Vol.7 WASHINGTON N. C MOl 'noon August 2. iw ANNOUNCE PROGRAM OF MEETING / :? A ' . i . > i t ? INTEREST! N<i NUMBERS AR RANGED SOB I. O. o. r. ?3^-^ CONVENTION. ^ ; J TWO SESSIONS Wi'I Mett Here Thursday A ft crayon Md Etc mtng. juny Dclccatrs Arc Expected to Attend from the 6cco?d District. . ^ J The oommfttee in charge of ar rangement* for *he -uecemA district convention of Odd fellows which will W held in this city .Thursday, hare arranged an interesting: pro-i gram ior, the occasion. . A number of excellent addreaaee are Included. ; There will he two sessions: one held 1 In -the afternoon and the other at (night. The program in full will be i Mv follows: | Aftcntoon Keen Ion. | Will open at 2:30 o'clock. 1 | 1. Opening ceremony, conducted by D. Q. Berry, president. 8. Soil call of officers. I 8. Reading of minutes of last ses sion. ? 4. "Shall we continue the district convention?*' a discussion, led by 3. G. Skinner, of Farmville. N. C. ! 5. Presenting the <N. C. Odd Fel low, by C. G. Morris. f | 6. Deciding place of next meeting, j 7. Miscellaneous business.'^ I 8. Good of the order. 9. Adjournment. x K veiling Measion. | 1. Address of welcome. N. L. I Simmons. ? H. Response, D. G. Berry, of Ay | den, N. C. 8. Instructions In secret work, by a member of tie Belhaven lodge. | 4. 'Instruction in second degree, | by a member ?f the Ayden lodge, | 5. Instruction -in third degree | work, hp a member, of Eclypse lodge, j I 6. Instruction In first degree i I work, toy a member of the Phalanx I lodge. 7. Miscellaneous business. 8. Good of the order. 9. Adjournment. | Negro Stirs Up Excitement Made Things Lively Around Choeu wtnltj- YssUrdsy Morning Willi a Big Revolver. Mlago Jones, colored, a readout of tbla city, was the cause of consid erable excitement at Chocowlnity early yesterday morning, when he began to feel the effects of several liberal potloqs of liquor which he h^d Imbibed earlier in the evening. Jones was (brought into oourt here Saturday afternoon on the charge of being drunk. He was placed under |10 bond for appearance In court next Saturday. He took tbe early morning train yesterday for Ohoco winlty and when he arrived at that ?taUon, proceeded to show the pns-j eengcrs some touches of high life. I WiUr ttfe aid of a big revolver and numerous cues words, ke accomplish ed this successfully Conductor Lynch, however, eould * n't see things in tho same l!ght that Ifinio did. and he placed the latter under ^arreet and took him to New Bern. "Phere he was placed In Jail aPd will be brought back to Waah ington this afternoon by apeolgl .? Agent George Heward, Mcf-ting at Cowt Hour. The county board of education and the county oommlajioneff are holding their regular meetings at the eonrt houee today. House of Happhuan. BELLMO Theater TODAY Heat# Of Prteeeea Marsarl" Two Part*. ' ? "Hike's Bopftawt" Comfdy Flhm. "Ford Weekly" ' ~ kr TfJBM>AY. ; '?Tim OF THE HOUR" WILL BRING TOBAGCO TO THIS CITY FAXtMRKS ALL THROUUH THE tXHWTV FAVOR WA&HIXU. TON M MlRkT. OPEN AUGUST 18 Prrdlctcd tliat the Sale* .Will (jo B6y<n Mf S, 000, 000 4'orn *<L< Crop* Arc iii. E3?<f?2Wnr Kiutpe nt tho - MGStt TUllr. ' L * ? 'r- * * ? That the .saloe at the Washington tobacco hiarket would thl? yfcar run beyoud 6,00Q,0Q0 pounds, was thai stat' raentN made ,thl8 morjWttg by! Walter B. Wlodley.'ope of the local1 tobacco then. Vlr. .Windley states that indications point te an eyeilent crop and that he and other tobacco men, who are" Interested in the Waehingto* market, f&ol confident tLat the market will be moat suq, -eeysful. "We have visited pracMcally ev ery nook and cornror of the county, with the exceptipa- of BelhaVen, and we're going down tftat way Wednes day," said Mr. this morn ing. "We have, foucftl that there ap pears to' - be a general sentiment throughout the county in favor of ?