'Til ' , , 1 . , ? ? U . -JUL White Goods Special i Practically _erery' tort of WHITE GOOtXS needed for theae July day# we have ia stock? and tve prices are made after the ]. K. Hoyt Sale fashion They will internet yoy. .We mention a few fiaterial*. ?? ' . , ,U_ ? v ' ^1* ? * ? ? ? T , i WAiu Linen a 25c to TSc FUtxons .' ' . {3 -20-25 c Vo9e$ ...... 20c io 25c Namaooks -~J2c 25c Long CU>the? 10c to 25c Piquta 26c to 49c Gaberdine a ...... 25c 1RV J. K. HOYT F,RS' DAILY NEWS WAIST ADS GIVE GOOD RESULTS C. . A. York, of New among the oat of yeeterdny afternoon. ? ? ? ? Mlra Blanch Blauvelt. of Wilson, ' and Mr*. Wank Elliott, of Ports mouth, Va.. rlflted friends here yes terday evening. ? ? ? ? ? \ I W. Halberartadt, or WIlllMoston. 1 Rpert yeatTday\ In the City attend ing to business flatters. tha ara <* deH a ?ou? od tha vntiTB front that will n)aka all Eu ropa trembla." AH UII. Pl^ADAMT imittt Oh or two Dr. Klas'f 'Jfn Uto Mb with > tgmblar ol w?ttr .? al?k( No htf. naaaoatlof taata. bo MWa| ?> (a* do rich < to bad ?*? ay la tha moratafc, ao)oj a ?*?> aaay bowal nciwilt. and taal tea all dar Dr. KlaCa Maw Uf. PUU ara aald kr all Dru??l?t., 36 tut artctMl Hctan tor Me Oat a bottla twdar ? aoloj thla hu. picas ?jt $2 to $2.60 Hats for $3 to $4.00 Hats for ' $ 1.91 v? *' ' fc- V ' *" :?** 5.- -? ? ? - ?? . ? . . . . _ . ... . Only a Few TVf ore Days to Take Advantage of ', BIG . REMOVlll&fiF This Sale Positively Closes Saturday, July 31st. Many At tractive Values on Display at Less Than Actual BOWERS-LEWIS COMPANY ISiiSSP BETTER COOKING ? NO MORE DRUDGERY New perfection on Cookstoves have made cook - ing easier and kitchens, cleaner for 2,000,000 housewives. No more drudgery ? no more wood-boxes, coal-scuttles, and ash pans. The NEW PERFECTION lights instantly like gas, and regulates high or low by merely raising or lowering the wick. You can do all your cooking on the NEW PERFECTION ? just as cheaply and H'ice as conveniently as on your coal range. Ask your dealer to show you the NEW PERFECTION No. 7 with the new oven that becomes a fire less cooker merely by polling a damper. Also the PERFECTION WATER HEATER. It makes you independent of your coal range ? ' give? you plenty of hot running water. 1/m Aladdin Security Oil or Diamond Whitm Oil to obtain the best results in oil Storep, Heitiri tnd Lamps. J -SUNK FILM tmiFm [ RUM i The World Film Corporation five net photoplay Baaed on the famous j Wm. A. Brady production "As Yo i Sow." which was written by a clergy I 1 ; tnan. the Rev. John Snyder, will be j shown today at the Bellmo Theatre. ? Alice Brady In this film has a part ' whic.h will unquestionably establish her reputation as a screen actress.' ThlM part Is that of Dora, the "wo man who suffers and endures" of the play. The daughter of a wealthy man she marries a good looking young fallow from the country who has made an auspicious start In New j York business life. Having won the girl by trickery he proceeds to'ro-| veal a baseness of disposition -which makes the life of his young wife a terrible burden. He becomes a drunkard and lH^Mpr hit wife and baby child. Dora resents his cruel ; ty and he robs her of the child, sur , reptltlously conveying 't to his moth er and then, himself, goln>g away to sea on a llsliing schooner. I Dora. bereTC of hu?band and child, b' comes a prey to grief. She I* In all essentials a widow, for the newg comes that