph of Mii?s Atv.e Morgan. who J.j3 ???><? "iii> opened a carui- for Kor^ltig st'is i:i Sterling f.?r*?at. (ireeji'&ocil !*i N M'iR Me van Ik the d.v.ishler of U.? lata J. P Morgan. O'^ly TSou^jh'. The bow cannot pos.'dldy atf-rd . wayi beat. nor can hurnun frailty ?1st without tome lawful recroiUun. Oanutei (Jet Hid of "Spring i''e\*rr." A lazy liver and alugg sb bowel rill ovnrcump) any ambition- an energetic man or woman and mak> thorn feel all tired out, dull, stupid and lifeless. Foloy Cathartic Tab lets relieve oona'Llp&tion, restor. I health 7 bowel actton and l.ven up your ll*er. They are wholesome and thareujchly cteamalng; do not grlp< in n Aii.i?aie. They banish iliH r iu close, heavy fpellng. J. !.. Knlrb Tort Worth. Tptm. say*. "Mv d1s> griwmble arm pt ems wore entirely re n> me tuurouKii elfita.ui. irav*? xnv ay *??:? " I . *OTt'? Pharmacy NOTICK OF 8ALK. Ut:d*r and by virtue of power of contained in a ded of trust to the undesigned. A. D. Mao Lean. Trwsl?if. from J. C. J^hnnor) and wife ti- rid March 18th. IUI2 w.iirh i > r1 < >rd?.*>j ;n tue R^glst^r* Oflloe e' I' .-.'iror' ccmt.. . North Carolina. I v. Fl;#ok 172. pa*e 55R. the undcrslgnf! *?111, on rhf> 17tb day of Avip.u*' I ??]:<. at 12 o'idock. Noou. set'. n public auction, for ca?h. before ?h?* oxir' house door of Beaufort rvmci ty. North rarolina. tlip following ii*?^<ribfd rral r'p.tnt*. vik: A rrarl or ^an p| of In Lid si'ualfd in rwut'irt County, Nr?rth Carolina, a plotted on a mttp in the ftpg'.ntflr'* f>**lce of Beaufort <'ounty. North Carolina. In Book 1S1 pac?' 522, dpprribftd as 'oIIowa ? Beginning a* a corner of the canal on a Una rnn nlni; between lot N'o. 47 and No. 42 H30 fef>r Wfntwardly up the canal, thence a straight line Northwardly paralleling the line bPtwpen lots No 43 and 47, one half mile, thence Ivastwardly a SO f~et to the lins l>e fwa-n lots 4 3 and 4 7. thence with lots 43 and 4 7 Southwardly along j lh? !-'ne between said Iota on* half mile ?rj th? hoe!nttlng. containing Thia Jul" ir,||ki to|5. V l> MhiTjUAX, T ruate# T*?oly and M'Mullan. A"rs. T-|?-4wf?. A Poet'a Tomb. "Under my eyes."" wrote Mistral In lilts vein of autiquc tolerance. "I 6eo the luclouure and the white dome of where, like the Htiaila. I Khali lie hl<l In the gentle Supreme effort of our pride to ?Tcapc voracious time! This forkY- not that yesterday or today quickly !g cliaared Into a Ion.' former tu in?'.-s. And v. I; en people of John o' of ,'oin the galterod, ?What la this d^me?' they will repiy: 'That'a the rcmb of the poet? a poet who iua-lo a beautiful Pro* veneal maid caVd Mirelllc They aie like mcsquiu ea ;l;e Ca:;.argue. seat* tered far and vid'* Hut he lived in Maillane, and the old men of the coun trysldv ha v.' trc:s liim 'AalkinR In our paths.' And then our day they vi'l say 'It'a ho wh<*n they had cboie-i king of Proven rr. Put his name live i no more j-av? i the irotip of the brown crickets' At l:is?t. a: the end of their knowledge. they wlil say: ' 'Tls th ? j tomb of a tnaKicli-.n. tor of a l^-rayt 1 Btar the mcnur.ent wears the imapo.' " ?The Century Cost of r.chcol Books. For each eS.iM , rii.lK d In the public Fchoolt4 In th<? 1 ni'.?u Sta'et? the tot. : ?trr.ual i'0"r ?>? t?<*; !>ot>kft is TS.S cent The total o\p-?:dit.:r?- pr child for hi ! s-rhool | 1 r , ? . . ? * i.* approximate'!' S!'h ill T*i ??-! o; ? r-V.books !:< thv ! upproxii ;u:i 1> - *?< r eei'.t of the tot. I co<t of \'.r. support ai 1 equipment i'l* ?..?! p>'r ch id or. t! achool popu'?.: ?au?H ' f. to is :?a=j .of air?> i? ? ? : 1 the annual i: 1 capita cost cf 1 : * ; t- ?-?"