MOOO* OF IAI4L *7 l4r?M of ? Dead jI Treat aa MfH kr J. A. whuwh to c. a. Fa*. Traatea, e*. the lttk dap. of November. 1?1?, |M m? Om 1M koirc power, tear ?*)*? karlaonlat ?a???? power nprlfbt Potior aaaaafaetaiod bj fee Wlckj Mr Coaapaay. Tbietber vttfe all bolUAf. ?Ww. wtrtw. p?n>n. ton*, oppu ?M" Md equlpBoot of oil dfeerip tloo aoed I* oouoatloo otth tin MMUM Light Win owaed u4 op onto* by thee *14 J. W. Wllkleeon. u wMl u oil boUdlmfe of every deoerlpUoa uelodif the aaehlapry herola liwl>il or ued in eoaaae tloa therewith, alee offlee building and Aitaree; ?1 Of which ll eltaated ou that sortala troot of load la thr Town of Beltanea. Beats* Coaatr, K. 0.. aad deeerlbed aa follow.: ??1?ala? at pwat?a? Crook at the Northweat ead at the Belharea Lum ber Coapaaye dry kHa, 1H foot from CHi 4iee?. aad ruoalup pg g lis# with Kla? , **eot to Mo Norfolk Berber*, Railroad Coaapaay'a tnak that gaoe to their watar depot: tboooo op titat. traok to Kln? etreet: tkaaee.wtto ?tai ataaad weat warily to Fa1a?n Creek ; theaee with aaid Crook .f. the bodaalaa- Tbpetker wW aU rtsht, tula, latoroot and M tato et tbo eoU Wllklstoo ta aad Jo the akoro UaJ? ood leaaee thereof ' Hour Luitxr 00., Balkana, ' K. C. rrlm :ory that is retnarkablf within it j.self. Editor Gotrch wm bo in on a' nllk ranch in upper New York state' vben be was several years younger han he now Is. At an early ago 'arl became greatly attached to a oad frog, which he finally succeed ed in taming. At the age of B -Carl raa the wonder ef the country. AH he neighbors commented on the wonderful piece of humanity, afldj | t greatly annoyed the young fellow ?o have 00 many peopie asking his nother what he was. At the age of ten Carl wanted to ^9'm railroad brakcnura the age >f twelve he had a great desire to , ?come a tramp, but it so happen n> \ ' hat he mimed all these callings and! lecame Just a -plain, every-day news-! I aper editor. During fcis checkered ! areer of scarcely two-eoore years I ? has worked ill several different states, being a hobo, sailor, carpen ter, chimney sweep, bootblack, re > porter, office boy and expert poker | player. 'He was in Mexico during the trouble last year, and tore the heads off . of sixteen Mexicans that were attempting to massacre him. \t another time he displayed great jravery by capturing a foyrteeu nch cannon from the Mexicans and ugglng It back to the ' American I amp single-handed. Once again, 1 vhen the Americans were in danger >t starving, Carl went out, captured v sixteen-hundred:ponnd bull and 1 wrought it to camp on fele back, thas avipg the soldt?9 .from starvation i wonderfal, wonderful man. ? Ireenvllle ltefle?t$r. BUS HOSBAIl Fill Si Chicago, July 22. ? -Mre. Margarot G*Orady,, of 2768 Osgood street, re delved >9600 for her husband, Martin O'Orady. according to her testimony before Judge WenU E. Sullivan, In ;he Superior Court. "1 got tired of waiting roT my al imony," she said. "He owed me 9110. and I started proceedings *-( gainst hlga. he ealled up this girl he vu going with and ''told her he ' would be In Joll nest day; She said, ' 'Mo. yen went. ill giro 9100 to kee? yoa ou?.' She poid me 9600 llflt week, end I t?14 her I weald iter sway fjem n?r huwbsnd sod asH so mere sllmonr " j ' boo?ht bin f?r |IOOT" M*. * Jn<(> ?fllllm, I "?? b.?jht kin In >V*m< tk? *Umm. ' ? ? m is ! mm 0?TM?k? kM k*n H porpuUr ? nnm?r thu rWr Ortr 100 nestlMUIa ?n ?nJoy?d lk?lr nuutu on In land and >11 ?r? nflthailMfU Is tk?ir ftm* OTtr tk* flaking. boMMr. batkIM ul MUr unmHti tfhir bar, com* trom KlMtoa. N?f Wn, WmhlnUon. R*M?b. ??lh?T?? and many atftar cttla*. A larira qimb?r art at Oeracoka. at pre??nt n* kan at tk* ?>??