DAILY WASHINGTON N. C. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON JULY M, 1915 - ( ? f Soil and Climate Are Most Favorable All That Needed Are the People tdCuitivate the Ioat 10,000. ?rtxat la one person for. every S7 acres of land. Mow yoa know that your eott, mtr oMssate, yoar rain fall, your aoeese to market*, your prowlns season, your hsalthfulness of locality, are not surpassed by any place that you can name. If you were asked to state any thine nec-| ?wary to add to yoqr county to j make It hipbly desirable aa a place to live and thrive you mould aay that nothing le particularly needed. Tou would amy it truthfully, and not alm plr as a pleasant felt of flattery for yourself and your people. Now It Is hardly to be expected that you aspire to the limit you mfeht attain, for In that event you would set yoar ft* urea at somewhere from a million to live million people. The county fl came from In Pennsyl vania has jover ? arilltlon people. Many Pennsylvania counties have from 100,000 to *50,000 people. If yoa hsd a population ae denes a? poms of the Bsrtfsitt lowland ooun triee you -would have in Beaufort half to three-quarter* of a million poopla. Tou ten Mil and cllraato to aqua) aajrthln? in Baropa. Whr hi tha paoplaT Oa* ef tha aklat naaoaa ni do aot hare tha p*a*l* U t?H? 7 ear owotf ta to tb* xitaklc w*rld a M*l*tf tMt A aaWloa peoplo b?ar rt Calltorala, Brill* North wm iinimin. with m i'r tanala*. ??4 attar ***ti*a* a?t K> tf?4 M r??r?, whara > tot** f* pla hear otw*tuton urn/, J U" rt**d M tha platform I* JNoramealo CaHlarala, ?>< iwatehed rotld Mr load* Pi now people mom hit* Call f?r*U, ?4 Cellferale la lot * bit ?or* iMlnbli thai W etuatr. It MMHIIMII ""Oil M North CaroHea, for It U*ka the (root ee peatlal Of ??Seleat rainfall, U4 lu too tub hot weather la manor. H imbi to bo your Job I* ??t tlM roorooU UQUlBtod with th? reet ef th* "world That to whet tka Pabltoltr laofua |a oMorUklx. It la aehedaled to koM a oaaaioa of ltd offloara la Raleigh thla wook to or ?aalaa aad form a aiaa aad arrange wan lad teean*. Whan that la dona It ami to no tkat r*vr ronoty and OTorjr othor aoantr la tk* atata ?koala taka rlaoroda k*M ef tk* work aad krl* fba la** a* to mak* Ite Jah a far It la fola? to HT lo M tk* world know aboat North Carwtlae. What it* puna will k* 1 *aaa*t f*r*t*ll. tat It wUI *o*a UBotMCfl then. ?aothar project oa foot, aad of twktoh I haow aaora, to tha as*rt ot tha ftat* fair to acaoiaeltoh tk* mm thing Tk* oOc*ra aad dlrao Mra in trrta* to tado** tka aoaa Uaa ta aaad ta Raleigh tar dtapJar \kU MM a?MktW W?WMI wW the slste. Is sad what It don and can do. It strikes me that thia Is an op portunity the coast counties u well u the Interior counties should eager - I y embrace. iMy eeonty up here in the f3andhlll douotry Ihas fcottfled the secretary of the fair association 'hat it will have something at Ra leigh that will make the ree^ of the itate stop to look at, and that will attract the attention of whatever of the world is at Raleigh daring the fair week. Your county has aU the advantages my county has, except we are very foni|tp4i talk* wtu m ele*t. It U wholly Ib their haadt. t?r tk?r hold the etrier Of the whittle. I (loa't kaow whether I ?en land t**> meay people myeelf before tk* 4*7 ooma* to look uotud tor ? tnonu meut, bit you notloe I pat up the blMoal kind at a hallo I aad far a loao hand Ton ?at the real M tk* p*o?)e la thta etata to aaaka a aoiee Ilka I do, aad tk* rait at Uia world -will torn to a* to "eae what I* tho matter aad wlU aaad folk* thla way It It la oily a raU*t expedition. A* Ho impoatnc oa my aood aaftare by eaklnc me to wrtt* eomething aboat North Carolina that la lapoe etble Lot ma rather lapoee a* yoari by aafclaf yoa to tola tk* aota* atakere' otitfraa. aad (? at) tk* eaat ara Maataa la tha aeaoeiatlon aatll wa an axoltaf tka whole world to talk a* oat aa. Then ?a will hare let tiara oa erary oroaa roada, eehool Doam at ararr tan, aefchhabe oa ar?v t** acra tract, winter toarlau la erery raaart hotel to* Curntack to 'Braaawlak. aad maaay lUtMaa la ?Ha ?M?t Wte ?? a mooollfht ?l?bt 1^ Uo P?niwjr??irt? htu?. IT m *iu mu? u? you win V?t Baautort *V OOT 1 wtll la?