I IVJERY A FT K IvN OON. EXCEPT SrNDAVS. u Maood-ciU* mMt. Aagust S, 1?0?, at the postofflce 4 WuhiogtoB, N. O. ?n4M *a act of March 3, 1870. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES Miilltk ?? ??? ?" ? mM . 0 .85 Eour Xonth* 1-0^ , 'KxOfoptha ...y. ' t.iO ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? * ????*?%*?????? ? 8.00 ? ? * i f - *??. ; ^ moat.bf paid f>? b? advance. If paper ia not re eamd prwiptlr, telephone a* a '?? this effice. Subscribers desiring tin ptfper discontinued, wiH pleaaa notify this office, otherwise it will ha eantinM&a^ tegular adhasription rates. JAlfES I* 1CATO ? ? Proprietor. ?ARLSOBRCH ? - - - - Editor. S ' ? ? . ? ? i t v \ ^ABHINGTQN; NORTH CAROLINA, AUGUST 5, 1915. AX EXCELLENT DECISION. An announcement appeared in yesterday's issue of the Daily News to the effect that three of the drug stores in the city would in the : future sell ci pars, ioe cream and drinks for cash only and would abolish the habit of charging these purchases on their books. It has alwavs appeared to us as a somewhat ridiculous custom to charge amount^ of rive and ton cents on- a store's liooks, when th.% cash plight have been obtained just as easily. A large uuml^er of .these accounts are lost by tho stores every month and considerable time is spent by a collector in huntiug up the parties who owe sums ranging from tcn^teiifp to two or three dollars. We ate glad to see that thrav are at least three stores progressive enough to cut out this foolish system of credit. It is only to be regretted that business i?i town as a whole cannot bo done on a more strict cash basis. ?DICTATING*' AND "REQUESTING." Practically everyone has had the experience of being approached by sotuo person who demands in a blustering manner that you dn such-and-such a thing, or dire consequences will follow. . And ovety oue ha.s felt like taking a crack at that fellow and nine times out of ten ha* refused to do what was asked; But if the same demand or request was couched in pleasing terms and way asked as n favor, the odds an* that it would fce granted unhesitatingly. The New Bern Journal, in a re.eent editorial paragraph, took the newspaper's view in regard to this matter. Some time or other ? be it sooner or later ? EVERYONE lias to ask a newspaper fur a favor. It doesn't make any difference who or what you are.' tin day will come when you will walk into the local newspaper office and usk that it accommodate you in some way or other. That is a fact that has Ufa proven all over the country. With rcfcroue:? to tliib, the Journal lots the following to say: "Don't try to dictate to a newspaper. Don't tell thorn what they have GOT to do; but if you want something done, go to the editor and ASK him to do it for you. Newspapers have personal pride a^ well as human beings and as you would not care to have some-" one tell you that you HAD to do a thing, neither does the Newspaper ? and the latter is far more indepen dent than the individual." * I MOKE AllOtrT "MOONLIGHT" SCHOOLS. That Beaufort county is going: to be among the front ranks nf the counties.of the State in reducing the number of illiterates within ( its boundaries, is shown by the already active interest wliirli is being taken in this matter. A committee has been appointed to act in co operation with the county committee and- a meeting is to Ik* held Saturday for the purpose of discussing plans and methods for pro ceeding with th work. The importance of this movement cannot ln> impressed too foVce ably upon the rt.ridcnta of i". ? county am! it h hoped that everyone wfll assist in securing teachers for those who are unable to read and write and persuading the latter that they should take advantage of 'the opportunity offered them in thj^Iine. A "PRKESS ASSOCIATION" OF THEIR OWN. The newspapers of this section of the State are keeping in touch with each other nnye and more ?