WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS rUBLHHXD EVSBT ATTERJfOOy. Vtdm Al%, Mna IUi V'1 a Aa?a* ?, 1?0?, tt tfc. portoOn Ml ?f March 8. 1870. . 8CB6CKCTTIOH BATE& ' O* $ .25 B.. ......... ...... l.?0 ? 1.50 Qfr? T Mr i...... 8.00 ?sat W paid tor Is advance. If paper is not re , . -?-/f tofopho? or this office. Subscribers desiring tk* p tpmr 4imetinue4, will plw noii tj this office, otherwise it wtfl W Wfcltsuad st lifitltr safcseription rates. / . M IpPJL M ATO Proprietor. CARL GK3EROH - - ? ? - ? ? Editor. WASHINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA, JULY* 20, 1015. The nest time any male member of the family comes home and cr>u\plsiu? about the heat, when you ask him to do *ome little job Mr .uDil rL?? hoU*r, ask him how he could possibly stand it out in" the S ?' 3i ii, r - i'.rr Tin* Wsshingtop team to win. ? .-*??? [ *ar k :: ? na^pinent* on tho .-mthern frontier of battle " '!?? -KUU1 nsrnro a* tlu- inunv couilicts that ^ ? in M-sico. ' - .ft: thvy acv v. La* i ? ? v. .n .-ij sjuiok ii.. ?t. uuaa, bound from Liverpool to New York, - a,-. ^ . . .iiJjor .strain her relations witii tu . u.nvi i he luteal atrempt to tak?> innocent live? was witnjui snv possible justification. It was a dastardly act, of eawaidly intcut' and should bo dealt *x:th as such by this government. Report* state that no warning was given tho Orduna ; that th torpedo was tired from the submarine and that later the Ordunti wa shelled. It wan impossible that the submarine could gain anything by torpedoing the vessel. She was bound for the United States an : carried no ammuniti?>n or contraband cargo of any nature. Ther. w*s absolutely no excuse for the act. In the caw-s of the Lusitania, the Nobraskan and the Armenian Germany might possibly have some justification for attacking thes vessel*, but in the Orduna ease, no just cause or excuse can be offered That the Orduna was not damaged need not be taken into consid eralion. The Intent wa* there to do her harm ? -to sink the vessel il possible and to cause lo^s of life. It was a cowardly, unwarranted piece of business and is by fa One of tiu* gravest violations of the laws of international warfar, and humanity that Germany ha? Vet committed. The need of liome kind of a pleasure pier or park on the rivor front has been greatly increased bv the recent spell of hot weather. Kven if they just, tore down those old buildings on the city property south of Market street, and put up u few benchcs, the city official would be doing an act of great benefit to those who cannot affort the luxury of an electric fan or a trip to the seashore. The president's vacation in over, but unlike most vacationists, h> has had a good rest and ia in fighting trim to tackle the hard job' that confront him. ' What 1uh become of the old-fashioned statesman whose nam-. u*od to adorn the I'eruna advertisements?" inquires the Giecnsbor l>aily XfWrt. He is now giving out "signed" interviews to tho nowspapors an his lace and ripfiiature nuiy lie -ron endorsing different brands o1 tMba.oo and soft drinks. < I'sr u t" ?? n:it - a hopeleaa. incurable X('T : The fellow who >*?- ?}><? :1i-,o ? r. .1 I."