$50,000 Fire Visifed Greenville Late Yesterday Afternoon. $20,000* Insurance. CAUSE Of BE A MYSTERY ' ' ' ' - ? * * ? j ,K Over a Hundred Men Thrown Out a I Employment Fir* Started Shortly After Six O'ckx* Yesterday. [\ V * M (SfMMl 10 the Dally New*' Oreenrflle. N. C-. July IT.? The pleat of t?ie PiU Una iber aad Men u(Ktarta? Oanfur. teuu< at thie dir. ?? almost completely de> etrayed bj Ira lata yeaterday after noon. eatalllac a leaa of Mty thoaa* art dollars with tweaty thousand dollara Insurance !. The Pre atartad a taw miaous' after I o'clock aad rapidly tained headway. Whan the tramaa arrl? U aa Die ecaae U? name, had fala M each ooatnl that they ware prac tically anaMe to OOfa with the eit v'* ?? i ? vT |5 Thla company dM a gaceral lum bar foaaufaotnHas haalaeaa, and ?bout $10,000 wort* of stock wm on tend. PrsotlaaUy all of this was burned. J??t Dow the Ufa started is a mys tery. The men employed there, a bottt one hundred la number, lud ceased* work for the day aad had de parted to U^ir homes when the a lann wm turned In. The only sup position l ? that the blaae started from a falling spark. In addition to the heavy loes ceased tdhe owners of the company, the Are will also work a hardship on the hundred or more men em ployed there, praptftoally all of. them being dependent upon the money they received, for their briber there 5,000 Hogs Have Been Vaccinated - ws county b??? bean vaoetoated >4 ?] precaution agalnat bos chalara, ae-i cordlag to 1. T UtUa. wutj; farm i. PMlll Mr. Latham atatee that the treat that oaty > paraaat of the boga of the ooanty hate n*d lost thla Jfr. da* to tha tnwttlou that hira boon token against the cholera. ? Dally Now,. ? Gentleman: ? I take pi winra In banding ? jon herewith check ft* $12. ?.wfcie* pay* *,**becrtoUon to UfHmqfa* Apr. 4. 191 ? the Dmiir Apr. 4. lilt. ? II 70* Will Hjtfty notify me I ? /will shell T^? ehcck when the Wo onloy. rea/tlna the paper ? ? ?*rr unci and congratu.t. you ? ? on the treat Irapro vement you * ? bare mad* In It. We are alto * ? gratUM 1A ?*. that you are on ? ? the nor*) aid* of all aaeatlone ? ? Is Mr home towar and that res * ? are doing all yoa oaa for the Dp- * ? building of the city or Walk ? ? Ington^ . ? With hj?d psnoaal regard. ? ? and wlehlng yon olntlnued esc- ? ? oeee which yo? to nttlagly do- ? 4 Mli ? ? Tokra mr alnoorely, ? NOAH R R0BWMK. * ? Waohlngton Land a Mortgage ' ? Co., Washington. D. C. I * ? * ? ? ?. . e < . 0?t up a party and apaad Bandar al Ocracoka- Oaa boat Pungo win Ware hero aay time latnrtar night that > alia the eaavaaMn** of th? Majority. Return wkas.rtr yen want to Innday. mm*, '.'ajafei V* SPECIAL Picture Today World Finn Corporation Pnattot. HOWARD I mm* Ban IB Rearr Wabetar'a Maaterplece -run Bvrmwn-T ? : I Ante ? . '? \ Night p'rformaaae be^ht. exactly tkrm HpStei 0. I w Recorder Is Kept Busy ? / TrtOc Vlnlnui. ud othcn Pwf?( IWm Ha Tawtar ' up before the rwrt>r j#?Ur day trrnoon. * ?*%v Tom Whitley, chsrged with baillg disorderly, wa? fined $3 and costs. Joe Worst ay, charted with baring no rear lights on his ear, was fined ooeU of court William Ln ry, same offense; wss fined costs of court. A. B. Wallace, ehsrged with speeding and. havln* no rear llghu on hl? oar, was fined 96.00 and Poly Mitchell , charged with dis orderly conduct, was fined costs of conrt. ], ' ' 1 Ons Dillon, charged with apeed Ing, was fined coats of conrt. John- Phillips, charged wth die | orderly conduct, was fined It and I costs. beckeOi es ON FRIDAY RXKCimON Of NKW YORK PO UCH OAPTA1K HAS BKKN . postponed ro ? TWO DAYS. Htm Tor*, July J7 ? -Upon the re quart of thl Supreme oourt Justice Pom for mora tint* to conaldar tht ?ppllwttoo (or a now Mai made by Obarlea Becker, under M? twice ol death for tot^atlof tbo murder of Henaoo Rosenthal canftlar, tht elocution of Ibi former poll** Lieut w?> poatpooed last night iron Wed nxJij until Friday mornlag of thl? weak. ' 't OTP TO OORACOKK. The gee boot Pungo will iMrt her# Saturday night for Ocracoho: returning to Waafelagtoa early Mon day morning. . ?, ?