N. C. SATURDAY JULY *4. HIS nuie to vrtrriimiiy nas de Public. Is Couched In Sfirong Terms. VIOLATIONS NOT TO BE TOLERATED United 3?at*a .Will Contend for the Freedom of the Seas Without Compromise at any Cost Will Not Tolerate Any More Acts Like Staking of the Lusitania. ^ \ ' Waehlnitfea. D. C . July 14.? The official tut If the U. 6. note to Ger BUT w made pubHe her* today The sou * tale* that tha Uhlted SUIm will coatUaaa to toiUU jtor the freedom the aea* without com proiaha* Ud ait any goat. It's mo?l Important detail* are ** follow*: "The government of the Coiled States U keenly diaappolnted to And that Ma Imperial German f OTCru meat recarda Itaelr aa la lafge de gree exempt Iron the obli^atton to cfeeerro theee jriariplie. even where neutral Teafek are counted. by what It fellataa the policy aad prac tloe of the gorarameot of 4Meat Brttala to be In the preaeat war wdtlf regard to neutral eonimerce. Tha Imperial German government will readily u ode rat and that the Eov enunent of thd United atatee can not anuia tha policy, of the govern HH of Or eat SHtda with regard ?to aewtra! traAe eacept with that government ttaaH. aad that ,4t, man retard tha conduct of other belUi ereat goieruiaeta aa lrreteaant to any dlxeealauu wttb the Imperial Oermaa cor ern meat of what thl. government retard* aa (rare aad Aanerlcan cSaS^by Oerman natal coanmander*. Illegal aad In human acta, howevar, lugttflable they may be thought to be affadaat aa ea eny who It haltered to hgve acted In eotitraveatlon of law and human ity., are maatfaetly Indefensible wbea thap. Oaprtve aeutral* of their io haowOMged right*. particularly whan they violate tha rliht to nr-, ttaelt. If a haiuivant cannot re taltata anal net aa ehemy without In juring tha lire* of aeatrale. as ?rell at their prapamy, humanity, at trail aa Jnetloe aad a due regard for the d'catty of naottal power*/ ahottld / ' . . . '? ??*??? < - Becker's Lawyers Sti)t Hopeful AM Hi? i*Im for Nanr Testtmon, I ThM mm, um ? - I CoadsMl Mas. N?t York, July I?? The Jawyerj of CharlM Becker, the former poller lleotoasnt, HMMwl "to die BS,1t WXmtoy for lMH(sHa( the rou. dsr ol Harmu Rw^UikI, wWIe dlu sppolnted *1 Oorsrnor Whltmu'< ?uoncnmt that lakar'i rscoot *?????' to ftlm contain* nothing tbst would nmltatt ctnege bis lade nut. ere not 4)soo*r?fe? ? TOr ??M ? lsn?tfcy cosfsroow to dsy ?nd bed victor* who mlfht ???? i?fono?tkm> th*t would be hedpful )? IMr effort* toward (M ting coiroboretlv^ wttne?M? ?? Bettor** sUlemsftt retarding ths H.000 (and SSJd to h?YS been col fJwUd from But Side MVd Harlem, (Matters, by one of the chief wlt neuoo sgofnst Becker tor the Oar POM o( Inducing Rosenthal to le?*' the oltr. Should tosh wttnesess be Maursd Booker's l?w r*rs ?T. ? lm?ort*nt yoM mill be |>li>4 tor the condemned men. ' Jock Roe*, chief witness s?*ln*t necker st ths Bi srdsr trtsji. Instated In e statement today that be bid told ths troth o* the steed He sild his Ute bed been thrwtsnsd. DHB> AT Ht/VTBHH BltlDOK. J*hn W ~Ctttter, aged 76 rssr?. died Mondsy M Hunters Bridge Hs w?s OAS Of the oldest rsCdenfn la that section of ths county sod sl.o * Ofttl WW rotsrsn ' Factory L* ' ?/. fi'l i ? vli dfetate that the practice be discop -loued. If persisted lb U woo Id u such circumstances constitute an an pardonable offense against the s$v srsignt* of the neutial nation affect ed. The government of the United 8 fates It not unmindful of the ex ttoonjfnary conditions created by thl* wa?~Tjf"the raddcAI altercations o; circumstance and. method of at tack produced by the uae ofcinatru mantalltlee of aaval warfare which ho uatVona oMhe world oannot hav?