her vicious young hui-? band wns drowned at sea. F*resh sufferings await the gJrl, calling for the dlaplay of abstained emotional power on the part of Miss Brady. | Concealing her identity sh^ make* her way to the fishing vljlage where' her huxband was born; becomes the paying guest of his mother; recog nises her own child; and excites th* love of her husband's brother, now a clergyman. ' > ? These po'gnsnt situations make 'bis nbotoplsy a drama of strong interest, and keep Miss Bradv at ber tensest t? an emotional ac tress. Many other Interesting sit uations are brought out In the plot of the plfcy, including the return of the husband, Dora's quandary and what finally becomes of her husband - 9ti6?rlb? to tb? DflJIy N?vl EDWAJUM* NEW*. . J Miss Frances' Tuten Is bo# spend* ' Kg tome thne al lifer homt b+Hr j Miss Lela Merrill, ?of lC#w Bern. X. C.v who ha8 been rlsttltog MI as I Belva JBennette, returned to her I home Friday after 'a very enjoyable trip. . ? | Mrs. T. C. Whitley is now on a visit to her parents at Marfbel, N. C. Mist* Hope lAthatf , who' has~bec? attending the summer sohol at Fred ericksburg, Va., came home last we-k, accompanied by her slater, MI m Julia Latham, of Plymouth. Mr. and Mts. W. L. Warren and M!ss Mildred Rota made a very pleasant trip to Washington through the country ia?t Friday. y The Guild* of the Episcopal church will have an Ice cream supper Fri day night for the benefit of their churoh. Free entertainment. Misses Margaret Tuten and Pearl Cratoh are visiting friends at Pun go. N. C. , ' ?* \ I Edward ball J earn played two very Interesting games last week, much i to our regret. Wo lost both games. But our boys are very enthpalastic; when they lose, they, try the harder . next time. J' Prof. J. }i. PeVry, of Industrial Cpllege, Kinston, N. C.? will begtn a series of meeting* ai the Christian church fourth Sunday In July, . Tho M lesion Band, composed of the ihlWreo, had a very good and Interesting meeting at the Christian efcurcb Sunday morning. A good program was rendered. Everybody 4s busy now in ow vil lage harvesting crop*, mainly to bacco. PROM R. P. O. 3. ' ' ? - We ere baring torn* wins weath* ?r and the farmer >? needing rain, Mr. and Kro. Jode Roberton ?peat last Saturday aid tnadajr Willi li 07 mother, Mr*, u Cos. We bad a iruwu marrlane In tor aeetlon lut Thartdar Mlae Batata' Burroufbt. of the I. L Cox aad teat. , wrter and Rodman, attended ohurehi it Asharf Bandar. [ OWJ OOBOM ?rvflUblr RIB ?ropertlee infected with rabhlta Nat. ??? ae to Me tad wild do**, which u< OoiniMM-ltcii tain dletilcta. .tend to kH, u? rebblu <* "bock. "aaaletea k j th U?a a bora wauji la aa^mtle ' "MdallT tor rereoe. oiTw " ?ee*ment. Nwrertheleee, it to m* ean be attained thnack oae rear eomiwrU* I*rwa? sf the will, rheo, loo, wwrry u o we of heaai. . PMUM deetrojreew. It Hnae Ike faoe will! farrow* that are dlHcult to >w tort and tor front rlsasle, to loaa WE ARE AGENTS . I vw Johnson. Reading dtandard. Embietn. Hudson Dayton and Great Western Bicycles sold for cashor on time. We |ho have the most idrriplete repaid shop in the city all work guarsn tMd* D. R. CUTLER t ? 'j. Phone t$M 4** to tw thu > ma b toffint ??? cxtaon ahgoU uto to " ( _ Atunwmm, Shoe Sol.t. ? yttH " Ott uomt uh tar ahink IS TO?B? th. K>? M ahOM ?oi X? Jw ?Mnit4?tto?l lo **??' >-.d dam?, ????? The aluminum wtod ikf u1i, ??i,|W,r vbaa u ordinary .hoe aid 1% atl