*a ibM county la J?r Utd! am) dwroM mr ttieoUon t? tka ?tkar ?? until I oa ?True* Car mm* mora of thaa. CtiidUiUy, BBO(? a SUTLER V?1MU? JFua. , . Soilfeara flaaa, ?. C. , ' WASHINGTON WINS OUT IN LAST INNING TOOK THK SBOOlfD Q.iMK FROM KKLFORO YB8TERDAY aj mwoaN. SCORE 5 TO 4 Local* MmIv TtWr Tftlto t? Eighth ud XlnU Znniag; Twice Over coming tfre Lead of Uu? VMtors. Napoleon George Floyd end his srmy of tail toseers from Kelford have departed from our midst. They ? especially George ? departed, rath er meekly and didn't have much to uy. We were sorry to mo them go for George is a ante little boy to watch and bta co-workera furnished considerable excitement and amus? nent for the local fane. However, the call of the plow proved to be too in patent, and they have gone. Washington took the second game from Kelford yteterday. The game wss one of the most marvelous, as tonishing and /wonderful that has vr* r tows- wifi 4t run tag Park. It vrti won ana lost by both sides severs! tines. The dans -went wild ?nd ^ayed wild from the seventh In-, nlng on. Their rooting, without any doubt. Is largely responsible for the victory of the locals. Kelford scored their first two runs in the second Inning. 8mlth knock ed a grounder to Anderson, which proved a Utti? too hot for the latter to handle. (Shoulders poled one ont Into the fitid for two bases, ad vancing Smith to third. Foyd sin gled, scoring both meb. Neither side did any mors scoring until the eighth Inning. In the fifth. Washington lost a change to score by a little Ivory work on the bases. Davenport was caught napping off first. Phelps was Caught st second ind Turner wss caught between the bases. -In the same Inning, Carrew robbed Darden, of what would prob ably |are been at least a two-bee^ hit, by spearing a high fbell with onr hand. In the eighth* Inning. Washington broke away from their lofig string of goose-eggs on the score board and tallied three runs. Jim Hackney roeabed first on a hit and waa sac rlftced to aocond by Anderson*. Oar row took flrat on Powell's error. Kino*!** bit one out Into right field ?nd before the right fielder could rtrlevs t|?e bfill, had yaachsd third, scaring tks oti?er two men. Dgrden beoame peeve# and quit the box, PowpU taklni bis place, Dgvsspprt connected Wit* * fast one and ?cored Klnogtif tor tba third tally. Tilt BlBtft Innisg was a wonderful on* for both ft**, Kelford cam# to bet, Shoulders tingled. Floyd walked gad Costello advanced them by morlftolBg. Burden reached first on Tnrtor'i error and Ktucald, In coming ekerted, threw wildly for hotta, attempting to kaap Shoulderi and Floyd from scoring. The hall went about ten feet over Reddy't head and both men were safe. . Turner started things for Wash ington by clouting ont a long fly to left field. Center fielder ran over for the ball and muffed It. Turner reached third. Oeo. Hackney fann ed. Brown singed, eoerlng Turner. Jim Haeknay sacrificed and Ander son xeaehefc first on Shortstop s er ror. 'Brown scoring the winning run, on tfee ?lay. That ended It. The summary: WATCH THESE COLUMNS of Mt urdey s issue on our amateur competition In Kodak work. IW glle Studio, opposite Coast Mge : 8ERMANS EVACUATING KEEtMANSHOOP, AFRICA . _ 0 4 0 S 0 Phalpa, pb . 8 0 0 0 Tartar, lb I 1 0 1 Hackney. If .... .r. ... 4 0 0 1 Brown, rf /... 4 1 t 0 Total St 6 ? 