<he Washington market and practic ally all of the farmers have announc ed their intention of bringing their crops here to market. We have gone as far a* tbe Pitt county line and even the far4ners In that srctlon de clared that they would bring their crops 4o Washington. "The crops are excellent. The re cent Jiot weather has worked won ders and has improved the stand of tobacco Immensely. In fact, every thing points to the blggost and best market that Washington .has ever had." 1 3\48Z. Bales of Cotton Raised Above Amount liaised in lleaufort OiUtUy I^t Yew. The t'ooaty S(aB<ln 21th on the List* / \ A report of the cotton rained in North Carolina during 1914 ha? Jus' Hoen srfu' d and shows that eBaufort county is 24tft In order of produc Mon. Robeson heads tho list with 74, If 8 bales. BeaUfort raised 13, J87 nalcB, an Increase of 51 percen* since \90l>. r* ? Indications (or this year's crop joint to n big Incrrase and It is ex ' uectcj that at least 15,000 bale.^ will be raised In Beaufort county. GENERAL VON HOETZiNDORF Gen. ttmrad von Hoetsendorf. chief I of the XUetrO Hungarian headquarters | staff, ntudying the plan of tlio cam palgrt against Italy He designed the I fortifications on the Austro Italian | frontier. ?arleus Thoujyht TUva you arer thought aortously ?? OAt-f^ags sir?" ' U.dniKi. I hart: -incs ths oawMfcf T" PUTS WHOLE FIRE DEPT. TO FLIGHT A <;REEXV1IjLR Rf?IDt?VT MU n < .HP into COURT OS UNUSUAL CHARGE. OBJECTEDTOBATH When the Ftremcn Inristod Upon | Staying Hint, H? bhed Hla Oont Mill Hwrwi Urirka nt Tnra. (By phone to the Daily News) Oreenrille, il._ C., An?. 2. ? As s-ailing the Greenville Fire Depart ment yesterday afternoon was the somewhat unusual charge brought against . 'J. E. Malktne of this city ??adf y in the local court. The case was one of the most amusing th&t '\a? been tried in court here for eome 'inie. The spectators were kept in % constant roar of laughter^ It appeared from the testimony that was given at the trial this rooming thayrcalkins puts the fire lopartmont to flight y?fcterday by he simple expedient of, flinging bricks at them. The .department had been called ont to answer an alarm from the Atlantic Coast Line depot. Matk!ns was one of the spectators it the blaze. Becoming enthusiastic over their work, the firemen zeal ously sprayed he building and ln -identiy, they sprayed Matk'ne. "who -.vas standing cloee by. Matkins didn't much like the 1 howcr, but be didn't say anything, 'n a minute or two the game thing lapp ned again. This time Jriatktns -ot mad. He walked over to a near ly pile of brlcke and after shedding I Ma coat he proceeded to Bhow both he fireman and the other spectators hat Matty had nothing on him when t came to speed and control. His | \im was must accurate and the fire nen were forced to desert the hose trxj.f.'-e. Matkine waa left victor of thfe combat. ~ He aaPfinr'1 ??nd -notified to appear in court this Tiorning. Judgment was suspended ipon payment of costs, which ar nounted to $14.75. 2 M o*-e Games Won By Small Dpffiitcd Bayboro and Grnntsboro lir.st Week. Team Hm Enviable ltocoitl up to DaUt. m Th'? Small baseball team added -.70- more victories to their 1oug ?rinjc by defeating Bayboro Thurs lajr morning. 8-1; and Grantaboro in the afternoon of the same day, 1-2. The latter gamo was an exciting opt .M from the flrst to the last in nings. Th? two teams were tied at lie cm! of the ninth, tho score be ng 2-2. Small's sft^erlorlty was hown lp the 10th, however, and the cam won out In that inning. Tho Small baseball team, although composed of mere boys ? all local oroduct ? has made an enviable rec ord this aeaion. The boys have olnyed a total pf 20 games and h?ve only lost flte. FAITHS CHY OF F1RR ON aoi'VD htk.ameh Man j Women and Children Knocked Dewn gud Bruised in Panic, New York, Aug. t. ? The atewn^r Grand Republic, from Rockeway for New York, put In at Coney Island tonight, where several hundred pas senger# left the vessel following a panic which started with a falsa cry Of