WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS 1 ' AFTERNOON. EXCEPT BFNDAY& ; ?, 1909, it tfa. | Mt of Xareh 8, 1870.. BOBBCnraON RATES ; f* \ JfaMS . 1 1 ? ? I s$ .....1.00 K, jf ? 1.60 ????> b.p?U 1a %dranc?. If paper is not re this ?ffice. Subscribers de?irin& iwfll fktm mm If this office, otherwise it (niacrlptian rates. i^PWUJUTO - Proprietor# - . - Editor. WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, AUGUST 3, 1915. A NEW DEPOT N\EEDED. Visitor* to Washington, arriving in this city via the Norfolk Southern railroad, have made many remarks regarding the appear ance of the local depot of this railroad. In evory case, these remarks have been anything bur complimentary. The Norfolk Southern probably does the larger amount of pas senger business out of Washington, but in spite of this fact, their station is greatly inferior to that of the Atlantic Coast Line Pas sengers on the N. S. trains, who do not stop at Washington and who morely obtain a view of the depot, get a mighty poor impression of th? city to cany away with them. Other cities along the Norfolk Southern line ? cities that are smaller than Washington ? have far more imposing depot? aud it is only right that Washington should have some kind of a station letter than the oue it has at present. The waiting room is hot and stuffy; tho grounds are unattractive aud the building, in appearance, re sembles a barn mora than it does a station. It is sincerely hoped rhat the Norfolk Southern officials will see it to their advantage to give Washington a uew passenger depot in the near future. "MOVIES" REPLACE PREACHERS. .Motion picture*-, during the last few years, have, pruetioiillv re placed the regular stage and have induced many of the leading actofs of the country to join the ranks of "screen artists.'* hi all of the largo cities theatres, that were formerly the home of leading plays, have l*en turned into "movie houses," and have made a profit in the change. The motion picturaa, do not end their service by depicting drama: and comedies, however, and new uses are steadily l>cing found foi them. Up-to-date business houses now sell their goods by showing them on the screen; children are taught at school by means of tin pictures ; science has called tho camera-man to aid in new discoveries and inventions, and many other uses are being made of dims today The latest development appears to be the use of pictures in th< - church, and they have been used successfully in a number of citie where the experiment has been tried. Instead of regular sermon preached by the pastor, tho sermon is depicted upon the .screen in ; manner which is far more effective and far more real than the pastor" words. For example: tak<* some of the lending incidents of tin Bible. Such events and incidents as the experiences of the childrci of Israel in Egypt; the reigns of Solomon and David: the story o: the birth of Christ; the tale of the prodigal so_i: ; the crucifixion o Christ ; the travels of his apostles ? all would make highly inipressivi film pictures that would be far more realistic and effective than tin mere words spokeu by a minister. The movement is bound to sprcud over the country and it is dninj so rapidly. Congregations, in. the cities where the experiment ha: been tried, are enthusiastic over the movement and wherever tin motion picture camera has replaced the preacher, the picture- hnv< continued to remain there. THE STATE PRESS. We do not believe that in the many years in which we have hai knowledge of newspapers in North Carolina that we have over seen the papers of the State conducted in a more able and progressive manner than is now the case. This is a condition which applies Wh to the weekly, the semi-weekly, and the daily papers of the State. We talk of the progress being made in North Carolina, and there may well he cited as one evidence of this the papers of the State. They have a healthy look. and. as a rule, they go at things with a rim, and the exception is gating to l>e a poorly printed paper. Tn thin, as well a? in the general make-up of the papers there has l?een a marked advance. In a marked degree the editorial columns are being handled with h spirit which shown th^t the men in charge are in love with their work, h thing which is making itself felt in their utterances. In the weeklies we find there are in numbers of cases definite plans for advancing the interests of their counties being followed, and that editors are speaking ont fearlessly for the promotion of progressive measure*. The preis of a State is a good Index of the people of r State, and; judged by this the people of North Carolina are making a steady and substantial advance. There comes into the office of the New? and Observer every week almost every paper published in- the State, and it iu a source uf gratification to say that in our opinion, as a class, they measure up with the l>cnt in America. ? News and Observer. C ertainly Germany is not abort of iron, ? the way that country continues to hand out the iron crosses. ? Newg and Observer. Evidently thay're not short of lead, either, ? judging from the way tke enemy are lead to daughter. YHUMffc * Mate*. J ??? <*:*??? it Wtm Um I t tu tmt MMl hat luri "* ? ?ttrtin,! tnm ?Mtk*?pta. u C?t4? Too k?