JULY 31. I9U (Mr ?*??? to the D?)t N*m) Bilhiru. N. C.. July 11. ? A Ml ?rui w*j rocolred br loeol oMW?l? at tto WmUM Coo ?on?o Co. at tkl* ettj tram boodtturten M Ctonlotd. Ohio, ord?Hn< the Ml) plant to noun oporotioa In ?!1 do lt ?u unoancod * daty or two ?*o that tho immlll would (tartj work hut that It mold ho aooortlj d?T! Mota tho box tuMrr woaWU beflo l>M?tl? . Tt? (Aopcavt ro-l hll of ?k? 760 onplorv o? tho Ooo*-j ?***? Co*??DT will *? M work GREENVILLE LOSES OUT TO LOCALS *181. xooki topim **. i ? MANY ERRORS THE nvun or PAMK. Hijprt IHi ahowlnd so the flcid and at tlw hat naUrdn. I* rawoaalbla for the promi nence dm hla vonlker today, lie took three ekaneea without u arm, made three hit* and dro?e to two of Waeblneton'B rnaa. Net had for a day"e work. The Wavblnxtoo Walloper* made It ?ra etraiskt rlctorlee (or tbla week by defeating the Oreeorllle Orterera yoatarday on the local cronade. tha acore fcela* 14, A Urte crowd of rootara war* greeent Bad helped to Ckeer the |?cale ta rtelory erar their aid enaailea. OraeorlUa took the lead la the ?arly part of the jama, aeorloe two mu la th? mooM laalot. Waah ln?toa tied tktPfB ap (a their half ?f tha l?aj?. Tka rlettora adored Hielr laat tally li Ike tearth Waak iMtaR ?la|he4 ?*e (MM ta tha Aft*. Wkea tk'f wared three ?oae *?? ?Ht*. *f tWl*? *M H W* Kr*?i Vj" ?na?yU|a? Kmn l?*?ed Lealer grounded eat to rilfOM M4 Barru. * WuhiBftao? j. HMkur i?u< M e?l ta Mam, rbiHi (M 0*v WW Unit Hp MM, Or?e?TllU Kaaeaa Mnuk aut. Mahlar molted ?rtl aa rvUard'i war. Tiaialt fanad. Mamn walk H ulMbrlikkyul Nana K9e ad 00 IMh'1 Urea kadrer lun date fanad. TWO 11 WW. Waahla ato b ? Ki aaald reached ?n* aa Heatae* afro*. Dereneprt faaaed. Moare taek drat oa ?am !??'? Oeo. Raokney talked and Klaealft and Ifeore ecored oa ?rowa'a (fade, ralford aaerlrtced. and Jlta Hackney atthek out. TWO Oreenrtlle ? Moore <roaaded eat to Klnceld. Lanier reached drat oa Palford'e error. flarrna ?ot oa ftaaa ?a Carrow'n mat. Reevea took one la tha Hha, fllits* the baeae. Brink hi k aooked a froaadar ta Phelpa r butv ??t ?t tin ?dltor 0*11* Km, MT d?ar rtr: Aa?w?rla? mr Mtw Ik vkteh in uk la wkat war tk? Klattoa CtiamWr of'Coiuwrc* tu i?liM Ik tiu good road ?unw?l ta oar eaaaty. I an dad ta itra rou Uo facia aa faUova: Oar Chaakar of Cnaatana' nana laa (ka l?W?mi of food roada to tk* atr at Xlaatoa ka* *Hmn oaad tt* b*M iMmwi to pnmote tk? baildlai of |M roada aad aad ararr ?har* la tba oonaty o MT aad all Utaea. Laaofr eoantr fc*a baCt aaracal at oar laadtof Hl?h ?mja of aaad ck? ronatraetloa. and kaa tallt ?*?*?*! macrata aad iron brtdaat -atthoal a kaadad ladabUd saaa aad atfll eottt^oia to do tkla at laat aa poariMa. Hvm+tr loot f*ar oar (Ckuakar raaKaad (bat ihli fn MM at MMiBf roada tu too ?k>w, aad mat to work at aaaa aad waa taatraauatal la aaMat tbrooib tka hatalatar* aa ?Wn ad to rot? oa * ?wa taondred aad flTtr tbaaaaad dollar bond laaae for the pareoda of HadliMl.i ttnarbred rokda khd permaaant eoocreta brldca*. A nxf iUI watttM of our orcaalaatlot m <ka? appointed to work op m thnont la fir or ah?0od roads until ?uch a llaa aa It ?*? dooaa4 *4ti? able to aall aa ataatlea to rota oa (he l?uaoco at the too a road boodi. Thla eoaraOttae la ao* mux la aa xhiMOJaaal campafcn to areata eeauanai la toror ol the koad la ?aa. It la ?? oalalen of oar Chaa bar that I koad lont tor ttia whale count/ la fraCarabla to Uu tow mat I p plan which to aaw katae worted la aotnc of oar adfrdntat count lea. [We ara oalr W.ltin* am to sat a nlf laat a^aumeat Ik leror ol tha Mmda to call |pc tha alaotloa. J I wish to thaak you for tkle op portunity at addrerarMac tboaa fow words -to you aad ko?a that tha t?m mmntitratlon wtll k* of awrrlce aad If out ararulsatloa oaa be of aorrlce to yoa at aay time, 1 trupt that you will aat haaitate to can ta aa. t am ?eat tra(r roaja. ' U. CUkKADY. Vv-.t K alfi'ka I, I trwvwnt, COflMn. I. 0. 