8 r.h.b. Kelford 0 1 00 00 (0 1?4 4 8 Waablngton 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2?8 8 5 Struck ant. by KIncald 4, toy JDar dea 7. by Powell S. Base on tail*, off Klncaid 2. off Darden 2, off Powell 0. Three baa* blia, KIn cald. TWo base blta, 8heuiders Bacrlfleo alia, Jim Hackney, Ander son. Umpires, Warren and Maxwell. Tla? Of r?o V?. 7-YEAR OLD EVANGELIST CAUSES MANY CONVERSIONS Charles Turner is Conducting Revival at Ilenderson ville. Began Preaching at Age of Four Years. Hendersonville, July 28. ? -Hen dersonvllle is enjoying the unusual experience of sermons, attended by a spiritual awakening, from a seven year-old preacher. Little Charles Turner, son of Rev. F. M. Turner, of Orlando. Fla., is treating Hender sonville to the pure go .-pel and is bringing results. 14 conversions having been ruade at his preaching aervlce Sunday nlglit. _ T^?e largest congregation ever known flPthe First "Baptist* chnrcli of this city and probably the largest gathering to hear a preacher or npeakoc since W. J. Bryan visited Hendor&onvMle two years a?0. pack rd the church building Sunday night until all standing room was occu pied in an effort to see and hear the narvelous preacher, who treated his hearers to the story of the rich man and Laxarus. Th* sevep-year-old boy showed a wonderful familiarity with the Bible and It* teachings and his overyday illustration* would lead one to think that he is much older in his experiences. Willi" deliver ing his sermon he was perfectly con tained and showed originality. "When I was small," the aeven yrmr-older In hir; knee"troucers start is! to illustrate with a personal ex :j rlcnce. but lie had to pause at the T.pple of laughter and thon asked, "What am you lai*Kuijg about?" I i Ih father explained: "You are llttl? now." "But I usffi to be Bmaller." .j contlnuod with hla ^message ex horting his hearors to accpt Christ without delay. In relating the utory ot ihe boy's c mvorslon and his life. Ilev. Mr. 'I urner said that while he was hol(| ; I.1K an evangelistic "orvlce his sua la four years old was converted and i ? ? i . Still Violating Traffic Laws f.oTern! Mow ('Mni Were Brought Up Before the Recorder Vofttw - I day Afternoon. Trying caies of traffic violation* 'a recently taking up most of the recorder's tUfi*. Several cases were brught yeiterdsy, Including one or two other# for different offenai?s. B. tH. fJefferion, charged with having no rear llghta on his car. was fined costs of oourt. Dr. Sam Nicholson, charged -with tlie (time offense. wee found not rullty. W. R. Osy, f?m? offenee, was fined out* of court. VernOn Freeman, barged with rpeedlng. wan fined co?t? of court W. O. Prlvett*. charged with r.;>eed!ng, wai aleo fitved coste of I court. 8nifrord fc'orth. charged with a* smiting Chrietabel Daniels. Judg ment wss suspended upon paym nt of costs. Bsslck Bdwarda, colored, charged with assault and carrying a con coaled weapon, wan found guttty and Coed 115 god coaUv laptlzcd and announced that he wa* railed to -preach arff" immediately i.e^an. his first sermon being 011 God Is Love," when he didn't know \ letter of the alphabet. He entered , ;rhool and In 10 months made six Trades. For about three months he !*a-3 missed preaching one sermon s lay for only 10 days and on many lays be has preached as high a* four sermons and as many hb two on ev-i i?ry Sunday. The young preacher who is ordained, _prcachod two gcr Uoiis in tbe city yosterday and will i;Sve two more before leaving. He makes a profound Impression upon his hearers as evidenced by the num ber of conversions last night. There Is said to have been more than 200*' baptisms resulting from hib proaclt ing. Have Elected New Teachers % ?? LKt R fi'lvri T!iJ?? MiraliiK From Hll p mint end mt. < nmpholl nt MiK-kHrllld. Tho