1ST !?. HIS TO ISSUE NOTE Brownsville. Texas. Aug. 10. ? ?With the expedition that the Unit ed States eoldlers sent to Noria> reach last night will relieve the elt uatlon there caused by the attack o! Mexican bandits, border officials to day turned their attention to report? tbat 800 Mexleana had created tb? border into Hidalgo county, Texa< In email parties, and apparent!} tration point. Unusual precaution hare b^en taken by peace bfflcer and ranch owners to prerent ?mi break*. / To Iasoe Maaifciyrf: Galveston, Teat.. A? yp/ 10. Genera Carranaa la preparing < a manifesti to the American people in which h? plans to rarlew the Mexican situs tlon and make public the oorree pondence between his governmen and the 8tate Department. Notic of preparation of the document wa rroeirad yesterday by.Jean T ijom eoudlllloulM corienl here. DISCUSS INSURANCE Hi* Bern, N. C.. Aug. 10. Th ?rat meeting of Uie twenty elghti mill convention of the Stmt* Fire mens' Aeeoclation, being held her this work, was called to order b Prealdent James D. McNeill, of raj etterllle. In the oonrt housl las night at bum o'clock. This was i mooting of the chiefs of. the dlftei oat companies throoghout the Bute y tad was lor tho purpose of starting ap loveetlgatlon which will event aally reveal why the Insurance (atet oontlnuo to Increase, with tho in creased eBalcncjr of tho Are depart ments. The Chiefs of the Are departments of different towns tbat hare organ i Hit Ore lighting facilities declare that tke amount of Insurance rec.lv ad far property destroyed by Sya .li oaly about atteea pey cant a(. th? apiouot of tka premiums paid the tn aaraaaa ooqtpanlee. .The total I0a> by fly* Is tha ?tate last "year wa\ is reply pay aaat of tha amount of ? premiums paid, but the greater part ?( It was la Tillages and rural sec lions that hare no organisation for ?fktlN Ira. Wadaebon, Aug. Iff. ? At a ? par lal errr!e* for women held In the Presbytertaa church at Polkton yaa terday afternoon Rev. Mr. Olll. ol Charlotte, atataa that of orer seven hundred eeavens la his meeting! last year only sixty-five war* women Be laid tka woman owed more to Christ thaa men. Before Hie corn lag woman ware slaves but He had honored them above man. He eald women of today do not appreciate Christ and what he did for them. Mm *re more religious than women 9HRINMM JOURNEY TO TIUB COAST THURSDAY iMorshaad Oky, Aug. lO^Af. rangements for ths entsrtalnmept of the Noble, o t tha Mystic Shrine of North Carolina whan they arrive hera Thursday hare been compute* and Indications now point to the largest assemblage of Shrlners that hat aver mftred to tha coast. _ aqual to the expanses of the gam*. The D^lly N'ewtr has quite a circulation in the lelghborhood of Orlmaaland and Mr. riaary's remarks eanght the eyes of levferal backers of the Orlmesland "cam. Th*y immediately proceeded ; to hold a council of war and tha' out come of this meeting was a hot and Indignant epistle, which was receiv ed by the News today.' Dr. Jonas' signature Is affixed to the letter. Doc | is well known hare and It la also Lwell known that when he says ihing he means it. Here's the let-! ier: Grimesland, N. C., Aug. 8, 1915. ad 1 tor Daily News. Washington, N. C. ?ly dear sir: We see a statement in your psper jI August 4th in which yOu quou Manager Cleary as proposing to Orlmesland DOES and CAN plaj mil. She ba? defeated teama tha: lave defeated Washington ? Green ille for one, and she has mad<~. rc seated efforta to get a game with Vathlngton In order to wallop the Gallopers, but it^ seams