JULY 11. ms THAW STARTS TODAY| roa PITTSBURGH Arrived at Philadelphia Ibis Morn jM- omlf KWI rmkt la Philadelphia. t>*.. Jnly, 19.? Hairy K. Thaw arrived this rooming from Atlantic City, wh?re he enjoyed the wtrt?4. He remained her# Tor duly a short time and then left for Pittsburgh, where It In understood ha wttl star tor the next few weeks. While In this city, he was con tinually followed by large crowds, who congratulated Mm upon his freedom. Thaw appeared to be la the beet of .spirits and answered all questions ?ceod-neturedty. He was sunburned considerably frees his stay at the share and was apparently Is (he beet of health. , . . ' try*. 4. , RJ5l*A*ED NEGRO WHOSE Win! DICD AT !iRK No Wl'? <'*h? ?perk from the Xetfcers" Broneho Drama la I parte "TUB MOVIB F-AN" Kslstaf qpmedy In one art. TOMOMOW. "A? XUJKTW" UX^VISITOR TKLL8 OP MEKT |a thrilling time Mr-hour weet of , R WIT 1? ? After a In AnaTaeach! r?,?, Ontnl Callta WILL INSIST ON THE f RIGHTS OF NEUTRALS II? IUIT Makee Public Paraphrase at the Sot* Pre- J mM M ? ?laX1. Washington, V. C., July 1?. ? t S?MI?r; L^nirfqg made publlf Uf dajr a paraptiraae of the oou ore- 1 i tod lo the Brttlah |ov*fno#n t )\ t)r 14 lo ooaaarre the ri*ht? of American oltiiens In 'Brttlah priae towt*. U b?a no relation, he ?ai?l. | to til* forthcoming several sou on reiurabadd. T*? par?phr??? f?|-. IWI "If. ?(ew al'dlfference. wfcl.t, are nnderttood tf f<1?t batweep the two I povarcroenta aa to t%o prtnolplea at |l?w applicable In prln caortl pre mdlaai t? aaara la?Wa|. Aojrl ran Intareau, and In order to avoid no* ml?underatendln? ta to the ?t* tllude of the Ultad State. In retard to itr afteta proceeding!, the geraru rnent of the United ?iatea Informa ?he UfOtUh government that Iteefar aa the Intereata of American elttaefii ara ooneenied, It will Inalft npon their rlghu under the prlnclplea and rnlea of international law aa hltertl leatabUebed, governing neutral tra rcnr Bt) WUB > the BiccpOoo of OMirdaj. V- , Unless later chanfe* take place.' the following will be the schedule of| the local ba/l*club lor this week: Today ? Plymouth at Washington Tupsda/> Oreeavllle at Green nue. x - Wednesday? rfMmsaland at Wash-] ingtcn. v>. Thursday ? Aurora at WasHlng-] ton. v I Friday?Plymouth at Plymouth. A.SHEVTLLE COPS ARE SOME CHAUFFEURS When Owner of Aato Track gay* Machine Oaa't Make 25 Mile* "NjJ v~"- Hha it Can. % . A?ho?UI?, July J Wfeu offlc " rh or the local plain clothe* xpuLd nr.r^s?;r,vs.r belonging: to Frank Hoffman op to 85 nftlee per hour, tbey won for the city of Ashevllle a machine valued at between |?oo and $700. Mr. Hoffman's chauffeur waa la court on1 a chare of speeding and the owner] of the truck declared that- It could not attain the speed named, as tes-i tlfled by the police, "it the plain! clothe* men can get 2S miles an hour' out of that automobile/' the owned, aald, "I'll give the machine to Choj city of Ashevllle." Judge J. Fra-^ alar Olen^ aaked If fee desired to make that as a proposition to the court, and Mrfl Hoffman replied In 'he affirmative. The officers prompt ly were instructed to make the rnd and orer the course on the first trip they registered a speed of 1ft mlks an hour. Going orer the distance again, their record stood at 19 miles an hour. "Come to my garage Mon day and get the ear," Mr. Hoffman ' told the plain clothe/ men. The ! Case against the driver was eon tin-' uckl ant!) T need ay. a BELIEVED THVT H KNIFE WOl'ND W1 FATAL. \V HKWKD IT AID BLOQD STOI-l'EO. HHedf evlllt. a*.. } oordln* to report* (I' Raleigh. N. C., Jniyl Bigga, the youthful ?M Qreeavtlie Reflector, waft; day night and yesterday a linotype operator tea flcctor through tomorrow Mr. BIot? con Id oofj W.chard's payer Saturdij count of the efcirnce qgj The only llnotfptst to chow up and ?BigftjjH board. He had^ tr*v?fl 19? Ami1 ir of the] (?re Satur K>king for' it the Re-1 ue D. J. on ac-[ operator, failed "key- 1 used to the tongdo of th* Caar. Ho had played around the p reserves of Kaiser Bill and several other aov j ereigna, hrut when he tackled the lilttDtypc he met a man. Biggs could [not persuade the refractory thing and let Saturday's paper go. | Young Biggs ls-4fce Wake county! j boy wHo spent two years In Russia' and titsmall portion, of that time in | the prisons of the old world while1 Ivtrylng to return to America. He is' i only 19 yrars old and i? said to be the youngest dally" papers editor in eaptlrKy. ? Greensboro News. The NewBAleaves out some of the most interesting, pasts of Mr. Bigga' career. In his rather thrilling life, the Juvenile editor has twice been shipwrecked, once off Cape Horn and again near the Zswpqoirac Is land*.