< au Mm sw of nil :?B+kn&. July 22. ? The Gormai au thorities are not Inclined to takej seriously the Ocduaa captain's at or* of a "-sub marine attack. They regarrl 11 ftf^oo fantastic to deserve lobtrj consideration. A high officer of the Admiralty said that the Oerman gov- J foment knew absolutely nothing a bout the Incident, except what ap peared In the afternoon papera. ThiB was merely a tingle small paragraph cabtyl from New Tork. He added: | "It will be at leaflt eight or ten days before we will get any reports on the, Abject." I V ?? * nui Albany, N. Y., July I2. ? ch?ries Becfcr.s final plea to ^ Govq^nor Whitman to sare him fi??m the elec tric chair was handed to the Gov ernor'? secretary today by John B. Johnston, partner of Martin T. Man ton, Becker's coufisel. The Governor ohm SIB HUH Durham, July IS ?One of the greatest MMttiou -ifcat hu bMo aprons in til* city for man y days came to llfbt Tuesday when It vdm learned that Mrs. Etta Holder 8tone had atarted suit against her hasban'l Mr. J. Henderson Stone, president and c enerfkl manager of the Chat ham Knitting Mill Company, for ar. absolute divorce and alimony. Mr. ?tone is one of the olty'g wealthiest young men and has for msny years been prominent in cotton manufac turing circles. s According to the complaint that Mrs. Stone filed in her act'on against her husband, he left the city about cne month ago with a young girl, whose nsme Is not mentioned (but who rumor fays worked for Ml. Stone) and has not been seen ?1ocj. wik m IDIUI Rocky M^unt. N. C-, July 22. ? l With lea? than one month before the I opening for the fall reason the ex act date of which is August 17. th I**--" ? - tobacco market is t More than 1100,000 is being speir in enlarging and Improvements o facilities for Ih? handling of the seasons' crop o^ bright l<*rf tt ? on a siortn. March if/M 1991 that tha flrsi llfeboa ja t. American coast battle through t* taglng surf and plckcn up o hal: do ?n Bailors frv>m a stmnded sch?fnr?? la H4I congrees recognized the na*> work of thl? sorlrty by graatlrp as appropriation of $10,000. Tb.*a i: gOTemmen' organized % small servt vof Its own on Cape Cod But iot i (ha winter of 1371 did 1: pii Its 1 es srdently ..Into a notloual life^stl: ?ervice. Today there Is a littl* ar^ if 2,000 eupc'b but sf!?r?t hi*rata wl> ^fghVly for elghr mentis of the yo* ?*atroi the longt-a'. Stil (nr nf the DM' mi,r? - 1 ? *111 II HlmMlf. TTjsre !s no excuse for using abntp. rid Inelegant language in accusing ? of deliberate mendacity. I^et bin C<# ou^tal'tlr*: and if ho 1* wbat y? 'Miilr. fti V?. vHJ toll J* nn K'nitiJI said he would make no statement until he had time to examine th? document. of t ? Coast Too Nervous' To Drive a Car? ? " Y That's too bad, old' man, .but you know nervous ness it largely due to wrong habits of eating and drink ing. If you would^uit coffee and u?e Poitum your nefves would ateady up. Postum taltes much like fine, mild -Java but there's no drug in it? theft wNero it's K?t coffee beet a mile. Sound advide. r More afld more, people are waking up to the harm ful effects of Caffeine the drug in coffee -n frequent oauaa of nervou?na?f, ne?rt flutter, dlty.lneat. headache, ?ndothar allmenti. Instant Postum ' . ;T'V * A" * Ii the soluble form of the original Postum" Cereal. A !?>?! teaspoonful of the. crysullne powder in u Qup of hot water OMfke* a delicious food-drink Instantly. 30c and SCi tinfc-"c W7 ? The convenience of Instant Postum is seen at a glance, but *>rpe prefer the original Postum Cereal which must be thoroughly boiled? lSc and 25c pack ages Cr freer i tell' both kinds and the coat per cup is .boot the same. A change from coffee to Postum has been a good thing for tfcousamis. "There's a Reason" Age of Independence To attain true independence you nuiat r _ declare k; male*, a stand for H by Moving and bank ing part of your money regularly. Just am m I ff 6. duty it the tame, regardlest of ape. And you m* never too young or too old to enjoy the benefit* of a bank account. Bank of Washington Washington. N. C. EAST CAROLINA Teachers' Training School A State School to train teachers for the Public Schools of North Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tuition free , to all who agree to teach. Fall term begins September 21, 1915. ROBT. H. WRIGHT. Prn. - CreenviVe, N. C. For 10 DAYS ONLY 20 Per Cent Discount on All REFRIGERATORS Harris Hdw. Co. J LEON WOOD? Men beta Ne? Y&ri (kitiw. Kxrbtpfr ? JAMR> W. (iO .K J. LEON WOOD & CO. B\NKERS and BROKERS. Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain and Provisions, 78 Plume Street rpenter Building, Norfolk, Va. Private wires to New York Stock Exchange, Chicago Beard Trade and other financial centeri. Correspondence respectfully solicited. Investment and marginal accounts given careful attention. I'? Whom It May Concern: s'orth Carolina, lii the Superior Beaufort Cuuuty. Coui .V. H. Whitley and A. D. 11-. Lean. Va. C. R. Galloway. C. C. Tunstall, L K. Tiinstall, K. It. Tunstall, J. S Tunstall, W. ,\ Tunstall, Mrs. T. 51 runKtall. Kay Tunstall, Velma Tun .stall, .H. P. Tunstall, Dorcas Kno:< and husband. W. It. Knox. Mandy C. Howe, H>olland and husband, W. Hoi ton, IvatM V. Cay to 11 and husband, W. Cayton, B. W. Cayton. C A Cayton, James Stllley, Bryan Sill ley, Harvey Tuastall, Henry Weath jring. Bryan Weathering. J. R. W? ey, J. 8. Toler, and Mills Oampber Lumber Company. \ The above named parties, and ail fher persons interested. will take lOtilce that on the 14th day or Junf. 1916, the above-named petitioners lied a petition in the office of th" 'lerk of the Superior Court of Bean irt County to have tho title to cer aln lands therein described regis ered and confirmed pursuant tc ' hapter 00 of the Publlo Laws of 1913, and that summons has been ssued returnable at the office of he Clerk of the Superior Court of Beaufort County on the 31st day of Vuguirt, 1015. Said land It situated la the Coun ?y of Beaufort, on the South Md* >f Pamlico nivsp and U described at follows: Beginning at alt Iron post, which Iron post li located South 43 degrees -Cast 77 poles from the bridge at ^lat Swamp across Bath-Nnw Bern -oad, running thence from raid iron post North 14 8-4 East 9S poles, :henoe South 84 1-4 Bast 60 poles, ?hence North t? 3-4 East 113 2 3 oolee, thence South 13 East 190 polee, thence North 88 8-4 East 400 poles, thence South 3 West 440 poles, thence North 87 We* 48 poles, thence North 3 East 88 poles, thence South 77 West 8 1-2 poles, thenee North 11 1-4 West 76 1-2 polee, thence 8outh 77 West 48 link*, thence North 11 2-4 West 2S4 po1?a, thenee flotifh 77 3-4 West 127 poles, thence flout* 11 $-4 East 127 pole?, thence South 78 West 41 poles, thence South 12 En/t 10 poles, thenct* South 73 West 28 joules. thence South 12 Last 23 poles, thence South 78 West 4 7 poles to tho Beaufort-Craven *coun ty line, thence with said Beaufort CravMi county line North 43 West 124 polos to the point of beginning. And said parlies are further no tified that upon their failure to ap pear and answer Raid petition the petitioners will apply to t.he Court to hare paid land registered and onflrmed pursuant to the laws of 1913. chapter 90. This the 14th day of Jnne, 1916, 8EO A. PAUL. Clerk of ibo Suptrior Court, -15-8wo. Cs?%i j ./nuafiil wop* is r^sfclble ere* K -ntb&slaain is tacking. but no on# makes a a|ieu<1ld success without I ^ringing l/> h'i task ..r^or lis well M n(*.uftry. To love your work and bo 1 Ueve In its outcome nro est< ptlitl to ? !?'.gh grade of nnhlevomeni. f'Hsrish your enthusiasm*. Tq irv to succeed without thyn 's as foolish M to tU one band behind*' yo?i" u?flk and see ?hat you fan accord ^ yjfft ^ j Ts|nl4?#. The (sland of Trinidad li 65 ir.Ue* ong sr.d 40 mllsa wide, and haa ?r ire? of approximately 1,100 tquar# ntles. A obain of mountains extendi throughout Its length, the hlghesfc ^otn' of whlok is about U/ee IbotiniC **et aboTs sea leraL H hy Wisdom Teoth. The so-oailed wisdom tef th am tfcs ?wo last molars to grow, vd th*y hr.*e no real connection with the pow aseslon of wisdom. They take thef; name from the time of their snivel, from twenty tr> twenty-fire years, At which age the arerage pervor. Is e?r posed to hkre reached ynirs of discre tion. Catting one's wisdom rewtli means si nTply arriving at the point Of oompletetieee In physical equipment, and hae n'O dlrent relats>n to menta* equipment Th?. poiw?Mlon of these Cfeth la no guaranty 0f wisdom. THoy grow at ah, /ut the satM a?e U? people >%eeti?r thev ei> w*?-? 0c,? ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE . DAILY NEWS GIVE RESULTS