AFTERNOON JULY ?, 1915 bmn guilty ?f mj abduction. Play Aurora Here Tomorrow j Hsl th ri Ual || tf. "I Owloe to tko rata rwUnUr. which ?MM* ? poatponwneat at th. gaaao Vlth OrMDTtlU ui tka coadl Hon 01 th* local croundi toitr. wfclak wMl MinHtm rootpoalnc tko propoood |ua *iU Ortmealud. tka KbrtiK ft Iht w.ihtoatoa l? cm tu ulOTtu soni? ekaasaa. Aaron will plor tho loeota karo| tomorrow altaraoo*. M(ir, la rtoM at ptartBI OroMrHU here, Waaklottos wUI a#aia Haroer t?| OroonMlto and pla r > Ml at tkat cltj Mooter and Taaatar of nntl wook tko locala wlU ?Ur tko KoUord loom a two PITI aatte la ttla tHj. Goo oo witk RoMriMTlUt u| Voncoboro aro alao nyilUd to koj pUrad km umi mk. fiuw a?4] fUturda* of mt W**% Wtihiuiaa ?rtU P lo ? Kolforl a>< piar t*? ? ta uat Mr. Wj* 1 Found Coupon* Vahu tt.QOOl .h, hon(,. ? .J ,.wkiak it kotat ">? Vr : f\ - iL>.- < ' .... . th. pu.Hi Of Us Ml) th> womw of Onnuit th. 22. o? *? Rain Causes Postponement of Ball Game Bid* tWMIi. Had Bud TtmJ <* It oa Trip from This City to OMrtb Inifcf AfMnooa. Although the Washington ball UtH Journeyed tnr t? OraenTlUe yesterday la automobllee, the weatli' or man decreed that then should ha' so nm? snd there vui't. It r*U ?M. "W, tU local taajn Ml tt rained wMk thay wan ?h iSW way to Onanrllle; tt reload when t iiy arrived there; II rained when they were on tkalr way back, and' whan they vara ones more la Waeh lngton. it ?u still raining. | Eight aatomobllea left hare abont three o'clock yesterday attnrnoo^., all of than wall loaded. The tsara belonged to Mr. Bower*. Wm Blll soa. George Hack nor. Caleb Ball, Charles aDilcy, Oro. Diamond. Tom I.sughnghoase' and Mr Swindell. Anrona those who were 1b the cara In addition to th? abore ware A. >1. Dumsy, Jo)ia Gorhsm, R. Neal, P.P. Maxwell, Lee Dere&port. ?trw art, Bd. Stewart, Oar TTeston. Hugh Wstson, Gay Gabriel. A. ?. Pnlford. 'I c- Morris. Was. Dadlej, William Kntght, Harry Kear, Bra. Fnlforl. Hugh Phelps, Charles Proctor. I The machtnaa had a hard time of It. The oar belonging to Mr. Dllson skidded into a ditch and It wee only by (ha united efforts of his passen ?ers and insistence Treat other cars that the automobile was Dually pushed out Charlie Da] ley's ejw. hroks tbroagh a bridge and turned i orer on Ha side. Moot of tfea pas sengers wore Injured sad the oarj Wis not damaged to any great *g Vant. Mr. ?*lndsll, Mr, Wilson and Cslley gsTs ap the trip before they got to Oroan Tills, fealtkg sonMeat that there would bo a* game. The other tars, bowtrra, ta*tltiwd ts i hair war. snwitUng to glys tip btps Most of ?k* pars won bask In by tart* o'tlotk l#s< ??rtt Cfctrllt Dtllsy wss nsablo| I# (tt hit ear running ?i It tnd Ma*f|#ll wtvo (tfttd to sfsnd Ik. nlgkj It ert*ttl?a? Tk?y ro tt?H k?n* I Annual of Hardwar, Co.l Tk? annual netting ? H?rdw?r? romptry ?? ] <l?r mornln* In lh? Cb.Mbar ot ronmw*., '? * ?I tk? ftaut IxiUlM (otlovxt tho bu? h thowln* m. t, by ti,i. n,m M?t t?? U?t rvr. to k? v?r? of fl? |p?rcnt ??re Jwl.rm Th. folio. I in IT offlwri wtri ?Nct?d : | PrwMMt. On. T. M Vl? PraM<nt. T R Uotf ff-rreUrr, t. M. Hodi?. TWUW. C. A. Washington Is Being Visited By Bad Storms ' BouUW 8tmmm Yif^y am.l D+j Before Were Accompanied by tarta Plankae ul UM . ' PMa at TtirnxW. . Washington thl? numner Menu lo bo in the Mntar o? an electrical ?torra ana conaoqaanoe t ho*, peraona who art afraid at thaadar and U(htnln( are contemplating tak clear sky, came * bolt of lightning that ?ung and crackled ac K burst in tbe air over the $ity and the bomr bardment of Liege had nothing on tho report ef thunder that followed. Many ?were to badly scared that they were in danger of having nerv ous prostration. .Late