WASHINGTON N. C. DUE TO STRIKE bl^Kook work* at Bayenne. N: li ThU company handle* the traaftlr part or ttie oatput of the Interstate Keep Secrecy _ As Co Nature of U. S. "Note I AS 90 OON fflVKi Out Washington, July tl. There Is a* 14 to b? a phraao la President Wllioi'i qmt note to CMraaay which wi\l notify the Berlin government that any farther sacrifice o( imfien llree In violation of the prlnelpled of international law will tot fraught with tie greveet conaeqnenoee. Thla phraee. characterised today hJ one A a position to kaow, a a the "big punch" la ^be communication, virtually warns Oermany that the United States will view as aa un friendly act the need lees laaa of any nor of tta cttlsens. ^^W^Mhar the tarm 'unfriendly art' IS used or a diplomatic equivalent has not b?ea made known, but the language employed la said to be of an unmistakably nature. How the wafhlag will be received la Berlla' la t question uppermost la the nlnda of Washington even In adraaoe of the dispatch of the Bote. Justwhen the document will he sent If at ill a matter of epeealatloa. The greatest secrecy I# being maintained ta thla regar< BAfV -BAKBR. W? aoa't mm to k>r* t?' mr ?arthlai ?b??i tm?, W? b?T? Mir pit la a Mnftll itMk of plctnro mold In#. Wo will moko 4 tow plotare (nan tor niHlw, and oto ?r tiro it oar aolfkbort, Bokor'i ttudlo. Houta of Happt mm. BELLMO Theater TODAY "MtiUON pOLiUMl llTSTBRT" RETURN FROM ANTI-SALOON MEETING MV. K. L (MT urn c. a. noma AM BACK FROM iUk. -;te- TIB CHT. [ ^ ^ : ^ /'?? ? "? 1. A BIG SUCCESS >s,ooo Hiiium niiMt at cte TmUM. Pram* 1M m? m w -d?t" by IMO. *. U Ov, putor of tkl Urn BtfctiM ckurck of tM> mtr. art C. 0. Morris have returned from Atlan tic City, ' wh#rt they attended ill* convention of the National An'J ?aJaon league Both of the gentle men are entbuelsstlo over tba con vention Md confidant that great food wtl result from the meeting and tba wart that la to ffcllow. "There were orar 15,000 delegates 'ji attendance," eald Mr, Qey tbtp morning, "and they came from all part*' of tbe^tfantry. It wu one utf the moat enthealastic meeting* I erer attended. The spirit of aptl mlam was semarkable and the gen era) Impression appeared to be tbat national prohibition would go Into effect by It 10. Tbara are now Id statCa that have fatad la favor ol prohibition. Five or etx more ere effected to go dry at the next elec tion. Othera are rapidly tailing in llfle. "The delagatee reported a gener ally Increasing vent! meat in fa von bf prohibit lost all over the country I believe that Ohio will go dry a' the next election. lAassacbusetts and Vew Yerk will probably be atnonr tba last to come unde* the prohlbi ?ion law." AinVIUJi IB M'BVK X. OF MUCH BXCrraatKNT Iwo Walker Attack* W. W. Tom f-M*. i^nwi? ? aan, wtu. IWor. negro U Csaght. ? " Ashertlle. July ll?Norman W.I l*. * negro, who Mrljr yesterds? mernlng assaulted W. W- Turnbuil one of Asfcevllle's moet promtnen Mtliens, with a rasor, Inflicting fou ecvsre wounds, wm captured by Pa trolman W. W. BrKt and Sergeant <*. L. Dlgges this afternoon hiding In the weeds Just off Ann street, about four blocks from the scene of His dastardly assault. Walker had inflicted a eever cut on hta right leg. which It Is bellered was done with the latent to taks hla own life. It was necessary (or the physician to *ske' 10 stitchea in the wound. A nan mowing weeda In a vacant lot on Ann street discovered the negro c the weeds, and, running to the rx>sto$ce Informed Patrolman Britt if his discovery. Walker admitted 'tis guilt and told tha officers thst h? would take 10 years In tha pen snd be satlsflsd.. He is being guard ed is the sounty Jail tonight. Keeps Hens From Setting freak WhHIor H* ItnaM Hea for IK Hw A w?r Pma tb* Nasi, Horn la ke^p *?? from aMUif le > problem thst eftea eoafrente n. try iMikn 'tetler. MlHtlMt they ?ro ,nceeeef ul It kaeplat tko heoa ?war froa the'oeeU ??4 M?a tbejf'ra hot Trash Whltlay of this city be Iteree that he hw eolrad the prob. lea. Kt reaaatly pat one of ht? diuflftoT'i dolli la the neet at tha haa that pereisted la weatlm to Id' rreeee feathery population at tha oltr. Mre Han strolled dp to the seat ehortly afterward, aad elaoat had a ft. She flaallr cot eaad to the etraafe oeeapaat of tha aeet, bo^erer, and ptuhed tha doll oat of the aeet. Mr. Whitley pat It hack ifaja aad added a ?audy-colore4 teddy-bear. Thu wee too mfcoh tor Mre. Han. She haant haaa a ear the test face. , J.I r St. Mm. Rlrwa A. Dni daughter of tht #o?t. Looptaltow, 4t?4 kw* today ?fi?r a brtof IllBMn. Dni hwlUt* to ftrt your it ? ooaitilamt Ho'll ii Ilk* i imn trt'i ?W, ry jbst mum UUE IffilMI m puis PMMDKMT OP WTtLOKX COTTON WIU WAS IN CITY TOOAT *1 nuu OF UUUjK FORKIG* OKDBM MCIUVKD. , j MILLS KEPT BUSY Had OflMMt WMh HflgtM Pores*. * A eonti-aet for 11.000 dosen gar ments of afiderwear ? 