JULY to, 1*0 ARRIVES SAFELY IJfntTCOWTY __ ?*. tk* ?o<* mo coMttt*. ot tk* Ckaa bor or OMxm. I* It i*c41?t lm prar* tl? mil of lk? Montr, lit: bo* *MK hia a ~conjj 1*1 t*c. ikin? tkat the run, lafora tk. 9* tk* ?ttt .?*t* of hi* ?'?' ? ) iJMmH N*w York. i?lr 10,?A. indica tion of tk* aataat of Ow iblpmMt. of <(Mta (na tk* United But*. V*oe* *od Oral Britain. Official lf?? for Jon. bar* lot boon eompl*tod kot MU BtM bT official* la ckargr, knag tM total tb ialf i up to 11.051 ma cblM* *Kk a rain* of 4??.??8.>TI. I AatoMoMl* ??tU UM UN*, wfth" Joa* Alpaa&t* ?*tt*?ated. akow a rain* for tko alma aoatka of H.-j URGES WO!!) ON COUNTY ROADS otam o? 4x>i ntv. SUGGESTS PLANS Ueanfort oountr.'and ara NH?? ?Fill ! ??? ***r- !?? t*??? *r* nttemo J* InWerttn, aad l)U aa folWwj; w?rt?hi?toB. n. c. . I ? - f?l/ Mtb. im.? ?tor?r: ,. \ to obwtrtJK.H.. atratkar of cogntlw In Eaataro MM Omllu hata shown mo tbat MmtMi coun ty l? tmckwmM i?. this ?M1?r ot ooa ?truettn* *Dd malaulnloi improrad wtlttnsaaoa by ??ch cIumi to 4o tu ?a* la -tha Ml tattoo aad 10 bcarla* hU burdon of taxation. , lut IbA auKc??tlon> M to bow wo aur (at baiter road.. 1 i we wondd'baka tha balk o( our roada 11 tbor aro, ro-looato them aad radaoa ?"?dta WHro aeeaaaary, drain utt toad bad thoroughly, tnmn th? road *M aa#?iraa o?. th? KSad hat fro quest] jr. the reeuUIng improvement ?ould be astonishing. Thta would require rery Utile new material. Of comn^ we. would repair* Ae eer Tteee'?f a go od.hjftj engineer or and '1 doing oar part to the right way. Tftta must be a cospecatt-ra enterprise. This la ho one man's ? I hare ventured to write yon and 1 am enclosing herein a bulletin en titled "Benefits of Improved Roada" published by the V. 8. Bureau of Public Roads. Will you not read It? If yon ere interested and will writ? me, I will forward to you two other bulletins entitled "Sand-Clay Roads" j and "The Rosd Drag and How It Is flood." "Tha man is the town aad the .man j 04 the farm are both equally Inter-! cstrd} Both ar* mutually dependant.' Neither' caa prosper without ths ethar. { As a otticea and your servant, 1 have adqpte* thin method of trying to Helfr our people secure foaltsr roads. It la np'te yea. '? m If yoa wish other publications. er( I saa ho of ftrt** seryies, pleeee command p? V(7? alaeorolr. JOHfl |f. flgAIA. r*A*K'flCQ>DrnoN \ ... GftEATLT IMPROVED ?mm mm r+mm*OMM ?nfeta>n?, M? u?. M, T**?V* Htdlttos isdtr eowln u?4 it l*?W# ?nd It If Mitnd dtr tutted ttak rruk't eanditton *w y*tf n??M|li| and that tk?r ??? eoafldant tkat ha rail ittrTlT#1 ! th? daap ,ut la bit throat. *o. SUARtRNG THE S'JMM-R WHITE HOUSE P' President Wilson Is very carefully guarded In the r?' Watchmen and secret aerrlce men patrol the grounds constantly and clocks on trees. A xnlnlrturn telephone aystem alno haa boe?? Installed. BOT SCOUTS 1 FROM OCR ACOKE m Had Enjoyable Outlag oa felaad. RMuraed Lact NigtU on the I The local division at the boy KOlU murn?i tost qigfct from Oc racoke on the schooner Relief They hstre kM at tbo Island tor about a week and report having (had a moat enjoyable outing The boys were ?aider the care of Rob #owle. scout master, and Dan Fowl#, assistant acout Master. I Among those who returned last night were John Johnson, captain; Mack Bobbin a. lieutenant; Jack Warren, Wrtiard Leaih, George Leach, Meade Field, Lolls Busman, Dsn Fowls, Jr., mascot, Robert Hodges. Coley Tankard, frruce Tan^ ard, , Robert DaTe WILSON AND LANSING DISCUSSING NOTE 3To*t Note Will Be of a Definite' Character, Aocordiag to Infor- i mat ion Given