?' 1 ' AUGUST*. 1915 IFAMH-T. IS FOUND Thto not* wao found by a brother ?( W. J. Swan. th. receiver of the bank, ul was at once turned oral to Vn Miller wlw gave permission to the prees to ih It. The "Mr. Robert*" referred to Is George H Roberta, of tbltf city, wbo la .tie president at the bank and who teok a fatherly latere* In the dead ruh ?r. Swan slot*) isst nlgb't the ha was npUlritlttn the s?etrs ot tke beck In (ihpes and. would have this work completed within th eonne of ? tow weeks. He forth': stated that the abort axe In Miller' account* would be made good b; bta bond of ton tbonsand dollar: and lnUmatett that the stockholder would loae nothing. Paris, in*. (.?Mil*. JaqueHn Portanae. Ike celebratad profession si boanty. vho bu enjoyed for ti. lut art n>ri Ui reputation of be ing the ibiiIm dressed woman I: the world, tM who Is aald to be abl to wear any conceivable ooatume In any conceivable pose, with perler ?r?ee and artlatlo e?ect. ha. ?t 3 Saw pace tf r theatkioal brides b) ptealag the am alty of her honey OW With her young husband. Olal ffercaard, the dashing ^viator. Ii. the Mw?t type of ml|lfary ' ?WQ.j N?*t Weeki ? -frMhlBfion ?tn play A?rv? a series of three rases am week on the. looal diamond. The gamee will be played km Oft Tuaadsy, Wednes day and Tkatsday. It le understood that the Aurora team has bolstered *? Ita line-tip with aereral oaMfc players and that they ara determin ed te be avenged fer the etlnglnc defeat admtaletered to them dsrlag their laat tlalt her*. It was etated thla morning that tf||*aies were a too being arrakg<-d with teama In tke vlclnltr of 'Roanoke Rapids and that taction SOLD TWO CAM. Ckirrow yesterday sold two antomoMlea In this olty. Mr. la local ag.-mt ior th. Hoick, and Maiweli automobiles temporary headquarters at. a atablaa. at J. ?, ADAM Play Aurora That the question of slavery w/s onljr an Incidental lwue of the Civil war; that the negro of thin country la fast becoming enlightened to var ious projects and prob>emi sod that h? question of relationship between the whit* aad th4 black races ?t>ould be carefully considered, wore amons the Idea* brought out in an address at the court house last night by Dr. SuMon E. Griggs, of Memphis, Tenn., who is attending the colored Baptist ?onvsntlon which , la bolng held I a this city. The sdtfreee was made ipon special request aad was listen ed to by aa attentive and apprecia te audience of both nsgro and white tersons. That Or. Griggs' -words made* a favorable and distinct ex pression, was proven by the unani mous approval and praise which -tasssd from mouth to mouth upon he conclusion of the address. "What 1 desire to talk about to light. with your permission," began '.he speaker. "is ths Newest Negr^* ?not the ante-bellum negro, ei ttill grateful to the people of thi lorth, realises that his true friendi us in the South, where the white people understand him and his way 'ie also realises that slkvery . was not the. real oaose of the Civil war ay the difference In economic eon lltlons. The North was a manufac urlng district, the South was do' oted- to agriculture. In order to st a good profit out of their manu actures. the North set a hl/h tar K upon all Imports from forrign oun tries, so that the 3r>uth would e forced to make their purchase* rom northern merchants. It 'was n revolt of this practice that really tused the South to cscede and that nuscd the -North to objoct ao stren lously. The latter did not want to o83 the great trading territory of he Southland and did not want to Ueet foreign competition. You say ?jat the deatre to abolish elavsry >ss what etartod the struggle? Why i Boston and Other cities, Ihey .ragged men through the streets, rbo urged freedom for the negro. "The negro of today also , realise* hat he obtained considerable bSne lt to himself during his period of davery bero. la the flist place. It sas slavery that brought him t<> ?bis country; tbpf made him so qualnted with the Bogllsh language, through *hjeh literature and eclesce were opened to him, it wgs slavery hat planted th* neeessltjr of work in his banes and that lpede him real re he must work and Uber lp ordfr to live aad to progress. It was elsv ery that give Mm qPftyMftt fMlfr CMirtianltr gave *4ie negro womgn her rights with t|o pun. isrs the white osn a*r Isbor, but la rttsrn for Lhst. we ittftlned the white mw'? Mviiisatlofl sad everything that vent iWjtll ' ; " "The negro of /today ?