>? *? U?i,??r4 I>m terfmt U* Imi Mr tro. ck. TW. ,m !?, "V- W1UM 4>M| ' *f ? *J? ??B| MU U|||r f^,,^ MfcflW wv uh n*r? ?tfflVNOvtfl flu'H pni to Mt quit* ?xtlM| H <"*"? Tka lafal p-af. aatoa, wMek ? my ?o?Mrr.tlT., ?u??ww aaa* r 1 *004 (MM ?tin> '!?? .*M IMIM 'It* u luUayaoa >M. M-MMM7 tb? ?UUI If to MBMl. ?- wptrtimly lak'M ? "** ??*** ? ipNck. or la balrtnt ?oHtt > wafWaj Aanr at a M? ?"*? CknwMM remarked: "4 pr can't take a firm stand" this paper croee-flred with the remark: "Cor rect. but a bow -let fed pefson oould fat around tb*t.'\ tke Washington Daily News cndareev our etatement. saying "Also correct" and then quib ble? by add. of: 'VB^it we believe that a cross-eyed person could never be Able to see what those fellow* arn driving at." Mebbe the Ne?? (ft cr>ss-eyed, so on our part we ex plain that It wu persiflage (fet that dear News) and leave the Wilming ton Dispatch to explain the hole Itt Ite doufhnut. ? News and Obeetver. It Ought To Be. Says the Washington News: "It Is reported that Henry Ford 's cons'derinf locating a new a?> ?**mbl!ng plant 1u North Carolina. Rsle!gh. Charlotte and New Bern are beflnnlng to stir up Washington? well, all we pan say for Washlnfton is that It Is located on the Pamlico." Well, isn't that enoufh? ? New Bern Journal. J COULDN'T SWEAR TO A LIE So Indiana Woman Waa Unable ta Get a License to Get Married. Columbus, Ind. ? "I'll not swear, to a lie," declared Mrs. Bertha M. Blume, who lives a short distance north of here, when her daughter, Miss lona'R. Blume, begged her to sign an affidavit that she (the flrl) wss old enoufh to get married. Mrs. Blume, her daugh ter, and Thomas V. Hobbs, a farmer, had gone to the county clerk's office to obtain a marriage license. The flrl appeared to b? young and L. J. Cox, county clerk, asked her age. She replied that she \sqb over sixteen. "The law is pretty strict about such matters as this," the clerk ssid. "and I will Just write out a blank affidavit here for Mrs. Blume to sign, showing that you are sixteen years old." "I'm not going to swear to a He about her age." the mother declared. ? "Please go on and slgndt." the girl begged. But the mother would not do ' It. k The girl was sobbing when she left the clerk's office after a license was refused. FORCEPS SURGERY SAVES M. D Dressing Operation Wound, Wife Flnda Towel Sewed In Seven Montha Previously. Toms River, N. J. ? Dr. JT. Edgar Todd waa operated on December 7 for kidney trouble at the Long Island Medical college. The other day Mrs. Todd waa dress lag the wound, which had never healed, when she saw something whit? projecting. She took bold of It with a pair of forceps, and after"an hour and a half extracted a surgeon'* towel, about ten Inches square. It had been left in the body at the time of the op eration. ^ Since the removal of the towel Dofc* tor Todd has shown Improvement. S Veteran, 120, Wanta Pension. rYankfort. Ky. ? Alexander Bates of Bolivar, Mo.; who alleges fre is one hundred and twenty years old. His made application for a pension. His application states that he is a Mexi can war veteran and that he enlistee in Lexington in IP 15. He says hi cam 9 to America In 1812. "?w York Newspipert AMldes thirty-nine new9pe(,?. minted In English. New York dtf hn en In Italian, seven German, flddlah, throu Oreek. three Hungarian Flinch, two Bohemian. two Oos ^an, one Spanish, Servian. Syria* ul xUina, Oo Your Best. To do anything in thte world worn iolcg, we must not stand back sblv wing and UlnfcJng of the cold anc danger, but Jump In aiid acramMi h rough aa well a a we can. ? 3yd SAVES DAUGHTER Adrka of Mother M DooU Pre TMti Daughter's Uatmelj EwL Ready, %is-" ? was not able to Ac anything tor aoarljr aix months," writer Mra. Uura Bratcher, of this place, was down ta bed lor three months. 