0. F. TO MEET HERE WEXT WEEK CONVENTION OP 8DOOND JHH. wci wnii hi i MANY DELEGATES p ? - ia TIM coaTaatlaa of the m(mi4 dU trlet. I. O. O r_ will k> held la thla civ next Thm-aday, Aogurt ?U>'. 0"f 100 MtpM are apteui :rom neighboring cttlea. -is tnter ?fthig pfocfam if being prepared 1 will be glrea out during the aarlj J?r* of nex't week. Theee conventions am held every four months. MmtH win pree ?at at <b? meeting Dart wink from Belharea, Oteeoville. RohereoaTtne. Arden. wummni, siadaeTiiie. Swan quarter, Sbelmedlae and other ottlea in adjolnti* oouatlM. ROT A I. nor* ItR ARKITD) at 1. Adatna * Co. Plata. Reddr threw to (rat too lata to aateh Brlnkler aad Moor* alam med (ha ball back boat* la tlaae to nafc Barrus. HO RON' Weahlngtoa ? Phelpa alagled. Car row bunted bat reaehed tret en Moora'a aiW. Klneald Iw oat to Racadala. Davacpon kit To Muaa, forcing Oarrow aWaeeoad aad getttag thrown oat ht?ee)t M ?rpt, MO v 'fv w'j / r >ai> fmi'm ??raaa?iha-T11?4al| Hagled aad et?<e aaeeed Jin* >*???* Hem la? ?la*led, ecorlng Tladall. Jloore M.aah pad. <*?**?>*. WwHegtea . Moata uaaed. (toe. (0aitla?e4 If pmi I] . : - \ ** INGLIS STUDIO KODAK WORK M tlM beat Kodak plotara mat* br aay amataar between Auguet 1 aad October 1 at an of arlng Mia following prlaaa: lat. One Baataian Vaat rocket Autographic lat eat Model tad. Oaa dotea rflla of Ma. Ird. Oaa eeiargement from aay *d quality film A; >/ = Oar azpartanaa la ?ka bualaeaa la at roar dlapoaal. Learn to ?aa yonr |*odah ao that whaa rau maha a pi/ tore roe have aomethlag worth wklle. t ^ ill wertt to be on feaataaan pro dncte. Potr farther latormatkm aaa aa'dr cell Phone Ml f nsioMi PROSPECTS EXCELLENT FOR TOBACCO THE RKAIHPOKT og PJM1 Kw. KBT mu orw <? AUGUST ? ! ' " j ARE CURING WEED | Hat i?Iiii SkfMe to The tobaeoe markets of Beaufort county will open two weeks earlier this mr then last; Anjuit llth bar ing Men decided wo*. *Meh will give many of the fanners the port unity to brine In first primings. The oatlOok for V lste ami tni per fect crop at the beginning of the spring. has been dispelled, as the crop has made a marvelous stride to! perfection within the past month. Farmers are rapidly curing and there JjaTe *een no rains %o produce wet leave* to hinder the drying In the barna. Many of the oldest and best tobacco raisers claim to bate one of the most promising crops they base ere* had In their fields A ride through the Immediate section of Washington, will give one an ade qoate idea as to the outlook. Crops of cotton( corn, tobacco and peannts compare wtth those" of any previous year taken as a Whole. Cartful preparation for the hand ling of the weed has been made by the warehouses on the Washington Still Breaking Traffic Xaw8 Tttm Violttom We*, Bt-oufht tp Ths c? treasury ?as Enriched HO. 05 yeeterday afternoon as the result of Hhtk tuposed upon TioU-| tori of the traffic laws. Th? follow iag contributed. | Hermann Carrow. speeding Fined cost. of cOtirt. Clyde Paul, speeding. Pained >3.00 1 and ooeta. H. Soar, riding bicycle on side walk. Fined costa of court. Lee Davis, colored, was brought up Into oourt, charged with hitting Floyd Tankard, another negro, over l*e head with a piece of Iron pipe. Davis waa fined 516 and cots. or more gwo<f.' Mr J. S. Adams * CO. 7-JO-2te. ? ATPiRHCI.vnoX. ? ? Dally News, ? Gentlemen: ? Enclosed you will find check. * ? which pays my subscription *o ? ? October, 1916. ? ? With b<*st wishes for the fu- ? ? ture, and congratulations for * ? the great Improvement In your * ? paper, I remain. ? ? Very sincerely yours. ? ? J. iJ/IOHOI^SON, M. D. ? ? Bath. N. C. ? ? July 30. 