Are. Before the craw succeeded iu assuring tho paaaengera that there was no fire aboard many women and children Mad been knocked down and slightly injured In a mad ru?h for life preservers and the boat*. The Grand Republic Is the slater ?hip of the General aiocum, -which hurned with a loss of nearly a thousand liv<c several year* ago. PKEVRD H. P. ?. A. Peever, flk Dti Aug. 1 ? -A hired man milking e cow et a farm near here became Incensed when the fata lly eupplyer of hotter end cream sr. at' d a fly with poor aim and struck him. WKh a clever twist he broke tho oow'a tail, and he la now speeding a time in Jell tor cruelty to enimala. Volunteer to Teach Adults Teachers Eastern Carolina Train ing School WID Aid Movement to Wipe Out Illiteracy. Raleigh. N. C., Aug. 2.- ? One hun-' dred teachers of the summer school at the Bast Carolina sachcrs' Train ing School at Greenville have vol unteered to teach lb the moonlight schools of the State during the fall, according to Dr. J. Y. Joyner. who returned yesterday from Greenville, Kinston and LaGrange. Every week the number of teach ers volunteering for this work brings added encouragement to the leaders lr this social service movement, and justifies the early promise of Dr. Joyner that the teachers would tako a loading part In the elimination of adult illiteracy. Last week 123 volunteers were accepted for the service from the jUnK?r?it>. -an? m ar-Scaodtrw ^ ? \ ROBERT WARWICK IN "THE MAN OP THE HOl'R" Will Be Hhown at Local Theatre Tomorrow. "The Man of the Hour," a play which enjoyed a more phenomenal series of performances than any the American stage had seen for years, have been made into a five-part photo play under th?r diroction of Wm. A. Byedy who. was responsible for the original presentation of "The Man of the Hour." Here are some of the lines ap plied to "Ths Man of the Hour," by critics and men of affairs: 'The play of tha day." "The drama of the pressst." ' * "A photograph of life as we're, liv ing It." "A play of real siRnllcance." At' the Bell mo tomorrow. Aldermen to Meet Tonight Hi rt+t Work WOl Be Owe of the I to b? drought up ?i Tonight's Mwiim. The regular meeting of the city bo#rd"o( aldermen wljl be held tp night. Several Important matters will be brought up for discussion, among them being the Improvement of the streets in the city. It la understood that the board wll make prepare*; tlons for oooslderable work In the near future. YOUNO MAN SACRIFICED HI ft Mime IS ATTEMPT TO HAVE THREE GIRL* AH Four tHwewl at PnitM'i D?Mh Del , When Rowboat Capetaed. Wilmington. Del., Aug. S. ? Three girls and a young man were drown ed *at Fenton'a 'Beach, aoroea the j-Delawaie River fvom bare, today. Tbo man, Irvln MoCalt, 11 years old, saertfleed hie life In an unauccteaful attempt to save Rath Craig, 16, the only one of the girls whoae Identity la known. MaCall, John J. Murphy, Miss Craig and two other girls were In a rowboat that capalfd. Murphy. Who was the only one of the party who oould awln. managed to aave one of the girls aad himself. The fourth victim was a young woman who loa* her Mf? a short dle tWM ?nf wWle bathini "Pay the Costs " Says Recorder Three More Violators of Traffic Uhh Were Brought up Into Court Sat utility Aftciliuu. The dally procession of traffic violators to the recorder's court dwindled to three Saturday after noon. However, Chief Robert save out (he Information this morning that tomorrow would And a somr what larger number adorning the benches in the court room. Satur day's procession consisted of the fol lowing: William Cherry, no rear lights. Fined costs of court. James Baugham, speeding Fined cost* of court. Glen Walters, speeding. Fined costs of oourt. Free Tuition Is Offered Daily News H?s Two Free Scholar ships to Xornwl School, Which Wl'l Bo Given to Those Who Desire Thrtn. The Dally News In in a position to give two Ire? scholarships for young lad lr i. who are desirous of entering the North Carolina State Normal and Industrial College at Greensboro. Those appointments are given on condition that the young ladle* will t'acli In the schoolg of the State af ter !eav!ng the college The regular tuition for board, laundry, textbooks and nil other fees is $150 a year. The two scholarships are given absolutely fre?