DAILY NEWS WASHINGTON N. C. FRIDAY NOON AUGUST 13. 1915 -MBS- FKMK1W HXATH TAKES PARIS CBKMS AND BIVDfl HJER UPK. DEATH WAS SLOW ?be Suffered for Or or Seven Hows From Che Effects r*f the Drag, lie foro She Paaaod Away. A mcsaage reached here yesterday from Vanceboro which wu to the effect that Mm. Fenner Heath, who resided with her husband near Marl Swamp, which 1^ ooly a short ways; from that town, committed suicide Wednesday by taking Paris green. The fatal dose was taken about nine o'clock In the morning, but the end did not come until four o'clock in the afternoon. -A short time after taking the fa tal dose Mrs. Heath was taken vio lently ill and suffered intense P*ln until she passed away. She was conscious until a short time before her death and talked freely about the tragedy and stated she was sor ry thjU she had taken the poison and told her brother that she wanted 10 ] get well and requested him to go for a physician, whloh he did and the doctor did all In his power to save the woman's life, but to no ef- , feet. The only reason that the gave for her deare to pass to another world was that she was tired of mar- ] rled life. Mrs. Heath, who was about thlr- , tyjflve or forty years of age, had been married twifce and was the mother of two children. She was married to Mr. Heath about a year ago and since that time It is re ported that she has not beeh happy, and some time during last spring attempted to end her life by taking some kind of a drug. NO MORE BALL TILL FRIDAY Grimes land Will Probably Be Nevt Opponents of the Wallopers. Local fans will have to do with out another game until next Friday afternoon, according to Information given out thlB morning. Mr. Cleary called up Dr. Jones of Orlmesland. this morning and asked the doctor whether the Orlmesland team co^ld oome over fer a game today. Dr. Jones stated that It would be impossible to get all of the players together until next Fri day, *nri asked for a game on that \ V . IWNYON ITKMM. Mr. and Mrs. Kd Cutler, of Jos ?ami, attended service at ft, Steph en's Sunday Right, Jessie B. Mix on. of PlaeyWe, and llttlQ grandson, Rosco ,t*eel, were Bunyon visitors Thursday bight, Mies Jtyrtle Plnkhkm and Leslie Everett# wwe the guests ef Mils Laura Bright Saturday night. ' Wn. %, an* A, D, Eborn were I tnoog the many visitors at Morefcud Sunday They report a fine trip. 'Vflllle A?hy, of Surry, made a fly* lag trip to Norfolk Saturday sight. Prayer services will be led by Baleigh flheppard at Asbury church next Sunday night. Everybody cor dlal'.y invited. Magnolia and Old Ford will oross bats on Magnolia diamond next Sat urday afternoon. 1 Mr. and Mrs T. R. Black and Chlldron,, of Washington, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Witt stead Saturday night and Sunday. Mr. aad Mrs. W S. D. Eborn at tended services at Magnolia , school house Sunday afternoon. Miss Martha Alllgood was a Wash ington visitor last week. Revival services wl'.l begin at Beaver Dam on Tuesday night after the fifth Sunday In this month. Rev. Mr. "Angle, of Ayden, will do the yreuehing. t Magnolia debuting society will debate the Rawklas debating soci ety Wedueeday night. The subjeet GIVING THE PERSQNAL TOUCH ix>rd Kitchener personally inspect ing a body of troop* in front of tha guildhall In Manchester. RAISE FUNDS FOR LOCAL INSTITUTE CAMPAIGN IS ON FOR NECES SARY FUNDS FOR LOCAL INSTITUTION. $12,000 NEEDED "?If of TIU? Lh to be liaised III W??lUii#u>n and ttic Other Half to be Obtainable from Out?id?* Source*. A campaign for raising funds for (he Washington Collegiate Institute has recently been Inaugurated by, '.he board of trustees of that Insti tution. - Twelve thousand dollar* is required by October 1st, in order to pay amounts due on the building and other bills. It is not required that the contributions be paid, by October 1st; the donatoro having a year's timo in which to make good ?heir pledgee. It Is planned to^ raioe half of the ?12,000 in Washington and obtain the other half from otuside sources. 