<>?? not wok I political tame At 9n? time, if a negro got to CoBffrroa, he was look, upon almost ai a dlflne balpg. But now the negro who thnkn, know? that ahout all a Oonvreotmnn hat to do Is to b? at hit mt during ses sion*. rota at hla party dicta toa and draw Ms salary on pay day. "Wo do not want out race to die appear; we do not want to mlnglo with th? Anglo-Saxon raco, We want to hoop our own raee clear and dis tinct. There are ten million negroes In America; thero am on? hundred million in the world; and these Other ninety million roallte that It 1* the | American negro to whom they must look for sftyaneemeat We afe theft hops of freedom and progress "Ths whltf man has nothing to fear from the strength of the netro: The idea of a etrngfle between Whites and blaokw in thla country u aa av?ry person with a admit. It la t the ?ow/Rrdly. dirty, oascrupu to ha feared. And us to h?tor oar-, ENDIARY . or woovroK no m* [ THAT atom i 4 I I X Rodden, o t. . , , . . , V. .4014 Armstrong, II 4 0 1 0 Johnson, lb 4 1 1 1 Mitchell, p I 1 1 1 Welter., cf 1 0 0 0 Totsl II 4 I 10 Washington 1.1. R. H. IE. J Hackney, ?W ? 0 I 0 Phelps, lb ? 1 1 1 Carrow. ?f 8 i t # Klnrsld. rf 4 1 1 1 flSTenporl, c. i . . 4 I 1 ? nrown, p. 4 ? 0 Moore, lb. . ',VV! {'. ii J 1 '? T.?I^, If I f 1 i Fnlford. so k I I 0 rojal ?? 4i M It t ? n. f. New Bern 0 # S 1 0 0 4 0 1- < ? lb Wh'gloii I114ltltt-ll II I This interesting snapshot was made to Newport. R. I . Just as Mrs. R. T.l Wilson was receiving from 4 J?ewspsper photographer a plate be had exposed on bar and which she dernaaded be given her. Owing to the complaints of society folk In the fashionable resort, each newspaper photographer malting pictures there Is followed by a policeman whose duty Is to walk between the | cam era And tke intended ? V U. S. WIU NOT LIMIT SHIPMENT DF ARMS Note to This Effect Will be Dispatch ed to Austria Shortly. WOULD VIOLATE NEUTRALITY ? - < Washington. Aug. 6. ? The Ameri can reply to Austria-Hungary's re cent diplomatic note suggesting an embargo on war export! to tfee allies on the ground that the traffld -ha* grows -ta [American neutrality, practically has been nUrhed by the State Depart ment and will be dispatched to Vienna shortly. The note reiterates the position of the United Statea, as expressed to Count BerftatOff, the German am bassador, that "the placing of an embargo on the trade In arms at this time would ? ? ? be a direct vio lation of the neutrality of the United States." . ' Austria's contention that /a neu tral government Is not permitted to allow unhindered trado In contra band of war It this trade assume? such a character or proportions that ; the neutrality of the country la! thereby impaired" is declared in the American reply to be 4ir. Authorities at DeatevUle announce that a note ha< bees left tr the woman es?laln !ng her aetlon, bat that the bqU wi? dputroytd by the ftuabaod. Tie oldeat child wu nine mr? 014 and the youngest bat four months. While the husbead was awsy at a neighboring farm, where he wac aeaiittni la vome work lire. Tatum la thought to have taken the children to the well and drowsed then, None of the bodlee bore narks of any violence other than would bare boon oausod by drown ing. BIG LOT SMOKED AMD SALT Meat*, Roe Herring and Mackerel at J. B. ADAMS * OO. 8-0-ltc. Invention For Automobilists Local Hc?ldmt Hw Inventc*! Rerlw for Lifting Car from the Floor and Saving Wear on Tirc?. An invention of Captain Dave HU1 of tht| city, which ha* been placed on the market by ijicssra. Wa?hburp ; and Hal). U attracting contirteroblo intoreat among the aqto-owner* of this Motion, The Invention cqneleta of a device for putomatioally lifting 4 car off its wheel# whan tt la driven Into the garage: thuf saving greatly on tfea wear of tha tfjres. Whan It la da sired tp flrlve the ?