teachers for both thr? and colored schools of ?hf> city ha. b**en appointed for next yenr and the following lint was received thr* morning from Superintendent Camp ht.11 Hchool for Wliltf Clilldrm. Supt.. C. M. Campbell. Jr. Princlpal, J, K Johnston T-iachers ? Mis* Lillian Campbell. MIm Minnie Lou Kelly. Mr*. J. T. LawHon. Miss Lara Brogdu. Miaa Beside Harding Mrt. J. D. Paul Mia* Bessie Hellen. Mian Elicabeth Warren. MIm Mary Carter MIm Florence Wlnfleld. Mia* Etta Maaon Ml at Luoretla Hughs*. Mill Ethel Cullcnt. Mr*. W. R, Bright. MIm Mgry P. Blount. Miss Bailie Broom*. Mhw Corrlnne Bright. M'm Jannte Watmore. M??* Margaret Jarvla. Mlaa Annie Jarvla. Mlaa Annie Cox, Instructress In Commercial Dept. Mia* Maude MoCleea, Inetructreas In Domestic Bclence auad Art. Miss Macy* Olasgow. Supervisor 01 Muflc. * C. L. Mldcap, Instructor !n Man ual Training. MIm Annie Cox, Librarian. H. ?. Whitley. Janitor. Hchool for Colored Children. Principal, A. Q. Davis. Teachers ? Joule ?. Saunders. I>olie A. Keyef^" Mutter K. Kayaa. Delia Randolph. Katn Truman. Larlnl* Hudson. tractor in Maaagl MASSACRE 160 MEN IN HAITI BLOODY RE VOLITION / HAS BROKE OUT IN 8MAL1L. REPUB LIC. HVNDKKD8 ARE BEING KEPT PRISONERS IN FILTH V JAIL*. *'>* \RE DYING . -risoner* Dying Dally aa the Result of Hung** and Unsanitary Condi tion* In Which They Are Forced to Lire. Port tu Prince, Haiti, July 28.? Cen. Oscar, governor of Port aa Prince and a supporter of President ?fulliam, caused to be executed yesterday at the time of the out break of the revolutionary move ment in this city, all the political ;>ri8oners In the hands of the gov ernment. to the numtoer of about 160 :len. The victims of this massacre In luded Oen. Orestes Zamor, a form r president of Haiti, who was driv 11 out of the country last year, and returned in March, 1915, and was a ken prisoner. When tlie paopie of Port au Prince earned of this massacre there wan i general outbreak of indignation. A lidb invaded the Dominican leg ion, where General Oscar took re fuge after his unsuccessful defense if tho presidential palace against he rebels, seized Oscar and dragged lkm before tho door of the legation, where he was proriptly killed by % 'uHillade of rifle shots. llaltlen women have hern arrest ed on the streets and taken away to prison. Tho prisons of the city were full and the condition* In them were leplor'able. Prisoners have died 1al]y as a result of hunger and the insanitary condition* in which they aero compelled to live. The foreign legations hold many 'ofugees Have Dig Time at Ocean View Many Loral HoltlrDtM Are H|>roding Their >?r?iir?n at the Vir ginia Hay Hotel. J. A. Tucker, manager uf '.he Vir ginia Bay I!ot") a; Occan View, was in Waelrnrtnn today and Mated that a number or local resident s were ^.ending their vacation at the hotel. \>:ionf Ihosy who are at present at ?ho Virginia IJay arc T>r. and Mr*. Mttun und on, Mrs. Kd. Matthrw* ii.id daughter. Mrs. Jack Nicholson uuU ciiildrcn. Mr.t. Jccae Harrington, Mra. Jhwcb Ellfoon. Mrs. William Huntley. MI?k MS" Ajrern. nnd Me*?r? Tom Luufblnnhouse and John Car ter. Mra. Dr. Wind ley, of Hyde county, who haft been a palieat at thr iarah J.ee Hospital In Norfolk, returned to her home today. She w*l ao? companled by Ml*s Carter, who w$H Tlait Mr*. Wlndley for some time. "A numbor of amu?lng Incident* have happened to members of the Washington party." raid Mr. Tucker thl* morning. "For example, you m'ght a*k Toni Laughlnghou?e ?u4 John Carter, whon they got back, wbmit what happened to them on the Montlcello roof fterden." Training. Joule B. Saunders, Inatrnctrea* In Doraeatlc Art. Dollo A. Keyes, Instruct?** In Domeatle Art. Florfa P. Maak. Instructress In Domestic Science. John Mayo, Janitor. New Theater TONTOHT I "Wr-r ~ ~ 'TV ? j