%- rn the lor > : population i.' 1"** than 15 cen* ? J ITALIAN GUN IN ACTION Out; ol h?- -i* H 11.-' Mr.! umitMal i ?:u:kje in si' ;>r.n on a hetehi in Hi.-- Au. 'rian Tyr ! Unw*lcor.i* Trlbuta. *Whj didn't yoo vote for *ny rr . ? ".cHouT" "Wc wanted yrm iiom ? fo- . .1 little while." replied Parmer Corn | i fnn?d. "We rnRnrrl you at one of th* ? neat sppukorn In thf country, An .liere'a no (lennn nor Justice In lettlo1 *n unappnv Intlve congresB ruonopt your eloquence forever." UOXT KOIUiKT T<? ASK ?OlH Tl? KRT AfiRNT Kor 8utniu?r E.xcurrlon KM?* lo j li^oufort, S* f'. ftptendtd DrHj;ii?fu! ( ! ? j mate. Ftne Flulilwc. ld< al Spoi for Kenchfld N"OHFf>T-K SOUTHKRN RAIIJtOA > <(ty\p\\Y Till;*4 1h*? wl*n and kiddies -I Hfjinfort will makr- t/-m ell wi II mid happy. Tfi-ronixn Ffoine ItesnrlR II S LKAIII), O. P A 7 17 2f I { PERSONALS \ E. C. Dupr??, ? pfonlntat rxl dcai of N?w B*ra. <(M ratirlu m lie clly att?nd!njr to builpey j Hilton. .... -| N. I*. Ali?<U, or New Bern, vaa k cu on. the street* of the city (his ujornlug. -*4,^-? ? v ? , II. W. Wlndley. of Sw/ Quarter, | was a Washing tou *?lt\r yesterday; uQd spent the day here with rela tives. ? ? ? ? . JJ '..ft MLis Una Power*. of Atlanta, Go.,.| io the guest of Mrs. J. H. Filling at ?he rosidenCe of r mother, Mrs. \V. M. Dell on Ea*t Second street, j P. J. Williams, of New Bern, was cmong the out of town visitors In Washington yesterday afternoon. I .... M'ss Veloa Warren, accompanied | by MUs Mabi 1 Re;d, has gone -to Gi*. mesland, where she will visit) relatives. ? ? ? ?* I ?Dr. E. W. Dunn, of New Bern.[ was in Washington yesterday on jiru.'. isional business. ? * * ? Jo'.-.n Hooker, of Aurora, wa^a l?'cal visitor yesterday. * * * ? W. B. Newborn, of Klnston, a well known n f!dent of that city, ? jh'V yesterday here on business. ? ? ? ? F. Bryan Jones, of Hickory. N. vif '.ted fr'cnds in Washington vrtcrday. 1.. Smith, nf New Bern, In in the. city on a visit to friends ? ? ? ? Misses Dorothy P- mler. of Tar horo. Maggie Powell, of Goldeboro, ? i .u-bu Hobgood. of Tarboro, and Mr John Pender. of Tacbnro, chap rtned by Mis? Sallle Pender, mo-; !or*d to ih:< <<ty yesterday frojn Tarboro. While here they wr re the of Mi?s Madeleine Kllswortb. Tliey returned home today. Mr*. A. ti. Smlther and two ehU !"en. of Petersburg. Vn.. are vlslt ir? at tit home of K. T. Stewart. Mrs Sniliher's father. ? ? ? ? i Mrs. Francis H. Tull and two children. Franca and Samuel, ar1 ;jn the city from Marlon. Md.. vislt h'K Mr. and Mrs. George Wright of | Second street ? ? ? ? ? Ronda Ricks has returned honie from Fairmont. N. C. Mr. and Mrs. George Spencer,! *>!!:.? Marcuret Wells and Miss M. '.lie' Mayo have returned home rrom the I'unuma exposition. i Miss Lizzie Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. .1 1*. Mol'lure. of Tarboro. aud Mr. also of that city. , motored , Jo Plymouth yestordav. ? ? ? ? ? Mr?. J. J. Satterthwaite. who has ' b'en visiting Mrs D. R. Willis, o' Kast Main Btreet. has returned f.o hor home in Pactolus. Berewlesa Door Lock. . A wcrewleas lock which b? picked from without Ir an Invention to carry comfort to ^tlmld housewives This loci resembles a clamp with a ?onK'-io to flf into the lock plf.te of . the door Jamb, held by ? thntnb?er?"s? r,.h dovlre m.iv b? iiseit on wtndo- ?] ^tishcs, itvmb v/ftt'o*-* and *T*.rv>' v ? r Horna, ; he |??r*.*p?t f 05 signals uot* mads ?3- u* are *> polled with horns 30 fee? ! otB no. I ihrlr ".?*"? ere so powur* J "i. U./-:. t'ipy can b'* heswl from tv:ea <-> iVrty miltrs rt They j *?*:?* rail jr op-Tati*? by ro:r.?reiw.d | j if. tbv r.c :?r: r.'