? ?? rj* ?? f new" No. 14 HtKNURS ?VACIATIOS Or TKK C1T\ HAH V luiADi nan. urniMs ajtkab . to CHJBCX TKUWM, J | FATE IS SEALED U Only a Hat- 1 tor of TtaM. 8??1m Amy (M W?nmw I# In Poll Rotre^t. Ar?| bj V<* Budow. London, Auf. 7. ? The Russian armies are fighting their way back ward toward Ruaalan proper, in D lat in* blows on the invaders wherever possible, trying to fend them off the railways running north and south/ la order that the ends of the der ma* nippers may not meet and bring disaster to 4tusalan arms. Tha Russians are menaced by Gen. Von Bnelow's columns beading south ward and - By FVeld Marshal Von Mackensen*s sou diem army bending northward. The fall ef rvangorod proper is oflU^ally reported today in bulletins * b Jh from Berlin and Vlrnoa. Panj? of Winter Campaign. What the Germans will do next ia a military way after attempting to complete thalr enveloping movement la a matter of much speculation. If the Campaign against the Russians Is not energetically pushed there is the ponthUity of the present vlcto rjea being undone, and If an offejw slvs In -the east Is oontlnued the Ger mans face the dangers of a winter campaign in Russia. Conservative students here think It will result in a compromise, in which the Germans will withdraw' part of their eastern army, leaving enough men to maintain and secure the defensive positions when they have dug themselves in. Fa?* of FWfia Sealed. Today's news warrants the con clusion that the fate or Riga Is scal ed. The country on this side of the Musaa. where lighting is proceeding at present docs not afford the Rus sians a line capable of stemming the enemy's advance but Is sultsble merely for rear guard actions. The river Dvlna Is Intrinsically a mom formidable obstacle but as Riga is situated on both sides of the river 1? does not afford opportunity for ef fective defense. Rnsatana EvaruMtn# Riga. The avacuatlon of Riga is In full awing. The atreeta ase packed with danaa crowds and tha stations are bctloged with those anxious to leave. Tha evacuation of Milan was ef fected by the postofflce employes and the police ltfst Saturday. German residents were greatly delighted at tha arrival of their countrymen. They had made no secret of their sympa thi^M (TWWK OOVKRJtMRUT BCT acx?,000 I1UKS Hmeloe Md^nis Write* lo rrwMwt. Abo lalfMtj (hu BrtqMn Bttf ? I.tke Amount, Ohulwtom. *. p., Au?. pnrobuo ot two million tale* ot e?t ton by tb* TJtlWd but** |ov*rn ?nl for nunufMture of o??lo?l?* It SUtf**t*d ts PW*ld?Ilt W11*0B br jabs L. Mel* arm, form.rlr Un'.ud #t*t*? k*n*t>r from loutk Cbrolln* ?nd lav tut* Warehoum ?lon?r, In ft letter mud* pubUl here Ubt nlfbt. l(r. MoL*urln m r? tb* purchase would b* * (oo4 Isrwrtment for the t*??n>ment, la rtnr ot pl*l? tor etr*??thcnlnt tb* natou'i defeneee end >t the Mm* tint It would Mb DM* th* eotton market. Another plan oulltned br Mr. Mo lAurlo lb that Great Britain and h*r alllM bar at tout (wo million b*lei Such ? eourne, h?* declares, would b'lp "In rhan|ln? the trend .of Mntlatnt Mttlm strongly acalbat England. especially lo th* 8ou!S." lb addition to th* b?*?flt tt would be to tbo eotton grower L't OBMJUt FLOCK, TlUi BBST Hut MO..T ADAMS * 00. J . .. Has Serious Operation Iter. J. H. Warren Forced to tMrr* So Palate! Treatment at Rev. J. H. Warren, manager of ?ha Washington fellegiate Institute. U DOW at the John Hopkins Hospital at Baltimore, where he recently un ci rwent a serious operation. All of liia teeth on the Infected side ot hie mouth were removed end the Jawbone scraped from the ear dewo mar the ohln. Ha had hoprd to re turn- home this week, bat an *-Ra j Axamlflatloa waa made a day or nrt> ago and It la feared that another op eration will be nsrassary. He la unable to eat anything. Mr. Warna waa In the Fowle*Me 'ntorial Hospital aereral rimes, hut waa' unable to secure relief. Hodges Leads Local Shooters (inn Club Held Shout Yewterdaj Seven Member* Pi ml The Wash I !?gton Oun <JI?J held it ? -ogular shoot yesterday aftfernoon Hodges made high score, whll Voung brought up the rear. Th< averages complete were as 'follows Nome* - Blrda Killed P.C Hodges SO 46 \9? Maxwell 60 45 .Of EUlott * 60 42 .8* Kear 60 41 .82 Sterling 60- 40 .8C Phelps 60 ^ 88 - .76 Voung 86 18 .78 UNION SKRVICES TOMORROWS NIGHT The congregation* of the Metho dist sad Presbyterian churches of the city will join In a unloa eervic j ?it %o Presbyterian church tomorrow ! -ight, when Rev. J. W. Hancher, D IX. co?a^ot tk*> J public is cordially halted and ft Is *ioped that a large oongregation will he on hhnd to bear Dr. Hanchcr, who Is a most talented and force i able speaefcr. Give Advice To Farmers 4<&tf Department Regarding Ritlting of OoTer nnd Oilier Props. The following lettor wan received by the Dally New* this mernlnr from the Slate Department of Agrl culture, advising the farmers regard Ing the raising of f^ll crops. Th> letter In part, reads as follows: "The season for sowing Crlmsoi Clover. Burr Clover. Hairy Vetch and Alfalfa-!* here. Every farmer Ir he Stato should sow at l'ast ten or 8ftt?n acre^ of one or more ot the* crops to be plowed under for cor: next spring. This Is known B\ green mantarlal:' and Is the mo* 'us^amentally Important operation hat any farmer with poor land can perform. The farmer should alwayp bear In mind that the winter crop should be grown to produce tht summer crop. Use the one as man ure for th? other. "Farmers must net lose sight of the fact that -the legume crop* must be Inoculated vtfth the proper kjn< of le#nm? baoterlg bffore they #11 make a satisfactory growth on poo laud, or eollect any more mltrogor from the air than jrye or buckwheat "The Commissioner of Agriculture If distribtulag pore culture! of leg ume bacteria among tht farmsra of the State at 40o as aort. These cul tures are tfco same, except la name, a ? thote advertised under the names of 'Ltfumoferm,' 'Nltragi# 'Farm ogerm,' and to on. Address all or dart to the CommiMloatr ot Agrl" culture. ."JAM. L. BUKORSS. "Btatt Agronomist." WILL SHOW WORKING 6 OF THIS TKVjEPHOHK An interesting pletuse, showing th# development of the telephone system In the United Statee. la to b? shown at the New Theatre tonight. The picture will show In detail hortf tho telephone lines are eouauneted. how a menage la transmitted front New York to San Fraticlsoo, how much Wire la used, how the Central fcoerf is operated aad many other interesting ftaturA PITII OU> M. C. TAR a BE A LET) i zsr-r? 1 hqmeseeker! ARE COMING TO CITY ? WUuI. fisiT EA0TBRN NORTH CAROLINA IN 8KATM1I V '?* OF LOOATTO*. COMENEXTMONTH To In^prct the Farming Uuid of So vend Oountim t* the Sastera I 'art of the htAte. Being Brought by ibo Norfolk Southern. Next month a party of homeeeek jra from Ohio arid other Western 3tatee will pay this scction a visit, joing brought here by the Norfolk Southern Railway Company, who ire folng so much to develop the oantry through which' their lines ?,A*- ' - ? J After reaching ? Norfolk thene aomeseckers nrfll be taken in charge .y B. E. Rice, land and industrial Agent of the company, and will then jo transported along by easy stag en hey will tUU. -XUsabeth City. Bel -aton, Washington 'and other point - n thst iectlon. ? Going pn -to N | roct a terrt and spend or -three ays looking over.tfc* country In jit vicinity ^and during .this tute L45UI make trips Ao Beaufort, More I "oad '<5ty and otfcer points, ^ Fisherman Has An Odd Catch aught Miuk and Rabbit on the Same Hook in the Space of a Pew MJuutew. Aakin, N. C.f AuV 7.- ? From Ag io, ten miles north of New Bern, .41- w*rt* toTxr? ' ~ - While Mr. A. P, Simpson and his J\n, H. B. Simpson, were fishing in ittle Swift Creek for rock and hub, using what la knowa as a-min >w bob. and after having succeed I In pulling in several of thr finny Ibe, they noticed ahead a short dls ince, and swimming direetly across to creek a rabbit, and a lew strokes ohind a mink, In hot pursuit. The link overtook the hare at the wat r's edge and seising -the bar? by *\e ear pldnged back Into the water. \1dently to drown ^hla Quarry".' Mr. Simpson ran his b^pt up near he mink and at one pull succeeded i hauling in the mink, hare and all. 'ie mink notwIthPtandlng the hook '.st In his side, still clinging tenae! 'isly to the rabbit'^ car and onl* y force ?