that Waah ngton has evaded every challenge. *.nd no game yet. Orlmealand l>? *lllitfg to play Washington on ab7 >qual and reasonable terms.' Orlme3 and will not pl&y a free gama with Washington. She charge* an ad mission fee on her own grounds and expects Washington to do the sam\ \nd make suoh division of gate re ceipt* between winner and loser as ?nay be agreed on. Our town has Always maintained, pleasant social ind business relations with the town .of Washington and if Washington proposes to place a boycott on our bhseball team, we will find somjs means to retaliate. Manager Qleary Tears a little matter of expanse In ?layliig Orlmaaland; we think ho had better fear defeat If he ehouM condescend to aocept a challenge so often repeated -by the Orlmesland u-am. Remember Aflius Ceasar aoorned the Rubicon it was his undoing. lOoliath scorn^ tha ibafhasd boy [David, and was the vfetfr. Wa do not desire to kick Wasting* ton Into a gams, but ws would llko to cro*s bats with her. Respectfully. ^ ' DIR. 0. M. JONBfl. SWANNER GIVEN HEARING WILL HOLD A SERIES BE FARMERS' MEETII START AUGUST 30| Number of ; A mtIm Of Camera' mrtlm difl aoon be held la the cobhUm of (W first Congressional district These nee tinge havs boon M4 here la "ormor years and horro proven moot successful. baring aroused great In -ereet and boon of material benefit to . the"* farmer# of the community where they wore hold. A series of loot are* will be bald! at tbe meetings by men who know I : heir sabjeota and who are 1n the | employ of the United State* agricul tural department- There will be s lecture on 'The fundamental* of publie health," which will inelnde sanitation and the prevention of dla eaaea. Another lecture will be de voted to stock raising and tick ered tcatlon. A third will be an tnapira tlonal talk, showing how the farm*: | ruay better hla condition and 1m prore his crops. There will also he| a talk for the farmers' wires and J daughters by a prominent lady lee-) - urer . from the Department of Ag- , "(culture. She srill talk on 'The Home and Home lCeenlna." Motion Congressman Small la one ot the tew Congressmen in the eouatry who arranges for theeo meetings and there is no Question but that the farmers in hla dletriot appreciate his interest in their welfare. The following is a partial Itlner | \ry ot the place and date of the meetings: Swan Quarter, for flyde county | Monday, August 10th. (Washington, for Beaufort connty.J Tuesday. Aagpit Slat. Greenville, for Pitt county. Wed [ neaday, Sept. 1st. % WlUiametoa, lot Martin county. | Thursday, dept. 2nd. Plymouth, for Washington count; | Friday. Sept. Ir| Columbia, for Tyrrell oeunty, B urday, Sept. 4th. ANIMALS PARADE ON THE STREETS Oow, aad Pmmum OmiiJ tawka 1MB I+M Nlffht, Ttm Cow* Art - *ow 111 Uv* v*r Fom?j. Ur* ?o?k la Wa*bin*t#n want on a rampa** la* Cow* parad *t gp aad dowt lftlni alraat, nut in t|a? rto? wlndowt M< oat of ttiwn actually ita'tad to wUr th hot*l. T*?r ?*r* ??t particular a bo?l utlaf til* atraata aHhar, but motndarad if and dowa tka 44*> wtttt tnd iiiHfKJo ka parftctly at homo. Folk* oflwrc caukt tan ?f them tad tfcay lure baan m pounded- It l| kaltarad that Html oth.ro not awlr Caafht 'Ponan on Mala Una. Not only war* Uia *0W| ant an th* ttraatt, but * couplt of 'pom tun aiao tlrollad. down tka ttraat at a~ boat two o'clock thla moroltf Ntfkt Clark Tartar of the Hotel Loatae cauffht on* of (ham aad ha* It at prcaaat at tka' kotal. U. S. FLEET GOES TO MEXICO v - >v; ' e*A A bulletin was received in thf# office at 8:80 th\t aft-moot* to tflfc effect tfi?t the Atlantic fleet of the Tailed 8ute. t?