AtJGUST M. HIS <8??cUl to tin Dkllr N.w?) loot* Uomat, *o? 1 4. ?With U< 1? bm1n?* u4 pnWlll ifiln *ro UN Mttlsc ? kMt U ?M ?%? m t? tome to thl* hi <fr*r win tM H?k to ? llrt t*. HlMt U< eoo^ormtlou of FOR Young Men Who ?? now. Sulu 4* ~ -J ' ? Colai. Aag H? While ? .t the BUI of Coltrala ?t dinner. lames were started br rparke from th. hollar, aad the entire plant wttb *11 turn bKMlta yard. >?< otrti, etc., war Jantreyw I. ror a while the Maple <Jtor, chare* building, which I* iur. ?** la danger. Coltraln Broe. ?rare engaged Is furnishing dressed tad rough lumhar. The lees la estimated to he about ?l.t?0.*4 and aa (bora waa no 1b ?mrenee, th* plant waa a total lott to owners. The protracted spell of dry weather mate the material ham mora readllr, tad there Will DO oae on the rard to note the begia alag the *re had too much head^ war when dlecorered. The owner* did thoaa working with them lire aowt distance from the mill- TM plant waa located atm mUaa from Jameerllle. near Hardtaon'e mlU. MR.CHAUNCEY SERIOUSLY ILL Frlonda or J. O. Chauaoey ware] greatly concerned orer hi* audd attach ol lllnaea laat Bight. Mr." Ohannoey haa been la Ill-health mr| aome time, and suffered from a l apse yeeterday evening." Ula con 1 dlUOB waa considered grave, hat re- 1 porta this morning atata that he la J resting', easily aad la greatly lm-" proved. Mr. Chaoneay la oae of the beat know* aee In the city aad >!? many trlenda 1b Waahlngtoa aad elaawhere wish him. a speedy reeoT **? ? . v.- ? ? ' - - ?*-- ?; - ' ;? NEW THEATER % TO RUN 6 REELSl v? u-j-n On the fonrth page at thla paper readera will aee as nnnouoc-msnt ot the New Theatre la regard to their Inaugurating a atx reel pro gram dally atartlag next Monday. Thla hoaae haa made arrangements for the two heat services that are BOW ta existence, that ta the "Aa aoclaUd Films" and the "Pathe rrerdb" edrrloe. With atx roela ' ery day from theae well known pro dneera their patrons will hare sj good a eervlce aa afcy theatre tn any site town o??rs their patrons, and the New Theatre Is to be cosem.od ad for fnrnlshlag snoh a program tar the usual prices of.fe and >fc On aiwy Monday they will e#a tinue the "Bxplotta ot Walne," bgt on Friday lhay wIM dlaoontlnue the K?y" aa it la inch la eld that whan If arrives here ? third st tha Mala are tar* a? th?t It s?n aft be shewn On m*?r haaraftar they hare wad* arreag'ai?nt? td fir# that? patreni a asrlai ot the vary beat draastls jt?y? that are pradoeed Th it* >?? twaWa aerlea at playa aatltlad "Wk? ??d one will be Ihewn eaak Friday la three reel., and their Ht>?u will aea that they are of. Jertng them aomethlng tar hatter than the "Master Kay." There will a'aa be three other resit on thla My. Bun. I Jtiat cant keep tram advertlalng I ua ao afraid there la going ta be somebody left ont 1 bat Ton ant t? it like Ua nan I heard of a taw daj* ago in Kanaaa. The doctor tald Ua wif. "T^ar husband la dy ing." "Tha law/" aha aays, "t kare at aa huh m gattaa a photograph at hln." Bha aaked the hnahaid If eaalda't aead tar a phatofrepker aaya, fTaa, and harry. I will try (Jre till ha gate here." ' r | ' j{. AAKBIfd tTOBIO. FUNERAL LAST NIGHT fraught to thle citr tarda r oren ?i? Re* N. Hard Ins officiated at M Vfoneral aervleee. The tatcrmant aa held at Oak dale o awmy. ?aa received la WMhlasto?-jrtth ?he daepaat of aorroar. He l> Ml aowo 111 the city, barlac bean a , oldest at Waahinaton la former rear*. Ha la miiw kjr ralillm Offer $500,000 For Invention Mar ?aro, |Avl ???? * W?ri Itom fw?WeO c#?ntjr % 19 |&e affect that He United gmta. OoraroB.nt hu tetrad It p*r Win tlMOf, of Orta#tal, Ira k?>?M? ttguM 4ol lan for til# Pfttant n |a InraRtlon whi?? wtt? ?*!?? from attaa* with tirpdtK Mr. Pfcon elal?? that If (Iran atfht aeaaata aatlaa, ka ?u ?rar?t ? tirMa tnm ttrik In ft akl> and HI a?a|; th? rami *tk W apparatui at I wl 0 1 in UMiuand lailara, 8a vast to Waah LECTURE HERE iW ON PERSIA WIUJAM V. HAYAD The MetboA*. Disciple and Proabyterfaui ohurches will loin to k union eerrloe tomorrow night, * foftture of whlck will be an lllos *reted lector* bjr William Y. Say ad, * young man from Persia. Mr. Asyad'e lectures are reported to be of a moat Interesting nature and it te expected that a large number of loc&i rotldenta trill be on hand to tor big ggeak. Hla lectura will be .Muetrated by aixty views of scerioi l? rer^ , Mr. Bayod is-% satire. of Per** tN a box of 10 years of age He fcaa been in America but two years, J during which time be has made such ^ wonderful success In learning th? ( .Ragliah language as to be able to dellvor a aer'.e* of lectures on hh native country. showing the custom*1 and habits of the Ave historic na tions who are living there. Aa Persia has been of peculiar Inlareat for the past six month* on account of tho European war, Mr. j Saymd with cn odd way, gives th*?! rcafcma and outcomea of that great wai* os his historic country. ' The* aervloet, tomorrow night will! be 1*M at the liclbodiat church gad T/in*#4lii promptly at etcfct ?'