-very day and as a" result their columns ar filled with newsy stories of the happenings in ncighltor- l ing cities. There appears to be a genuine spirit of. co-operation ! among the press from which all are deriving great lKMiefit. The papers in Greonvillo, New Jiern. Kinston, Rocky Mount and Wash- 1 ington arc in this so-called "press association," and they are helping each other wonderfully. We sincerely hope that the association will I remain in operation for a long time in the future and that nothing! will occur to break up the present spirit of friendliness among tlie| papers of tli is section. I ? r Probablv some of our reader* haw Prfft'l r?f a little town on the, Tar River which some person with a keen sense of humor called "Greenville," owing to the character and nature of the people who'l live there. Thero's a paper published over there, which is called; the "Reflector," because it reflects the green ? but we'd better stop ? there. Any way, what We're driving at is a remark which apoeVrcd in yesterday's issue of the Reflector, and which caused this flow of seeming)? disparaging comment. Tt went like this: "'file Washington News seems to be"1 anxious over Washington's death rate. We invito a few Wa-diing tonians to move to Greenville and live forever." Can you beat it? ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE DARY NEWS GIVE RESULTS FOR SALE ' ? A'; ' 01 te tlffOve roomy and comfortable boat; 40 feet long . VO feet beam? 20 HJ ?. Lathrop Engine. Speed 8 miles per hour. Large cabim Kitchen and Toilet. 40 Life Preservers. 12 Chairs. Worth $1200. will be sold at : Auction at Washington, Saturday* August 14th. Boat will be here for inspection from August 10 to 14. New Bern, N. C.. Aug. 5. ? The; investigation Into the affairs of the Bank of rfrledtal whoso cashier, J. W. Milter, killed himself some time ago Is continuing. It now dovelops that the shortage is much larger than was at first thought. In con versation with a director who s also a large stockholder iu the bank 4t was learned that the shortage now [p 0ver $8,000. As the Investigation continues this ay in may be increas ed. The bulk of this shortage is In the savings deposits, one man in Oriental losing alone $2,000. The investigation has also revealed the fact that th eshortage began a? far back as 1912. to iho prosont nothng can be dscovered as to what .went with the missing funds. Washington. Aug. 5.?' President Wilson's reply to Great Britain's latest notes rejecting the American demands for relief from itnerfer ences with neutral commerce under the orders i p council la about ready to be dispatched to London. Admitting the unusual conditions which Groat Britain contendH are basea for exceptional action the American reply will continue: to contest the legality of taking ships fro mthe hl#:h sea? on voyages to neutral ports. Money to "Noly Jumpers." Menominee, Mich.? One-tenth ofhi3 worldly possessions to his church, the '?Holy Jumpers." and provision^ l:i his will that if hla property lncrdises after ho makes his will that i 'th-j church Ke treated honestly, was th'. quilnt provision made by Lars E. Wong of Daggett, vrho died recently. Come to The GARAGE \ That guaran tees you Satis factory Service in everything. Whether you store your car with us perma nently or just buy occasional supplies, we guarantee to please you in both quality & Price. ???*# The Best Grade of Gasoline at the lowest market price, Try ouf Service once and notice the differ ence. Washington Motor Car Co. raic mi 10 SI 111 Rocky Mount^Aug. 5.~Mo?t ev er j conceivable means of trmritpor 'ction in hopes of a successful vlo-j lotion of the. search and neiture la* Is being resorted to. and It la texldg' tl!