*j h?d ton ordered to proceed to Ven Cm* M owe on ?ocount of the ttti foreign tooling wkleh b*? wddenly tfrnm nf W *Ut cltjv An attempt to "beet vie, who wu formerly eal ployed b> thto efty as private detective, wa? recently made in yenng man from Washington, i cording to Information given out hta moraine. The man. It la elated, met Davit m the streets of Norfolk, and stop ?ed him. "Hallo, Darls," one of them It .Meged to hare said, "did you knov your father waa in town?" Darla replied that ha had no in 3d the Washington fellows, who lead him op to a room In the third story 3f a house in the residence part of ihe eltj. Whan they had him In the room they slammed the door and ua<H him a prisoner. "Now we've got jou juat Where I we want jou," said one of the men . [ "We've been laying for you * long I thne, you ? ? ? . We're | folng to beat H out of you." Before starting operations; how ever, the three men felt the need of woe liquid refreshment and one oT hem went down for some beer. Tho loor was left open a few Inches. Oavis watted his chance and grad- 1 tally edged nearer the door. At last j *ie made a break for liberty, ran town the steps and out on the afreet What became of the Waahington boys la not known. It Is supposed that the me(T were laslrous of avenging themselves on Dwvla for the part that he had dem? 'n aeeuring evldenee against certain blind tigers In tbla city. NBOHO BMW HIM UTIt TO QVT OVT OK WORH Oraaoabaro, An*. 1#. ? T# hfor of a airo committing aulolda la ?n uaual, but tor oat si thl? r*W t ti Hi kla IK? to ?ht?p wor* x aoine' tklng oartalalr out or tba ordinary Tint It lait what 3. A. Davldaon. In oharfa af tka ??rt?t WW of Oull tord orutt X, ballavai h??pa?ed ytt tortUgr wktn ? s?cr? ooarlot oimvl Stuart ?4M bit Ufa kr drlnkln? dlalafaetlag Sutd and aatlat amp. ?fka aatro waa a atraatar to Oraaa> bora. It la Katad harlot baooma In ralrad la trouata al aoaa aort about lira months afo wblla a traulant rial tor aatf aubaaaaaatlj drawing a aaataao* o i II maatha aa tka coun ty roada. Hr. Darldaon daelarct that tkla particular naaro hatad work worn than an? Indlrldnal ha aror aaw. Ha ballavaa that la tba ona and only raaaoa why ha aniad hla Ufa. Ha haa ao tdaa at aU that tba man vaa laaaaa. CiBRMAN PLRS5T AT GULP OF RIGA IUBPV1AED Patrofrad. Al| 10. ? Tba follow ing ofBoUl eommaalcatloa waa In aaad lut atfkt: "A Omu iMt of DIM baUla ahlpt aad twalia erulaara with a lar#a aambar of tory?4? boat !? acrorara i?r?!.t Mlj attacked ?ha aatraaoa to (ha 0?U ot Rita la a day, bat umrtwi war* tapated. 'U. eralaat aad two lorjuh ko>t 4<?rer*ri wm* EMMANUEL AT THE FRONT The king of Italy mounted on on* of hi* favorite chargers. The pret ence of the king ha* imbued his sol diers with p-eet confidence and en ergy. The king has had several nar row escapes from death while watch* lng shell fire. HOLD MEETING AT MOREHEAD bounty Commltfftlonm Prom All Over tlic State Are Meeting There Today. Today the county commissioners :f practically every county in North' Jarolina will meet at Morehead City ' .o attend the annual meeting of the . itate. Association of Commtasioners be la session theri 'for ?iro days or more. W. M. L?ong, of Charlotte, is the president of the association and ho has done every thing possible to secure a large at tendance at the meeting this year *ud there is every indication that ?ho number of members present will >e larger than ever before. AmOng the most important sub jects to be discussed will be that of good