Out Today. I Washington. July -SO. ? President Wilson and Secretary Lansing today discussed in detail a draft of thej , dote to be sent to Germany thla we:k Informing the imperial government what the United 8tatos will do If th?rs Is another violation of Ameri can lights on the hlgb acaa. The ry tarn of Prealdent Wilson from Cornish, N. H., gave 8ecTetary Lane'ng bis, first opportunity to con fer on tfea policy to be followed the result of Germany's failure to satisfy the demands made In th^ American note of June 9. It wgs understood the President and Mt. Lansing found they had reached about the same concision ? that tt?e n?*t communication to Oermany oHtst he of a infinite char acter, making It unmistakably cle*r that the Upltod fltates cannot be ex pected to rem alp passive lg the ?vejit of Mother attach ?l an unarmed and vnreelstlng ship with a |ou of The Mfe'prohably will ?otBftia llttfe or go dlscoaalon on tf|? principles already treated at lepgtk 'n previous com*?B!cftUon?, "CHAIU4B CRAPMIf HKB1I KMMtlHT li raa vlah to latiffc, attend the 1 Ktw Th'atra tonight u4 m Charlie C**?lloi la om of kle nMUrplMM, ' TIm Tramp." It it * two-real fea ture that will mki in j auMeaoa ?cream from boflnntat to the end There *111 eleo be three other reel a dually Intereatlaf , making mother (hre-reel program (or th* regular irlcea of 60 ml l?o. >ru)u>BRRit tm tm math A XI) TURN lAiHKD HTMSKI.F *?* _______ * -*i f ?Mh. ?*.. *?.?*?? It' ?aart?y wan raurrterd In th* Berk. r<>Vt' >rlaon todar bj Michael *?t tlacar. a call mat", who cat M> Tie time throat. PotUag tli?n eornmlt tad aoleMe br heagtng hlmeelf T u watchman dlatrheted kalraa to ha aaed at hreekfail at s a m A halt how latar th* Mat waa aarv .?4. Wh-n tha tragMj waa ?aeov l?H?, ?o?v Vt% W 4mA, CATCHES A HAWK WITH BARE HAND Peculiar Incident Occurred to >lr. Parrot Hardy, a KtWdml of Edwards. (Special, to the Dallj News) | Edwards, N. C.( July 20. ? Quite a sensation was created in our town yesterday morning when a rather pe culiar Incident occurred to Parrot Hardy,* a local resident. * Mr. Hardy was out looking at his tobacco plants, more for pasttimo than any other reason, when sudden ly something alighted on his head. He threw up his hand to knock it away. His hand caught a bunch of feathers and when he looked at hid captive he found fhat ho had taken hold of a large hawk- Mr. Hardy wore a grey hat an3 probably . a the *inrwk tooJc-hiB hat for a squirrel or vTr ' -i iMr. Hardy 1b being forced to take] a good deal of bantering about the j fight between the "Parrot and the hawk." UNABLE TOSwta. BOY IS DROWNED j Tragedy Occurred at Belliavcn. Bny Jumped Oft' into Water That ^ Was Eighteen Feet l>eep. (Special to the Daily News) Pclhaven. N. C.. July 20. Zack Kborn, a colored .boy be tween seventeen and eighteen yara ; of age. was drowned at the wharf of tho Interstate Cooperage Company Saturday at about, noon. It Ib stated that tho boy couM not swlfai. He was drowned !n ?eighteen feet 7of water. The boy Jumped overboard himself, the *ur , mlse being that he wanted to take a rwlm. or rather to learn how. Tho body was recovered within a short wijllo are carried to tho home of Ki^ancia Kborn, tho motlior of the boy. The ryueral yas held Sunday. I I MANY INDUSTRIES AHE IN WASHINGTON M* fov*? ftepoH HrvcaU AatonishJag ffgrnbtv of Enterprise* TJmu Pay Tm<* Ui Clfy. I Ttil* morning, whflo he wt? look ing ovtr tome old fllen end at the ( same time trying to quiet a trou-| I blesoxne reporter who was nagg'ng him for news, Mgyor Kuiler, ?r I traded a