at eight Tb? public is cordially lu n ted to atttad any and al or tha ecrrtcea Singing will b? a feature of the CTT PRICK:. McKIXUH'S SHEET *uslc R cents per sheet. Cash | only. W. J. RHODES. 7-30-?tc. FOR SALE;, a LOTS. Bach 50x150, I on Isa"b?lle At?, Wanhington Park j ?1th prime?* sewer connection. CHAB. ATLTON. 7-M-tfo. WA.VTKD, AT ONCE, TENANT FO* | my sevuntr-flv? acra farm on Pam Tlee river. Cfclt, or write. John| M. Barney. Washington. X. C. 7-37-ifc. KltE*H LOT KVKK-RR.\DV FL\.SH Light Batteries Juat received ?t Rnai* Brothers Variety Store. Ask for OratanoLa rote*. 7-29-2tc. ^ HALU : A PAIR OF HEAVY young a alee. E. W. WOOLAJU). Phone 370-J. 7-io-tfe THE REST PATTERNS, THE BEST fit In Tailor Made Clothe* at Rusa Brother* Variety Store. Ask for Orafanola ro'tes, 7-2?-2tc. VAATHB: WIKL8 TO RUN MA ohinoa. flalshlag underwear. Wll pay 11.00 per day to begin, then Biece work at which |9 to *12 per wee* can be eaxaed. WELDE? COTTON MFO. CO., WsWea. N. C 7-2J-{Jc. I'RJOiH LOT KODAK FILMS. KO DAK? at 11.20 up. At Russ Brothers Variety Store. Ask for Crafanola rotes. 7-29-2tc. ?-OR RENT: TWO REAR OFFICER In Daniel & Warren Building. Light and water furnished. Im mediate poBRes?ion Daniel & Warren. 7-30-3tc. FOUR M?en very ill for Ih^ lust few day*. P. S. Waters, of Pinetown. span Sunday w'.th his daughter, Mrs. Ab. Alligor>d. of River Road Mies Florence Broddy. of Wash ington, has been spending seven days with 0. W. Woolard at Broo'1 CT+rk Miss Ellen Proctor, of Greenville ??rho l? spending the summer wlr' M!fs Lillie Alllgood at Magnol^n. spent last week visiting friends Grinesland. ?Mr. and Mrs. J. N Stubbs chid of Pinetown spent Sunday nrfghl with h?r parents. Mr. an<) Mr A J. B. Alllgood of River Road. Sunday evening at Holly Glen the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. .v Kheppard, Charlie Woolard of Mag nolia and Miss Fann'.a Willis o' Willis' Vineyard, were married li the presenc of a few friends. I- , M. Sheppard performed the marrlag ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Hparrow an.: Ctt la granddaughter, Elizabeth, o' Washington, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Alllgood, of Riror Road. Caleb AUigood, of Washington, I has been spending several days at Holly Qlen, a guest of Harlle Shep pard. We have been informed that J. I J. Whitley Is very iH. We truly sympathize with Mr. Whitley .and family and sincerely hope that he| w:il soon recover. We were pleased to see Mrs. Au- ! gustus Alllgood. of Magnolia, calling on friend* in our village recenty. Miss Llllle Alllgood of Magnolia, visited In Washington Tuesday. M as Mabel Hawkins, of Athene, aud Annie Myrtle Woolard, or Dun yon. were guests of Miss Ella Mae Llbcrn at Bunyon Friday and Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. O'Neal and little son, William. of S-cranton, Hyde county, who have be^n visiting Mrs. O'Neal's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles AUigood. at Broad CreqJ;. iwere guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. AIMgood of River Road. Tuesday night and Wednesday. Nearly everyone here who can work and will are busy with gath ering and curelng tobacco. Miss M. M. Cherry, of Tamarlx. 'pent, last Thursday at Bunyon, a guest of Mrs. W. S. D. Eborn. Last Saturday the baseball teamr of Magnolia and Cliocowlnlty play ed in Washington, Magnolia being the victor by the score of 16 to 8. Monday evnlng Howard, a little son of Mr. and Mrs. It. L?. Woolard. V Magnolia, accident y fell and broke his collar bone. We very sincerely sympathize with the suffering child and the family. One of WaKa Evlla. Edmund Burke srJd- "War suspend -3?e rules of obligation, and wliat V twyt suspended Is danger of h*i ?wllr ahrootrd * " V RFRCIAL SATURDAY ? DID YOT S^t one of onr "Special Saturday Salo" circulars? If not, you should have one. Special Prices; splendid values. J. K. HOYTP. entire naval II. Bak e*. wh6 Is pAf the North CMIIh brS Red&s Hit Doesn't Count C6fesidfcrable argument has be n caused by a play which occurred in the seventh Inning of yesterday's game. The fane trill remember that Davenport knocked a three-baggor and called out for not touching 1 first base. Klncaid scored on the