roads and also the stock law. Thla latter subject will probably re ceive more attention than any other one matter and a number of speak er* will use this as their subject. At the conclusion of the meeting the commissioners will go to New Brrn to attend the State Firemen's Tour nament. HE'S OLDEST BLACKSMITH. Lyons is Eighty-nix and Still Hhcxw Hwiw. Homer, Mich., Aug. 10. ? The old est blacksmith in Michigan ? prob ably the oldest In the United States, tlyat'a what Jacob J. Lyon of Homor believes be Is. He will be elghty bIk years old next January, and If there ajo any competitors for the honpr Mr. Lyon hopes to remove all doubt by remaining ?t the anvil for many more yeara. "You see. my father lived to b-> eighty-two, but he had two brother* wbo lived to bo ninety-four and ninety-six years old," he declares. "9o I have a few more good years In me yet." Mr. Lyon hasn't missed a' day at hie shop In years. His arm is as powerful And he la as activaa as the man, forty years bis junior, who la hla employee. ' TWO MEN FltiHT WITH LYNX North Dakotana Kill Vlolouo Animal In Flaro* mania Noar Davlla Lakl. Davlla La**, N. a? In * batUo la a ?tot flald * half mil* from Lakota. frod Hanaay ui v ii*rlf? Tramlcak war* ratarned riotora oror a vloloua famala Ijrai. th* Drat arar aaaa la th* lako regtoa. A dray cube ?u uaad by Trar-1 aleak to MU th* Irti. which waa ?-aoy to ?p?m at Hanaay, who waa unarmtd. TrafHa OWWar Bound ftaro, 9m. Naw York. ? yrtilla diractlni tr*fl)o at BroaAlway and '-imoora Mraata. PoMoomw MaArarery, of tha traBa *<iuad. ia-T comathlni aparkl* la tka tut tar. .1* pick ad It ap lad touad It waa a (old trroooh w with au ?? aorta ?pi worth FEDERAL COURT HAS TAKEN CHARGE OF HERRING CASE Swanner and Spencer Placed Under Bond for November Term of Court TRIAL WAS HELD YESTERDAY Mayor Kugler and E. Weston Summoned a* Witnejses. Hearing Was He'd Before U. S. Commissioner. Before U. 8. Commissioner 8t?nv onson at Norfolk y?twd?- ^ Swanner, forme*' _ city acd Freem. -?r. book keeper for tho wholesale liquor bouse of H. Q. Williams In Norfolk, wore given a hearing on the charge of having v'eated provisions in the U. 8. liquor law. Swanner was i placed under $1,000 ar.d Spencer under $500 bond to guaract e their appearance at the November term of Federal court in Norfolk. The caae is the result of an illepal shipment of liquor to this city from Norfolk, of which Swanner wn? found guilty in the local court sev eral weeks ago. The Federal auth orities have taken up the matter and , .believed that It rill go bard he offenders. H. O. Williams, personally, can not be connected with the affair, as he wae not In Norfolk at the tlm<i of the shipment and knew notbiaf of it. Hl? Arm, for which Spencer acted as agent, may be involved la the ease, "however, and the suppo*l tion is that they may have to pay a heavy fine. Mayor F. C. Kugler. of Washiag ton, and Clbert Weston, clerk of the recorder's court, were In Norfolk yesterday, having been ordered there as wltnesar? in the caso. It is understood that Mr. Swan ner Is now living in Norfolk, having secured a position there and moved his household good* to that city. IS BUYING UP MUCH COTTON New D??n> Dealer is Hn-urlng All h** Can. Paid 8 1-8 Cents Per L.t,-. Pound for Lu*t Uot. New Dern, N. C., Aug. 10 ? On? of the largest cotton deals made in New Bern in some time wn? consuin ated Saturday when J. A. Jon1 s pur chased one hundred and sixty five bales of the fleecy staple at 8 1-8 cents per pound. Mr. Jones ha* been investing pretty freely in cot ton