53,000 has alroady been contributed by local citizens, according to infor mation given out this morning. A donation of $1,000 has be-n rcc?iv od from a resident of Chattanooga and several other large contribu tions have been promised. I COPPER COIN FAMINE HAS HIT ASHEVILLE A Asheville, Aug. 13. ? Somebody has oorncred thp market on pennies In Aihevllle, and merchants who de sire to mark down articles to 93 cents or other fractional prices are experiencing much difficulty In mak ing change. It In stated that one cent pieces could. not be found even ,<4lath9 banks yesterday. Just ex Aotlj why any one would desire to n?Xe a collection of all the eppp^r cacVtpcy in the city is not known. is often hoarded and with drawn from cireitfatiqn In tlmec of monetary famine, but floanolai hl? tory records few . parallel 1 to tfto state of affair* existing lu this olty of convention! and special sales. la orda? to resiriot the circula tion of the penny the currency law* enacted by the federal congress have placed a limit beyond whtoh no roan may go In burdening hii neighbor with bronse and 00 p per under a pro tense that It Is change, and it ha* long been known that five pennies are legal tender bnt^more than that number are accepted only by the good nature of the recipient. Reduced prices, those -snttyog In idd cents, are said to be ratponai ble for the present flnarieiill gency In pennies. It M. belWVsM that in a few days the ordinary pro cesses of trade will adjust the con dition* to nbrmal without the Aaha vTtla Bankers' Association having {0 call oh Secretary ftfcAdoo for hel?. ? ' ? - ? . 7 ?' STRAY Kf> OR STOLEN: Rod Iris* flatter Dog, answers to name of (Bruno Had chain and block on him. Unliable reward for return or inforosatloa as to his w&er* * bouts. John H, Botna?, ROARERSTAKE SERIES FROM WALLOPERS WON YESTERDAY'S GAME. MAK ING IT TWO OUT OF THREE. WENT 10 INNINGS Every Run Made Revolted from Er rors. Visitors Soared Two TtJltts in the Tenth on m wtd Pitch. ? THE FRAME OP FAME. ? Eugrn? Hooker. Six chances without an error and three hits out of Are times at bat are among the reasons for Btieklng Hooker's name In to this Pot of Publicity today. In addition to that. Hooker, also started tho rally which re sulted Id Aurora's wlanlng out In the last toning of yesterday's game. The Goddess of Loek deserted Washington la the tenth ianlng of, yesterday's game. "With the score l-X,. the Old Lady went off to other parts and he* place wu taken by Old Man Jliu? who perched himself on a ball that was thrown by Ful-J -ord to first base and earrled the' T?IU over Moore's head, allowing two runs to score. The final score re-j mained at 3-1. I Errors were responsible for all of i ho tallies made In yesterday's gam" 'n the fourth inning, with E. Hook ?r on base, Darden Muffed R. S Thompson's fly and Hooker scored. In their half of the same Inning, ?rlth Moore cm bfufc, Washington 'Pcured their flrst run when Floyd lirew the ball Into centerfleld In an :ffort to catch Fred stealing. The atter scored before the ball could '.e relayed to the plate. Browa and Pm? pUched good ball md both of them palled themselves out of bad holes a number of times, in the seventh inning, with Moore )u third base and one. down. Hack ney, who was coaching, gave the signal for the squeeze play. Fulfofd was at bat. Moore started for hom< but Reg., was unable to touch the ^all and Floyd put Fred out easily. The next minute. Fulford cracked out a beautiful single. The play was the proper one at the time, al *hough not very good judgment wai 'elected In the batter, for Reg. nev r ha* bunted successfully. Several pretty fielding stunts vere seen. Fulford made a one ended stab of Floyd's line d^lve In tho fourth Inning that couldn't bel teat. Powell also made a pretty ltnnlng catch of J. Hooker's long 1 y In the ninth inning. There were two men out In tho *nth Inning when Aurora broke up J he game. !Bonnfer flew out to I ? 