* la y, leans over you in a confidential - ; !v ?r--ly "J ir-f ? v-, "Wonld you like h cold bottlo?" . -s ? ? '? r-:i ? "Ye?," and liek vc.nr lips in ? .. . m ? ?. ?? ? r ? : - ?- ;vntly, "So would L" r home. ? 9.v 'o go a st^p outride of the ? ? r* are pmplc who are suffering (i I' of ico find suffering from ''r't :-'>me thought l>e given to r recent condition? ke no greater work than I who arc more unfortunate thai; .vher selfish to enjoy the'Hreeze while riding u< t'.>ii)<?hi]r>. ?.r g"i:ig off to the seashofik for a con pi. 1 da vs. or enjoying many of the other luxuries that inA^fy will buy J and at the saino time knowing that there ie? actual suffering goinp, 011 right hem in tho city? -on the streets along which the autos speed Won't eoroeono start u movement to provide free ice during tl^ hot weaihor for Those who cannot afford to buy it? Won't the pastor* take thin matter up in their churches and urge flieir congregations to assist in it. ? ??* , "High oc*t of living in Europe inereafted,'' may* a headline. Judg ing from what iu->me of tho warring nations are paying for ummu fiition, the com of dying hIso climbed considerably. Wo dropped around at the* Journal office in New Hr*ru at eleven o'clock Sunday night, but found no one at homo. Those fellow rauat ^certainly go to hod early over there. We happened to be in Greenville a couple of Sunday* ago ? got there at, 3:30 o'clock in the morning and we found Biggs still hard at work in the Reflector efflee. Evidently theee New Bern ecribea have what Cicero Jpatd to refer te aa "a cinch." There ia ecmaiderable/telk in th? piper* about Oreen#bor> going to loae iU boaeball frvtfchite. Firat thing we know we'll have thvj team ever here and Washington will l? on the map for fnrtber orders- 1 <kon?ht la tht murk sf ih? CbuVxt* Nm th?t "Tk? thr??t*ne<l ?Mk* ?f pwto nukM W Um ptttM ?p." It NAlil; MUM mm ?alm MB* Hp I ? *t|i? Am mt Mm ?I up ?**!?, rfp HkM pl??* ?ufc? - ' v bl* I Cherish Enthusiasm. , , WMtf won la possible esea I T enthusiasm Jt larking. but no 09# , ??*kea ? splendid iuccobs without ? ^tinging to hfi task ??*or as well a* mrtnatri. To love your work and be lo itj outcome ere ewniu' t# s b*.fb grade of achievement. rherlsh four euthus'asma To trr tc succeed *Uboot them is as foolish as to Ue , ?n# b*nd benlnd jrnir buck nad. ?** j *-h?t you '*n accorcuilsb *itb ?>? I _ low In? church SAVES DAUGHTER AJrict of Mo tier no Doobt Pre Tcnt? Danjhtcr't Untimely tiJ Ready, Ky.?" i way not able to do anything for nearly six months," writes Mrs. Laura Bratcher, of this place* "tad was down in bed for three months. ,1 % I cannot tell you hoW H suffered wltb ; my head, and with nervousness and womanly troubles. Our family doctor told my husband he could not do ?e inv good, and he had to give it up. We trieo another doctor, but he did not help me. At last, my mother advised me to take Cardui, the woman's tonic. 1 thought it was no use for 1 was nearly dead and nothing seemed to do me any good. But 1 took eleven bottles, and now I am able to do all of my work and my own washing. I think Card* * thr be?t medicine la tf.i world. My weight has increased, and 1 look the picture ok health. " If you suffer from any of the ailments peculiar to women, get a bottle of Cardui today. Delay Is dangerous. We Anow it will help you, for it has helped so many thousands of other weak womes in the pasj 50 years. At all druggists ^ - j .GbKtanooga fcUdlJry# Oo.. Lmttm' '"OVirf D?c*. Chattarotr*. 