;N JULY S3, ins MANY ATTEND i"*ho?t ?fty, I should think." /"WhW vu your daughter mar ried?" **8he wu either fifteen or atg teen." "Waa she any children?" "Three." Mr*. Brans then wont on to tes tify that her daughter had l"ft hon' a number of times, entrusting the children to her care. She also stated that Crs, Langley had Bade frequent that Mrs. Lengley had undo frequea' to Norfolk. -Dr. Josh Taylo* pt thja c!ty, wtr the next witness called on the stand He stated that he had known th?* Evans family and Mrs. Lengley tor a nurtber of yean and knew *6th tug against the reputation of the lat ter. Ha went ( mi tu? nmtttr k>4 lasted ? r? laninga iMi ar. it u probable that the 'D. wdt la both hospitals would 0HM ml M todAf. As It ft. than are alxyit K* it? at to N throat gad as* or two labia faaa woa't ha abU to talh labors a whisper tor a month. . It w?> mm game tha haat that ia baaa aaaa la Washington la eer aral nan. -Mot tha IM spjoyable feature al ft wai tha taet that tha locale won h j tha eeors of . al though It took thsm twelre lantnge | to turn tha trtsk on tha Aarwra eg grogalk*. Frets tha eighth Inning until (bg'toleh, tha taaa kept ap a coatlaaeas rootles that ooald b? board all oaar town. Tkerb were la numerable exciting it tuition ?, flash 7 bits at teWIgg, hard hitting and other thrilling featuree. Tha locals made thalr (rat two tallica la tha (rat laslac by work las tha "eqaeeee play" la blg-le*gu* fashion John Hackney Sins lad and 'waat to thlr4 aa Andersan'a aacrl flOa, the tattar betas aafo on Aral thVaaga Raaraa' error. Aa Hooker stasia* to wind up. Joha started trom third aa4 by tha time tha ball waa pitched was halt way homa. Hl> brothar. Jim, who waa at tha hat fame s) to tha orsastoa with a prat i tr little bast John aoored. Hooket I throw to mt ia seech Has. anil Hate It was pretty bell ] AnrOri alas made a tally" i?" tb' I Irst, KincaM siring Otsavaa a bat" J >a halls, who scored oa Bonner' 'WO bagger. Ia tha aaeosd thai "Veorge Hackney drora one lata rich' fleld lor a single and scored ah Hap ?>y Phelps' long tkraa bm?. ?roir baa antll tha sights Inntng. at more srortag waa done by atthor Ida. Not mora thaa four aian War' up la ax inning a double play va> worked by WatMnrtoa la tha gftli 'In Keehney to Phelps to Moore. In tha eighth J. Hooker atarto tf with a single E Hooker ale Mt aafa aad both of them aeorad ni Reeres* drlre to oaater Said, trln ?ha aeoya. Neither team score! !i ha alntb. . ^ Right hare H where the ascitel nant began and tha teas bagan tr I 'roth ht the mouth. They rooted an f n theTMSere Mae ia tha taee *- I 'ha stuetloa* luatlted their wsett neat In th*,teath inning, with on ->at asd a wan on saoead aad third 'nt a long two bagger.' hat si -aught trying to stretch It oat for| in addition al Bass. ' In their halt or the twelfth. Oeo. Haekasy taw eat to Haoree. Phelps ?ook a base aa bells. John Hackney Mnglsd. Phelps taklag third aa the Mt. T*aa tha "ssaeeee" aaaa work ? o. (?on, lk iom. nuk?r, it Pkalft, n. ?> ToUl A Hooker, if. Ch??la, ft nollo*?H, r*. W. Hookor. *. 1. HmImt, ft ?%?' * U BABY ^PARADE ON BOARDWALKrAT ATLANTIC CITY _ AtU"^5 cu* w,,houl lu annual Why par?4e wovHTIom much of I U dlatlnctlou. Tha parade thla ?*? no?t aucc?aafal tt?r h*M Enjoyed Sail Down the River Batmmi Were Host* to Mulwi ot Pfektetti CIm on Ml Which Wm Held Lxt Nlgbc (By a M?mb?r of the Claas) ' (Jut night there wm a delightful sail down the rlrer in which the men ot the Saraoa class of the First Baptist choreh were hosts to the la dles of the Phldells class and other friondi. Silent moonbeams kissing silvery waters wooed to ripples by softened freezes of a summer night; sym phonies of sonls in sympathy, bbunds of hearts that 'boat as one;" made ialcyon moments that will dwell in memory through months to come. Lively Jests, ripples