*r ?'ut. tba ablft I ns Of a lavor loweri tha machine to the floor again. A sample of the In alien tar being shown next to tba Small & McLean building on Market stroet. VK WAKT YOUR TRACK, WH guarantee Sstlsfaction. J. B ADAJ.I6 A CO. 8-?-ltc. PINBftT PRACIfTM AND OTHER Fruit at J. K. Adams ft CO. ?-6-?tC. r^% "GOOD TASTE" Crystal ice cream Everyone speaks well of our Crystal Cream, especial ly the CHERRY. GET IT AT THE FOUNTAINS.1* Crystal Ice Company PHONE IS WASHINGTON, N. Will Meet At Farmvi)le _ Stooad Matrtct Odd Fellow* Oim?G tfM to be Md la Ad cm Thte ratt. At the eioilAf ????'.on of the eoc ond district I. O. O. T. convention, which woe hejd is the local Odd Follow?' h*Tl laat night. It ?u de cided to hold the next eonv-^tlon at FarmvUle. The eonventlo' hold on the vecond Thursd. . ^ NoTomber. Some excellent addree?e? were made at last night's meeting D. oJ Berry, past president, made a moat1 Interesting speech as did also Past Grand Master Evans, B, O. Skinner and several others.' The addrese of welcome was made most fittingly hy T. W. Phillips. The re?t of the evening session was devoted to sec ret work of the order. It wis also decided at last night's meeting to hold only two meetings a year In the futnre. Instead of thr*e, as has been the custom In the past. PICTURS8 IDEAL, WOMAN OF THE EUGENIC AGE Dr. Read Says She Will lto Plumy, Bat Not Fat and Hsre Roddy Complexion. 8an Francisco, Aug. 6. ? Taller, darker women clothed In more sen sible dross will become the Bugrnlc woman of the future, Dr, A. J. Read Professor of Hygiene in the Normal school of Physical education at Bat tle Creek, Mich., today told the in ternational conference on racc bet terment at the Panama-Pacific Ex position. "The Ideal woman of the Eugenic age will be plump and well rounded but not fat," said Dr. Read. "Her complexion will be ruddy or brown, not pale as that of present day wo men because the pale skin is a badge of dsease rather ^han of health. Present day fashions are advanc ing toward health fashions. "Women's drees is much more sen sible than 2(1 years ago. The hy genic dress, however, should be stie pended from the shoulders, leaving the waist free." Opening May Be Delayed U?tt?rs Sent Our from Greenville, ?lettered to ho "Feeler*" for DcJajrtnff Opening of Tuharon Market. Rocky Mount. Aog. 6. ? Much In tir-'ct Is attendant here as to- the outcome of a move started by some nf the tobacco ra-irkets at points further ea?t to have the opening of ih a market this year delay d as lost ar.d to ahov all the markets open oarly in September Instead of Tues day. August 17, tho date olr'ady setteld upon letters that are tak en to ho "feolena" aa to the aentt roent of the different boards of trade have beOB sent out from Greenville pn4 It is understood that thia mar ket, and probably several others in thai immediate section are deelroua of (Jeglyipg tho apeplng of the mi llet on aoooMQt of th* latenorfs of their orop in that iipmed'-jfe aec tipn, though thi* point la nit stated it tho letter. That euch aVchonge would aeoeaoltgta % majority vote of the markets la this section Is the Wltpf and atnoo it {? known that Wilson and Rooky Mount are Iq op position to the postponement of tho opening dote, the result of the movo ment for a ohango In the due is be ing watohed with greater Interest, and probably no more so throughout the belt than la thl? Immediate vi cinity where