* had In view when the exlttlng rules bT International law Were - f ormuln t ed. and It 1a ready to make every reasonable allowance for these novel and uneigmcted aspects of w%r at ?i?a; but li.connot consent to abatp any essential or, fundamental right of lis people because of a mere al teration of circumstance. The right? of. neutrals In time of, war are baaed, upon principle, not upon expediency, cjid the principles are Immutable. It fs the duty and obligation of |>el lfgerents to (tod a way to adapt the new oircnmetaivcee to them. "In the meantime the very yalut which this government sets upon the Ion? and unbroken friendship J>e neen the neople and goyernmenija'. the United States, and the peoV^ and governm'ent ot the German iia tlon impels K to presj vpry solemn ly upon the Imperial German ? perlal government . that repetition by, the commanders of German navVf vessels of acts In c'ontraVention $ f those rights must he regard- d by the government of the United Stain . when they affect Am^ricaiji, citlzehf na deliberately unfriendly. "LAJN01NQ." . V .' - : ' ? *C Pay Ransom \ To Bandit ' Father of Wdnnppnl Man in Milt ArMDftVH M RAm IUi Bob by 1-ayinu Kaaaom of ?a.ooo. Idaho Klalli. Idaho, July It ? Th end tke boldest chapter o( on' lawry that baa cftrna'w lUht I* thir (Kate ta many ye art pmbably *}l be wrHteo at mla*t Saturday nlfht, kidnapped kid held lor rah wra. >. 8. Empey, father of the kid napped man. com plated arrano manta today for payment of tkt money. The bandit notified the elder Bmpey by not* that tinleao tha Money waa forthcoming hla ton would M killed A lone driver will trie the oo in to 14a appointed place 'n aa f?en wk?on. ~ ' ft *?* Jmev > ? ?? ?xchaxob or num. B. V. Hopa wfll preach at Kara* la Perqolrotaa Jowrty. Tboa. Oraee will in tho pulpit at tha Obriatlar church In thia town tomorrow. Sub Jact *t 1 1 vj 'clock a. m "BuHdlnr on aatflld fo?bdulon." Subject at ?>?r p. m., "Where ,1a nit after Jam?" _ v ? >? ? ' i On the occMlon ft tke ?lgwhu?ou? offenatve'of tb? French and Bogltab At La BtUM, General Joffw, the fNkteh commander. rfolted the Eos lirib contingent and coifipHmented tho British croft afanflay, Hinjfci French, and brave troop*. ASKED THAT CONTRACT BE SIGNED *? ; *. : ?] ' KI*kB8F,STATTVR Of HW.AKTH - . MOtte CHAUTAUQUA HKBK ' * )..<> VKSTHRDAV. "T ?? - - >T 1 ' VAIT FOR PLEDGES I* * . iHt I* Mil Open for ttfeBatnrefl ?>. tho Harris. ILmlware Co. Will Be There Until AifMt lfi. ^ A. peprpqemtatdVe of the flwarth tore Chautauqua Association vaa tr '.'as *ky yesterday for the purpose of < Quiring :a contract with , the foe*} varan tots for next Cbautau :ua. . The lady called upon B. G. 'loss, preirtdent of the guarantor* od the latter explained to her that he matter was in the^ Bands of1 1 ' orwmitlee. andt thtut no -action could ;>o .taken at the present, thqe. No^ additional signature* hav. 'een" received at ^the Harris Hard ??are comi**ny during tije last .few 'ay*1, t(f ^tlie pledges fofc Cbautauqu a iclcets ipr newt year. Th? list will eopen until August 15th at tb"? tore. ? ff t ho required number of rket* are not pledged by that tlifae, he ChatltnOqua will probably pa 38 -p Washington on the circuit next ?tw. ,r *;? ?' Sahara Desert Will Heat Cities ?VUI Mako Janitor's Uf? una of Bakel In SUOO, S?r? NolCTl rfcteaUM- ' OUoaco. Julj( 14.? Coal win 4I< tppoar from tlM Mrth in !00 fHti. .thera ara MM ni one- 1 lAlf trillion ton* lift. Than Inttaa-l ' rt fromlnf to daatb or daamdlfij n one mad rort on lb* trortet, bu nanlty will know a olfa?ar, mof = , 3or?