* lngenuify of the officers tobraak it up. The latest and moot grue some violation that has br?n -report ed and against which the 'OfBcerc here have been placed on guftrd-tutK baen that of a women dressed in Mack and the crepo of mourning and tlpat makes a practice lot checking bo the report goes an infant's cask et. which thfe police have reason to believe contains whiskey. While tile police are remiss in the giving of locations and dates for the reason that no arrests have been suade there is assurance and to epa?e that thia method has been em^oyed in getting the whiskey into at least one town in the State and that the poe lice are on the lookout Here. tilus n mt a Groonfillo, N. C., "Aug. 5. ? Jutt now indications point to a good deal of interest being aroused in the near future as regards a hospital for Pitt county. There is no question about where the hospital will be located in tho event that one 4s secured. Greenville seems to be the logical situation. It Is rumored that several influen tial doctors and 'buslne'ss men will make an attempt this fell* to seotro h bond ssue to provide for the con struction 'of a first-cla*^ hospital here. ins hi i PMGIl Lisbon, Aug. 6. ? -Sensational and' alarming reports are -current In ill* capital of no lees than three. svpar ato revolutions In Portugal. Wot* and. nsftaults are of'dafly oocurrerip^. Political feeling haa completely disorganized tbo army and cla#li*r bet worn" the royal, and the rejrabll* can supporter* apd other factitnUrarf frequent. n "'?'^>3 1 101E SUE Ml WES W*w Tork, An* 5.'? Bar*-?*tf ito?tlsn or* th* latett ?a?hlon freak to b* seen IB Na4 ITork* hi* direct result ?( the t*M1#0 heat wire IH?t hu bald <14e metropolis In 4 re|ent-, lata (trip. This week several well-draartit youna women, ertdentlr women at r??h!on and refln*a*nt, war* ?**o Vtt th* . atfaat wltturat hoae Batwaan the tope af their bleolored oxjorda and thehera of thafr aklrta th* baro ?klu could b* leeo plainly. Men who itatleed lha eieftlln* fleth-colorttf tint at the ilender enkke aould.rr^ bell ere their area and looked ?tr n la aiaka inra that It waa ?attu awn lag aararlaf tk?r a*w. "Wond'f what th* do** with bar roll V* *a> tha a?M*r?4 ouaatly at. ?*Uly aa**UBa, oha^mt, * Ala* the sit uated nt?? MriMi abore-^aearfr. <4: OB? (lilt MO :o??iete. con -<*l. I m of en?lna,' itoin, beltlnc. ???. If*!. cony?ror?, tCAles. happen. ummc wmtKauwt mm ua appliance*. toattdlus' and equipment ived u * part dt. or III eaaneetiee wltu the trlst ai'U of the laid J. A V'Vrton. ' ' ' - ? ftM at Bale, upon the (NMlM of tbc said lod aid Mill Flaht, _ In Belhaven, North Caro'fttv 1 Tkli notice flated and ported, thli 6th day of lair. H15. c: K. POOH. Truatea. "-9-4we. -Ami In m Hurry. ( A Ofckmgo doctor nji It is pe HUstofeMVwllM ? pmon to uniB4 Jjjrj f? hfcg tfcs -speak ci % pale* -jflalMfc jfoncB or aaus. Under And by virtue Of the power of rale contained it) * Deed ot Trust executed by .Noah Simpson end wife, Tensy Simpson, to W. A. Thompson, an Trustee, which Is dsted the 10th day of January. fll3, and $uly re corded In the office of the iteglste*, I of Deeds' of Beaufort County, la Book 173, at ?age 4 89, to secure certain Indebtedness therein recited, default bavins been made Is the pay i raent thereof, the aifderslcned Trus tee will on IConday, the ?th day of | September, 1915, at noon, sell at the courtbou&e door of Beaufort county to the highest bidder, for .cash, the following described tract or parcel ot land, lying and' being in Richland Township. Beaufort county. State of North CarollnV adjoining tbs lands of J. W. Chapin, and others. s*d which is particularly detcribed as follows: I Beginning at .jk point on Utile Creek, Henry Vmetyt /Nofthwaet corner, and with bis Una and canal Sooth to thf ??t>lie road laadlag to South , Creek- postofflce, and up said road. tp~ l<aWaon'a traot. bow Chap in'-. and with eaUyoatftA's h.s ts Xfltlla. Crr-ek, end up said' oreek td fejiry tmirf'n Northwest corner, th* beginning, : eouta^ltg Of teen A?res. nnnrs or Isssi. ?1. S This Atffust 4th. ? V : a; tlii mum, ? ????? ? ' - WE ARE AGENTSr Jver Johnaon, Raudlng Standard, Emblem. thidaon Dayton and Great Western ; Bicycles aold foi^caihor on time. We alao h^ve the; raoet complete repair ehop , in the city all work guar Mi J laad 0#. CUTLER v.twr* W* IM DUJWHOI WUII.VI *>?*? (art Couitr to lut U? tiUo to ?r Uls lud> thorolu doserlbod r.?u Krod ml coiarswd puriuint to ehoptor ?? ol tki PuMlo I?> tl 1(1*. ul t*mt im?u ku bw mod rotarmoklo it tho o?w> .