1 cannot tttt you bow I suffered my head, ana with nervousness womanly troubiet. til of my woril *2 ay own I (Hlak Cart# H (b# bM modldn# I# H ynmHm iw nfXh anraMU Immensity of Yellow Emptr*. The total uu of China la ax 4,778,352 square miles. ? cen*ua of Ihe Bad taken Id western natlona ha# never oeen attempted In Cbbla, ahd th? oeareBt approach to a reliable e? tiinate la probably the c-ensua of honee hold* (not Individuals) taken by the Chinese ministry of Interior hi 1910 Assuming 0.6 persons to a household which, by a teet census In various parts of the country was found to be a fair average, the population totaled >11, 000, COO. including 1,600.000 aa Um trobable population of Tibet -juat a Gold Story. Great Ffclls. Mont? "The dUootoir of gold coins in a tin can unearthed by a plowman employed by Alby Oul iette on bis ranch near Kalispell re vived tales ot treasure burled by pio neers during Indian raids. Ripped by the share the coins rolled from th?, ~.in op to the ground. The farmhaai told /Jj'letie of his find mi s s**rct reveal* I several other pieces of gold The te^al estimated value vat 1300. - urvee After Heart Stopped. H. Q. Harris lived 20 mlnutee and retained consciousness after his heart had stopped beating. Harris, a tqiti merchant of l>os Angeles. was strick en in his shop and was rushed to the the receiving hospital, where Or. A. W Hliler said he was dead. Then Harrle opened hie eyee aad began to talk. For >0 minutes he spoke at intervals. He was able to tell his name and addreaa aad do. scribe hip sensations. During this time hi* heart did not beat perceptibly and powerful heart stimulants failed to brlag any re sponse. *-* Not All Kinds. "Don't Jou think, after all, war le something of a tonic V "Perhaps It may be. If lt'e not Tea tonic."? Baltimore American. Sab scribe to the Dally Nova. r Come to The> GARAGE That guaran tees you Satis factory Service in everything. Whether you store your car with us perma nently or just buy occasional supplies, Wfe guarantee to please you in both quality Price, j The Beat Grade of Gasoline ?tthe loweet market price, . Try our Service once and notice the differ* ence. Washington Motor Car Co. tor' tto Mr Km I ten this 4*7 ?olM aa atata Miator of1 th? aviate of lank E FUrdto* Mm ?W alark Of tk? Su perior court. ptraona holdlni claim* M*ln?t MM aatata ?r? re qu??t*d to in Miil ? Im? to a*. dnly i erl fled wl thin In IMIto from th 1 ? data. iltjmiii niiWil to win eetata arii raqaaaU* to taaka >a tm Mk ink Bar af Joaa. 1*11. *. J. BASSINO. HI two. * WE ARE AGENTS . War Johnson, Rending Standard, Emblem, Hudson Dayton and Great Western Bicycles sold for cash or on time We also have the most complete repair shop in the city all work guaran teed D. R. CUTLER NOTICB or Ul? Win u? ?r Ttrt? .r power *t ml ? imMWI la a d?d ?( mat w >. HjlPrafasMt, A. D. VhruaMH. from J. 0. Johnom Mid *lf?. d*te4 Ka rok l*tk. lll|, *kla* (? r .corded Is tka R.*l?Uri OfflM of BMatort Com. it, N.rtk CaroUaa. la Book m. |A(a l??. tka aadaratfsad ?111, oa tk. 17* $?r, of Aacuat.' l?l*. at If o'clock. Nooa. ?.u, at paklte aaetloa, (or aaak, Mor* tk? ooart kooaa door of Baatrtort Coaa 17, Kartk ?WMM. tk. foUavUl d.Hribw) rati . aatela, Tlat | ,, A tract or paro.1 of U*4 rttaata* la Baaofort County. Kortfc Oarolla*,' a olotttd on a nan la tho ffirtrttt'i' pact of Baaufort Ooutr. Noptk Caroltaa, l? Book Ui^ pat* ???,| ' North Carolina, la Ma BuperlSr Baaulert County. Couri W. H. Wittier H( A.' D. kltcU.., C. R 0 allow *7, C. G. TuiUU, L. H. Tu??un. K. B. TuaataU. J., 8. TunaUll, W. N. Tunetall. Mr*. T. B. Tuuuil, Bay Taaatall, . Velme Tun ?tall, H. P. TwMaU, Dorcaa Kan and hatband. W. R. Knox. Mandy, a Row.. Holland aad heahand, B. Hol tea. Kata V. Oaytoa and huaband. 1 W.' Oajtoa, B. W. Carton. C. A* Carton, jaaaaa etlller. Bryan cul ler. Harrar Taaatall. Ue.rr Weath ering, Bryan VWMtUC, /, R. Wl lay. J. 8. Tatar, and VUla Campbell Lumber Company. Tha abova named partler. and all otbar pwMU lnt?r**t*d, will take n*tfe* that as the 14th day af Jane, 1*11. tha abox*-aatud . petitioners Wed a petition la tha oOoa af the Clark at tha Superior Court at Beau to rt OogBty to ha ?e tha Utla ta ?er taln laada tharala daaarlbad resta te! ed aad eoalraad pursuant .to chap tar to a( tha Public Lawe at 1*1<, aad tkat summons has baea Iseued returnable at tha 'offloe of tha Clot at tha Superter Court of Baautart Onati ?a tha llat day of Ana art, m|. Bald laad t* attentat la tha Cona ty of Beauiort, on tha aaath alda af Pamlleo Hirer aad la daeorlted aa follows: Baclaaiac at aa'laqa peat, which Iran poat la laaatad South 41 lir?W fcast 77 polaa from tha brMS* .at Plat Swamp aaroaa Bath-Haw Bern wad. ntnolac thanoa from said Iron poat North 14 t-4 Bart II pole*, -them soatt 14 i-d But 40 polee. thanoa North $? 1-4 Beet 111 M I hiwiw iwrm mm o-i nui ivu polee. thenoe aaath I Weet 440 polaa, theaoa North IT Wart II potaa, thane* North t Beat It poite, thence Booth TT Waat 4 1-1 polee, thanoa North 11 1-4 Weat 71 M polaa, thanoa loath TT Waat 41 llhka, theaoa Norm 11 1-4 Waet Ml polea, then a* South TT 1-4 Weet III tela*, theaoe Saath u 1-4 Baat THEJUf ? ??mi