\ without any 'strings* to the offer. The young ladles whe aro interested ar? requested to not?* fy thijj office. ?;mr.s givk chask in BIRTHDAY 81'IT* Girl MM her*, Dwl In Hun*lilne, hir sue Men Who Hlolt* C'lutliN. (Trenton, N. J. Dispatch to New York Press). Co.-.tunrd only in Ihe *un rays, two pretty young women caused something akin to * riot when they left ihe oijio river and gave chase after several men . who had stolen (lit clothing of the' girls, hung In n bonthoupe moored aongside the wharr, Thg girls had not run a block b?t fore a great crowd was at their hcele. Policeman Frann a.u<p*on was standing on Main street, three blocks from the river, when the mermaids overwhelmed him with demands that ha 'get the!r clothes." "I will." said 81mpion, "but coma with me Into this feed stora." There he r quested the girls to don gunny racks and sent them to the police station. FRANK OUT OF DANGER. Wellington. Aug. 2. -Iveo M Frank continues to Improve steadily. accor.Ung to word today from Mll Pdg*/!lle prteon farm. Vui wonnd In hi.- throat dealt by hie fellow con ?let WIIMam Green. Is considered paat the posetbtllty of causing far ther serious trouble. Frank's com plete recovery tor confidently e* peetcd. BOUGHT CX>\T*NTH OF HTGRK. Th> stock in the ?tor? of Cutler A i Jllhn wae sold thtn morning to M. Jonei>h, of Falson. V. C.. for $1100. The aale waa held on aoeount of a petition for bankruptcy -which was reevotty fled by Cutler 4 John. Spent Day at Pamlico Beach WaAhiiijrton Party Knjtijed !>aj at Kainou* Summer lU*?ort Vewtcr day. Made Tilp on the tlio "8u<rlln{." Pamlico Beach was again storm ed by a party of Washington visitors yesterday. About tw nty-flve mad-i the trip !u tlie "Sterling." leaving here at 7:30 a. m. and returning shortly before eleven last night. Vac Ioub method* of amus'tnent helped to enliven the trip to and from th<" beach. Parties from Aurora and Belha* en also were at the beach yesterday. The Washington boys did not make much progr? hs with the Belhaven girls this time, but they did manage to ewkpe a watermelon from the Belhaven fellows. A most substantial dinner waf provided by the ladies at the beach, to which the Washington party did mor. than justice. A rising vote of thanks was extended to Mrs. FuT ford. Mrs. Jacobson. Mrs. Uoss and Miss Cozzenx for the excellent re past which they Imd prepared. Among those who made the trli "?n the "Sterling" wre Charles Al 'on, John Mayo, D O'Neal, Carl ?Joereh, Charles Meekins. F. Gile? A. Squires. Ben 8*ddW. k. l>. Simpson, T A. Rosa, Druce Wilkln ?oii, Mr S: fer. J. R. Starling. Ku :eue Harris, Archie K'lly. Sam Sil . erthorn. Golden Burbage, Fred Hooton, C. H. Sterling. T. utfetjfy. ' A. Warren, H. B. Charles Martin. Many Present At Revival I.a reo Cimi(rrK?tk?n .\tlrnriwl Firs' of Scrim of S<'p*ic?f? iipIiJ h> A. II. W. |*m Night. A large congregation won prwni a? the revival meeting last night, tfhlch was held by the Aiurrlcan Kee-'ue Worker* In the Masonic Hall An InteroHtlng aerniuii was preached by Cnptaln GoAEeit. These aervlcri will be held night ly (or two tferkK. The public l* cor 11*11 y invited to attend Ihom They begin at eight o'clock. Polltenesa Personified. Nnt long ago a popular Masaarhu aettn avenue tailor, who tlpa the besm near the BOOponnd mark, attempted to force hlo way through a line of au tomobile* which wai movini around th? Circle and toutta into Meridian etraot. reports the Indianapolis Htar. Incidentally this tailor la of a rather nervous temperament and ii aaiily embarraaaed whan publlo attention is directed toward him. He