1916. ? WO LOT AMOKHD AND SALT Meats, pure and compfund Lard. Prices very low. J. E. Adams & Co. 7-SO-tCa. WARSAW PLANNING K>R IUC1J.MOX OP VfiTKHANM Warsaw, July 81. ? -An annual s* rent of much Importance to the peo ple of XHipiln county Is the reunion of Confederate Veterans, held each yegr In Kenaaiviile. This year the l*f set for the reunion is August 6, end maar plans bove been made for the oeotftion. Among these will be ?A4rgmo by noted speakers, gad g <3! n per ported br the local obAfter. V, P. to the veterans. PWKM FIACm, PRARg, plums, Pineapples and Bananas la the eity. Prices right, J. 8. Adfrmt k Co. Phone IT. f-ao-iu. / HUSBAND SKIPS WITH HIS WIFE'S EARNINGS G. H. Miller Left Belhaven Last Wednesday With Over| $1,000 Cash. Search is Being Made, But His Whereabouts Are Unknown. (Special to the Daily News) -Belhaven, N. C., July 31. ? Bel haven citlxcns are wondering juBt now the whereabouts of one O. H. Miller, who left for parts unknown last Wednesday in his Ford auto mobile. Since his departure he has not been beard from. Oflicag bere and elsewhere, including the Nor folk police, have diligently searched for him but so 'far without success. He IS * touch wanted man ?n Bel the earnings and Barings of- his wife, Mrs. Minnie (Miller, who is left be hind witb four small children to support and caro for. Miller la said to be a native of Huntington. W. Va. He came to Br-lhaven about ono year ago and three months thereafter married Mrs. Minnie Sanderlin. At the time of her marriage sfce was running a variety store, which waa the prop rty of her late husband. Milter at once took charge of things and as is usually the case the good wife tru-ted him, with the sequence she Is now practically penniless, while he is gone and spondlng her hard earned dollars. Miller before his departure dp posited In his pockets $200 In caah which Mrs. 'Miller had given him to deposit In the bank here. His first stop was made in Washington, where he drew out of the Bank of Wash ington $800 more. His statement to tho bank officials in Washington was that he awnled the money. tp go In the automobile business. / in addition to drawing out the above amounts he and his wife gave a mortgage to Fred P. Latham on their resldenoo on Pungo street for $800. Mot stopping here Miller purchased his Ford car and gave a note to the Bank of Washington to the amount of $800. There is also a note of $100 held by the Bank o( Belhaven due In Auguftt. The an* dorsoes on the note are Mrs. Miller and Mr. fl. J. Peels This note U for money borrowed. Miller hat not been heard from iins" he left Wash ington. although every effort hat been made to locate him. So eager was ha to get away that he aotually forgot hla wardrobe but being plan* lift 11 y supplied with oash thii need not worry him. Miller It a man of about forty years of age. of ploaalnp addrest and while a citizen here seemed tc hav the tact of making friends. Nc one dreamed he wan the character he ha? proved to be. Mrs. Miller If simply prostrated over the occur rence as she has been left almost without anything with four small; children to rear and educate. She hat- the sympathy of the etnlre com munity. Breaking Up * Cigarette Habit Police Ar?* Afu-r Men Wlio Bell CiR ! nrrttvt* U? Boy* Under Seven* twii. Three Hoys In Court I Veutmlay, I Chief of Police Robert* brought ;hreo boys up before the recorder yesterday afternoon. The boys ha<! he"ii Kin 'king cigaroitcs and after ./Cing made to listen In n rather strong Icciure fr-oro Ilceorder Vau^lian, they were allowed to go ?