152,000 sep arate garment* ? baa Just been com pleted for the Belgian government by the Welden Cotton Manufacture nfc Company of Welden, N. <3. An other contract with the French gov ?rnment la being figured on by tho company for an even larger order. The Belgian contract was worth I10.S00. W. T. Shaw, president of the above mill and also the Shaw Cotton I Mills at yfoldtn, was In Washington on business today. Mr. Shaw stated that he believed a number of add!-1 ional .foreign contracts would be secured by his mills btffore the war waa over." The mills are working Ifht and day In an effort to keep ip with the foreign and domeBt'c orders. About 150 employes are employed. Will Continue Charity ? Work ?nwrioan Rencne Workers to Again] Tak? ap TSeir Work km Wash ington. Xtaak Resident* TSi^iocal dlTlatcm bf the Amerl-I an Btes^ue Workers will again take p their work In this city. Captain Vessel t, who has been confined Ir he Fowle Memorial Hospital with '.Iness for some time, is again abl o be out. Mrs. Gossett, who wa? railed to the bedBlde of her father at Spartansburg, B. C., returned tr Washington yesterday. During the last week or two, th work In this city "has been carrier? on by Captain Mabel Bossett. 8hr desires to thank the residents of tit city for their assistance and co-op cratlon during the illness and ab Fence of her parents. Anyone In need of a friend or a' rlstancs. wlft find a helping hand 1' they will call at 120 Academy street. American ^Rescue Workers' head ? quarters. Genera, July If. ? Nedjemkdeu Fffeadl, the Turkish mlnlstsr of Jus tics, and Faseum Effsadl are expect ed here tomorrow^ from Vienna for the purposs. It Is rtportsd. of opening s? par ate i^ace negotiations with ths triple eptento. ft Is itated that ths delegaea ars invested with official IIRE ON THK OKJUAIfOMA RKMAINS A MVHTBR\ Damagr to I>rr?dni)a|ht Or?ttc. Th?? First Estimated. Washington. July 22. ? Official re ports on ths lire on ths dreadnaugh Oklahoma In ths shipyard at Cam dsn. N. J., lea vee the exact cause a1 mystery. More damage than waa first thought was done. Deck plat ing wag Injured, bujkhaads war# warptd and electrle lighting and ran | t Hating systems wereTTrttroyed. Ths navy department bcllaras^'lt was dug to earless workmen dropping Ught< ed matches. TURKEY WANTS PEACH. Envoys Will Resch Genera Today to Opt* Negotiation* With Triple Enteate. JKBIAN OFFICERS' HUT IN THE TRENCHES *'?"???? emb^taen, lo th, L-md.,., ? ZasuI,h. STATED THAT W iDSBN SWORN LIQUOR HOUSE AND SWANNBR Warrants have town local agents of the Justice against H. Q. Freeman Spencer, of W. S. Swanner, of C., charging violation states penal code in key not properly label ed from Virginia Into Una. It is alleged that in tteee specific | .ases the packages bofjg no -'u!shlng marks at alL Spencer was arri *or his appearance States Commissioner M?aon Angust $ ? Dispatch. IS If IfSmiEINl 1 1 'PEARS TO BE NO HOPE FOU BECKER. NEW EV1DBNCE 1S| BROUGHT IN TOO LATE TO HAVE ANY KFFBC*. Albany. N. Y., July 22. ? Governor Whitman said last night that a caro *ul study of the statement of former 'olice Lieutenant Charles Becker, inder sentence of ddath for Instl ;atlng the murder of Herman IjRosen hal. bad not changod his opinion ul (be guilt of .the uonvloted man. "There U only one thing new in he statement," the governor said. "That Is the allegation that the late Alfred Henr^ I>ewls told Decker he was tp be 'framed up-' That would have been an Important bit of evi dence, If tn?o. But If tt were true, why was 'pot Lewis called to the stand during Becker's second trial* Now, with