*as his hold released. This story i? remarkable In the act that several fish, one mink and ? ; ne ? haro were aTi caurfht with the nme hook in the space of a few ilnutes time. Find Still in Pitt County )flkm Made I laid Till* Moralntf. Found fitiU <U?i Uquor. One Afrett MjuJc [ -- (Wire to the Dally News) Qret nville, H. C., Aug. T.? Sheriff tcLawhorn, Policeman Brewer, epoty Sheriff Wyp??H and Constable Vhlchard returned this nprnlng from a trip down the river, on j rhlch they located two Illicit 'stills \nd arrested a wklta' man. Arden ( Mills, who waft found operating on* it tha atlllft. Two gallons of liquor ' ware aleo found by the officer# and ^even barrel > of ,beer. Arden will i ba glren a preliminary bearing hare, next week. Methodist Church Service Announcement. Preaching at IX a. m., by Rev. A. Baraee. of ffelelgh, N c Uaton Service at the Preebyter aa Church at ? o'clock p. m. pr*aeh Tng by Rev. Blab op Rancher of the Methodlet Bplecopal Church. 8*bba(h School at t:4? t. m. All members- of Hie Church and othera interacted are reqneeted \o be pree nt. the Barer* Clans mnets at the ?am** hour M Haraca room. Bach member oT the claee le earnestly re jnepUd to ba present. and all m?m bars of Brotherhood aleo; bus <?*?? 'of importance to anew ouf TO DISGUSS (SCHOOLS MEETING BWID AT woi KE .nan ^ . #* l^BE COl HTj ISlSti iprt county rere present fette, Mayor . Singleton, .Mllgood %cted chair- 1 r. Privettel DECIDE Off PLANS Will Eallst Aid of mw of the V trlrt* in the .Ire Taken Up At a meeting the office of County or Schools W. O. Prfyett. plan* and cans (or operating thf moonlight school system in Beau] were discussed. There at the meeting,. Mr. Pril i Kugler, <Jarl Gosrch, M| J. iF. Latham and Mr, Mayor Kugler was man of the meeting and secretary. The principal topic brought up for discussion at the meetllg was th?* best way for enlisting me service ">f various residents in the count j "wf "aiding "th the school work. ?t| #*s decided that every committee nan In every scho-ol district In tht connty be notified of what was ex iected to be done and that each r>ramittceman be appointed an ex )fflcio member of the echool com nittee. The committeemen yrlll ' atsc je asked to co-operate with the eachera in each district and got *hcm interested In the contemplated work. County Farm Demonstrator J P. ?at ham was asked to get th?? leading ..'armers in each district oX the coun ty (o conduct classee In the Agri cultural Bulletin, which la, isaued by he government. Mr. 1/athfcm agreed Lo the request and It la believed that nuch benefit will be dertted ffom.j r:his Source of study. \ Several other masters pertaining to education in the county were brought up and disposed of. and the meeting as a whole was a big suc :08a. Big-Raid A t Rocky Mount| When Train Stops, ' Ofllrppi Find Number of Met* Rt?w11nu Hide ' Hnil Aslo Discover 174 Pints of Liquor. (Wire to the Daily News) ' Ilocky Mount, N. C., Aug. 7. ? A broken air hose on a Coast Line frelgh train near this city this morn- j ing caused the tra'.n to stop for | ?ome tim^ and also canscd tpe ar- 1 rest of six men who were rld'iiK "blind baggege." and the discovery of 174 pints of liquor, which they had in their pos^esnlon. One of tfce men had a whole keg of the ttrry ntuff. There wer eabout twenty-flve men on the train, but all of them, wjth tbo exception of the six who wero pulled in, made tholr esoapu man-hunt still on. Kansas City, Mo , Aug. 7. ? -Hop"4 of capturing the negro who yester day attacked Mrs. Henry Stafford, wife of a young farmer in her home near Liberty, Mo., was not abandon ed today by the powe of several hun dred m^n who had trailed the negro oyer the wooded hills of City county for more than 24 hours. Late today the bloodhounds which .had pointed out the nsgro'e track* | all night and today, lost the trail. ' Thsy wore exhausted from the long hunt and refused to oontlnue. 1110 LOT gMOKKD AND SALT ? Meats, Roe Herring and Mackerel at J. B. ADAMS ft CO, - t-fl-fte. > . 