.-;r driver. % |iuco*lne of nfci'-ut I - c- ? ( 4th hn -f p if) .v ? r Ca^ilv Ani'tia! Psatf. Av.''trrl;r-. ;* ' yr^.-d villi ceils la ; r j*, u%.K \; r.? lal-blts, wild dog, kait* ?atvo and bie'.vfiy. Large ?i.w? of I .nottpy are >.|;i;:t in an e^uvavor to 'e.> e:t 're ..'j ruber of* rubt?*'.. It Is ( :f.rini.rt?-d is. .t In Victoria ulms Ifc<V i V'.CtJO v.-eri> put lo death In l?i 3. It i :3 ft'.iierally admitted that ten rabbits ?s mucb us ens aheep, ?nd raatij Trailer* have \ong -incs realind that 1 ?.bey ennnot preRtr.'ely fun ehecp on pi* parties lnfestod u 1th rabbits. Nat ural fmcui<t-b. lunh as *fid wild which are troublesome in ccr- ' ..... lend to keep tho rabbili c chcclt, csHlctod by Ibc ;.lre ratting ei.-.e.-. that landhcl(ir;o r. j ertetlng. '?Ccr.^aroos !\ave caused ':e?n?i:*.r?raW^ is'iia/ri in tho northwest paTi of Wert- | ?ri Austr&lls, where ranc'j ov.ervs ar* #a?d to us/e paid for noi':-.ud* o." &calps. ? Fi'f.nj Rrpor* ?.f 'iiIip-! .,SiHte> . V-onoul Man?ditstu at MelL -.urtis I ? o North SiMfit stree t. Mrs- Jtuei Wilson delightful* entt rtalned in houor or her house-gnevts, Mlssei lie I?ui.. \v hit :i aril and Chrvstlne Ty t >i?. or Urseavllle. and Busle Perry, of Kinstoa. Tb? gaests were aiet by the bust ww and Invited Into the library %here tables wero placed for auc tion bridge. An Interesting series of gaaue was played, Mrs. Jesse Harrington making high eoore. She ?"as awarded a silver picture frame.' The honor guests were also given arises. At the conclusion of the game, a tempting luncheon was served. Those present were Meedames Claude Car rcw, George Hackney, Jr.. John Crorham. Sam JBtbecidge, James Hodges. John Bragaw, Ed. Malllson L. Simmons, Caleb Bell. William Burnley, Jeeee Harrington, B. L. Brooks, Misses Mary Cowell. Clata Harmon, o^Ulrh Paint, Luna Ful ford, of Norfolk. Mary Belle Small,' Katherlne Small and Sadie Blakely,' ot Bichmond. I Ccod Reason to Be Pleased., y Joncf? "What a pjffball Burtsoat ot to be slaco he bought that fans Why, cre?r day tho grlnalng '4 to the office wearing ? ;?v i for a acuch charm." Smith "Yee. t\e ospl.?!ncd abort that f* ' ? '.c ns !t '? as his there M la> ~ir io?? l>r Sawyer of 186 Bast Main atreet. tor over three-auartera of an boor clurs with ail their strength to the n?a i 6W pt veaael, while two llf*boa:s tried Va^ly to reach the aldo of th3 i veaael and reecne the moo. Thla ia only one of the many sen aatlonal agones that ?u filmed at an imnvnaa Wet to the World Film Corporation. Ttta wonderful photo plar will be shown at the BEIXMO THBATBB TUESDAY. fUjjY 20th (adv.) * M>metfiingr ? ,?> A Beautiful Line of SILK POPLIN "j* a Yard wide: worth On? -Do/tar. W-e Are Selling Out the Ltne For ?'THE HUB!' ..... ? SU8KIN & BERRY Aluminum 3hoe 9ol?3. One of ihe.u**west osei'^r alinm jqut lu Id TiaklQf tfce *olea of shooa fur uso by workman employed la wrt ?nd damp places. The aluminum soled shoe last* much longer ibaa aa ordinary shoe and la said to be iaa avrtooa to da mane? ~ O? Locio. Lawyer* Still Uee Quill Pefia. - The quill Is not quite extinct-} ?ondon. The. legal rr-oTeseron, irhlr < very conservative, clings to It t isclously, and none of the courts, ?rould be completely equipped with on? i plentiful supply of good goose quills, 'lave you noticed what an lndlipons ibln accessory* tbe quQl la to counsel, whether In oetentatlou8l> taking s xate. making a speech! or In helping o point a warning linger at a boa 'W wttnaas^ ? I xxi don Chronic!