during the past several month* and now he ha* between fifteen hun dred and two thousand bales cn hand. WOMAN BHl'NN \N1CE JAIL.' Decline* 14ght Sentence and A*k* For T**rm in F'rnintent lary . (New York Sun) Mr* Margaret Blrkenahaw, 60. is on tbe way to the federal prison at Leavenworth. She declined to ac cept a abort sentence In a 'nice Illi nois Jail" when she was before the Federal court at Sprlng3eld charg ed with using tbe malls to defraud. ?'Getting In Jail has required more ofTort and ingenuity thou anything ( else I ever attempted," i?a1d Mm. Blrkenshaw In her ploa to the court for a heavier sentence, The eourt considering her age. | coupled with the Impression of cul ture she made, was Inclined to be lenient. "I went to get Into prison for at least a year." she said. "I want to study orimlnology and penology. [ can't do that In *ny nice Illinois Jail." McAPOO I w NOT FINANCING NBW OOV^RNMIXT IN MEXH O Ntw York, A?|. 10.? WillUm O. MoAdoo, tacratary of the treasury, who ?p?nt today ?t tha New York ?ub-traaturjr and la th# Intnolal dtftrlct, danled tonlfht that his mic tion had b??n to dlaovift plant for floanoint a posilbla new fovarnm^nt In Maxtoo. KKftOLt.TIONft PRAWI WILSON'S FOREIGN COL'RAK Lot Angola*, Cal., Aug. 10. ? Rh olutloni praising Pr*?ldrnt Wilton's courao in handling forolgn compli cations worn adoptod todny at tfea annual convention of tho Interna tional Ooographical Union W. A. Bnydsr," ttoo president of the general commit fa on arrsnge ?MU, said the gross earnln** or tha members of the Union during the mr endlac May II. 1118. were M1.1U.HI. *> ncroaaa of $U4. 411 oter Us prions wr L/GHTNING PLAYS .STRANGE PRANK Broke Crystal In Man's Watch at Bridget on Yesterday Evening. -New Bern. Aug. 10.? During th? Thunderstorm that passed over this section yesterday afternoon, light ning played at learf one queer prank The bolt referred to struck some where In the vicinity of Wyatt'a bath hous?e at Brldgeton and In addition to severely shocking Henry Wyatt. who wrs lu the building at the time, troke the crystal of his watch which he carrird In a small pocket undT his belt. Mr. Wyatt was not able to eay where the bolt struck, but stated that h?? plnlnly felt the a^ock. How the crystal of the wateti was broken and tl>e wrarer not more painfully hurt, is ? mystery. Washington, Aug. 10. ? The Unit ed Stato* will eont In tin to act alons In representations to Great Britain rcgnrdlrn neutral trade, Negotia tions begun by tl? " Swedish legation hero Stoking 10 a conccrted protest by neulrule iiav* brought no results. Th? latest Hwedibh proposal con? (amplated identical notes of protest by netitrela. AMRRIOA WON'T JOIN I>" ANY TONTBRTBD I'ROTMT The state department already bad rejictf?d a previous suggestion bf Sweden for u Joint note. Home details of the Swedish pool* tlon as to trade Intertorenoo by Great Hrttaln, It Is said, aro Incon sistent with coutantlont of tha Amer ican not** to London. Reports of strong German sympathiof la Bw?> den also are brlieved to htva bttn considered by the state departmtBt. ?AYR IVYKKR. If you have a vliltor In youj home thli wok and you are golnf to take them around to the differ ent placet of Intereat, don't forget our rtudlo. We think wa hartf tha moit attractive place in tha city. Our atudlo la well equipped and u^> to date In every particular. Wa eater to and for tha beat trade la Bactern Carolina. B.\KKR'8 8TUD10. i . L. ' ? ... ?? Kc'SJjA New Theater Change Program Tonight. MUCK l?kM 1*>

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