( ?ho Ckrk of tho <* BooufKt Ooootr on U. Slit ter of fewa* Ull. Bold tai lt rftuotod to tko Bono <y of Soot: tort, ob tko loath Ml of romlleo Hlror u4 U dourlhod to tellbwo: Boctautaf it on Iron port. vhWh ton poot lo loco tod South tS dofrooo Boot 77 poloo from tko trtdto ot lot Sooznp oerooo Botk-^lnr Born ood. running Unaao.from cold troo' ooot North It 1-4 Boot It polu, ?koseo South <t 1-4 But (0 poloo. thooco North li 1-4 Boot lis I t >oloo. thenco South 11 Boat 110 ratio, theoco North IS a-t Boot too -win. tkmoo South S WM ttO ?hjW thooeo Worth 87' W?t 48 ?OIM. thenoo North S Boot 88 poloi. honto South 77 Wort ? l-> poloo. ?huoo North 11 1-4 Woot 74 J-S oolio. thooeo South 77 Woit 44 'Inko. thenco North 11 1-4 W?at 154 polao. tfaonco South 77 *-4 Vnti 117 polM, rt?DC? Sooth 11 8-4 Cast IS7 poles, thenco South 78 West 41 poles, thenoe South IS But 10 poles. thenco South 78 West 8? noles. theoce South 18 flfcst 88 polos* thence South 78 Weet 47 poteo to the 'Beaufort-Craven ef>ur *7 ll?Oi thence with sold Beanfort CrarM county Hue North 48 Weet X84 poleo to tko point of beginning And said parties ore further no Hfled that upon their failure to ap T*ear and answer aald petition the oetttloners -will apply to the Court to have eatd land registered and eoaflrmed punruant fee the laws of 1818, eh/ptor 80. This the 14U day ot June. 1915 OTDO. A. PAFfc. Clerk of the Superior Courts ^ dWwa . NOTICE. Bute ef Worth Csrollpa, , County of Be|Sfort. In the Superior Court. t Washington Hon* Exchange Com pany and W. H. Hooker, John P. Hooker and T. P. Bonner, trading a? w. H." Hooker & Bros., V?. M. F. Broome. O. W. Williamson, George B. Colbert, Mary 'Eaaon. pell*' O. Broome and H. 'M. Bonner, and helre-at-law or Adam HoVtnee* T? whom It M*j Concern: v>; . . Tho parte* above named, and all Uher pereons Interested. wtUv take notice that OS the tth day of Aug* uet, 1915, (he above nMned petition era 41*4 ? petition I* the office of :h? Clerk of the Superior Court of Beaufort Coast/, to hsre the title to certain land! therein described rek letered and eon firmed pursuant tit Chapter BO ef the-PubUe. LfVa of 1?U. and tket summons. ha* ?eetf leased, returnable St the office of>h? Clerk ef the Superior Conrt of fce*u krt County as the Tth day of Octo ber, l?l|. Said land la erlSate In Ileanfort County, Rich lend T6W4 ship. Ittte of North Carolina, and adlolas' the lands of. H. K Bonner and other*, sod Is described as ?fc k??i' ? s Banning at Iron" pipe 00 Ute West sld* of. the Broome Bosd' ?t Bmis?*F. *Wt>uie's NortheaH cor ner, sajd Irdn pipe being Imbedded fa c*meat; thence rsasls* North 18 Weet 1T1| feet to so iron pl??; thence North t But II?* Wet to sn Iron ftfg> thenes South 91 East 1111 fe*t to an Iron pip*; these* North t But lit feet to . an Iron pipe; thence South M.But Til feet to *n Irps pip* st the (14* of Che *room> Rosdt thence wKh the Broome Seed Norfh I B*et ISI feet t*l,^ Iron pipe; thenoe South II Cast TIT feet to as iron pipe;, thence Sooth I Weet 471 feet to an Iron <lpn; 1 hence North II Weet Ul feet to ata Iros Dip* st the *Ue of the Bjooroe^Road; these* with the Broom* Road1 South I West III feet t? the b*|lns1sg, the course herein pelng magnetic tor Kll. eald land having 'jedn eur "red asd the corners marked by Rnport Bonner JV Tfc* defendants here In Above nam id. and VI other persons arejiereby lotlfUd that on esld return day <b? JctMWners ?fll apply iq the Court (or * Deere* of IWWtratlon fW tic (ill* to tl|? las 4s described l?: MM '? V v. ^ -?i'.rT i This l?e sib day ef A?|tfM. 1111 MO. A. Paul. M*!* . W... . ? ?. ? <?& SI i: lis ii ? amo. rruiniBKi ZmfisBB m " m*F1?^v?ma' JHSW SHORT EOUTS, PB^IGHT 8EHVTCE If yon rata, q\iitk traaiporta Jon, jonta your ifalpment* rii Norfolk Son thorn Tiaitnad. Watch the tiina made h* their paokag* can, and you will And ?hat your intenwta are hunt terved <y patwmiring them, aa "Tim# It WHWTV-M* FOR an <71 If. King's N.w Uf. Pin# *v*m m mlw>? d.M raw

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