AUGUST It l*?5 10 Ike Dally Newsl *. c.. -Am. ii.? ?i >, ? white man. who war ? aentence of II yeera for lUt ntgbl. attempted to I hla wipe an? wna shot and lrstantly killed br one of tha guards at tha hnneh of tha State farm., which la located bm. V M Tha prisoner, **re returning from tbalr work on the roads latl ' Mfe ?a Mkea aade hla break feJRor liberty. Ob* of the guardt shouted for hi* to halt, and whan ha falMd to do ao, Sited at the rttn. nlng maa. . ' v # i *- 8Ik? wa. coa riot ?d oa tha chars - of baTlag shot aad killed a police I aaa? at'Cbarlott* last December W. E. Swindell. Chairman of th. board of coonty commlaaionera. ra- 1 ?T:: turned Lhla morning from Morehe :r city., wjlere ke tea hi \ ' ' ? ~ jfc TOOMUCHLIQUOR; " PUT UNDER BOND I ?tet:,C?l * fM H (By wlr* to the Dally New.) OreenvUle. N. C-. Aag. I*.? E. Buck, of thla elty. wl|o waa orrrited Tueaday night on th* ohnrle o 1 bringing too Much liquor h?r? oj: the Norfolk SoutM?, train, kittf who 0?t??qn*at]) aiw*p?ar?4, mail hla appear nan on the Areata today and waa (trap a preliminary hear ing before the local maglgtratc Buck la alleged to have had three (allot! and ? plot of llonor la Bli ponaealon. He waa ptaoed under tlo? bond to guaraat** hi* tp?**r aaoe at th* fa* that win b? h?1d | at ?om? tint la tha n?ar fmture. tXOHftAMM * FOB UK RAlIJtOAIM of (Moerallj Poor Wnahtmton. Ang. H.? ?weepln* ?eeaes sought by th* I of weatam territory oo the *f generally poor financial the Hnee and deoreaaed wore refused by th* Ihter 1 ceta pa retire ly small por e amount sought Th* ?0t?? S to I. Commls oarrteta the huns op mmk. Hardy Til We had this Corner of Capa bility nicaly designed to ^4 Posa Brown'f moniker up", to ? file ninth inning of yesterday's ? game, hut whan Htrdr came ? along in the tenth lattli* aa ! pinch bitter for Aurora, and g? when, with the bases full., ha clouted out a two bagger, there was nothing to' do hat put his name op on top. Hf deserves *1 \iu ? p III The Aurora Roarers put a crimp I nto thfc winding streak of the Wal-| opers whiff they took yesterday's Tame. The score was 6-1 and -It I ook ten innings to decide the vic or. It w%s one of the prettic?t ;ames that has yet been seen on the, ocal diamond and kept tbe fans on , heir feet lerery inning. "Staanar" Bcott, of big |aagu? 'atfe. worked in the box for Aurore i ind pnt up the bast exhibition of. wirUng that hag baen witnessed by ' he fans this season. He pile bed a eaatifnl game, ailowing bat five lit* and', fanning nineteen of tjra Washington players. Beek Darden vas not tar behind Mm and e]po pitched a corking food game, al ^Ulg thrae mora Iks than hla *1 ?>el and fanning ten men. ' Aurora made tba first score dur ng the third Inning. F*loyd walked, j T. looker singled thrdugh third >aee. R. Thompson, reached -firat ?n a grounder to Darden, whloh th? attar throw to third In tijife to ?atcb Floyd. L?n1er singled, J. i looker taking third and R. Thomp-i *>n being thrown oat at eacond. davenport iat a . ball so through dm. ran back for It and threw It 0 Darden. who . was covering the ilato to cut off Hooker. Darden nuffed and Hooker scored. The Wallopers scored their lone! ally of the fame .in the sixth in king. Darden hit safely and Ful , ord. who ran for him. stole second j ad third. Jim Hackney fanned ?helps flaw out to Lanier. Carrow saehed first on Bonner's error and I 'ulford Bcored on tbe plaj5x*. Again In the eighth inning, Wash ngton got a taan i? far as third i . buses | twlag up the gam? rlfbt than and ihara. Thrta man scored Scott ?eaohed Urst dn a grounder which #as used In catting off Hardy at bird. R. A. Thompson rae*h?d Ifat on Jim Hackney's error *n<\ Jcott scored. Floyd teuna$. *? \ In tha lest half ef the teeth. Moors Walked add by stealing, tsaa *E-V HK.PORT FINB Worn IX AM. Nm OF THK OOC.YTY. goodquality tin g?, 2;?'