|Ait?bl? ulMwea than ?T?r. Httff aolar ?ntl?aa Will lathir. tha iQn'i rar? And trinaJorm ibtD ] Into bMt. ll*ht and powar. Million ot bor?? fcoVror will b? develop*!, V Th? farmer wU1,(IMa>an alaoutc "'low tMUad ot a twin of borm or j Whan tha flit I iwolUr ??n? down tha .peaking ube for- iWro baat tb? Janitor c' K.B.Hi, impl y will throw ? ?wlteh tlWj regulate? current coming p?* hmp? clour or un4or th? At lantic from the Sahara De**rt. jjm ld?a? belonged to Proffa.tr 1. Paul Good*. Of. tb? Unlvanlty pt nttcano. until b? *b*fc to" an ? I'dlanoa at Mandel lull Ha la lain thara will tw no nor* coal In >6# r??r4. but aquallr mr? aoa? g.nta? win haiv pettacfd by than all thW woa'dar. ha daaerlbad. , ? DEfEATEDBY GREENVILLE VOOK. HECO.VI) UANK M MXCIT J INO OOXTKST I'LAVKD AT SCORE M AS 4 TO 3 ^fSTT-U, KelfOTd am. Moo day Md Tuasdj*. -Oratnrllto etw nad up thing, .trlxh , Washington yesterday afiernoon. winning the aecoad (tm? t*al has been played b?twe?n these tw# teams The game was played on the Green ville grounds. The score waa 4 to 3. Tha Ttfi Wt after Brtnklfcy. ths Washington t wirier, in the in ning and scored two runs. Washing ton Wade their tallies in U? fifth sixth and seventh Innings. In the eighth, with the score 3-2 i gainst them, OroeavlUe pushed Another man across the plate, tying . the scored The winning tally was made on a passed ball. According to the looal players, hits were divided among the Wash ington men as follows: Moore 2. Davenport 1. James Hackney 2, Car row 1, Kincaid 0, Brinkley 1, Phelps 0. Anderson 2, George Hackney 1. Monday and Taeeday. the locals will play Kelford a two-came jserlei at Fleming Park. The Kelforfl'team has been winning a long string of games recently and are said to have an exceptionally strong aggregation of playWfry ^ ' ' Big Picnic at Blounts Creek W *e HrW b y the fmnday Schools Small Won the U*U & ?s ?*? -f ^ The Maldents of Blounts Creek and .. vicinity^ had jl most enjoyable time yesterday at a big union Sun Jay School picnic, at which several hundred persona were present. The .icnlc was hAld on the grounds of h? Methodist church at Blount!) "reek. Services wore held in tho morning. A most substantial din ner was- served on the grounds. The -irinclpal attraction of the afternoou was a ball game bcrtwren Blounts "'reek and 8mall. -The latter team won oul by the score of 6-4. Hugh ?aul of this city acted as umpire. Armed "Negroes Are Arrested StAted They Were Trying to Break .into Another Negro's House, at ?: Ayden. We re Well Heeled. (Bpedai to the Daily News) , OrcenvlUe. N. C.. July 14.? The sheriff this morning brought In three negroes 'rcro near Ayden. where, it ?M bated. (ihey caused considerable I rfistnrtmnee. A search revealed the telt that two of them carrlcd revol-J vers, one had a razor and all of ?them had Iarg<* pocket knives. It is laid tl?t they were caught break ing into Another negro's house at Ayden. They are at preefnt repos ing i?? Jail. INTRHESTING SERMONS. | ' At the morning services tomorrow R*v. R. U any. pastor of the Bap- ! t^t church, wlU take m his test,' t*9 he secret of an heroic life." In the evening he will talk on "A^eon v?wt*on that changed bUtora." NO WARRANT SERVED ON SWANNER FEDERAL AUTHORITIES H.1VI-: TAKEN NO ACTION AGAINST HIM. TO TRY^PENCER W?rrut toned mm) bmwl on Agent for VSUlluns. Also Reported That Wammt* Hare Bm Issued for , Williams . and Swaaner. When asked this morning wheth er Federal action had bec?n taken a galnst him on tlie charge of being connected with the Illegal shipment of whlaksy Into this 8iate. William