7?m,. lor Spii* \ ?ueU*n* on ?our cam ?nd 64pn? book "HobM MKI*r *" M.a itf NOTICE. I have this day qoalled as admin istrator of the estate ot Sarab E Hardens before t*e clerk ot the Su perior court. AH persona holding claims against sale estate are re quested to present calm* to me, duly verified within tW? months from this date. All persoas indebted to said estate are requested to make an Im- i mediate' settlement. This 16th day of June, 1916. T. J. HARDING. fl-16-6wc. NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue at the terms of a mortgage to the undersigned Hassell Supply Co. from Morgan FaYrow and wife, Missouri Farrow, dated January 1st, 1914, which Is recorded In the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Beaufort County, North Carolina, in Book 174, pago log, the undersigned will on the 30th day of July, 1916, at 12 o' clock, Noon, sell, at -public auctlc to tho^ highest bidder, before Court House door of eald Coun': the following described real estate, vis: A tract of land In Pantego Town ship, Beaufort County, North Caro I'na, being all of that certain traot of land which was on the 27th day c' February, 1905, conveyed to Morgan Farrow by J. R. Bishop and wife, by d?ed recorded in the Reg later s Office of Beaufort County, North Carolina in Book 132, pfg4 287, which land Is more particularly bounded and described as follow**. Beginning at the Mouth of Moora Branch and running with the braivpi a itraight course to D. M. RatcllH's l-aik corner and thenoa *lth his liao to his ro?d, thence with the John L Hour Lumber Co, line to the Ht'l Pond, thence with the Mill Pond to the mouth of the branch, I he begin ning, containing fifty meres, more j or lege. Alio the following personal prop erly; Two gray mare mnlee sold to Morgaa Farrow by th* KunU Sup ply Co.: no No. Ill Htokoey wag on, one Mrt and ou Mt of haroeaa. A1 Wertord. Ireland, iMt?4 tor Ra glow, Um ?lilte?? thtn* of It. ill? buOt .ton. Kitepo?t? la mntek tk* whit* ?xu*-? In tft* ootntrr (ana b u uBoal i.tni ud Ua |Uo* In Mu. __ _ Come to The garage^ < That guaran* tees you Satis factory Service in everything. Whether xpu store your car .with us perma nently ? or just buy occasional supplies, we guarantee to. please you in both quality &. Price. The Best Grade of ..Gasoline at the lowest -r market price, T ry our Service once '? and notice the differ ence. Washington Motor Car Co. NOTICE OF SAXJL By virtue of two execution* to me issued out of th* Superior Court of Beaufort County upon judgment* Nob. 9496 end 94*7, In favor> Of EJ.' H, .Mix on A Co. and afalttt N.-ff Tuttry, the lame having b?e?levlerfi ipon the land hereinafter deeeribed( | will sell at the court house door o* Jraufnrt County, at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, o ; Monday, August 2nd, 1919, at noon the undivided one-half Interest owi ed by nald N. H. Buttry In and that lot tn the City of Washington' North Caroling. - described as th Eastern half of l?ot No. 91, McNA Town, nxcept a strip 5IH ft. wW by 60 ft. At-p oft th* back or Nor: and tbaraof; It bftlDg tha am* V cob., fad br W. B. Witllfft ud wl .to N. H. Bnttry and W. R. Bawr br daad datad Mar Itth. 1?H. |? cordad la tba Raflatar'a offlca o Baa a fort Conntr, In Book if?. Fate 4*8. vkltb la rafarrad to far full daterlptlon. Thta Joaa ?0tb. nil w. a. win turn. Sharif f of Baa Bart Coaatr. T-l-4?a. >11 bought of Um mm MaHir U*t*4 ?M ihl. JIM l?th, lilt. OACMU, WW CO. habbt mmtuuan. *ttr S 1-1-4W*. .1 ;t .