1 1 ? " Discuss Roads , At Belhaven Mim Merttagc h Hri^?ad Plus Arc Formulated for Good Road Work in that Section. Uslbaven. Aug. 7. ? About llty ; enthusiastic and wide awake cltlsens af Belhsven. Lechville and Pantego .net In lit* Town Hall recently (or the. purpose of discussing the road problem and to devise ways and ?leans looking towards Improving .he roadways in tills section. The roadg to be Improved run from Bel haven to Pafitego, from Del haven lo Leech vllle and from Belhaven to Keech' store via Psntago Creek -?ridge, making la all about eghteen alien of road to be improved and put In first class ehape. Mr. W. L. Oden, one of the prime movers In this direction and who Is now engaged in soliciting contribu tions for thia purpose, was made chairman of tie meeting, and Mr. W. W. Cuthlll, secretary. Addressee were msdo by etfch well known cltlsas as Mr. W. M Colons, Mr. F.J?. Latham, Mr. P. H. Johnson, Captain J. D. Bullock, Mr W. E. Stubbs. Mr. W. L. Oden. Mr N. Miller and others. 8R0WN LEADS LOCAL PLAYERS PERCENTAGE 452 -la* Made (lain in Average Since Luat Two Games. Moore 1m Second Willi .800. No change has taken place in the tflatlve posltton of the Washington layers in the list which tells c*f their prowess. at the bat. Brown | has made a big gain in the percen-j nge column, having boosted his av erage from .409 in two gameit to ^4 52. Moore has dropped back four points. The averages of those play era wbtf ha re been to bat more than 20 times arc a? follows: PU yen. A.M. Drown 31 Moore ' 38 Kincald 38 narrow 4S Davenport 45 Phelps 37 J. Hackney 40 G. Hackney ** 27 SERVICES AT BAPTIST ' CTH'R( 'H T< ?IORftOW Tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock.] RevrtJ. W. Hanch?*r, D. D.. of New | York, educational secretary of the M. E. Church, will preach at the j First Dapllst Chore It. Th? regular evening services will he hold! Rev. R. L. Gay occupying ?l-o pulpit. Administration of bap j tlsm will be h"1d. ' The topic of the evening sermon will be "I will arise and go to Jesus.' Summer School Term is Ended | Haceeesful Term H??d at the Hast [ Caroline Tvaclier* Training School at Greenville, Qrrenvllle, K. C., Aug. T.~? -By fur ? the most Bueceepful summer tarm i that the Bait Carolina Teachers' I Training School ha* bad was com Ipleted yesterday. The enrollment this summer reach rd 804, the lygest number the school hae had since Its formation. A large majority of these students entered at the beginning of the term jnd remained throughout th? enllro eight weeks. H. P.C. 14 .452 15 .394 13 .342 15 333 13 .289 10 .271 8 .200 5 186 FINEST PEACHES AND OTHKH Fruit at J. R? Adams A 00. I 8-8-ltc. s~\ "GOOD TA$TEM Crystal ice cream Everyone speaks well of our Crystal Cream, especial ly the CHERRY. GET IT AT THE FOUNTAINS. Crystal Ice Company PHONE U WASHINGTON, N. C. BOARD OF EM WIHS SUIT s"' ?f* Judge Bond Granfb Writ of MandamJ us. County Commissioners Have Appealed to 'Supreme Court. SCHOOLS WANT MORE FUNDS ? _ Suit Was Over Question of More Funds for County School Purposes. Board of Education Wanted Ad ' ditional Yearly Appropriation of About $8,000. Word was received her" yesterday from Kdcnton that the Hoard of Ed ucation Of lUis county had been suc cessful Id their cult arainst tbo County Commisalouers of this county for an lncreaae In the annual appro prlatolu for county school purpose#. The cas* was trlrd Thursday before Judge W. M. Bond at Chambers. The Board of Education brought suit against the County CoiniulftsIo?>? ?jra and aaked for a peremptory writ of mandamun to request the Com missioners to levy an additional gen eral tax foe the schools of s-ven cents on the % 100 or.d 21 cents on vach poll. The County Comiulssion rs. at. their June mooting, refused o make this levy and drew up a ros >lutlon to thr effect that It was uu lecessary and that there would be ^uff.clem money to maintain the .?hoolH a a requested by llie cons:; lUlion. Judge Bond granted the writ and the Botrd of Commissioners have app aled to the Supreme Court. Tliis question has been carrtcd to Have Employed Visiting Nurse\ ?Xrw Jleni Takes Another J"rogro! - sire Mop Towards FIiiIiIIdk TubeTCulOSl?. New IK' I'll has taken the progres*r i?tep of employing a visiting tuber- S culosl3 nurse. It will b< her duty to personally visit, instruct and av als* In the care and treatment of a!l ?.