(Bi Klftrton. N. r... AJU l?.-^-OD0' stdertfbl*1 exAtetfienf wafc caugefl in a?rtadk ttrclw hare today wh#n word'wM r^rir^J by t&a local' po lice official* th*t Jonas Houaton, the famods outlsw "who escaped f rot authorities In BhfocoriK codntj. had boei eeA a'ar (ku'city aarir this mornia*.- T*?- police have darted a thorough .lurb tor llouaton. and It is beliesod gmf, tt??- ?M?ot escape. as suthgrlUea In ns??t>qrlnc cities. lUT?jtlao been .notlOeJ to >? on a irately tor hltn. Houston. It.l^^iffl. ,Jba? serred time (or a number, of off apses. Same time aso. he was brought Into court aad ;T? . the . s*tarp?ttre . of either taarlu .th^ a^t,^r,.R!W ,o HU reunite .as* ??? placed lis |aU. If la started that be vaa servldg i ' rbi?<4n^aa?/ 1 'sen Waec la eouctjr. '?. . . HH ^cape. ttpm .that count! ?u of C-aanaatlonal nature He sled ths shackles fVom fcrodnd*hls*antles aad escaped without balm detected Be 11 a^dt ^ H ol a desperate character and read; to. shoot ?t lie drop "of the tat The poitaa base been *014 to be aaartel In thelfcap NEGROENTERS HOUSE T?? swelled the "oomcioncp fund" or thl trewury department thl. wfck with* contribution of 116.00*. thefti ooJigneet In tke hist ory of the m. erguqnt. The money arrived In Wnj*.; t*|tei IB e special delivery ?T9lop? ?Od ?H IB fold corUHc?t??, 7, ;*ho here not ?>lit tUUf lit* o'clock evening of the ?Tie#. *111 be dieoostlnned IIO* of the nth ?? e f? rati will be tbuted tor re ?tarted to waJfev Us htm. Wfifa Mr. arrived on ?n 'ttat couldMH, torn o, u? itm t?d po>gr udVM - ma-ol tfa* am- - *ato?r? fioiith. , ! , He- MM <tb? beg br ll? ear* l Ull polling MrtiH i ?u The >HKmMlk aa*'*r tho.-larvfeitJ TTS^ M?n In, <hl> aeotMa. , Tk? bo? : ' tti ^awa a? M*<i3 . U ^L-a j?iJ *rr**; i.crf uoi im*tnt 1 fr?- y y Ingf her Mventr-nlnth birthday, lira. Ho 1 l( la the best o( bealth and ?ta u that iM.Mh Ur.lM'WuK did when ehe was "llrwl aixteen." jSh, .to reoalrtor. <*a?ritkl*tl4lr# Tro i la, koat.o<.Mea4a; uuwim'< ?; I - v'-j; -J-'-1- (U ?, it I .iJl.i ? tlUJlfr "M &.llW chi rctl .lait ^l?*i.1iapya?i walk. ad' ml! l?tv?^,tQ, ,tfcre?, M Aetaber* of ;b<cbRTfJfe 0, | |? ,|| | m??nt :ar in ukd ??? aantencM fc 1 iih* ro. la rot ftUf montha. WB1W 'iiolo *? * ? 'Vll '.yfeiTC, * 1 ir^1N' *?J .We, ro^er. bflth ot.lWn,#^. were mar, Vici %<H>* bop,kpt #?.? R-ly^HW? Ja^ night at ten o'cjqsfc, "WMare -w.il knpnn aa* haTa.^aajr frlfcdg her?,:,).t)Hil1^il A w UChMNCK BHDS IN )URR1AURJ h?aa# tl\? bride or T. D. jfltlrldgo of tb? tame place. The groom *-? ^laaKrjys will make th{lr honjf at Bogth, W" mrti congratulations qiftfeWg ; BBS? ?MW The Mew Theatra o??ni i96U>| with their il? reel program. There Will b* tlVS- l?Jh epUede ot the "Meat inorailM both drama* iffWfjiaa<ft0 4>.&? church, has left ror fttmrnon. hundred ??* f,C?/wr *?-*<#< JCatkerla Sm?lt Jam M*rf Clyde Huaell. Eftt ibeth Cum*. I Jom >hlne Bowoa', itm wnn?tn ? fUtal ft. *i MM w: at EfHfcon I Blount.* tettta ?*?* Ibeth Hill. K fTUaon, Wit. Mr,. !. B. Ball. ?r? Kite 0 prrieDt tap-on, U 1 S?uire?, t. Charle? ? Sterling. #ls?. jr . Jptater, I. Edmund H*;]h i?thr, service. TVs? men cYeotu&lfy. ho said, would become the higher grade! Of ^Jfflcers for foltuiti Of ^Ulcers for volunteers. , IM'I+MWM U mmm stand aganst waiting until tlme#^f faistd rttiw .xHTTil _ fa iWAL MEET "ihra^SKT - r-Compmw Tomorrow 5l?b?. s7Wffim& i1 qu? iu?r?otor> will D? holt) Is the raosu ^ the cbimber of p?m?me? asrar* CASHIQTTOD 6IRL MISSING Abraham Cornelius, JrVT cashier of the Citizens National bank of Eoale *? ?nd MIm Loretta Adelffsto. formerly the hank's stenographer ' ?Oth of whqm are rnlartt? The tlrectors of the bank bare reported si ?* 1 11,000 In the cashier'* accounts. HAS INTERESTING PAPER; IS OVER 100 YEARS OLD 1/ 1'H ?v n ?? . 11 ? Published in Washington in 1815. Contains News of Events of J That Period. One hundred year* ago. "boose" &old in Washing ton for 75 cents per saltan, sugar at 35 ceats per pound. : pork at *13, per barrel, nails at 16 cents per pound, flour at $23. 