'helps and Rives grounded out to Moore. E. Hooker singled. Pace ?figled and then R. 8. Thompson knocked the grounder to Fulford. which endod the game far a* Washington was concerned. Reg. made a pretty stop of the ball, but heaved wild to flrst. The ttunijnary. Aurora A.B. R. H. E. R. Tbop?P?on. |f. B 0 8 o | Lanier, Cf , 8 0 1 0 Honner, ss. 4 0 0 II nivN. Jb B 0 1 1 ft. Hooker, lb 5 I B 0 p.. e i 1 8 n $. Tbonir>on, rf. . . 4 o o l r>oyd, 0 '.,,6 0 0 0 1. Hooker, lb. 4 0 0 0 Tout 40 S ? 8 Wa?hla*ton Am. ?. H. E. 3. Hackney, lb. ..... t 0 1 0 Phoipt, lb..; 4 o i o Carrow, of 8 ? 1 0 'irown, ? p. . 4 o 1 0 Divmport. e. 4 0 0 1 Moork, lb., 8 1 1 0 Pow.ll, ft 8 0 o 0 Fulford, 4 0 1 8 T>arden. it. 4 0 0 1 Total 14 1 7 6 : -. v R.H.B. Aurora OOOIOOOOO 8-8 8 8 Waablngt 000100000 0-1 7 o Struck out: by brown, 8; by Paec i. Bate os ball.: ?ff Bro*n, 4; or Pan*, I. Two-baee hlt?: R. Thorns ton. Bacrlflc* hlta- Ckrrow, Powell. i 1 1 i RAKBCH HAYS. Two autonobllM full of people earn, ijito the. ?lty tm. mornloi. one from Pitt and on. from Martin ooQntjr. AH had thalr ploluraa tak. an Ooa't you kaow 1 woald Ilka to IM UL kappa* .wry day or so. Wtn ? 8TTOO. SITUATION IS SERIOUS ; VINCENT ASTOR'S NtW HYDRO-AEROPLANE The flm hydro- act. ebaofee. and the result higher. In the center at K ?hh , .1 te made tor Vincent Astor having ber;: r-nisiphed io its ir the machine here shown, the flrai of Its type. ? Thi? scats ? plane, and the ?-ingb are In the form of a broken V i:-1 flight. h? u^t ,pn lii?> jmjj1 WOULDN'T DO AS HUSBAND Anwero Advertisement of oirl; Want* to Many Hee* But He Wotkh't 8U Philadelphia, Aug. 1#. ? Persist ing In his futile efforts to woo aud ?Tin Victoria I\>cub, 19 years old, of 2821 Cambridge etreet, whom he met through the medium of an ad ertiseinent Inserted in itf.New York paper, Albert Lobinskl, of Flatbush, M. Y., after coming to Pbladelp'na 10 meet the girl, found h|p attentions -oldly received. Ab he Continued *o annoy her. and malntaid a constant vigil on her front steps, the gtrl called a policeman and haii Loblnskl lrrested. He was taken J? Twenty tlghth and Oxford stgipta pajlco station, where, at a hearing Magis trate Grelis sentenced him to five 'ays in Moyamensing prison "to give his ardor a chance to cool off." About a year ago the girl camc 'o this city from Hungary. Feeling lonely, she placed an advertisement c a newspaper stating sh$ desired 'o meet a man who was "gentle and ovlng and would make a good hus band." Ivobinski saw the ad and cplied to It. The correspondence ontlnued until about a week ago. when Lobinskl wrote he was coming to Phlladc'phla. Dressed in his best clothes. Lo binskl rang the door bell of Victor ia's honso. After purveying him Victoria told Loblnskl "he would not do." Lo-] binskl still waited. STATON HELD FOR SUPERIOR COURT Alleged Negro Murderer Cilvcn lirar lag Ywoerday. field Without Hon |, Jim Stnfon, colored, charged with '.he murder of John Howard, an other negro, was given a hearing before Reporter Vaugban yesterday afternoon. 13 was held without ? ond to await trial at tlie ne<l term of Super'.pr court, FAVOM LOAXH TO ALIKXM WHO COMK HKKB AFTER WA|t ?Loi Angeles, Aug. IS. ? Secretary of Labor Wilson outlined here today a plan to aid a'lont who are expect ed to flock to the United States at tho end of the European war. He recommended a Federal law author ing loans fer purchase and devel opment of land, through use of sur plus money derived by the govern ment from the head tax Imposed on Immigrants. This money, Mr. Wil son estimated, would amount to more than $1,000.060 a yoar. and r-Ottld be loaned by the government, mortgages being given i as security. NOTICE TO Kl.BTTIUf IAOHT AND WATER COKRITMKKfl: Those who have not paid their bills by Ave o'clock evening of the lgth services will be discontinued on morning of the tflith and a fee of 10 eents will be eUarged for re eonnoctlon. U?ht, * W?t?r Commission IrlMM. C . RE I : X VI LL E I?