Becker faslng death, we hear of tklg mutter after Lewie l? dead/' The governor Mid that during Beoker'e trial he wts familiar with virtually ell the ellegattona made by the condemned man In the etate ment. The governor added that he woud here questioned Becker con cerning them If Becker had taken the witness stand In hie own defense. The Becker statement, the govern- ' or declared, only confirmed Jack t Rote's story that after the Rosen- J thai murder, Becker was sending to .Rose charging him not to tell any-1 | thing he kncrw about the cam. j BAKER BAY ft. . Get this by ell meahe; and do Just what I eay for Juet one time la your life, aad yotfwill be the happier for eo doing. Here 1* ifchet I em going j to suggest: If It te so yon can't go! to vlnlt ell your falend*. that youj would like, why jnat send them a postcard picture of yourself. Wei make a whale docan for erne dolls r ' Oar postcard plcturee are generally g*>?4. Try ant tkte pita for toaro cwrldefty. Let yftnt fiends see nnd hear from ron t i STUDIO. URGES' AGITATION OF ROAD TO LEEOHVILLE \ W. S, D. Eborn of B?.iDyan Suggests That Mass Meeting Be Held and That Residents Along RouteGet Busy. A good road from Washington via YeateBvllle and Pantego to Leech-' ville, should be tho next step taken! In the good roads work In Beaufort I county, according to W. S. D. Eborn, of Bunyon, who, in an interesting: letter, urges the people of the coun-j ty to co-operate in the work and got busy in the building of good roads' in every section of the county. Mr. Kborn's letter, in part. readR as. follows: "If you have been it-adinflk your county nowspaper, you have seen that Aurora Is going to have a sand-1 clay road to Washington and upon ( completion of this remd. the county: wll pay $50 0 and the city of Wash ington an equal amount and prob ably more. The commissioners also '.asaed * resolution to pay $660 on ?he Washington and 1/eechville 'oad, if it is made a modern road ? 1 ?op poll or sand-clay. I believe that Washington wilt also donate funds rop this road. "It Is now up to all the residents ilong this lin?> of highways to got :usy and build the road. This road assed through bk good tobacco land a* there is In Extern North Caro "na. and is the main road leading from Hyde county to Washington.1 It will be of great benefit to all the orth side of the river. It passes hrough four townships: Washlng on. Long Acre, Bath and Pantego. . | "Now as to a plan for getting this Play Aurora Here Today Lorain H*ve Strong Line-up. Several Chutgn Hnve Bwn Made. Aurora 1 Arrived Tills Morning. If the weather man clo?sn't get balky again, Washington and Auro ra will play here thla afternoon. Klncald la scheduled to twirl for the lorala th|a afternoon and If hta per formance la ?f? good aa It haa been ip paat games, Washington la pretty certain of a victory. The Aurora team arrived In the] city this morning. They were ac-1 comuanled by a number of rootera.l The line-up of the Washington | team will be aa followa; Klncgld. p. Davenport, c. John Hackney, lb. Hugh Phelps, 2b. Jim Hackney, 8b. Andrraon, ia. George Hackney, If. Carrow, of. Lorte Gardner, rf. DIDN'T (X) INTO DITOH. \ j W. H. Elllaoo paid ua a vlalt thla j morning. "Who told yod that my car went into a ditch on the trip to Green j h? In q aired. * The editor gave him hta aoutle of ! Information. I "Those fellows didn't know what tbey were talking about," continued Mr. Rlllaon. "I only went a little way* on that trip; th*? we tele phoned to Greenville, found oat that it waa raining over there, and re turned to Washington" "S. We tfre glad make the oorrec tto?. ? road constructed. I would suggest thai each township build Its purt of the road to t liV township line anl that any money paid by the county or the city of Washington b? divld ? d equally among the townships. Or it might be divided according to the mileage each township has. This is only a suggestion of mine, however. The four townships might hold n mass meeting and devise mean* and plans for ouildlng the road The road , could go either by way of Hunters Bridge or Bath, or a road could be constructed by both place*. ? top-soil road could be built very cheaply as there is plenty of mater