NOON AUGtJST 3. IW "r-V BROWN LEADS IN BATTING | head* batting umr or looal win Avi or a?. "P?" aim leada tl>? Viitlii j ton taMbUI ttun la betting, ' cording to the >nn|n which an ?I??A Mow. Brown hu tHl cloet Ing the pin for a percentage of wbleb, ? night articulate. U (oh* aoaae for a pitcher. "Bbota" Moor* cornea aeeond with the health? erage of .}0? and Klncald rea_. '"to fhlrd piaee with the evxlfert ot .Ml. la all. tier/ are iTe playere wlyi are battles over the .100 mark. The araracee below are at tfta players who hare Scared la ?ore than lr Wednesday Night la Honor of Aeoratary McA?o& Oreeneboro. Aug. I. ? Three Hun dred bnalneee aad profeanional men of the (State outside of Oraeneboro, repreeenttng every section sad al most every county of the State hare accepted Invltatlnne to the banquet to ba ?lr.n at the mate Normal and InduMrlal College Wedneeday even ing. when Secretary W. O. MoAdoo, Of the U? ~*s it Ml ????? fc?tlon. thai a concerts culvert ba placed on Rea pasa street, between Fifth fcnd Sixth streets. The matter of repairing broken* sidewalks and curbing was referred to the street committee with power tfi act. v.; ... I A vwohrtlon was paeHJTto the effect that tke mayor or the city clerk be authorised and directed to deliver to J. B. MeCrary Co.. $18,000 of lla 5 percent municipal Improve-; ment bonds, fourth issue; sufficient collateral having been deposited with the city to fully protect It according to the contract dated Jane *. 1*15. Wo further business , being brought up, the board adjourned. All the members were In attends nee. Died Yesterday Mr*. Jorada Wright Pawed Away Y??t?rd*y Mornhn*. Vn neral to be Hehl Today. ^ Mrs. Jorada Wright, aged 91 year*, died yesterday morning. The funeral aerriccs will be held from tho home today. Interment will be at Oak dale Cemetery. Mr?. Wright had been In poor health for the laat two years. She waa well known in the city and leave* many friend* ta mourn her death. She J?** the widow of M. 8. Wright and la survive by fodr children: Mra. Ed- Fuller. of New port Newa, Va.; Walter Wright, of ?van Quarter: Willie Wright, of this city, and Mr a. g. W. Pgri*. 9f Wa*blngt#a, D. 0. CAMIUR, WWIT ' AMD MONBY OOVK Mot Only Hurt, Bat the Mu Almdr Had Wild ud Mir. EnclawoO*. N. I., Aug. jAbra ham Cornallsi, Jr., for man? jaara oaahlar ot tha Cttlsana' National Bank. a marrlad man with a family; lllaa Loratta Adalglaa, aa attractive T#mt atanographar employed Is tba bank, end 111,000 ta aaah from (ha baak'a vault bay. baaa nalaalng etnee Wedneedar afternoon Then la ao tangible evidence to ehow that Oor netlh* aad tho' girl, for whom ha la a*M to Kara had aa infatuation tar aararal raara. have dlaappaared to gathar, hat Clinton!! Mike, praefdm of tha bank, and Iba girl'. heart broken Bother, a widow, attach Im portant atgntflaaace to tha fact that, each rantahad from Englawood a baut tho aama Una. r*R. WHAT ARK Yoirt '?vary now and than a fallow lampa a daanal ha wonM ltk? to amack for half aa boor at *. ftaaa. BIG CHIEFS MEET IN GLACIER PARK Many-Tall Feathora. chief of tho Blackfect Indians, and John J. Fits gar aid, chairman of the bouse appropriations committee and a bis chief of Tammany Hall, In Glacier National park, Montnna. near wblch in the Rlack feet reservation. Tho a;r*t>piiatioos committee, wblch under the new recla mation extension law now has the say of how much money is to b? expended on reclamation projects, ha* beon touring the West Inspecting this work. FIRST YEAR OF WAR COST $16,500,000.00 The first year of the war has tost tbe belligerent governments a bout $19,500,000,000 In direct expenditures for military purposes. Ex perts agree fairly wall on these figures. The 'Berlin Vorwaerts finds the total $16,676,130,000* the French econofnlst, Eddward Thlery. $17,400, 000,060 and the statistician, William Michaells, of Berlin. 115,240,000, 000. This Is the expense of putting about 9.000,000 men into the field for* the central powers, and about 12,000,000 for the allies. N It does not include, however, the far greater amount lost through the destruction of towns and villages, the ravaging of tho countryside, the wrecking of bridges and railroads and the wholesale sinking of ?hips, and the economic loss through (he diminution in productive in dustry, the killing of the strongest men in the community and th^ creation of a class of cripples and * admen. ? ? : ^he war la now. costing $4*/t>01>;1>1>0 a day,' ?2,000,000 an hour find ;^|?^040 a1mintft The boy was bruised considerably but Is not believed to haev sustained any serious injuries'. He stepped from the curb Just ns the *oto was going past. Tho ma chlno hit him and knocked him down before it oould be brought to a atop. Three British Freighter* Hunk. London, Aug. 8. ? Thr^e more big British freighters have been account ed for toy German submarines, ac cording to pews reaching here to day. The Clintonian, of 8,883 gros* tons, was sunk yqet'Tday near Ar IHen. # French smacks rescued all her crew, but spin* of the men were wounded and were taken t* Capitals at Itrest. The Benvorlich, from Ma Jrftln for Marseilles, also has been sent down, as has the Pulgens. The erews of th# ait two boats war# "TOT TRLI.IXO TUB TitlTH." Milan. Italy, Auf. I.? Commeat :ni on Emperor Wllliam'e addreee to the German people, laaued lut Sat urday, the'ftocoto ?ay?: - "6 the ?mperor'? oatha of Inno cence Euro}* and the whole olrllli ed *orld alr-adT hare repiled that be '.a net telling the truth. Hla troopt bare ao (ar been conquering beeauae of tbelr adperlor preparation!. He AbC'.tMe Europe ot preparing 10 yfare for war, while Germany f orlO yeare sharpened her arma (or agfreaelon". ?end Leader at ?even. Monde. !nd.? At the ooncert given In the town hall at Baton a few nlghta m by the Garrett Boy?' band, which t? r- ,K?1 n-.nalclaa an) dir.: tor no' \riu?tandlu? he a b yeari IHl - rono ^ quarreling iVei: - -*J '. aay 1 ran after yon." aald til- "Netf her ?ftcr Uo Bta*. bat It <*trt?