Swannar stated to a representative of the Dally New* that he had heard of the*ruTnor, b*t knew nothing def inite about it. Mr. Swanner return ed last night from Norfolk, where he has been during the last few days. L ' 1 . '*1 understand." he said, "that a' warrant has been issued and served against Freeman Spencer, book keeper for Williams, and I have alio heard that warrants have been 1? Bued for Williams and myself." It Is understood that Mr. Williams at present is in New York City on' business. It Is thought probable that the Federal authorities will take action agadnst Spencer for the part he took in shipping the' liquor to th?a city and that the warrants have been issued for WUllpms, be c&uso Spencer la his agetyff and for Swanner as a witness. The case I? sat for trial on August 5th. It may also be that Mr. Swanner, who was fount? guilty by a jury in the local recorder's court, may be held on the charge of aiding In the shipment. | Wants U. S. to Buy Belgium John Wanamaker ITuikws That Bovlnofw Hen Aid this Govern meni In Purchasing Belgium from Germany. Philadelphia, iuly 24. ? The pur chase of Belgium from Germany by ?he United States and the imposition' of htgh duties on Imports and ex ports by this country were among the suggestions made by John Wan- 1 amaker in an address here last night at a meeting at which prominent , buBinPHB and professional men formed a local branch of the Nation al Security I^wague. Mr. Wanamaker, who was later elected president of the organization raid It Is the duty of the business nen of this country to do ell in the^r ?>ower to restore normal conditions In Europe and proposed that a hun lred billion dollars be loaned with-, out interest to the government for the purchase of Belgium. He su^ gested that later the ?cvnrnment pi that country could be turned over to Its own people. Mr. Wanamaker de clared that the United States had made tt/r first mistake when ft had faUcd (o protect jagsrJn'ji *he viola tion of the neutrality of Belgium. Upon the formation of the local branch of thesleague. a resolution expressing confidence that 4he Pres 'drnt of rtie Unltett States "will find an honorable and kf possible, n peaceful solution of the grave prob lem with which we are confronting and that we Join In pledging htm our loyal support In any oours* which may pro^e to be "ec^eaary In order to preserve or* national and vindicate our national honor, was adopted un*nlmouely. C : . "GOOD TASTE" RYSTAL ICE CREAM Trash Peach Cream Today Made from North Carolina Peaches. A?k for it at the faun tame . Crystal Ice Company PHONE 8J WASHINQTON, N. C POPE BENEDICT XV . Late?t photograph of the ruler oil the Roman Catholic church who lt| using nts Influence and his office to; end the war in tCnroo*. WEATHER HIRKAl ADV1HKS LO CAL AGENTH OF STORM PIS TLRHAXCE WHlt.'H WILL 1N ?? -v . ? -etivore?l. The, now American note on sub marine wurfnr'w was delivered by Ambassador G?rard to the German foroigu^office yesterday nfttrfcooa. TltmiTE TO BAKER. That fellow, Baker, photographer, t? certainly a dandy. Ho 4a surely on the job. If there Is any bualnaMT In the world look* like It ought to sufTer these war tlmea, It ourht to be his. Pictures are only a luxury; not a special necessity. Yet with all thla he Is a buay man. I tfafcH his war of saying "Baker Bays" anl "ftaya Baker," certainly must have It* eeecta A FRIEND, JNew Theater TONIGHT ASSOCIATED FILMS 3 ? REELS ? S MONDAY NIGHT ' l?th Episode of the "NEW EXPIiOIT8 OF BIjAflfR" ? *le*? 8 ? OTHER REELS ? 8 irts, $2 & $1.50 Values for 98c iMS, <* m Market Street. * : ' ;* :