of laughteri* and outbursts of aong all spoke of Joysj 1 oo mil. to Jt>? confined. Nor were) ?the material wants neglected. Sweet i Miahvnm anA-wUMHlDni. whose : MKciewoooto*e^25Su^ faifaTi 'atftf witH Arctic caverns, minister I to the luxury wt delight ?But earthly pleasures all must ? -sd and as tht boat found her moor ' rigs and tho party was about to dli ^erse the soft cadences of the voices i the fair enee were heard greeting heir entertainers In tho following | taluts: 'Ice cream, soda water, ginger ale. pop; Baracas, Baracas always on top. Stand them on their beads, stand thsm on their feet. Baracasi Baracas ean't be brat." L 1ANDIT HOLDS RANCHER; DEMANDS *5,000 RANSOM .Viol thy Idaho Man la Ttkm from HU Heme at the Point o t a RiS*. Idaho Falls, Idaho, July 28. ? Br :est Bmpey, 85, a wealthy rancher. ? being held by a lone bandit Cor] 1.000 ransom, according to word ecolrcd from Bmpey's ranch, forty ?nllee eaot of here. Directions (or delivery of the ran *om brought to tha \ranch by am- 1 pay's 11-year-old son and a neighbor lad, provided .that It be delivered on ? lonely mountain road tbe,nlght or ,july 14. Otherwise Bmpey la threat ened with death. Oflioers ?( Bonneville oounty da ft tut for the unsettled mountain oountry near the Wyoming state line to seareh for Bmpey. Ha wag ab dueted tt the point *t * rifle from his ranch last Saturday night. The gold. MCordlng to the ?* Ult ?*? to b* delivered la an open wagon by two men -and dropped on tha road at a elgnaj from tha mountain aid*, Than tha man were to turn back. Any attaapt to tot tow the abdnetora would paean Cm key's death, tha latter eald. If the money waa paid Bmpay would be , delivered aaef 4y Sunday. 1 BOAT TO OCRAOOKR. Tha paa boat Pungo will leava Saturday evening at eight o'eloak (or Oaraaoke. Returning, the boat will toore. Ocraooke Bnnday night at tea o'oloak. Round trip tare. II. t?. MMH fcj. Wufc. St? 000 000 061-4 ? 4 1 Aurora 100 ??? MO l?M 11 1 = Mrtfek out. far ?lnc*M, J; br Hookw. It: n>M SB MIM. OS Kto :e*M. 4; ?? JRookar. t; Tkr*? Mm klla. Pktlp*; Two kw? kit*. Bonner, (?), Ctrrow. ShtMm kit*. Anitar ?ob; 1 la Hukur, AciHrtoe. Do? ku vtar. Jib n??ka?r t* Ph?)M ?o UKwr W Pin Mir AFTER ROADS WILL HOLD BOND EfcBCnONH TO VOTB $100,000 BOND8 IN FARMVXLLB AND FALKLAND TOWNSHIPS. (Special to the D?Uy News) Orsenville, N. C., JtUy 23, ? Ai the meeting of the comalpsloners of Pitt county .a petition was presented! by one-fourth of the qualified voters of Farmvllle township asking for an1 election to vote upon the Issuance' of $50,000 -worth of bonds for good roads In that township. The bbsrd ordered an election to held the list dsy of September. Notice was for ? nfrto-- ragistva Falkland township also presented a petition for *n election for $56, 000 worth of good road bonds. The board ordered this election also. WELL MID Berln, July 23.r-"Offlclal lnvestl-' gallons hare established thst Ger many is amply provided with sll raw materials necessary to continue the war for a long time to come." the Overseas agency announced today. | "Good crops are furnishing suffic ient breadstuffs. vegetables and po tatoes, and evon permitting a con siderable Increase In-' cattle and rwlne. There are plenty of vege table substances to produce all nec essary oils and fats. "Of greater Importance Is the cer-| tainty that Germany la producing e nnugh lead to satisfy all demands. Besides the large reeerve store*' there are Immense quantities of lead pipes which are easily replacabiel with Iron.' .The stores of copper are, large enough to manufacture all shells and shrapnel farv beyend the, probable duration of the war. Even If the prediction the war should be of long duration, the copper now in private use could be replaced easily] with other materials. Statistics show the amount of coppsr used In roofs, household utensils, potsA plate* and boilers is mors thsn I, 000,000 tons, or sufficient to oon-| tlnns ths war for mafiy, years. FIN BUT LOT OF PKAOHRfl, WAT. eraelofl*, oranges and lemons atj , I. I. Adams 4 Co. Phone 97. 