*e 'Ml J> ?? .???" iwim %.m? . ? 'V- , ? ? , - Change Made in ? * * * *y i Police Force Former Chlrf of Police In IkHliavrn Take* Officer Traylor'* Place on ljocal Forre. O. J. Nyc, lormerly chief of po lice at Bclhaven, has been added 10 the local police force and took up hia duties here today, Mr. Nye has had considerable erperlence and !?? regarded * iuo: t efficient officer. Officer Traylor, wh-onc place Mr Nye takes, lias |?*fl the forco. During his term a? police mar , Mr Traylor did excell nt work and made a most capable officer. TWXSLVB LRSSONS KOH ILMTKKATEH Work B?f?uo f?n Preparation of Bul letin on BjSmHuk, Writing ?uul Arithmetic. * ? Kel*Igh, Jf. C., Aug. 8.-*? To pre-' per? twelve lesson* In reeding, writ* Inc and Arithmetic for adult Illiter ate! in North Caroline who will gt? tend moonlight schools to be held ovor the State daring one month of tho fall le the problem before the State Department oh Education and tho Moonlight fcth6ol Committee. Dr. J. Y, Joyner ami hit office foroe with Dr. N. W. Walker of the Uni versity of North Carolina, and See-, retary W. C. Croebjr of the Moon light School Committee, yesterday conferred together during the creat or part of the afternoon with thle In | view. The conference ended with tho problem simplified by division of it among the conferees. The bul letin of leseons will be completed during the Drat of September. "|t Is one thing," eald Mr. Cros by yeatrrday, "to teach a child to read and write In a year and an en tlerly different thing to teach a grown man to r*ad and write in four leesona." . That lies been done. But four leseons appears to have been the rebord. The leadere la the move ment are conservative. They are giving Illiteracy every advantage wbpn they allow It Just twelve lee eona in which to be fcanttM. Nineteen ffwrt In Train Wr??lu Roanoke, Va., Aug. I. ? Nineteen perecne were tajured. none eariouely yesterday when a Norfolk A Western naan^ager train, bound for Hagem town slde-awlped a freight engine en a el&tng near flueaa VkU, Va. RUSSIANS ARE STILL HOLDING 10 WARSAW IRE HOT1NO FOR DIVERSION IX WKUT WHICH WILL R?UEM PRESSURE ON THE ARMIES XiilK POLISH CAPITAL'. RECEIVE NO NEWS l)J?p?lchw from Wumw Harr Born Irregular. Indications *re tiuU Grand Duko is Withdrawing His Force? from City. London, Aug. 3. ? No definite eewa from Warsaw has been receiv ed here today- While there axe ln < reusing Indications that Grand Duke Ncholas is wthdrawng hla army from 'he Polish salient there Is evidence that the capital still Is In poeeesslon of the Russians since Petrograd cor ppondents of Warsaw papers were directed to send accounts of the Duma's opening for Monday issues. German* Heavily Reinforced, faat Russia has not entirely a .mmloned hope of a diversion in the real which would relieve the pres sure Is shown toy the announcement rorn Petrograd' that (he German 'jrces before Warsaw have been hxivlly reinforced from the west, 'hereby '"creating favorable condl *ons for active operations by our allies." There has been heavy flght lug on the Narow front- where the Germane have made 6oroe progress in the desperate battle which Is rag ing between'the Narew and OJe riv ers. No DeveLopmcnti on GaJllpolL Constantinople. Aug., 3.. via Lon ^on^^^Wi?i^'Tiirrsp4?ee?r no Important r.rtions on either side in the last fortnight on the Galllpoll peninsula. TCv-en the British bmbardmcnt of tho TurXtsh positions bus lessened con siderably In its Intensity, this ap plies to both Avi->Burnu and Sedd e!-n?!ir. The Turklh artillery lias been active, however. There have been no serious Infantry engage ments. Sleepi ng Negro Gets Pumped Full of Lead Vi'm Sh?f ul W II ford Vwtcrdnj-. 23 Shots Imo one yesterday afternoon walk ed lip with a sh-st pun and pumped Ileury Smlih, colorrd, full of lead. Twenty-^flve shot took ofTeet In th* 'negro's body, arms and head. Ont of the sbot perforated his left eye and it Is feared entered hit brain. Dr. J$?k Nicholson was summoned to attend the man and had htta brought to the hospital here. The wounded man'a condition Is regard ed as serious, No clue has been found as to who did the shootlnir, although police of ficials have taken the matter in charge. REVIVAL CONTINUES. The Interest of th* American Res cue Workers' revival meeting la still irrowlng. A rood siaed congregation attended laat night and much In terest vas shown. Tonight at 7: IB an open air meeting will b? held en the corner of Market and Second streets and will go from there to the Masonic Hall where the service wit! b* ron*'nnr>4. Everybody la oor dflflty invited to attend these meet j log*. New Theater ' Change Program Tonight.