>J '<? ' ym W.MWrWi i . NotU CMBUol, u (fca luparior Mrtomi, . OOur?. W. a, Kklilej uJ i. o, HuUta, *?- ? C. R. .QaUoww. 0. 0. TanaUll. L JL.TajalaU. X.,*. J. B TwuU, .W. N. TaaataU. Mr*. T. ?< TunataU, Raj TwMl Valma Tkt., atall. B. ?..T?aktall, Dor cam Km aad kutud. w. E. Kim. Mud, i Rove, Holtaad aad kaakaad. B. Ho tea, Kata V. Cajrtoa u< huabaud. w. Caj-taa. a w. Oartou, o. t Cartoa. IaM *UU*7, Brian Bit' 1?*. .Harray TmaUli, Hmit Weill wine. Xrjaa Waatkerla#. J. R. Wi iw, J. a Tafcr. iad MUt. CampHel oaaabar Cothw. Tka aber. named partiaa. akd ei other ppt ?ooi lataraMad, win talk' ??tie* thai o* tka l?tk day of hat Kit. the above-named (MMmr died a petltlaa ta UiaofluAtt. Clerk at tka Bapariar Court at Saw tort County to han the title to ear tala laa^a therein vdaaeribad real* tcrad and confirmed purauanr t chapter ?0 of tka PatHe L??e />! 1?1?. aad tka* au?t*oaa bt*'-k*4* laeued returnable at -tfe 0?ee- or tka Clerk at tka tMot CWlfl or Beaufort Oeeatj oa. tka I lit da* of Auiuat. lift. , Ba'ld iaad la dtaatad la tke. Ootid ty at Baaakort. oa tka South etda at Paallce tilrer a?d U daeortfi# ae totloare: 3 ,r Beginning at aa lroa poet, wklpk Subscribe to DailyMfeWs pt+ritt *J ?W> ??? ?U.iDlimt ll a d?cd of trsat to tka ulHiKHl, A. O HfL?mi Imate*, trvte 1. q.' Jobwoa Ml wlla. Ailed Marcb lttk. l?ll, which la raoord** te lb* lUftateM.Offl** mt Bracfort Count/, Nortk Corolla*. In Boo* 171. eM? IK tk* ?nd.?l?ii*d ?rUU. *k..tk* XJtt MT *J mi. ?tw.^^p.n. woon. w?r?i pabllo aadtlda. lit oik. balor* Ik* Cfturt hoaa*. door ?( BaauTorl Coon 17. -North Carolina. tk* following deacrlbad rwl Mlitt, ,'v , Jf! to*rt.or feWro*! of land aUuatod U >M?tan CtfSktr. Nortk Carolina, a plotted off- ? map la Uu> Raelater'i O?o* ol Baanfort County, N^rtB Carolina, _lfl Boil? ' itE sage . I?acrlbad> aa follow*! Boglmilftg af l oornar ?f tha. canal on, a 11 n? pi?' alms Wtwaaa tot. No.' 41 a*d Ko. 43 II* Ixt tk'.-eana^ tlWM* ? >.< Kor(frw*te paralMLng the' I1M ' Utwaan . tola twara lota, it ?M ?r:; tktike* ifltt tote <3 and 4T Boothwardly along tk* Ha* b*tw**n Mid lota oaa kail ?all* to tha hastening; coot.Ulii' Tffi'Ml T Utb. 1*1*. ' . ' A- k HacUAH. ' ... rooty and" toellallaa, .AMjra. hi - "< - iV^Sa P| ^'.1... .. ??' '? - "y . .. ?| Wtan cotton e^N B* ?opnnK uateg t>A t? ar.ld dc>u(hia. H"? m4?i ijn'wM, aid taking" ;t imlwli ot Or. Klai'i N*w Dla 'wtwt, will- poattT?lr rtUm ut ? '!?* win iuraly rid T<~,,*f Jour !;??>' %,'m ' tint dw* ?0f thia . tk* HBtt^M^Mk* 7<HK p?gb. wktok tote** te a ahkrt iW.^r. Kino N*w . Wf?T?r# kti ton Med poc "?follr tm -41 rM?Can<r> *?ar ?*te?4 to c*i* A*. Mooer >ack If II Mil. ?*? a. bottl*' fronj no I t>f?g^at; It *o*ta onlr k llltl* and Will k*ip IN m BKTAX ? lJW??JUn?hoa? -i MHAOAW ?

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