>T. 7-i7-4tc. HAKKR MM Oot this by all nmui. Do?'t vat* for Meat rear Here M what 1 air golltl to mj. Y^JU will admit tha I hare a right to advocate tar oar burineas, and I waat to call rau eMeatlon to thla one tMna; H la m to roa to act If you aaa fit. t t> thla qaeetlon. "la roar mothrr an father Ilrloi? Hare roa a real goo fraatt photograph of them* Are yo aaltadeo with what paa. h.ra o' r:.,rj3aa' :V n ma ?m, ' ? KELFORD Wi DEFEATED SCORE 2-1 faot OAMM 9TJLTWD OK feOCAt 1 ?mini tk PLAY~TODAY Md Ha lWAf ?r ?? II I I FirM. Bret Mm at IU eerlee vUk K el ford fa what wan .probably the taateet | (am* mr plared o* the local Md. Tte am m t-t. Tie pme Mart-' *d at tan mlnataa to Bte and waa; over with at six o'eiaek. , t Ail of tka acorinc wae dona daring tba early Innlnga at the tame; Kai lord making th?4r loaa tally In the Brat Inning and Waahington. making thnlra In tha ant and third. Blown foroad In tha ran tor Keitord whrr j ha hit thraa battara with a man bw, after having fanned tha Irit two op. carrow drova In tha an ma (or Waahlngeoa, which war ?cored by KlnceM. and Davenport ?ant Brown acroaa tba plat* for tha tally attar tha former had Both pltchera twirled an excellent tame, with tha odds la favor of Ho* cart Brown, however, proved eweptlonally eood in tha pinchte and after that Brat Inula*, pitched iflrst-claas ball. , Fiord, catcher for Kelfoed. cans, ird quite a aonrmotlon among the fane br appearing on the diamond In bl<-laacae regalia, being protect ed br cheatiprotactor, mask and fk*u W: Brawn hH Brette, toning ?m|th fanned. OPnC "RTJN. Waahington ? -Dareaiyort walked. Kfncald singled, bat wea caught off Arst. Jfa Hackney fanned. Carrow ?'ngled, ?coring Davenport. Carrow waa caught off first. ONE RUN. Kelford ? Jenkins flew out to Dav-| ?uport. Hoggart oat, Phelps to Tur ner* costello reached firat on Kln ald's muff. Ftoytt walked. Powell out, Pttetpa to Turner. NO RUNS.' Washington ? Turner. PheVpe and Pulford fapned. NO RUNS, j Third Timing. K el ford ? Darden fanned. Burden Mncled. Brette singled but was 'brown out on second on Smith's 1 ufl'-ld hit. Jenkloe fanned. NO TIUN8. ; Waahington ? George Hackney, inned. Brown singled and soored | on Davenport's two bagger. Klncald rounded out to Powell. Jtm Hack-' :ey grounded out to Jenkltt*. ONE RUN. Fovth Inning Kelferd ? Hoggart flew out to! ?rown. Costello flew out to Kln cald. Fiord walked. Powoll~lln-| rled. and Foyd was caught at sec ond by George Hackney's quick) bryw. HO RUNS Washington ? Carrow out. Powell : to Brette. Turner fanned. Pheipaj out, Powell to Brette, NO Fifth InaAag. 1 Kelford ? Darden flew out to Thelpt. Burden oit. Jixb Hackney, *o Tartar. Brette grounded out to j "urner. NO RUNS. Waahington ? Fulford and Oeetffe Jlaoknfy finned. Brown INrw owt to 'onklai. NO BIWS Mail) Inalag. | Kelford? Smith out. J'h-lpi to farne*. Jenklna reached 4 rat oa Tnrner'a error bat WM thrown ont | ?t leoond on Hoggart'j weak groond ir. OAetello tanned. NO RUN*. Waahtngtoa ? Davenport tanned. %lnoal4 grounded out. Hoggart to Turner. Jim rtackn.y fanned. NO RUN* Kelford? nerd fanned. Powell flew oat to Jim Hackney Darden' fanned. NO ROMt '\- Q Faehlngton ? CaSvow Bew ont to1 >#ktn? Turner tanned. Phelpa -rounded out to PowfM NO RUNS. Kelford? 'Burden taw out to Tor* ler. Brette Hew out to Brown the la Grecanrlll* am Jjocml Diamond. The Aurora basoball teaam will visit W??Ma?ton tomorrow and will play two fames In thta city; on? to morrow and one on Thursday. On Friday the Greenville aggregation will come orer here for a series of games. OPKN STORE AT GRBBXYTLLE. Mr. Jacobs, manager of the local store of the Interstate Five and Ten Ont Stores, has gone to Greenvinc where the oomipany Is to open a nev store and of which Mr. Jacobs will be manager. Hackney, and Powell fouled out io| L/aveaport. NO RUNS. The summary: KeWrod A.B R. H. E." Costello, cf 5 0 0 0 Floyd, ? 3 e 0 0 Powell. 'as 4 l x 1 o Darden, rf 3 0 0 0 Burden, 2b 4 0 2 0 Brette. lb .... i ...... 3 01 0 Smith, If'...