?bwfc Th* usual devotional exercises will bo iieli, bu? tfc? regular sermon will be dispersed with, being replaced by Mr. Sayad's lecture. GREDIT ASSN. IN BELHAVEN Or?e SO M? tfirm H*Te Joined the New AMdMios. W. W. ( uth rell Kloctrd President. Belhaven, Aug. 14. ? Over twenty Belhaven business mrn are now members of the Credit As?ociatlon which *?i organised here last week in the Town Hall. The organisation waa perfected fby the election of lie following officers: r President: W. W? Cuthrtll. Wee president: U. W Tftrhlnftoo. Secreta ry: Jphn O. Tpoly. Treasurer: D. W. Bloijnt, The aeaoaUtion daoldod to *eet aaee a week ??4 t|ielr meetings will be halt o? Trl 4?y ftlgfcts U? t*e pl ace Of the Boar 4 ef l?m4a. Photoqraphf on Tombstones Mm la OWIwil Owir Rh Ut?? Mew ?wi, A of. 14. ? KUMro North C*r?:in* I* proline with m '?nton Jntt *t Ut> time. Zrtrr HUH I ?w? hu lit ?mult lor of the w 11 ksowa n?u Sdleon tad will* their invention doee not nlweye pen out M wall >? expected, test at thoat >n of nrn mm. D. B. Koonce. ( blind tun who IItm tt Otni In C?rUrot county, bu pwfetfnd ? VrtM ?( plMint the reproduction I of ? photogrnph or tor on* on ? tombstone nnd deeleree th?t It Can TWO GAMES ARRANGED Wallopers Will Flay Kobtrwonrtlle Her? Monday and Tueadaj. Twa gamriH have been arrange 1 for the early part of next week on j -he local diamond. The Walloper^ are to play the strong team from Robersonvlilo on Monday and Tues day afternoqna. Other gan:?? are being arranged for tho latter part of the weelr Robersonvllle la reported aa hav ing a mighty fast team and th'y have won the majority of their games. The Wallopers will have a new pitcher to show next week, ac cording jtft information given out jthla morning. 6orr(e?? M pie HethfxHat Church. Hbbatb gohooj at >:45 a m.. E. R U1>4B, ?upt, Baraoa Claaa null Id Baraca raom tt ittu hour, w. M. Kuf. teacher, Preaohlne M 11 o'atoek br Rev B. I. Mercer, of Maxton, M. 0., who will poitlbly preaoh In the ?rasing Announcement at morning eerviee. A eordlal Invitation li extended to all memb're ot the Chureh to at tend theee eegvicee, ai wall aa anr othara wlehlnf to worehlp with na. I not ba ecaoed onca It la than, with Itbla Invention pat Into practical aer ' vice and aeneral UI?, It will aoon ba poanlbla to look upon a llkenasa ol tha departed while readloa tha in J arrlptloo on hla or bar monument. /^| "GOOD TASTB7 - C RYSTAL ICE CREAM DELICIOUS ? ?Fresh Peach Today Crystai tee Company I PHONE U WASHINGTON, N. C. BROWN STAYS AT HEAD OF BATTING LIST IJ0AD* m WALLOPERf WITH PEfR-KNTAGK OF AM. K. Hooker iHd ??c ? Aurora in Series this Week, L?k1 like Hi? Team M?U? With .4" Althosgfc tiers "ban 0?^ . change In the relat'* -*S of the baiting lea-' ' Wallop ers. tiere )? ^Jk considerable change In th ^ . v-rcentages. Drown ?till heads tho list, baring gained several polnu on Moore. Four bat ters are above the .300 mark. Dav enport has had a slump during the last week and Is now hitting at .24 2. Following Is the complete llsf: Players AJB. H. P.O. Drown 44 20 .465 Moore 49 18 .388 Klncaid 43 16 .S49 Carrow 68 20 .345 Davenport 58 14 .242 J Hackney . 66 13 .237 Fulford 27 6 .222 Phelps 50 11 .220 G. Hackney 27 5 .186 The Aurora playrrs batted as fol lows during the series this week: Player* A.B._ H. P.O. E. Hooker 14 6 .428 Lanier 13 4 .308 Donner 12 4 .250 Rives 13 3 .231 R. hTompson 15 3 .200 H. Thompson 6 1 .167 Floyd 13 2 .154 R. S. Thompson 12 1 .083 J Hooker 13 1 .077 STOLE ARTICLES OF APPARELl " i. , i Several Thine Were Taken From ] < aocht-sUiw* in Yard of H. T. Stewart, Some one entered the yard of H. T. Stewart night before last and ap propriated several articles of wear ing rfpparel, which were hanging on the clothes line. Yenterday morn ing. when Mr. Stewart discovered his losf , he secured the aid of Mr. Harmon's bloodhounds. In an effort to run down the guilty parties. No trace of them has been found as yet. however. WILL LEAVE FOR PAMLICO BEACH .