* He was one of the party , which started out with, Captain Cook soma years &o on the latter's expe dition to the North Pole, and got a* f?r as Norfolk, Va, Mr. Higyn waa also a member of patrolling i^Nirty of aetors thAt* toured' Austral ia several years ago, He served with credit in the Spanish-AwerUan war. When takiog Into consideration, that Mr. Biggs has just recant ly put oa long past*, it ??et fr* admitted | thai k* kM tad ? v?rr r?mi?rk?bl !!??? twtt rwrktblt-^WT i -sew HXPLorrn of maixh" I MAM) K0KIOHJ Tht ??? Tkaatfa apanj lonlfh: wlih aa Molatlr* piatura ?ro?ram ?U tfea ??l Tha lttfa aplaode of ?m b?v thovn tonlikt la wfclak you will M* tha "JHw Ex plain ot ?Itfaa" Thti Mrinl will U?t for 10 vHki, iM will be e?an ld at] 10:30 a. in. and tho ordination ser vices proper will begin at 11:30. j TOOK DIAMOND FROM PASSENGERS FINGER Negro Woman Lest. Ring Worth $ilOO Tliicf Is Found and Arrested. Rooky Mount, iN.,.C., July li>. ? Screams, yHl?, cries and shrieks emerging from the colored coach on a southbound train. No. 49, yesler-! day on its entrance to the passenger station attracted a near riot^of the I curlons, who boaleged the car to find' out what was happening. An officer | Interceded and found Vara Carter, a negro woman, a passenger from Norfolk to Geot-gejlbwn , B. (*.. screaming as though frantic irtid claiming to bavo lp*< $300 worth of diamond rings Which had beeu (nk?~u from her hand after she had fallen asleep, ^ i * The woman would not be consoled or ov'ated until nn officer went with h?r on a paarcb. jitter tbe trttfn repched Sooth Rocky Moupt the wo !Q?Q pointed O'lt Dossey Oeorge, an oth#r negro pmengor en route from Norfolk to bit Hwp ly Wilmington The efflocr carried the negro tp the public attestation at South Rooky Mount ahd there eearched him, but failed to flod anythlr* In Jill clot lies but the negro's net* were no suspic ious as to enuie the officer to take h'ra along. It was after the negro was started for the downtown sta tion tfeot he handed over hie hat, and there were found undar the band two diamond ring e on which a local Jeweler plaeed a value of M?* The woman told a straight atory Of hpw she had c^me lev possession of the property and that the rings represented the seringa of * life time. The Korfoiy oollee Inrestl rated the purchase of the dlnmonda and It waa found that her etj*y was correct. The negro thief mUf bound orer to Bdgecombe Superior Court under a oord of |6?S. which .he eouldn't ?lre ArnM at Breakfast . fWtle. He ? 9?t, that friend of youre from (he ?M1 1* the nonp HUr la the umlTcna, j 8h?? Why, fcowV that? JK | He? Well, I'n Moti ?oup VlpMln e4 and Iterjl^d. hot h?'? th* Brit one | I ?T?t t?V who>*lelf4 tt. (wm iw POPULAR \OUNG LADY WEDS NORFOLK MAN Minn Mcllltenncy, till* City, Usl Night ItrraniC the Itrldr or .Mr. Duffy, of Norfolk. . X fThoniar Hill Duffy. or. Norfolk, aqd Miss 'Margaret Dudley Mcllhen ney, of this city, were united in mar riage last night at nine o'clock. Rev. Nathaniel Harding, rcctor of St. Peter's liplscopal church. Only th" immediate relatives of the bride were present. Mr. and Mrs. Duffy have left for Norfolk. Prom there lh-y will go to "New York on a brhf trip and returning, will niHke their home ^n Norfolk. The bride if. t?"> daughter of Mr. and Mr?. W. W. Mcllhenney and :* one of the attractive and mc"J pop ular young ladies of the city. She has the best w-lsh^s of her many friend;- here and elsewhere for a most ha; oy ani pr'osperoua maTrurl life. Mr. Duffy 1= in tlie employ of yre Old Dominion Ht^nmshlp Line and a \yell-kno\yn young man of Norfolk. PRESIDENT IS BACK AT THE CAPITAL '.VIII (il\p Immediate AKcoUod to flic N'olc 9wMa morning prepared to give immediate' consideration to the Qermaq aitt?a-' tloo gnnt has resulted in frw rtcent I > iittwgt'8 oT position, acct-i'j ng "to he iR'cst Koii: 1 re;?ort. Mvncrous Austrian a: locks on the Italian ad vanced positions are record "?d, all , of wlhrh arc declared to hn\a been repuhed. Strike Still Vnartll"*!. Attempts at solution -of thr South : Wale* coal strike problem failed again today. The miners'' executive ) council adjourned until this after ? noon after an abortive ait wpt lo reach an agreement. B G BUILDING bOOM AT ALBEMARLE >I?r*y Swr Jlttnlnmn Huuws Are M?* Jn>? Krcitrd There. Rumored TJinl KiurtlNK >tlll I* to IX llnllt, - A|bep|trla, H- C. ,Jwly 10.? Alitor msrle It rapidly growing. Thsre probaly has not been a time In the last ten years when there was mo t% building going on. A. V. Bliss it commencing the erection of g largo brick store building on Main atrttt, adjoining the BnWtli-niles building, Adjoin np this struoture, which will bt ruehed to ooropletlon at the ear liest moment, will be another briek business building erected by I. B. Miller and J' M, Peeler, The new cotton . mill it nearly ready for the Installation of maeh 1 Ihery and th edwelllngs for the op e rati Tee are about all ready for oo j cupancy. I It Is reported on fairly | thortty that either this fall j ter work will b* begun i tb? largest knitting mills) State. New Thea TOX1C1H* ?k r??h RpIkxU at tbr "Nbw expuorra op bijmxk" . ? " ? i -onrmt mow*- -*