7-Jt-2te. V Locals Leave For Greenville Brlnklcy Will Pitch for Washington This Afternoon. Fatts Leave lii Aufiumobucti. A good-sized crowd of fins aol companied the local baseball team to Greenvlll? this afternoon. They1 left here shortly after two o'clock in automobiles. Brinkley will do the twirling for the locals today. He to said to have pitched excellent ball for various teams in the State and is expected to make a good showing against the' Gr.envlllo aggregation. He comes from Elm City. Kincald "will prob ably play in the field. MORE VIOLATIONS OF TRAFFIC LAWS Cp** Brought Bp In H?rorJ?r ? Govt TflMerA]-." Jlnl SfaCon Given a Hearing. Several more cas^e of violations of the city traffic ordinances we're brought up hi the recorder's court yesterday afternoon. Torn LaughinghcjUH*. charged with speeding, was fined coats of court. Davo Carter, char pod with using cut-out; case continued until today. Plum Hobbs, charged with having no lights on his car; esse continued until today. Jim Staton, colored, who was re cently arrested at Newport .News, Vs.. and who was brought to this city several days ago. was brought up into court yesterday afternoon, charged with the murder of another negro in this city last fall. The de ft r.dant was not ready for trial and tho case has been continued for two woks. NOT KNOWN YET WHEN PLANT WIL'L STARTUP Cnshler of Inter-Htate Cooperate Co. 1'nable to (M?r <>ut Any In formation. Over long distance telephone this' morning, Mr. Clark, oashier of tlio' Interstate Cooperage Company at Dclhaven, stated that he had not the slightest Idea when the plant would resume operations. He stated that the shut-down was In sll probabili ties due to thfr big strike in Bay on ne, N, J, The "Qrsstect Novs!,* we Is no "greatsst novel." ? There nuodreds of great novels, all of ?i. cm wonderful In their subject mat | ? r nnd art, between which It would re next to Impossible to chooee, so fav i > > excellence Is concerned It Is s I "er of taM* purely and simply. C"GOOD TASTE" RYSTAL ICE CREAM Fresh Peach Cream Today Made from North Carolina Peaches. Atk for it at the foun Crystal Ice Company PHONE 83 WASHINGTON, N. C DESPERATE FIGHTING occurs 111 en ?- 4 ?' v 7" h ? . \ A .Decisive Battle is Now Being Waged Between the German and Russian Forces. issue is ,v ,>> Balance Vienna and Berlin Claim New Advances. German Out posts Twenty Milea From Riga. Teutons Trying to Split the Russian A i my. | Lont!ou. July 23. ? Desperate fig hi - j ing continues between the Teutonic armio* prosing on Warsaw and tho Russian forces defending It. Th? issue Is in the balance. Vienna and Berlin claim' new ad vances along all the front. Petro grud, while not deuvlng the closer drr.wii'g In of tho Au*tro Gerinau linos in some sectors, asserts that these lines are being held station ary or hurled backward at vital points. On the important front south of Lublin where a serious breach would mean tho cutting of tho Lub lin Chclm railroad line and a divis ion of the Ttus?1ari armies to the noith and to the south, 'Russkau re-| sls ance seems to be strongest. A Peirograd statement claims the; Tontonlc offensive has been arrested the re. Counter-attacks havn driven the Germans back along the line of tho rivor Narew, north of Warsaw, th*> Russians declare. They also assert ? hot their lin'm on tho left bank of tho Vistula, southeast of Warsaw, art holding. *~ V?i -the? BaHic .pfiOvlRce^ .t\?t_ ad vancing German- outportt* are barsly twenty miles from Riga, their inan meiiate objective. A% ans Regain RWnhta. Along the Austro-Uallan front Receive News{ Gf Marriage MIm Kea:*noy, Well Known H**ro, RerwiK ?