( >L1< ;E.M A N Cl'ltED FOFR GALLONS OFF X. S. TRAIN. NEGRO ES GAPED Made Daah for Liberty Winn 1J<? Was Htt'<l lj?. Ofllccr Flml ut 1 Him hut MfannL Has Not lleen | See* Since. ( liy wire "to the Daily News) vGraenville, August 13. ? Otftc?r| ? rewer met the Norfolk-South rn rain from Norfolk here early this' :orr.:np and ^becoming |<u)tplrioii!i f a suit caso in the hands of a ne :ro passenger. requested the latter I a op n It. The negro se: the grip | on the station platform and made uidden dath for liberty. Brewe fred hut misled. The suit ca*e was | :lterards openod and found to con '.tin four gallons of liquor Nothing j lii;s been seen ?f the n gro ainer. NORTH (WROL1XA Mil. ITU Wll/I. HAVE MK H MOXKV IVdrrnl (iorortinifnt Apportion* $7."?,471 .:<7 for this State's Sol dii'rj iMiring Next Vi>nr. Wasli!n^t<m, T> C.. Aur. IS. ? j'ho federal government will spend ; 75,4 7 1.37 op the North Carolina mat# militia for the year ^ndlnrr ?IJly 1. 1916. according to a -tate ment Issued by Genera! Mills, h^ad of the militia dhlslou t>f the army. I day. Of this amount $43.067. 37 will be used under "section ltfGl"| rod $32,404.10 under "section 13" j of the militia |uw. This amount. It !k said. In much irgcr than allowed year. The tit creased Interest nhown by tho of rieers and men during the punt year sri| tho excellent Mho'-vlng made by Hie men nt Camp Olenn during Ihli ??ear's 'itemupment was highly grnt ifylnp to Captain O F. Snyder, who landed the encampment. *? well in to General Mill* :00 CI.l'Il BOVS AKE EXI'Kt TED. Will tx* In Italelth From August Iflj to 20 for Meeting oi Demon stration Agent*. Ra'e'gh. Aug. 13. ? -Fully three hundred club boys of tho Sfate will bo In Raleigh on August Iflth for 'he meetir.R of the connty dejiion ?tration ag nta at the A. and M.. "olli?ge. Thr meRtlnic will continue '.rough August 20th Many of th?"m will remain over ? or the mooting of th" Nor:h Caro lina Farmers Convention which oe. .??'.trs ?! 'hn same pince during tho -allowing we*k. C"rn Club Hoys, fig Club Boys. Poultry Club Hoys, all of fhem will lie lipre, bright, eag*?r, and anxious to sit at the feet, of (hone who have rathered knowledge by study and by ?xperlence. and they will go back to their homes, encouraged and bene fitted by the inspiration thay have Irtoelred. TOURNAMENT ENDS TODAY Ttv<*ni>>Klirlitli Annual C*om?i'.Uot> "f SlUtl" ( V'lIICH I., it C|rj**> Tlil? Allrniu. >11. New Hern. Amp 13. ? The twentj ighth annua) loumuuKtit or ii; Klrpmen'i Association of North Oar olir.a which has been hHd here 1 1. . week, will come to a clObc todav with ilse Interstate c.eniH which kicludi the grab r<e! contest. hose wagon contests and the hand rep] routes;*. The grab reel and the band re- ' contests will be held this niornlu;: beginning at 10 o'clock and laMlnj; until nocn. In the afternoon th h:?se wagon contests will take place. j "."here is marked interest being manj lt_st?d in rach one of evontj and several thousand spectators wil" douhtless witness the events. At the conclusion of the ho*** w:i son contests a guru of baseball w.ll he played at Gh<->ni i'arK and tin w'U also he well attended. The following the official pro nram for thf day: 10:0ft a m Interstai" H.?:td lie--" Contest. 1 1 t'O a. in. Interstate Grab R* ? : Contest. 2:0e p. m Interstate Horse Hos Wagon Contest. t:Ri' n in league Haseh;il1 n Ghent Piirk. THiS MAN S SLAP HAS PUNCH SN IT Merely "T?mi?1iciI" i?m- Other Kcllnv. ' iinil He Went iMun for Tin* Count, New Hern, Aug. Ill If Jes* Wll lard ever g Is out of th*- running ' and fn'.la to "rein* back," New Hern! ha a h man that can easily take hi-! P?ace. This new ? wh'.ie hope" ir reiavious Jones, n streei car motor ' man, and lie hna a ptiuclt t ha' will' pui mom all) i?f thrui out of busi ! Beits. Vest rday nfterriotjii young Jun'sj and George lHmmelm>in u>;t togat'i er out at Ghent Park and an a . suit the latter Is today ;i"obab!y i ?tiff and sore In many of hlr ]c?