*arly From This and Other (,'ltles to Visit Well liqowy Report Tomorrow. A large party of young men are fanning for g trip to Pamlico Beach rraorrgw, leaving here at (isven o' :ock tomorrow morning on the yacht, Starling. Other parties from Belha?en an* Aurora are glso Pa peete* to be at the beach. Pamlloo Beach lp steadily galli ng is popularity as a summer re ort and has bee a Tinted by we vera 1 hundred parsons this seaaea. The bathlBf beach It as fine ga can be found anywhsre. TIM X KM. W? tha mtmbars of Sprlnf Gar den Baptist Church and Sunday School with to axpraaa through the columns of jour paper our alncara thaaka to tha whlta frlands of thla city who ao liberally aaalated u? In , oaring for tha convention. Tha col orad Baptist Sunday School and U. T. P. V. ooayantlon haa Juat closed Ita forty-third annual aaaaion, and tha oflloera and membera expreaeed themselves at baring bald tho moat aneoaeaful aaaaion In tha hkrtory of tha ooaomtfon ao far aa tha buei naaa wet concerned. A vary large delegation waa tepttendane*. among whom wara eoW of tha beat In formed man of tha negro raea and' they a't expressed thmMl^a at be lag highly plaaaad with tlia hoarpi tallty ahown tham whila here Wa a ra undar ma ay obligation a to our white frlands for thalr kind oonaldoratloa. r. M DAVIS. Paator. ' W? ?. SAum>WI8, Bapt. J. W> MASK. too. B*. Com wjjwt rr GOVERNMENT FOR RIFLES ARMS AND AMMUNITION NERD NED TO REPRESS THE ITRISIXi OF MEXICANS ON THE BOH. DER HOLD MEETING Governor Fergnaon and Promlnmt Cltlaeoa Are DUcnwIng Mexkut SAtnation. UvrlewMM OodUhqm Along Rio Grande. Brownsville, Texas, Auf. 14.? Although a few depredations by bonds of Mexican raiders were re ported here In the laat twenty-four hours, authorities In the lower Rio Grande valley continued today 10 take measures to suppress the law lessness that almoat had brought a bout a reign of terror in this eec tion. Developments In this matter w?*r? expected to follow the conference which was to be held at Rockport. Texas, where Governor Ferguson ia spending his vacation. Besides the Governor, Adjutant General Hatch ings, John N. Garner, Congressman from Texas, snd other prominent citizens of the State were to discusii the border situation. Further proof that the outbreaks are due to a con spiragf M**Js*n?i - of the Rio Grande was to be laid be fore Governor Ferguson. Ask for and Ammunition. Washington, Aug. 14. ? The Mis sion, Texas, Chamber of Commerce, today wired the National Rifle As sociation here asking for rifles and ammunition immediately "In view of the reign of terror In this section, and th - urgent nred of arms and .vumunflion lor protection." The Natlonil R lilt? Association distribut es condemned army rifleB to rifle practice clubs. Older* Troops Held In Readthess. President Wilson today gave di rections thai sufficient troops b<* held ready for any emergency on the border. Governor Ferpuorir'n telegram ask ing for more troops is being held at the War Departm nt awaiting nny further word from Major General Funston. Acting Secretary Breck inridge reported there were no new disorders today. Any further troop movrments wUl be l?ft entirely General Funston. OROVKKNOR ACT* FOB MOVIK9. Asbeville, N C., Aug. 14,*? Qor? ernor Locke Craig hat bseoroe H moving picture actor- ? for one oorg? si on, taking one of the prlaslpai ro'.ea In the big five-reel losnarte entitled "Captain Bob of the Nation al Ouard," whloh li being filmed by one of tht Urge producing compan ies. Governor Craig has good compgny it the scenario, other notables who appear on the film with him being General T/eonard Wood, U. 8. A? Oen. L. L. Mills, Chief of the Dlvlv* Ion of Mlllta Affairs, Secretary of War. Llndley M. Garrison, and flee retary of Navy, Joiephus Daniels. Ol'R CX>I,I*AR AND SHIRT WORK exeelle all other laundry work In thlg elty. Try onr famlty wash. Ask for prices. Alderman-Cape hart Loundry. New Theater TONIGHT. "A TRAQBDY OT TUB RAILfl" Two iRMll. ?TH* rACB AT THR CURTAIN" On? RmI. MONDAY NIGHT "RXWXHTB OT BU1NT _ . and roir Otktr Rm)i. PMCaS ?? u? M*

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