yesterday ev ening another electrical display oc currod and thla was equally as bad. During the summer of ltlS. the year of the famous storm and flood. Just such storms occurred at fre quent Intervals and- It Is feared that tho disturbance now going on la the forerunner of anothe? "such a catas trophe. The storm wa# felt in all parts of tfcn county, but so far no reports of any damages have been made. Hit By Lightning But Recover s\ Brit Ton Off Mjui'i HV Ud f??jrn?J Hint, DM Bo- IkMnri Prow c?r, h^tjmw ? IBM rto?14 b? struck bf Itfhtnlog that th? ?hpck ?ti*alD tw w HIHI H t? tw of tb? ?r*n Df %t> tot >al burn Hi* Up* >H tour f??t It' lag um HTloiu rt letting. iDjurr mlgkt mm ?l?Mt uob?W?bI? M mtof, .. ' M t?? MHM <!?? ttot K Whit ??"?. A. C, Wrl0t who ?M ?trBcK kj llfktfito Willi* (t w?rk |? kM ?<X?U> Mi. f Tywtmwf. with tto mitia of * f?W bur ?i k* U MM tto worxs for k<? MprlHM. Ml, Wlbt I) ? m?rrl?4 tutu ?( >M?I thlpr-??? r??r? WO bit I nunbtr ll town ohlUwi, t ? ~ TVPHOrD CLAIM* two iovat* rocKQ wo sat* Trpboid Of la b? !n 10 1 people do come urged or M the Is Ordained. to Deaconate Owi?I Fa-usk HID (Ullilfr it' St. Members of Clergy PitMM. At St. Peter'* " Episcopal church yesterday, George Frank Hi!!."" of this city, was ordained to the' order of draconate. The service* were held In the morning, a fairly large congregation being present. The ordination sermon was preach ed by Rev. B. F. Huske, rector of Christ ehurch at New Bern. Mr. Hnske p reach rd on the theme that Jesus began to teach the people of 4hls world and that the ministry is to continue as He set the example. His' sermon was air impressive and elo-, quent one, rendered in a most con vincing manner. i Followlg the sermon, Bishop T.' C. Darst, of Greenville, read thet Litany, which is part of the ordlna-, tiOn servie*, after which Mr. HlllJ was ordained. He was given a new! testament as an outward emblem of bis authority to preeeh the gospel. The eelebratlon of -the Holy Com munion followed the ordination in which the members of the cpngre? latlon as well as the member* of. the clergy torfk part, Other members of the elorgy who were 0 resent were He?. NathaniM Harding. rwrt or of Bt. Peter's church of this oitf! Rev. ft. 9. Drane, r?$- , tor of Mi. Paul's Bpiseopa! chureh |t Meat on j 1 Ut. Mr. Alllfood, pf Bath; Rev. Joba H. OriJBth. roetor of 6t. Mary's ehurch at |?1n?tOBa and Rer. John ft. Matthews, veotpr of St. Paul's efattroh st Oroenville. Mr. BM will be is charts of Christ church la New Bora for the n?t two month# during the ?*?**?? of Mf. Hutke from that sity, ! 1 ' ,V- " SBXDfl flO.VOO TO * - oonscw&cb rvno BctuUr Up Ha Ha Vaaklxtoa. fair ?i ? Tto tkout >?4 dollars la eumqgy, tk* mond I larftat wurlkvitloa to tk* ?wnIhm I fond i?w rttaltwf By tko ??**? a?nt. arrlYM at tk* tr*?mr? d* 1 ?artaMt today in a plain *aT?!op? ?allad r*tUr4iy at N*w York, ae compaalcd kj an ilkaUM latter w lac /- v' '3j. \ "Tk* mlv baa i>al<l donkl* to tk* United *ut?d tk* ntul k* Plolo and Mill rontelanc* I* aot **t Mrd. H*r* If ?aotk*r tarnrat." I Tk* packM' o?Ula*d thrM on* tkoasaad dollar told e*r1M?*tM. , *%ht In hnn?irM dollar wIUMIm land tMrlr-on. hnndrM dollar dlnr and told ??t** ' VJ ' Tk* patti|? todar nua* | addmaad to dw-tarr MqAdoo tn1 BRING MESSAGE TO MR. WILSON ?r " * .ff ' a'"1 M>J I"""* Carcta. oouHna o( the late President of who came to tbla country with a l.ttar from tha xtawo family to Proaldent WUaon with! n r?... )tu<iiin In Mexico. CITY IS SADDENED BY DKATI1. Mrs. Ada Martin Flynu, wife of. C. A. Flymi, of Washington Park, died this morning at hor home. She was 38 years of age. The remains will be takvn to Baltimore tomorrow; the funeral