.-,] Warehousemen haTe worked hard and wqxct that the coming Huon will m Washington sell a,000,000 pound*. , 'f ? . : One or the Waatilngton tokecoo men. Just returned from a trip through the eonnty, raporta a big acreage or bright tobacco la tSl* lec tion with a prospect for a crop or Sood quality. Han; farmers are ralatng tobacco for the ?rat time and have ehown aamplna of the tlrgt barm and the wort waa wall done. 8 GIVEN A LONG TERM Wkrvr <**rred, at yesterday after aoon'a sesaioa of the local court. Ward was found guilty of having too much liquor In his possession and was sentenced to four months on the road*. He waa also found guilty on fUe charge of vagraaoy, and given an additional sentenoe of another month, making five months In all. Ward, it la claimed .is of' the "bad nigger" type, and has served time in the Atladta prison. Carney Hudson, another negTo, was brought up before the recorder yesterday and tried on the .chargfr or aaaault with a deadly weapon. He was found guilty and sentenced to ?0 (Jays on the roads. Levy Reddick with whom Nudson was lighting; j waa lined half the costs of court an{ released. WERE VIOLATING TRAFFIC LAWS Pour violator* Brought Pp Before the Rewrtlfr Mil. Ptood Coew of conn. Two autalata and two bleyellats Have bten befort the reoorder d?r ' lag the last two dare, charged with violating the traflle laws. In aach case they ware mad* to pa y the caatt ?! ?oart. Th*? Were a, fel la**!, ' .' , Dave ?mlth, riding bicycle on the sidewalk. A. 8. Wallace, apaedlsg automo bile. *S. &?'??? ?Charles Parn* riding bicycle M tba aldawalh. ' . ?V'Sv? Shaw Boaaer, speeding automo bile, \ ? "?I*. ?? ? 0 ^% C?rro?, of ? 0 0 0 Davenport, c 4 0 9 0 Powell, rt 4 0 * 1 Hooro. lb I ? 1 0 Hrov??, l( 4 ? ? ? ? r.iiont a*, .i v.. 4 # 0 1 'Blfjn, If 4 1 1 1 Tottl M 1 I ? R.H.B. Aurora ?? I ? 0 #? 0 ft-4-5 ? * W.ititr 0 * 0 0 0 1 ??,( *-! I * ?; sttm* out, bT Scott. 1?: by D?r fl?i, 10. qu> on ba'U : off tj fit Dtrden. I. Two-biu him, H. MmMW, i\U HtalMfe Mcrllo* ???. Boootr. Pkoit* UBftni. Cm;* l? ?4 W. 0?'ifbnn " : GERMANS ENJOY A STOP IN POLAND , HiMlw Poland when a Garman Infantry company baited In the oouree of a hot and hard march Deride Whot li ra- Hood* Are to be lwued. (Special to the Dally News) Ayden, Aug. 12. ? Indications Jum; now polr.t to Ayd' n having a munic ipal electric Jight plant when an election Is held on the 20th of Aug uit for the purpose of Issuing bonds. A great deal of interest la being manifested, and though several lr> opl and prmlnent business men op pose the plan It It thought that It will be carried^ Hupimt Tarty at |l?e Park. A "supper party" was given at Washington Park yesterday even < ng In honor of Miss Josephine Bow >n, who It the gq^st of Miss Evelyn Jones. The supper proved a most enjoyable affair and was followed by bathing, tonotflnf and dancing later In the evening Among those who were present were Miss Elisa beth Carrow, William Baugharo; Miss Evelyn Jones, "Eat" Jnck"pn; MIm Elisabeth Taylpe. Thomas Sparrow: Miss Annie Fowle, Jamlo Williams; Mist Mm Blount, Tom Laughlnghouse; Miss Eleanor Berry, John 0. Tayloe; Mies Josephine Bowrn, Joe Congor; Miee 8yblMa Orlffln, Mr. Peterson; Mtss Latham Jones, Lester Bavage. SAIL GIVEN LAST