* ( Skat Mp"| On." - * ? w -~w- ??u Nmuv ;lUntMi that "hmj on" nnffl Mar are likely to la* all simmer If n<rt ?nro4. Folej's Homr and Tsr Com pound win allar Inflammation, dauO ?topped flinm, rwHere dlrtrwN ">* dtsohsrgea at til* source, banish *UH, , whteeey ? breathing and htai ?nd soothe raw nasal and bronchial pun?m It Is prompt ln action, safe atd sore. Contains no o pl aten. Darenport'i PhsrnjacT. GENERAL CARRANZA AND HIS CABINET A FEW RARE BARGAINS FOR SALE N... 1. Xliu .T. F. Lynch farm at Royal, N. C. IT acres. About/8 acres in cultivation. In good condition. Fanner this year. Two u ? ^ - * * - ? - " >15 jviiwi. *rnni ings set in a beautiful p-ovo. Building* worth $500.00. Willi a liltle money spent can be ' made a very good and a very attractive farm, and a great bargain at $10.00 acre for cash or at $11.60 an acre on terms of $250.00 ea?h, and $250.00 a year. No. 3. Pcndell Bush farm at Acre Station. 8 from Pinetown. On public road. 85 acros. 33 acres in cultivation. A sandy and gray loam soil. Very fine tobacco land, fine for peanuts, potatoes, etc. 50 acres of swamp land on back, and as fine as and the samo character of soil as the Wilkinson swamp land. Stuck corn will pay the cost of clearing and cultivating the swamp land in t hree or four years. Will raise at least 8 barrels of corn to the acre in stuck corn without cultivation. In good white neighborhood, near churches and school house. A new f.:x room dwelling, painted, and just completed. Farm just wire fenced. Wo have just spent several hundred dollars in completing dwelling, fencing farm, cleaning ditches, el**M putting farm in good condirtoij, ?Buildings and improvements worth noarly $1000.00. Will take $20.00 per acre cash or $22.50 per acre on torms of $250.00 cash and $250.00 a year. You had better look at this.. You will not have the opportunity to buy as good a fann as this nt tins price again. No. 4. 57 acres of woodland on River Road near Broad Cteek^six miles from Washington, fronting on Military Road, young growth of limber. Very fine tobacco land. In good location. Is a bargain at $10.00 an acre for cash or $1 1.50 an acre on trrmR of $100.00 cash and $100.00 n * ear. * No. 5. ion n^ree of woodland near River Road, fi ur miles from Washington, N. C. Cut over. All biffh lnnd. except about 200 aero* of swamp. Very fine goiJ, pood tobacor> land. Considering its location, proximity to Washington, it is a splendid investment. We will take ?8.fi0 an acre for cash for the whole tract or for fifty fjcrel, or will r.ake $0.50 per aere on terms of $150.00 cash and $150.00 a year. No. fl. The Jc-*e Phelps honso and lot on Seventh Ftreet between Market and Bonner. Pour rooms. Lot Bb r. 150 feet with good high 1<>t In back and nice jrardon. v |fh a little work. Houm In excellent condition, just dff paired and painted ami nut-buildingi put in good condition. Write or lee m for prices and terms. We are ofTerln| this at a bargain. I 6 . . Wc have 100 farms and tracts of woodlands for tale In Martin. Hyde qnd Beaufort Counties, at barjtln prlcri, Wright u? and we will ?en<l our catalog of descriptions of places and pictures. Washington Beaufort Land Company LntUlk.ii. Batldln. W Washington, N. /NO. E. COKEY, Manag*:" C* . L.*Jl WE ARE AGENTS Iver Johnson, Reading Standard, Emblem, Hudson Dayton and Great Western Bicycles sold for cash or on time We also have the most complete repair sho|j in the city all work guaran teed" . . D.R. CUTLER Pfcone 288 EXCLUSIVE AGT. for BUI CR CARS In Beaufort & Pitt Counties All Models carried in our Salesroom. Inquiries Irivited. CLAUDE L. C ARROW, Demonstrations to interested parties . Washington , N, C.

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