paper and with a glance at , the reporter stL??d: | "Bom* people Mem to have an ] id a that Washington la a little one horee town. Ton might publltfh thte I and contradlot that belief." I The paper contained a list of the , different trades and occupation* from wfritih the specific tazee are oollected In this city. To thoee who hare tevr given the matter much thought, the Jlet may aound some whit etaggerjrx. It ts a* follows: ? One gas otfinpany, one hill-posting I company; two machine nhops. one brick company, one land and realty company, two telegraph companies, three eoal yards, two railroad*, one rental agency, on" Ice company, one fl^-lat mil. one oil mm, one cotton irlit. two bottling work*, two gar ; age*. two tortlllacr dealers, one , buggy manafaoturor^ fonr fob prlnt ,era, twa contractor*. one' marble ygrt. two Mrertea, oca bow Hag eO WASHINGTON PLAYS GREENVILLE TODAY I'OCit! Tnna i Ix*ft Tlii* Afternoon for J Greenville ttliprr (?? u?ie Hill Bo Played. - Tho Washington team, accompan ied by a few loyal rooters, loft iliin afternoon at 2:30 for Greenville, via automobiles They will play the Greenville team at the laitcr's home I grounds thlB afternoon. Either Kincald or Brlnkley w 11 J do tho twirling for the Washington team this afternoon. The line-up complete will be as folio wh: Davenport, c. Kncaid or Brlnkley. p. Cowell or Weston, lb. Phelps, 2b. J. Hackney. 3b. Anderson, ss. .G. Hackney. If. 1 tirpoy. it.""' ' *? " ~ John Hackney, rf. THAW SAYS HE WILL DIVORCE EVEL7N A 'so Planning to Write a Hook Itel Ative tx> His l*?nc l fc i.il>ci\y. - Pit! ilrurgh. Pa.. July 20.--* I uhr!. d'vol-co Evelyn Nesbitt Tha-w." ! Ha1 ry Kendall Thaw, seated at dlnnor yesterday at the Hotel D nl?. suddenly \ liHhed" vback hl3 chrtr and made .hif announcement. He had bjen fjuiet .-Intc he feat down to cat, rs If ci":d>ing over Homethins. Thaw cam to a decicion as he fin ished the meal, and qui*;lly toS.l those seated about htm of Jiln dotcr m'nation lu Institute pruci* rtl!i;g?> t It at will Kcpuraie hiui fn?r?i t ue tress, who today .ad ;=H? Aant'il neltlrr Th .w nor his money. "There Ik nothing more to be na'.d than vviiat I i> year c fio. tha'. there pan be na rea:y, one dealer In oarr'a^er, Ave deal r* In bicycle*, one *ewinr machine company, two milliner*, one iteamboat line, three lumber manufacture*!. one barrel' factory, two dalrlorfC two laurdcke. ten pivaeln* cluba. alx blackamtth and repair ah opt. (onr undertaker*/ eeventy-eeven "pop" llceneee, thirty one reatauranta. forty-five draymen, thirteen tr* cream dealer*. atxteen! barber aliopo, eight soda fountaUia. Jlre deajer* in fire work* three tinner*, twelve boarding ? koaset, one hotel, one theatre and morlvv picture houip. two ntovln* picture tthows, three oH agencies, alt pool ! tkhlee. one hundred end twe?ty-n announced In London rliow the total '-naur Itlea of tho pi. ns* Da* dandle* froce now ty !*t -12.434 olllr^rH and men killed* wounded and mtarlnfr. Will Viet tin :th a lawn parfv at the home of lllm i/ouiaa Hen dor ion. Tho party w?? given in honor of the m?mbin of tho elae* who have just reoomly returned from the naval ml litany eru!?e. Ico oreem and cake wat aorvad. About fifty boy? and glrla w#re preeent and had a moat onjoy abk? time. Next Sunday even'ng tho two clnrret will hare oharge of the ntffht aervlcea at the ohorch. An intoroat inn program will be tendered. I New Theater TO WIGHT CHAR LI R CHAflJN ? In? "THE TRAMP" "Dlimpp*?r?nc? of WarilMtofa" la t j T*k* Thai Rtopham Aw*jr"> |~i ft k 1 IHtr, v ynx> ii **4 ih