>n their way. The cigarette habit is reported to be quite common with th- younger .oys j?nd the police are endeavoring o break St up. They lire on th ? ook-out for the store-keepers who *upply the boys with tin cigarette* and It will probably go hard with th< men who are brought up to cour: nnd found guilty of helling the smokes to boys under ^oventeer [yearn of ago. Baraca C lass Hold Meeting WMI Inauffurtto foy |n [ i e?fclu? Membership and 4 (Kit* Umipe of til* ClM* A well-attended meeting of W, H. Pcrolval'a division of tbe R?r?r^ clnfis of the Methodist churoh wan held last night ?t Mr. Perclvari home and plans were diidttftaed for increasing the attendance end Mftra berahlp of the claes. It wee decided to Inaugurate a oarapalgn to arouse greater Interest In the work of tho class and every one present at the meeting laet night promleod to aeelst In tbe matter. A motto wae adopted, the Initiate of which are "A. B. C.M The claw will meet tomorrow morning a-t the Methodist church. | beginning at 9:46. Everyone la cor dially invited to be preeent. BITTER ? NEW IiOT Jl'ST RR ceive<T ? C|oreAlll. CJoverbkaom and Blue Valley new full Cream Choree at lowest prices. J. K Adams & Co. 7-SO-Ste. ? j 4 WR AmtlDCIATK YOUR M'fil noes. We guarantee satisfaction. We wrnnt you to kick If yo? kave any thin* to klek about. J R A<lame 4 Co. l-lt-Hfc Cn "GOOD TASTE" YSTAL ICE CREAM Delicate in Flavor Smooth in T exture BEST FRESH PEACH CREAM TODAY TRY IT. Crystal Ice Company PHONE 13 WASHINGTON. N. C. yiEW OF THE EA^fLANP ON ITS SIDE, SOON AFTER IT TUBNED OVER PAJ/L OF THE cmr IS EXPECT ED HOURLY. E VURYTHJ N 0 OP VALUE HAS BEEN TAKEN' AWAY. TURN TO WEST Ixpccted Tluw. After Oaptur? of Wnmw, Toaton* Will Turn tbrir Attention to lb? Wwler* Tbeater of Wat. * . r J , l.ondoa. July 31. ? Warsaw, the Urd city of Rub*- 1 the goal jr which th" .^rmlee hare / en sf' ? ^J.' October, Is at ii?' of abandonment. OJ . in overwhelming numbers ^*at the gates of the Polish ca.pl .il and despatches both from the ity Itself and from Petrograd ?ay hat further resistance would be un wise. Fall of City K'vjwted Hourly. L'lucouatad not only through ? ancH and Great i&rltaln. but In '.UHAla itRelf. the fall of the city Is xpected hourly, and the problem iow Is to move the Russian armies ntact, threatened as they are. from he south by the Austro-GermanB ind more seriously from the nprth, vhere the German forces are aiming it the railway from Warsaw to Pet ograd. This latter menace the trltlsh press admits. Is imminent. :ti<l the hope in <the allied countries : ow Is lor the continued cohesion >f the Russian army. The Warsaw poMotfice already has ren shifted to some point to the astward, the populace has been arned to remain calm and pre?rum _.bly for days Ruesian^roopa b*rw *??" n stripping the city of everything .illltary value. Kxpect Attack in Weet. As ?oon an the present operations Rusfih arc concluded wheth r or not they succeed In destroying ny larjje part of the Itus^lan army, - it expected that the Qcrrnana will im to th? west, a ir.oTomenl hlch. ho^, out. will to lit: a couple f mnnths at Ira^t. 1 1 w II therefor' he a race l>e .voen ;he Teuior.le farces and the .rltl?U and French as to which oido 111 tako the offensive Ln France here tlw situation remains a u it an been for weeka past, except in Ibucp. whorp the French continue telr attacks on the positions pro .rtlng Mu'-nster. Dad weather ajjain Interfering I h the operations 5n the. Auetro alian theatre. > ANNL A.I, HCMC. Mint Tlmn IWMi IVople Knjuy tit* Jia> and Hear Atltlre?e#e, New Bern, July 81, ? One of tht most #uoce?eful plenlce ever held In Eastern North Carolina took plus* yesterday at Oak Qrova. near PoJ* lorkavllle, and more than 1500 peg. pit* were ia attendance. Thl? plcnle '?n an aantiftt event for that nectlon and le always largely attended. A. H. White, of Pdlloekavlla. and 9. Barker, of Treton, delvered ad dreiMe. A number of New BeroUni attended. BAKER ftAYft. Commencing Monday, we hire de cided to me a certain surface of pa per for kodak work. To our mind ? gives beat reinlte than anything on the market, though we will give yon any grade yon want. Watch results. BAKFTR'A 8TTTD10. New Theater Toinomp Chadge Program vS - Tonight

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