services to be held in that city ?o Friday. She is survived by her husbuiul and three chil dren: "Charles, aged 7; Elizabeth, aged 3. and Ada, aged 5 weeks. Mrs. Flynn passed away this morning at about iJ :3U. Her death is attributed to heart failure. She appeared to be in the best of health yesterday and went about the hotly-* a9 usual. Mr. Flvnn, early this morning, heard one of the children crying. When ho went to his wife's room, In found -that she was dead. The -entire city joins with Mr. Flvnn in mourning over his bereavement. He is one of the most popular men of Washington and Mfs. Flynn was also well known and loved by all who knew her. Her death was the principal topic of conversation in the city, today and on all sides could be he ard .expressions of sorrow over her df-mise and . sympathy aud Condolence for her husband and children. Cases Before the Recorder Three Found Guilty of Violating Traffic Iahn of City and Are Hade to l'ay the Coats. In the cases of traffic violations | which were brought up before the recorder yesterday afternoon, three were found guilty and two no*, gull-' ty. The following dec'uloug were' rendered: Jim Baugham, no lights on car. Charged with costs. . Frank Rollins, speeding; <pald costs. J. K. Corey, speeding, paid coatd. ' Jestus Randalph, using cut-out; ' found not guilty. Jltn Spain, charged with using cut out; found not guilty- It w?s later ( shown in court that Spain did not, even have a cut-out on his car. I ? Mr?. Sparrow To Read Paper Hh Part <? Ppocmn of the Pree. I'jUriM Ooar<wtlo? Which Opena M nockjr Hopnt FrM?f. Mrj. ! B. ?parrow, o( thl? city, w:l| attend the praabpterlan conrea t'cn which ?ni open tt Rook? Monnt an Friday. lira, Sparrow will read p> paper Friday afternoon on "To to leader* 01 their and taith the? M be eoul winner)," i Muoh (antral laiereit la b?tns ahswi In the comma convention, whleh will laat until a under night, and a large attendee* la eipeoted i KIIABD BY IJQHTMISO. jjamea dtp N??ro Knte With In I ./ at ant Death. | New Bern, July II ? Jonae Jonaa . colored, of Jama* Citr, w*a Inetant , tr killed laat nl*ht whe- a bolt at , lightning etruck him. A ehort tlpae before the negroe traalc death a thunder atom had arleea and he and aeevral bf hie children had eonght aheKer beneath a trb? ll tmt af htr hone. When the lightning struck Jenea the halt aleo eeverely ahotUcd hie children feat did thaa M real damage ?, ? *t; Oetty Tlnaptit ' The M aannot poeatbty ate nd al wapa baay a9 can hamuli ftalHy ana a**t wttl.Mrt eoroe lawful rvrettion ?rrpata^ . * Were Married at Small, N. C. liiautiful ore moiiy When Mi.* Bowen Became It ride of (Jc?>rj{u S, (HI oil of New Horn. (Special fjrres.pondent) Small. N. 0., July 21. ? The Meth odist church at Small was the ;canej of a biautlful marriage Frldayl evening when Miss Rena Sparrow j Bowen, of Small, N. C., became the! bride or C.orgc' S. Oden, of New] Bern, N. C. The church was beautifully doc-, orated with ferns and flow re, witii an arch at the altar In which buns I a large wedding bell. The bridal party drove up to the church at 4:6G; many people from for and near being preaeat. The party eM?r il the eliumli while the aoft apd genlie tones of the organ pealed fprtli Lohengrin W?