* r?i k. ' Spectators who witnessed the. "m'.l!" say that Jones merely slap p d his opponent. yet the latter vns unconscious for saveral minutes sr d for s while It was thought that hrt ? was dead (MltNKR MAN THICK F. I > (H.T OF ?40 HY NEGROES (New* and Observer i A Norfolk ')?per In lt? Thursday's edition carried an article in which to'.d of 7. M. Maynard. a citlxen if Carnor. I.eiup tricked out of 140 by ' tv/o nrRroM, Th?? negroes eprap-d end Mr. Maynard l? 140 poorer "Another visitor to Norfolk fell for the lime worn, hut Mill efficient 'fiund pocket book ' aeheme," read* the article. "Z. M Maynard. of ; Garner. N. C.. near Halelgh. Is tb? : latest 'come-on to unfold a lale of] woo to the police. He la $40 poorer as a reiiult of his experience. "Maynard said an he was walking un a business district street yester day afternoon two negroes in front of him found a poekstbook contain SA.YS GOVERNOR FERGUSON OF TEX GOVERNOR HAS ASKED FOR HELP JMIKKRXT FORCE OF HOLDli^tH OX THF BORDER UNABLE T<> STOP *?RF.r>ATlX8 OF BANDS AXS' ^ear Invasion ! Mexican* Have Widened Territory of Operation*. Small Rands Are Now a* Far as Eighty Miles North of Brownsville. Brownsville. Texas, Aug. IS. ? Ae on by the Federal government In '"ponse to the appeal to President A lison of Govsrnor Ferguson of nxas for an increase of troops in !.i> lower Rio Grande Valley, was 'tailed today by officials, who have ot been able to slop depredations ?*. bunds of Mexican ranch raiders Governor Ferguson in hia appeal i-ciar< d the filiation was perilous r.d grave and he was doubtful of the ability of the State forces and iocal o Ulcer* to longer control the situation. Citizens of Brownsville ind other border cities did not agree hat the trouble were flue to poli:i al feuds. The raiders were said to .?e organized into several hands working under the plan of San '>leRo, Texuh, wherp resolutions were passed declaring for wresting from the I'nited Stutes a ptrip of eri^tory q?oi:r the border to be idtlod to Mexico. While the situation was expected ite he partly relieved with 4 he ar rival of the Third Batalion. Ninth Infantry, font from Laredo yester l,?y exjires loti of officials generally .v?-re that If wutld require more '.i i r.- s?p;?r ?> the movemen* The zou<* >: < lie operation of the aid*: , was widened to a lac ex ? ni in !'if i 2-' !.oar> The latest inhering .f i ?. ?? r.? ?;.-r s with 'roop? ,?a,> rr^jr:eri ? em fw'erlnc. eighty ..If* north '>? ??: >w.-sv.lte. wher.? [a l>s*id of ? : i ? : ? > or wire M'xirnns af- 1 t:?t? rl ii 'l?r.nu ";i -1 on th?i ne r- or t it- i :? t; The at'.oin Jt wan jt vi 't i'-. I l-? 'I ??.' :? I nited States f.tt'd n'> t:? bar !'?*?*. inlurini; two. v.-a ? i:rli ??? .| Ni? n ^ort* of fnr tinr killing sinc?? Mondv wh?*n tea pernor* were killed I'rpr M'Alrvn: Invasion. < .r? ft rmn t ' ? u'.i- la<):?ng of re* : jif:r'?* tha' Mci'.nn foldiers hi eon 'i r.iU'-* numbers *-cre rn>sclrg tha I. order w I ? n tliv revolutionary ni oven: -Mil. a ihiurii Governor Fer r: it*-' >:i in h:.i :ip;??i*'. so the Presided ari*d il-v imy unusual otenr rnnce now would chh?h? a dlaa*ts?is i?! . MKiu.l Of TeXHS fr 111! M0Xlea 0,^0 rf War's Kdmund Durlte aairt- "M'af *? .ho r?:l?n "?f obl'gntlon. aui '? ?ng suspended in "i dati|?r *y Wlllv ahrrvirafo-* ' int s f 1 Oil Id. I. They consented to '.at hint ill on the And an.l h? gav~ them *4n 'ft h -ild while he went lo Kr t the century nnfi? chanced. The Mil wan worthless and hi" 'benefac tors' wprr gonf' with lil< 140 wlien 'he returned" out COLLAR ANI) SHIRT WORK n*rf|ls all o'hor laindry work !n tli" 3 city Try our 'n;nl'y wnsh. A*k for prints ASderman-Cape hart l?oundry New Theater TONf<.!IT. "THE MASTER KKV" Two Reels K*?i?nay Presents MR FRANCIS X II17BHM AN ?In ? "THE GREAT SII,EWCE" A Three Reel Feature. PR OKfl Sr. and 10q

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