* Bride to Hilr of Mex ican Emperor, Maximilian. News fla? been received here of! Ill ^ marriage of Augusi'ne tie Ylur-J bide. adopted heir of the Mexican [ emperor. Maximilian, to MIrr Marv Louise Kearney. Tho marriage 'ook place in Washington City. Minv Kearney wa k the daughter of th many reeld'nts of this city, She vlilted the Misses Mftlllson last win* i tc-r and during her tay hore she be came acquainted with a number of Iccal residents. Although no definite Information ha* b'-en given out. I*. lb- believed that the couple will tnak I their home In Washington City. OWENS HELD Shortly beforS* thrtp o'clock, Iho case against W. If Owens was ?6n eluded. Judge Brown ordered thd? 1x3 be bound over for the next term of the Superior court untl^r the sp.r^ie bond, $1,000. In rendering this decision, Judge Brown stated that If he had to pass on the queatlon of gallt, he would have discharged the defendant, but! that he was merely supposed to find probable cause, and under thle, It' would be necessary to hold Owens. Oelor effect en Dew. Dew Is a great respecter ?f colore Take pieces of glaae ot board an 4 .*?lnt them yellow, green, red arJ Bxpoee tbein at ?l*ht, and It - in be too ad that the yfcJIoW will b? .wed with ttotetwe, the green . k-?*> i Hume claim* the gain of a part of ( tho heights commanding Gorixia. and the laonso bridges from the rlpht bank of the river. The latest I Austrian report declares attacks on O.orlaa har? be?*n checked, and that j the heights the Italians had cap tured was retaken. Frtnrh Maintain Galas. Heavy fighting In Alsace Is re ported in today's French statement. NJlne German ooutaer -attacks fol lowed a French attack, which had carried a trench on the heights west of Muenster. The French claim to have maintained all their gains. Aeroplane Raids. Further bombardment of German communication lines In aoroplaive raids, the latest one tn the Argonne, t? reported from Paris. Autry alao 'was bombarded. ? Quk-t at Dardanelles Qyl?t hs?? prevailed in the Darda nelles aincc July 13, the French war.'1 department say*. Malar .Vote PnMlr 8kaii?)r. ' ? The new American note on sub marine warfare has been despatch ed to Germany. Its text will be given out In Um* for publication In tho morning papers on Saturday. Typhoid Rages In Greensboro Twenty Cast* lUtti ltcpn Iteported to I'll) Health Suprriiit .ndt'iit During July. Grr^e-nbofo, N. C.. July 23.? The typhoid fever opidomic In Orcn? boro, which Ja9t wo It wac, npparjnt ly under control. >? now raciu;? :isain, there having hren 20 crimes n ported to Dr. F. C. Hyatt, super intendent of health, to date. Lant Saturday there had hen but eight ^h*c? reported during the month, and on Wednesday iln?re had b? en n total- of but 13. There were t'van new caupa reportod yesterday, run ning the total for th* month up :o 20 and th? total for tho summer up to 4 4. Dr. Hyatt also declares that 'hf- di"enhe ht>fn t? v^ry virulent, the death rate in the oily from typlia d bring uuuaally blgh. I WOTHKR miflOXRn MTAMHKH AT (JKOR4JIA PRIHON FAmv Mlledtfavllle, fla'.. July 23.-r? An other prisoner In the Q^orgla fttfttf prison here wat atabbad today by ft convict. Charon Millar, ?ervtng a term for burglary, was cut In . the ?omach by Frank Reid. In prison 'for murder He Is not fatally hurt. They had been working In the tuber culoid hospital as stewards and bo'k were taken off that work today. Prison officials say they each charg ed the other with being responsible for bslng taken from the hospital and began to flght. No explanation waa given as to how Re!d obtained hla weapon. I^ast Saturday T*o M. Frank waa murderously asrsaulted In 'the same prison. New Theater froWKjHT 4th Bplsode of "THE MASTER. KBT " I ?? OTfflUt RBBLH ? I PrteM 10? ??< s?