SMttifii diicp (?si iir ' ' IBM ,? ** , j Atlantic Qlty, H. Jlty o? thera'i a in M aaoac the *ly oblivious of lb* shocked couu 'liinni ol Hdit* boardwalk atroll re palled cottentedly away at a dg irotta. A few followed ?stt the Mxt day. ut Mil ? mi Ikm were ?corM ( "A M?M? languidly against the utan back i orf 111* mono* chalrj ?< lndoWntly enjoying -a attake." Moat of the watch haadeoaeiy (owned women. , lib anasMtakafele marks of breed r n( roillac aloav the boardwalk la ha oMMoratakie ehaln and tearing lay wlapa of .taeke They attract >d- aaoea afeaUoa tbaa the tatben. tad. loatead nt be'ng annoyed by be Itaree M |IK?|?, they rather eeened to eajoy tfce-n. i us mi HIM - Lo* M. Jbly *0? T#t? tftmwd Kn?tM> irom.ii i?H>*t*4 on VMort* CatbuUuat Tutndtr iM par*4*4 plMrorm ornr looktac Ik* M*b?akBwM trhl?k th? ??*?** riutM at t*a tm* at Mar wMte-la ?nt ?m< Wa*?. 10.1IT; MartMWD (aa. ?,!??: Caii^kj v1 aoldrtj l?r?t ?>??? u waalMiH .'to IUCMI P?K?> of Mr KHtmUOK eahh Returns] *C, MpHjMHWOOM I tMtutlr wU Uut It la (iron to- li luti. Id .ft la equally effective tor i?OV0 ptopli. All Iran'o ?eU U O*' prto? U onljr MTy cent.' M4 on* dollar ft bottle/ the latter, fOr fftttUlM who aed it regularly. I Or. OaMwell'i Bjrrap Pepsin ha* 00 ?<*u*l ftk -a- cur? for coftatipatSon. tadlceetlcn. blllouaness, headache*, star stomach. iu on the trtomacb, 1 taper treofcla ftftd kindred complaints It haa ee many adrantacea that thoee who mm use it forever after dis card eattaaatlec, mitt, pills and oth er oaine r? i aillee, (or they are sel dom advisable and should never bo Slvfttt to children. Famlliee wiahtnf to try a free aanpu bottle eaa obtain It postpaid by -addraednc Dr. W. B. Caldwell, j 419 WaahlBftoo St. Montlcello. 111. ? postal card with roar name and ftddreoe on ft will do. M FBI MPS Weather conditions for the part hare been auapieious (or the groWflvg crop and with the contin uation of the hot epell caption has. probably beeq the most benefitted, aad the season thus far ha# been fit of comparison to an'y of the past several rear* for Seaufort county and neighboring aectlona. The curing -of tobacco has started tn many section* of the countfra and the primings are acceptable, and 1*411 cure 'into good leaf as the rule. M It la generally regarded.) This wiU ??? more activity along the ^i?e* of .curing the leaf, though thla will not get 4at? general awing toe oereral weeks yet. " The crops throughout Beaufort ?re reported good, and the normal acreage yield is promiied in prac tically every section, while better than the average la predicted from) some. Of the five local play rs who par ticipated ia both of the games' that fcihe Washington team has played so far this season, Moore leatda in bat with Carrow running second. The averages or the flvo are as fol /fowi: , A.B. M. p.C. jfy* * -714 ? 4 .gOO **?*? 13 .3 74 Pn*??pli|l ? 2 .323 Si Hackney t 1 .123 nmmmrn to* ipm Dally News mn NMW London. July IQ.? The Dally Tei-^ egraph'e correspondent at Copea-' hag en ia y?: "That it to not lapoaaible that Sweden will enter the war wan In dicated by a epo ch of the Swedish premier. Dr. Hammarskjold, In re deputation representing the peace concrete recently held in Yarberg. 'iflfce premier said: -The 8w?H,h cover n men t sincere- 1 ly desire* 40 remain neutral, hot it doee not necessarily follow that peace can he maintained. It to ss dangerous to believe Sweden favor* war as to believe tftst she favors peace st sny price." "Me for 'Gl^TS-Ll ' When I Have Cams" tfbaple as Saying It; Never Fails. It does your heart good to see how easily and quickly any corn cornea out when you put "3EJTS-1T" on1 And thea when you've gene along for years trying everything, when you-ve sat up nights wrapping ui your toes Id bandages, smearing on salvoe that rub off or swell up th< corn, pasting on cotton plaater* tha make coras pop-eyed, slaughtering your toes witfc razors. Jabbing then with knives auti pruning to th? qulok with solesors ? and then yoi put on t drops of "GETS-IT" anc see your oorn fall right off ? Why, !? Just looks like a miracle. Juft ir; It. "GETS-IT" dever falls. No pain no trouble. Use It for any corn, csl lus, wart or bunion. "GET8-1T" Is eold by druggist: everywhere. 25c a bottle, or sent di ?ect by E. Lawrencc & Co.. Chicago SHE REPRESENTS ELECTRA Mias Florence Canaasa selected i poae for the figure of Eloctra In th design that la to be the keynote of th ?nationwide campaign preceding th. celebration of Electrical Prosi ertt> week. November 29 to Deepmlisr 1 Mor6 than 100.000/m? copies of th?? design, on postern and placards, will be distributed all over the land. A Full Measure of Health it the rev ard of those who live ritht and cat right. Andaafmhalr.oxvrcUe, and good food arc the principal fndort, il i? important that food be stlectcd which conutpi tbo etMotial iiutiitive ekmerls in well b ?. Thua Gmpe-N I# doea not tax the digenion, but actually attiate in the a? 'simUation of other f toda. Fo? tboM^lfaK lb< (mIU it poMible measure of health ; ' ; "TVte's a Reason" (or Grape-Nuts I by Grocm everywhere. THE HOME Of Quality \Jroc*n. r k THE . Four Cardinal Points of tfce GROCERY BUSINESS . CleanUocM. Voaluy, Price, Service. Yeeare enti led to thrm. We' ob serve Htm all. > Try i n? Maaboi New Y?i Coll on bcbaatt_MMb W. CO ( J. J,EON WOOD & CO. BANKERS and BROKERS. Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain and Provisions, 78 Plumo Street rpenter Building, Norfolk, Va. Private wlroa to New York Stock Exchange, Chicago Board Trade and other financial centers. Correspondence respectfully solicited. Investment and marginal accounts given careful attention. Coco-Cola Bottling Works F, E. MAYO, Prop. WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA. ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE i DAILY NEWS GIVE RESUL