daahed across the a treat ahead of a large oar aa faat aa hla arotrdupoia and abort lege would permit and atapped In froDt of a anfcll machine. The ear ?truck him with a thud, wbfezrd and came to a stop, while the tailor rolled In the dust. Scrambling to his feet and without regaining his hat. which had rolled to the curb, the avenue merchant turned to the driver of the little puffing machine and exclaimed In his escltemont: "1 be* pardon, air!" and want hastily on his way. "KXPUHT8 OF BI/AINK" MOW THRATRK TONIGHT The New Theatre will offer their patrons a five reel program tonight, with the Exploit* of Blaine aa the main feature. Thar* will atoo be threo other reels of interesting pic tures. hla honee will have vaude [ Title the la* half *t this weak. i. *T STRIKE OF STANDARD OIL WORKERS Seen* aLCfc* c?|?bMe Hook plant of the Standard Oil company at Bayonne, N. J., during tho strike of 6 000 ?mpio 7?n. which vaa accompanied hj rioting. homicide and anon. WARSAW ISflOTYET CAPTURED Rl'K<*IAX8 CRE MAKISG 8TTB KN REMITTANCE' TO THE .'AKCIXG GERMAN'S REFORM the cm. CUT OFF RETREAT r?>ufouft will Not Bo Satisfied With Cspturp ot W umw, Bat Are Aim in? to ffc-ixe the Rkitlm Ilunslaa Army. I London, Aug. 2. ? The Russians, wording to Fetrograd hav? stop ped General von Bnelow'g advance n Kovno province, toward the VII fetrograd railway. If Grand 'Julie Nicholas is to hold the Brevt 'In* ;ifter hla retirement from War aw it is absolutely necessary that tGenera von Buelows offensive should S?- arrested for should he reach the ailwiiy he would seriously interfere v!th (ho Russian communications. It is not yet certain whether the iu?9lan armies can make good their ? iirotner.t from Warsaw. Certainly !:o> Aubtro-Gcr maris are doing their '-.est to prevent it and have moved ip v-ry strong reinforcements to lasicn their encircling movement. The appearance of fresh troops also a gg Ob u? thai the German staff will io: be satisfied with the capture of hi? city or even the destruction of iart of the Russian army but. should .hit> be accomplished, will attack the 'Irest line and endeavor finally to Tush the entire Rusnlan forces. German* Successful in West. Meanwhile, the Germans, who ap ?ar to have an inexhaustible sup ply of munitions are fighting des perately tt? retain every position which they hold along the western rout. They have recaptured part if (he treuchcs which they lo?t to h > British near Moors and ar* mak n? an effort to regain what they lo*-i to the Kr'-nrh In I he Muen;-ter -err in n In Alnacc 05.000 Rus-inn* Captured. l>urlng th" month of July Rerlin ays the Grrmann captured more lian DS.Ofm Russians between the ' "'jKr.'ii riwr and the Baltic alorvi Three Games This Week cucnl* u III \ ancf Imrn, linn and Kit her Or Il4tll?*r?(i||vl|lf. Three game* have b; en arranged y the Washington team for thU veek Tomorrow nfternoon the lo ?a1? will play Vnncet-oiHi on the locaj I'.mnond Thursday New Bern will ?!?lt thcfle part* and try conclusions wl?h the locals. Fr!duy's gam;1 hai not yet been dftfltvtHy settled- Eith er tlie locals 'Will play Greenville at Greenville, or els^ the Koberxonville i<am will come to WMKhlnxton aod play at Fleming Park. Cil'fCHTH AT IfOt'ftK I'AIITV. M!k2?pn Aleez. Temperance, Doro* thy mid K*?lier Aycock. of Penteget, are entertaining a number -of young ladle* at n hnneo party, at tbelr home. Among the guests are Mlssea Evelyn White, of Hertford; Ix>Bda Shanburffter, of Hertford; Carrie Bell Blount, of Wllllamcton; Zada Wynne, of Everett; Mabel Harrla. of Roxbnro; Hlxle White, of Oxford, and Helen Weaver, of Rich Square. Trappe* quarreling. "Well, eftitt rxy ] r?n after yon," seirf ?lfe. ' Neither iloos a mous-;*.r?p r iftar the mtce. but ft ratchee )v f-tma" rAvltod New Theater TOMIOIf 17th ICplHode of ?NFTW KXPlvOlT* OF Kf.AINB" 8? OTHER RKKLS PICTURBfl? 1 Prt?W H and 10c - ,,

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