play. .1 ? Some of the fans said that the run Should he counted; others that it' should not; others that Reddy should be given crcdlt for a thre^ ^sgger and others that he should only be given a single. In order to settle the dispute, the rdlto^ last night wired the News and Observer about the play. The fol lowing is' reprinted from this morn ing's hwue of that pnper: Quory ? tRunner on second, two outs, {batter hits the ball and, gets as far as third. runner scoring. Ball -la thrown to first base and umptxe calls batter out be<;au?e he did not' -touch that base. Does run score and batter gets a three-bagger ? Carl Ooecch. Answer ? The run doee not count and the batter Is not credited' with a hit. The runner crossed the plate | on ^he third out and before the bat torn v!iitor Mrs. L. D. Ferruaoo, of New B erh who h&8 bren r1rtt!n? friend* 1n the city, returned to her bom* yester day afternoon. E. H. Johnson, of Greenville. was among the out of town visitors In the city today. . n K?o?-t.e at the Card Chib. At a rant dub thr other dn> p won aa tried to add the score, fa. fed. an. P*?aed It to another woman, who ilk* wise failed. The thin! added St with o*?t trouble *#ardou me.' aald No. 1 wouia yon Mind teU!r.? ter bad reechrd ftrst base, the' dn"t having tfeeh made when the runner failed to toocb the base. TRAIN LOAD OF RUSSIAN PRISONERS IN GAUCIA * 0,^MUni ??Ptured by the Au?tro4Jerman fore* -daring their r?c?nt drive through O&kcla. ' k^ of theee prUoTW'rg ll hm new on the way to Aaatrlan concentration camps. ?r?1 HqM Dong Co* firaw, Berlin. Jul y 30. ? H* London.? Dr. TheoMflU Von Bethmann-Holl we*. the (toyman Imperii! Chan edi tor. who rdtffrned to tb? Capital ttv t rday froffc- a vtolt to the Aimjr headquarter*'' in the field, where he talked wltHvi?mE?roT WWia?, wnt lur Jum W, (jerard. ;ue Ameriran inftuiMH to Onw. today. Tha ?il?a? lutod aa ^0?r and a wUf t'ha problema of tha ralatloaa ba tweon Gorman? on tha United 9tat?a wfre aen'nJly ana eibaua tlral* dlKuaaad. but aa tar a> can bo aacartaiaM tb'e ooafewnr. ta aft n*?ljr ta load ?o tangible rr.nit. nor to any formal cbac?a In Qertaanj'f unbmarlaa ? trrfpatan . DAILY NEWS WANT ADS GIVE GOOD RESULTS rif or KOOAK9 ana amateur *ea?i*rn Carolina We are working up quite a big mall order b u#l new We are selling Alms and getting In fftdM CAmd all nearby ?ecttona T eater dar we had the M I owing from this city: Mlaa Wells, 4 rolls; Mtee Bright. 1 flhn pack; 8uaa man. 1 Dim; McHoel, 5 rplls; Miss Roberts, 1 roll; Viae Way, visitor. S rolls; Mtee Nowell, ? rolla; and ?lesrn rolla through the malls out of the cHy. We want your busing and We will treat you right. Aak our door neighbors ?AKUR*a STUDIO. Willing to Ut It Ache. A barefooted darky, while hoetnfc cotton one day, saw hia'btg toe under a clod, and, thinking It a mole'? baad, Ml It and hurt hlmetelf. r. After ?orbing with It for a while be. tired, aet Die foot on a- stump anc* ealb: "Well. fee pain away now; ; doeen't car*, row knrta yovalf wWx re do aa* A MTawleee lock which cerax* bt *l?kad from without V an hi rentier to carry comfort to tl?1d housewives This loct twaraffiy a Qlaoip with a ^opgoo to lit lato bo lock piata of the door Jamb, held by ? thumper**. hm I fee** may v use* on w?a* ILNGTCM Dletroaaed wltft urinary' *f ' W">? ? rallafcla kldotr r.m?lrf - Don't have ?, toofc.f?r, JSfiJrJurt Washington people reoommind. B??i? itrMt la Mfcagton hu It. CMOS. ~ip J Hot'i on vpmnt'i ettfertaiee. ? Lot Mr? Alice JL Duran4( ?M DIib'r Kidney PWa? the- same tk*t Mrs. Xferand had. Foater-Mll Knn r? PrArm . Rnffaln W Y v . ? ?* -'"v,*.1 .?>.? 1 '? Horr s HHttftAIj &ATTR1MV (tele Tomorrow. Dionl overlook It. JLow Prices ^ special valves. Read oar, ?lroular. come to our store. * K. HOYTV AH ENJOYABLE TBip. * " !t ? - . ,r"- " ? Tha Pungp witl leave Washington autntday-alf ht, for Oerjnioke. Will ?toe In Washington again' in time to gt> to work Monday njorniu*. The flneat trip you can think ?f. v.j; - , / 1>>;- " ONLY ONIxmORE DAY | In which to secure the benefit of the REDUCTIONS offered in our Big REMOVAL SALE. Special values for this one BOWERS-LEWIS SB. ? . ? v. THE MOST AUTO FOR THE LEAST MONEY.' Fully equipped with self-gtarter, C..JL.. C