tho planter* are ready to market a part of their orops with the opening. I>r. Rancher Here Monday. Dr. John W. Hancher, aaatotant secretary of the Board of Education! of the M. K Church, will be in the olty daring the week-end In the ln-j terest of the Washington Qolleglate Institute. I>r. Hancher Is a woll knon apeakrr and It Is believed that ho will oonsent to deliver a sermon at one of the local churches Sudayn. PreOcfi at fieshftnisa Cbsif h. tt wae stated^leter today that Dr.j Hancher w?M>reaeh tomorrow night Ot the Ef^ebytertan rharch. Th? congpettstlon of the First Methodist oMrrh wftl Join la the service, male fat tt a unlOa eervioe far the twe ehvrOHea. It to mtpoeted that a larg< eoagragattoa will avail themaalvei nf tlilg otpnrtaalty to Imt this wall kaewa tgaakec. / [SEND ANOTHER MESSAGE TO MEXICO FACTION LEADERS WILL Bl GIVEN ANOTHER OHJfc* 0* TO END WAR. 1. ARE CONFERRING ^ ? - Dtpr^? Tth and South Atjtrr lean Countries Agrwt That War fare In Mftdoo Must Stop and Must Stop Quickly. Washington, D. C.. Aog. 6. ? A message expressing the concerted de mand of North nod Sooth America that there shall be peace and restor ation of continent*! government, Ad dressed to fell the Mexican political and military leaders, probably will be dispatched within a few days aa one of the first reaalts of a oonfer cnce at the state department today in which the six ranging diplomats of the Pan -American legation corps conferred with Secretary Lansing at 'he Invitation of President Wlleon. While the appeal will be made to si! the Mexican eaders, it will be in tended especially for General Car ranza and his followers, who are op posed to another peace convention. Intervention Not Mentioned. ?No action was agreed upon today and It was understood that armed intervention was not mentioned. Tlataly it was the intention of the conference to exhauet peaceful means to bring the Mexican factions together, following closely whst has been the administration's policy from t ko first, and to make It clear to the world that there is no object other than the preservation of the sover eignty of Mexico and to save the dis tracted country from Itself. AERIAL ACT AT NEW THEATRE IS GREAT The New Theatre had one of the best aerial acts that has over been in this aectlon of the state last night for lis opening performance for three days. "Lasere and Leserc" with the aerial dog "Mlppy" cer tainly are great wonders in , th^lr Une, ar.d every one present last >lght pronounced It the beat that they have ever seen. Tonight thlr house will ofT-r their patrons a live reel prugram of pic tures in addition to the vaude^lle ijcrt. Th>' - "Master Key" will make :ts hlxth appearance there tonight, In addition to thro" other reels of rpleniMd pUlures. This house is now pivlng their patrons some splen did pictures, and Bhould any one xvlsh to spend a pleasant evening thoy should attend the New Th' atre. Norfolk Southern Shops Closed A to #hu< Down if) *w l*er n for q pcrviJ of Tlireo Wotke to Alkw ttyuire to bo Miulo. New Bern. N, C-, Auf. 6, ? Owing to the fact tun ther? ?ro a number of neocaeary repalra to bo made *? round the ?hope, the NorfolH South' ?ra Railway Company have cloaed down the local ahopa and. according to Information, they will remain cloned for three weeks, It hat beer, the cimtom durltfg 11^ past few yeere to eloee the ahopa for two or threo wteke durlnf the month of Auguat and thare la to ha no deviation thla year. While a large number of men will be thrown out of work during this period, there will be work for a few of them to do and, aooordlng to a atatement made by one. of the offi cials of the company, the work will I be returned on fall Umo the latter part of thla month. New Theater Toujour. "LASDIUt AND I.ASKRE" A ?aropru No?ltr Act I >' tntrodaoloc * J ?lflPPT" Tlx Awltl Dot | J a "TIB JMOTR KIT" I ,'S l-Otkn tun. Plet.rw? < nnu io? u< ih *