-ases of tuber "Uloils occurring in New Ueru. In th* North and Eaxt *here Much sr^at Inroads have bieo 1 made on to tuberculosis death rate the visiting tubercudosls uurse hs* been given credit for a very larg? diare in this reduction. Kvery town of 5,000 should have a public health nurse to carry th-* message of goc>d health and right living down In'o the very homes whecr it is mo t needed. New Typhoid Campaigns Heconri Movie* Are l*rovinc Kven >foro fcoccoertfn] Tlinn the First, ?w ? ? Rahlgh, Aug. T.? The new set of antl-typbold campaigns an proving a bigger nuocess than the fl r?t set. 5984 parsons began tfce treatment the first three days. This that about Bfi percent more peopl* are beginning the treatment In the second not or eountlei than tliere were during the same time in the flr?t. , Halifax county I* leading all the others with 8061 Initial treatments given the flr?t three day*. Iredell comes second with 1617, while Wil son reports 4 89, Wayne 4 48 and Edgocombe last with 41ft, O ?? of War*a fivila. Wdmund Burke said "War aaapnn.'. :he nilea of obllRntfnn. and what ? ton* aaapondfd It '*i danger of b-' *Ullr abrogated " Look for Agreeable Thlrnje Don't look loo bard rxcept (or mm -ft In* agreeable: w* inn flod all tfc?* ftUajrrooflfclo fhtn*e -we want betv? ?nr own hata >n<i boot* Boat wi want Yom mm ftuaranla* Satltfactloo J, R. ADAIR * CO H4H. the Bupreme Court t?rera) Chnei in other counties and each time ban been decided In favor of the County ( Commissioners. The legislature uf j 1913, however, passed an additional act by which the Board of Education rvlll have the right to sue a manda mus 1n the event the Commissioners did pot levy the tax. While the gen oral proposition ha* been passed on by the court! In favor of the County Commissioners, the particular point in this case ha* not been construed by a Supreme Court. Small, McLean, Bragaw & Rod man and B. B. Nicholson represented the Board of Education at the trial Thursday, while County Attorney ? Lindsay Warren represented tho county's Interests. The amount to be derived from the additional tax levy, in the event that ?.he Board of Education wins out in ?he Supreme Court, will add about $8,000 a year to the present school fund. The general county tax rate at present is 86 cents an-d with the addition o! the proposed Increase, It would be raised to 93 cent*. Charlotte A fter the Convention m * * i Qunen Oily Wanta nirnirc to >loct There Next Year. Charlotte wants the Firemen's Convention next yea". The t'ltar V.f" N .-??> fjv;.: "if the delegation. rupre Mmtlhg thr Cbnrloit* flrrncn. and carrying with them th* backing of the enilrc city in their effor:?, ore able to convince the New Bern meet i :e p- th* &;utc Firemen's / ssocla t:on that C1;ariotl?? is the plc.ee for iibe ID 16 nv cling, tljcn tblit city have the honor of entertaining Mho fire-ti?jUl?Tfs n -xt summer. I "The plans for bringing tlie ccm v-ntion to the Qu^en City have been under discussion for several dayn apd !o:al firemen ar.d tliefr offlcera I a? well an citizens. have heartily nee onded the move It is hoped that the Invitation now under considera tion can be presented In such a man ner that the New Bern convetntoq next weak will accept It unnnlmsas ly. and the Charlolte flrewn have a hunch tlint they are ge'ng to land (ha convention, no that tha outlook is bright. I POHCH PI* ARTY I. AST NIGHT, j A porch party wily given at th? home of Mr. and Wra. V. L. WiU' moil* last flight by Mliiee J o?l? and Evelyn McCulUra it bono? of tb?1p hr>U>e gvieat*. Hellle Lefffotl, of Wart aboro. Martha Homthal, of Plymouth i Naomi Alford of fUlelfh, and Mwn. Hardwiek Mill*, of R*? ilelgh; Arthur McKlroraon, of !U? ia'.fh: Earl Waatherby, of Or*ana< boro. an1 Billy Dowan, of Raleigh. A large number of gueeta wara pres ent and apent a moat enjoyable evan Inf. Muitc and dancing helped to paa? away the hour*. Refreehmenta eon*;^tlnf of ce* were terred. New Theater TO WIGHT.

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