ial along the right of way whicji could be us'd. . ^Thls is the most important road In the county and "should be glvfcfl' immediate attention. . It is traveled more than any other highway in the county by carts, buggies and auto Mobiles. It will average an auto-l Mobile every hour, day and night, ^"lie ypar around. "Why not get all our forces to ceiher and agitate this road in earn est? We need it ? there is no ques tion about that- ^ Sep your neighbor! about it and If you can think nfl tome- good plan ? a better one than| has been suggested, write your views tr> your county newspaper and no doubt they will be glad to publish it. Yours for good roads. W. 8. D. BFIOKN. Funeral Party to Baltimore j lt<>maiiu of Mm. Flynn Tnkrn to her j Homo. Many Floral Offering* I Hent by Friradi. The body of >Jr?. C. A. Flynn. who died ye*trtrday morning, was today taken to Baltimore, whore tho funeral will be held Saturday. It ?ves accompanied by C. A. Flynn and children. Charles and Elizabeth; C. F. Bland. Miss Pearl Selby, MIk Dora Flynn and Mr.^.Mobray. Many floral trlbufcn were aent to i he home at Waehinfeon Park yes terday by the friends of the deceas ed and Mr. Flynn. Thoire were alto 'hipped to Baltimore. A large num ber of local resident* were at the depot this morning when th? funeral party left here, MIMH1X<; OAR JX)l'N1) IN TMK WATKR Rolled Off the Knd of the Dock at Vandeniere When lMltag Gave Way. I Atlantic Const Line employos at Vandemere were considerably aston ished this morning when they found I that a car, which had been left on the tracks near the wharf, had com 1 pletely disappeared. They made a thorough search for the ear, but wen* f unable to find It. Finally Ohft of the men happens to look over the edRe of the wharf and saw one end of the missing car protruding up out of the water. Some of the piling on th* dock had given way, causing a grade In the tracks. The car. It Is supposed, rolled dove the Incline that was formed, an ashed through the bum* ?r ?n? ***t ot t?U U* cm stop TF1JT0NIC iORCES gkrmans oovti.we their ai> VAJfCB AGAINST THE RUSSIAN ARMY IN ALL PARTS OP "GAV LIG1A. CUT OFF RETREAT | Trtttoos fto~"^lane*irertng That ltu? KiUR Will Find it iHfflcult to Eecape in lb-treat frvin v Warsaw, London, July 22. ? Official- irepor-g indicate no bhlt in the Teutonic drive at Warsaw, which apparentiy^-hae as n larger motive the infliction "of a crushing blow on the Russian ar mies. The Russians, however, seem I to be showing increasing defensive I powers as the lines .of ihe. attacking hosts draw eloper to the Polish cap | itaL Latest official news shows the Germans under the guns of N'owo I CeorglcvBk fortress, the key to I Warsaw on the north and only ninr 1 te'-n miles from the city. Further j north, the fortress of Ostfolenka has fallen. In the Hultlc provinces the im pressive German advances continue. That campaign Is Interpreted by military observers as Intended to cut in on Russian lines of communica tion and prevent a successful retreat from Warsaw. Less speedy but none Uie. less [steady. is the A?Btro-German advan< c through Southern 1'olandl So far as I reports ?show the- important tommun I icatlon lines in the Lublin region have not been pierced.- ? . HhIImun Advancing. Continued Italian advances In tho lsonzo region are reported from 1 Rome, .the most notable gain being on the Corsn plateau. The Austrian war office, however, denies that tho Invaders are making progress. Liul?* Activity' in France. little activity of a pronovneed. sort is reported from France, Bel gium or the Dardanelles. Coal Strike Ktulnl. | Tho South Wales coal strike has fend'd with the acceptance by the miners of -rt*- settlrment n?ree:nent. PORTSMOUTH Ml LLKTS TODAT. B. K. WILLIS. Wllili NOT HO|J> SI .MM Kit CAMP 1'nlvwlty Football Squad Not Have Vacation Training; Troticliar'l Tnlki. Ohapcl Hill, July 22. ? Tho sum* m r camp for thn trnlnlng of tho I University'* font bull xT rfCAOIKft, WAT ermelon*. orangwr and lemons at J. E. Adams 4k Co. Phone 97. ,7-IMtf. ! New Theater TOWW3HT MFlAT!ST-?KI.IO NEWS W?T PlotufM ??tub ai RTOiRE or wt Lmr Rauaay. " "WHOSIO KtmiMMO" l?> Viu?r?ph s '? ? ? t? CPfll TOMORROW NlOHT -rum MASTER Kftf ? . '? ^ m?t*?K .