- 4 0 1 0 Jenkins, 2b ....t.... 4 0 1 0 Hoggart, p . *, 4 0 0 0 : Toti! .i.. : . . 34 1 6 0 Washington A.B. R. H. W. Davenport, e ...2 1 1 0 Klncald, rf . 2 0 11 Jim . Hackney. 2b ... XS 000 Carrow, of .. t ........ S o 1 0 Turner, lb 8 0 0 1 Phelps, 2b 3 0 0 0 Fulford. ss.?..< 3 0 0 0 Geo. Hackney, If t 0 * 0 Browm. p ., 8 1 1 0 Total 22 2 4 2 R.H.B, KMford 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-1 2 0 Washington I 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 x~S H 2 Stru?k out. by Hogfart 11, 'ty Brown 9. Bass on balls, off Hoctart 1, off Brown 2. Two bass hit#, Davenport. Sacrifice bit, Klneald. Umpires, Lindsay Warren and John Smith. Thne of gaits, one bour and tsn minutes. A Scratch Hit; Tbere ajrpeara to be conald?rab!e 4lscoseton over a play which occur rsd in ons of the early Innings of yesterday's gams. One of the Ksl ford batters knocked* out ? hot grounder, which Brown Just mau touch. In doing so, bow ever, bs retarded the ball so that the second . baseman was nnabls to throw ths batter out first. Boms of the *op..r to iblak th*t Brown should ba credited with an ?While Rrqwn ma* k?v? midt . ?> ?rror !n It. cortklnlr did not make anr In n.MIn, tha ball ard tk. ba? r U .ntttlad to Ml !* ?cl4 W v Better He! Likes Them. {Special, to the Dally Xe?$) Greenville, N. C.t July 27. ? Three , yearn of age and an inveterate smoker is a rather startling com bination but Is nevertheless true of the little son of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Edwards of the little town of Arthur in Pitt county. Mrs. Edwards yesterday came ror this city and went up to Dr. Green's of'.Ice. Rhe was accompanied b^ the youngster, who could scarcely walk.! After having been in the office a fewi moments, the. child became restlcusj >ind dragging itself up to its mother, said "Gar-gAr!" in a pleading voice. As If the matter was not at all out of the ordinary, Mrs. Edwards pro duced a strong cigar, which, after lighting, she handed to the child. The Infant took It between -Its An gers, placed It bet-ween its lips and puffed heartily, seeming to thor oughly enjoy the strong smoke, seme uneasiness. ( The boy flrht started smoking when he was twelve mouths old an:l now has to have his cigar every dav !n order to keep him quiet. He Is not satisfied with cheroots or rail'* clears, but smokes big black ones that would cause a mor^ aged raai j D. M. Clark, of th!? city, wh< j gave out the Information regardlnj the above, states that the incident' Is strictly true 'and that anyone can satisfy themselves of the facts by paying a visit to the town of Arthur. "Only. If you want to make your visit a plrasant one Tor the young ster," said Mr. Clerk/* you'd better Cfcrry along a few big strong cigars." 31,197 HAVE . MEN lH FIFTH WKKK OP ANTI-TYPHOID CAMPAIGN SHOWS BIO OAHf J IN KNROIJLMKVT. ? Raleigh. N". C., July S7.~~Th? fifth weok of the co-operative State mnd county typhoid canvpalfn shows ? pain of over 2,000 new patients to take the anti-typhoid treatment. This makes the total number of the five counties up to d*te. 31,197. | ; La#t week's enrollment of new patient* Indicate that the Intercut of tile movement is Rtill gaining, for H\Jla iwuitoer took tho treatment with the underetandln# that they pay a rOtyn'c'.an for adminlst rlnc the third Cite. The records show that Wake Cofintr has had 10.806 people to .tnX* tho treatment; Northampton, ????; CotntwrLlMl. 4.411: Ban !"???. ?.??. ?n? H?n4aiwi. (414. NEW RULES FOR AUTOS MIST TAKE MACHINE A PA! IT AND CONCEAL IT WHEN' HOUSES APPROACH. Knjaire Th*t niaufTeum I'm* Hand Sprinkler to Lay the Duwt In h>o?lt of Hoimw Which They Fm. A local resident, with a well known sense of humor, Is "canning considerable amusement ar.d laugh tor over a new set of rules for auto n.obllista, which he Is having print ert The rules are rather startling. 