NIGHT. Reg. Fnlford *u hoit to a party of young paoplc laat night at a aall. which waa titan In honor of M MoCullari, who art la tha city a* tha gneata of Mrs. N. L. Simmon,. Tha trip down tha rlvar waa mad* In tha Manila and Reginald Among thoaa praatnt wcra Mlaa Kralyn MeCullara. Reg Fulford; MIm Joala MeCullara, Har'.ay Ball: Mlaa Hal lie Lac?att. of WadMhoro, Sam Orlat; If In Nao mi Arthur, of Ralalih, Enoch 81m mona; Mlaa Bllxabath Glmraona, Happy Phelpa; Mlaa Martha Hornan thal, Of Plymouth. William Blonnt; Mlaa RaDaoee fllmmona, Jack Powell. Roddy Davenport. and Mr>. N. L. Slmmona, ohaparotta. Ufa. Raala&i appaara to aaa to Baa aa* la a?oy Ufa aha. bate* aligned la aaaa haataaee, aaaha launuw M m mnatrtoua ante Ivamaa ?m an. aallrat. MEXICAN .'{PRISING FEARED MANY Or OARRANZA?0 TROOPS ARB REPORXBD TO HAW GROSSED TOE RIO (7RA.VDB TO BUR LP A GENERAL VP. RULXQ. SEVERAL FIGHTS Rfakkntii of Border CltfM H?to *P*ormed Tfcenxselven Into CompM Im to Aid U. 8. Soldier#. Affair* A n at Acute Stage. Washington, P. C., Aug. II.? Affairs along the Mexican border are rapidly growing worse, accord ing to report* received here today. It 1* stated that eevoral hundred of Carranta's troops have crossed the Rio Orande and are endeavoring to itlr up the Mexican residents In tho jorder counties of Texas to Join in t general uprising. Several skirm flhes have taken place in the vicln ty of San Benito and Harllngon. located about fifteen miles from the Rio Orsnde and thirty miles from Brownsville. Sereral KKirmWie*. Brownsville. Tex.. Aug. 12. ? Residents at Harllngen. Mercedes, Donna, San Benito and other point# close to the border. are living in a constant state of terror, due to Oje invasion of Mexicans across the border and the fear that the invad ers will soon have an organized ar my for attack* agai oat- th^m. Many, of the eillsens have formed them selves into companies to aid the smkll detachments of soldiers in repulsing the expected Mexican at tack. A running fight with about fifty Mexicans occurred yesterday afternoon near Harllngen. None of tt)e Americans are roported to have been wounded. % GIVE NEGRO A HEARING .Vlcg?l Colored .Murderer to be Brought l'p Before the Recorder Today. Jim StatoD, colored, charged witt\ the murder of another negro in this city Inst fall, will be given a hear ing before the recorder today and will probably be bound over for trial by tbe superior court. Staton was recently captured at Newport News, Va., after having mode lils escape from this city. HKJ BUCK BKAR KKAHTED ON CURTIS CONNOR'S MM New Bern, Aug. If. ? This story is a bear story, it is also the story of a bev and It was some bear a* cording to the report# reaching tbla olty. For several weeks Curtis Con nor, a well knovn eltistn of the Newport section, had been baring pigs stolen from his farm, At flrtt Mr. Connor thouRht that It wil some two-footed animal that wm re sponslble for the dleappearanoe of his young porkers, but later dleoor* ercd that ft was a large black boar. A day or two ago Mr. Connor and several friends started out on brnln'e trail with the Intention of getting him and tbey did. Dogs tracked the animal to its lair and there It was slain by Mr. Connor, who fired 1 1 bullets Into Its oareass before bis beat-ship gave ?p the ghoet. The % was more than six feet In length and 'weighed several hundred pound* It was brought to New Bern and sold to a local bnteher. ? New Theater> nu?' - ,'M : . ). nruriiT > /} zL. ? jay mfun mi k;h MM! umm IBM VITAORAPH eniio paths * IV* PkMO ? row*?.. >?- ti :i m .