<Jdlng March, Mrs. W. P. Trpt wan pressed &t tb& organ Tbo Uttif Mow?r girl* entered beautl'uly fpwpcjJ in white, ftrew }np the beautiful flower* m they cum*. Mttle Miss -Quelle Hooker end Uttle Mill Madeline Tripp acted in that capacity. Next came Ml** Rpby 'Bowen, litter of the bride, fiot* iup M brlde'i meld, bearing a Urns! bouquet of oarnatlons. ^The brldo and groom entered, accompanied by. the best man, Wilbur Rqes, of Ed wards- The bride leaned on the nrw of ber brotber-n-law, Hugh flnwyer.j of New Bern, who gare bcr away at the alter. She wee gowned in peer) ?Ilk with brl<Ul veil, gloyet and flippers to matoh, carrying brae's roiw T bay were united at the altar by Rer. W. K. Trotman, who perform ed the ceremony after which the I wrddlng party with many frlenda re turned to the brldo'a home, where en I elaborate reoeptlon waa awaiting them, whlob waa much enjoyed by all. ^ After the reoeptlon the brld^ and groom with many New Bern friends who accompanied them, returned to New Bern, where fhey wll^-reaM", Mr. Oden being a successful merch ant of that towa. Mia Bowen wee one of onr most popular an<l attractive young ladles We ertsh them much >oy through life. Strength Teetetf. On a feet. a bee wee Toned oompe ?nt to imll a wrlgbt 300 tlmea grew > tie ^ BIG ADVANCE IS MADE BY TEUTONS HKRLJX CLAIM* GREAT VKTORV FOR AITRO-Rl'ttHIAN FORCES. ARE WITHIN TWENTY MILES OF WARSAW, SAYS RETORT. ENEMY RETREAT ItiieMiana Are Gradually firing Drlv* ?o Back. Wlndan li&N llrru Captured. Other Strong holds arts Threatened. London, Juy SI. ? The great Ger man offensive in the east ie seriously hrcatenlng Russian possession of iVarsaw and its evacuation cannot 09 far distant. In the opinion or uany military observers. Both on .be north and on the south Teutonic pressure is being exerted with seem ingly Irresistible forc<\ while in the .enter, General Von GalliU has driv er the Russians back on the nesr do f-.-nses of the city. Berlin even .'talma an advance to points within iw<nty miles of the stronghold. To the southeast, the Austro Germans pressing on the Lublin Cholm railroad line have cap(ured ?xrannostav and are threatening in .?uclrcllng movement. Wlndau. in Courland, has been aplnr?d by t h?? Germans advancing toward Riga. This movement In the Haltic pr^inres has rendered the Russian lines to the south still more Insecure. Petrograd admits a general retro grade movement. Even on the old Zzura-Rawka line which so long withstood German attacks, the Rus sians are Jailing; back, Berlin On the Austro-Hallan front sub stantial gains are claimed by Rome in Carnia, while it is declared the asranlt along the luonzo Is being pursued with redoubled energy anl producing gains. Paris reports that French aero' planes have bombarded the station at Colmar In Alsace and returned undamaged. Moonlight Soil Down Pamlico llo:a?-? ClKwt ol llnptiht Church to liotiiir Mt> ol I-' i dt lis t'lusH With SjUI Ttmmniivv M;;ht. Tho liaiuca claws of the DuptUt church will give a moonlight sail d >wn the Pamlior tomorrow n.glit iu honor of th?- FldHIa cU.-a and friouda. Imitations liavp been la ?iH'tJ. which rend as 4oHows; Tp Whom II May Concern: Whereas h moonlight anil Is to be givcp op Thursday night. July 22, 1015, on Pamlico River, cach ami every loyal member of th? Baraea and <'la?Hei If) hereby noti fied a^d enjoined tp be at tbt Markov Pier (it S:30 o'clock on #ild Olven under our haude tt?4 foil* thl? 10tb day of JuIf, 1916, 8ARA0A BOY*, . JAY# IJAHRW. A r**i nice looking young man and his aged mother came Into my rudto day before yesterday. Ravi the young man. "I want you to makg me a real good pleture of aothar " I lodkad the young man right etralght in th? face. Many thoughti ran through my mind, for eo eel dona doe* anything Ilka tbla happen la my atudlo. I feel like It la worth mentioning. The yoane man and hla mo*' her live In the city. * BAKER'S STUDIO. New Theater TONIGHT CHARLIBCHA.PWN In "THH TRAMP" "DlMpptarmnc* of Warrla?t9l" 'la I Rmb. "Com* T?kf That Bl*ph?nl A??j" ,J?.I Rm|. . Prh**? 1? m4 M?

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