1 hoy read aa follows: 1. I'pon dacovering an approach lug team, the automofollist must atop offside and cover "his machine with a blanket to correspond to the seen ery. 2. The aperd limit on cmintr; roads this year will be a secret, a" tile penalty for violation will be $1 for evory mile an offender Is caugM going In excess of it. 3. In case an automobile m*k? a l>;m run away, the penalty will b $10 for the flrat mile. $100 for th econd. $2'">0 for the third, etc.. th i the. team runs in addition to t)i usual damages. 4. On approach'n^ a corner wher he cannot command a view of tli road ahead, the automnblllat niU' top not less than 1 00 yard* froi :he turn, toot Ills horn, ring n "be! iro a revolver, halloo, and sond u ihree bomb? a* intervals of flv mil lies. 5. Automobile* must again- b .isonably painted, thai Is, so the; ?ill merge with the pastoral enaen iilo and not be startling. Th y iuu> be green In spring, golden in sum rotr. red in autumn and white in winter. 6. Automobiles running on the country roads at night must *end up a red rocket every mile, and wait ten minutes for the road to clear. They may then proceed carefully; blowing their horns and ahootln*; Roman candlee. 7. In ease a horse will not paas an automobile, the autoniobUlst wlil take the machine apart a* rapidly aad* are dusty. It will slow down to Ldne m^lo an hour and the chauffeur I will lay the duat Id front of the j house with a hand aprlnkler worked over the dashboard. KNJOVK.lt SA.II. I. AST N'K.IIT. A aall down tb* Pftnlleo and up B-tt? Cr$efc wa? (lv?n by R. L. Cot ton Sunday In honor of his nlec.*. M'*a Raal* Upchurch, of FaUlgb, who In vlntiing hcra Th? nail wan of a moat MiU>yabl? nature. Tho pr.rty ?*nd d at Bath n,nd apont como llli 'n vlrwln* tha Intaraat'.nf llt-bt* !f *fca? towrt. Anuinjr tiiotr who cowvtaM the party w*ra Ml?t?? Cottle Cherry. Kail* Upcfcor.Si. Ke?hWn More An aod D*lla Wil liam*. Mra. T. C. AIU?ood. Mr t/d kfrt. R L. Cotton and M^aara Jef frraoo, Darla, Cote, Headeraoo and JtWbMtt, ARE WITHIN 25 MILES OF WARSAW GERMAN ARHIK- u !.?r Tare c>v -ir mo. ORES ..?> tSVESTlN'i W.UWi . ARE READY FOR WINTER Teuton* Ajt Preparing for Winter Otmpalgn In the Ka*t, W?r Deoartmcnt H?u? Kuppliet of Warm Clothing on Hand. London. July 27. ? OTminy's ar mlw in the east arr* again making . ?grenK toward Investing Warsaw. North of the Polish capital the Teu tonic troops, according to official Berlin reports have crossed the Na >* river and are advancing toward h* river Dug and the railroad mu ting from Warsaw eastward. In .lis sector the Germans are twenty ve miles from the capital. The Germans are directing tbeir itorta against the Russian dof nse ?ar Plaseczno. a town twelve miles uth of Warsaw, and they already iiavo taken two positions by storm. In South Poland the Germans aro ueeting with determined resistance rom the RussTBn troops holding the 1-ubllnChelm railroad, which Is of treat strategic value in connection' with the northwest military opera Jons. r Preimrt* for Winter C?mpaip. That preparation* have beon made by Germany for a winter campaign (9 Indicated by an official despatch from Berlin which says that the war department already has on hand supplier of warm clothing. bmlntjiHl Submarine. A French torpedo, boat destroyer ? reported from Toulon to have do it roved the Austrian submarine and ?eroplane depot on I-agORta Inland, me of the Dalmatian Rroup in the Vdrlatie Sea Italian Aviators Ht Work. Hiva. an Austrian town on Lake (larda, has been tlie object of an .Utack by Italian aviators. Two leroplanea dropped eighteen bombs on the railroad "with excellent re sults." according to the ofl'.clal an nouncement. Aeroplane v*. Submarine. An observer at the TtardanvUea lescribes a successful- effort on tho "?art of a British aeroplane to pre? /pnt a submarine from torpedoing a British troop ship. The aviator ? iroppnd shells so close to tho sub* narlne that it was compelled *o .lee. PLAN ACTION IN MEXICO HTATK UKPARTMRNT ANNOl'NC Kg THAT UNITE!) OTATK8 ?UL SOON TAKE A DEFINITE STEP. Wf.vhlnRtcn. July J7. ? That tha United States 1? planning a definite ?t?p with reject to Mexico and that It will be taken soon was authori tatively announced today - at the State Department, but no miKR