6o per barrel, according to the prices cur- j rent as published In the- American ' Kecorder at Washington in Its Issue - . ...... j Wis tnM?. possession a. ootfy of tlw American Recorder, being volume 1 and number 6. Doubtless this Is the llm paper ere r published in Washington and it l?.4.aiic a curios ity. The Recorder was a weekly paper, (our colnmne. (our pages. Under the head of "Conditions" the publshcr says: "The American Re corder is published every Friday by I. M. Williams, at three dollars per annum, payable half yearly in ad vance. Advertisamonts Inserted at SO cents per square for the 'first in sertion, and 25 cents for each con tinuance. All letters to the editor, stQ insure attention, xn^st b ? post piiii.'1 * _ Vf glean frqjn one of its articles |ho- following: \ -I 'j ' ? ?VThe Oraktlfnl Bridge. Acrass the river vat.^W aldington, with the road leading thereto, being now In excellent order, the board of direc tors earnestly Invites the attention [of travellers, gentry of pleasure, and afl those persons whose ob ject* afe trade, or marketing at Washliigtod.v to the important fact, tfcat.they can now pass the bridge, upon BKTTKR TERMS. th*n. th'y can pass at tj?e Ferry; ? the rates of toll .beln|: as tow as those exacted at the ferry, with none of those dis tressing difficulties, delays or daui ages , ad frequently encountered there. The following are the rats* of fell ; One person f-jOaatei one hofse I* cents j a two-wheel earrings 15 erntsj a four-whel carnage 50 cents; Homed cattle, each, 10 cents; >0?h hog or sheet 6 cents; esoh barrel B cants; earh hogshead 8B HUMAN SKELETON IS FOUND Wtrtnr* MuoiMt tit 1? Whll* Digging Battle L*k?, Mlah.? Whit* hauling graral tram the Thora Qlend* tarn oorthweat of Dm workman dlaoor er*d a hug* human skalaton. The law bcaei war* 1% good atata of fr*a*r*a tlon and war* Of mammoth alt*. The ta*tb war* tataet and abowt twtoo the ??* of th* arerag* mane. Bon* <4 tko toetb looked aa though ikfr ned km filled with oamnt. trat In-all OT*b*bUli* *v* ***?d at th* Hm* of Math and th* *namal had dec* red. 'e*?lng th* darker aolartl hi tartar tn Ty Jaw wai tak*n to it twit e W b. fohnaon, who w*a preeeat <vhen ( the hkeleton waa dleoorered. and po? ? Ihl7 experte there can throw aoa* light upon the dlecor*rr., '? I The** Mho eaw th* renetaa eatl (Mates (k*t when linns the bum hare M tullr eight f*et la cents; one thousand barrel , Btavca 10 cento, onet housand hogshead staves 25 cents. Any white lnhsbi: tant of the town mar take Walks of pleasure on the bridge *nd road for a year provided a contract 1b made for that purpose. For bis fam ily three In number, SO cents. The inhabitants of Blounts Creek a^jd CUocowinlty. districts in the: county of. Beasfsr t sod CU#ood and; Swift Creek "or Ship's ^(atHat county ot Pitt, having any, artjclo for sale, the conveyance of which, being Inconvenient without a horse or cart, may pass to towh*' paying only toll for his person and load and all persons residing (n those dis tricts who purchase aw. article In town, the conveyance of which would be inconvenient' without a horse or cart, are at liberty to pass the bridge in coming to or going from town by paying a toll for their persons only and also on tho. articles th^y carry, provided tl^ey are such as toll Is payable upon, grangers may walk upon the brid** and road for Inspection free AUG the white inhabit . to#n may walk ?' ..j V rold for m* "?'? '??if bath fre t, K ? r B# ? . May ''g , 7 Ik ?- . 'For. the ^n fofc- r ;hre n' our readers win '*-,1 have seen the brl'dgs hrown over the, river at this place we give the following laconic ?description of It: ? Its length Is 170 ycffds, width sufficient for two car? rlages; elevated It toet above the surface of the rlvfr, perfectly levej aa$ straight, railed and cross ban Ist^red from end to end. The ttn (isrtakep. Mr. J. Havens, of this t<tftn, has In the attention of this work, done himself the greatest crfdlt; for It was begun snd com pleted without any of tho hustle and parade ao often witnessed through out the progress of snob undertak ing*." Unwileeme TdkiM. didn't Tom Tot* far iWtlmT* **W? wut?4 yt* i mil* wht1?." rapUMl hmir '?Ml- "Wo r*c*X rw aa ?aa "??t malm la tlx anurr, lanri m mi Mr Mam i? ?a ?B%yvr?cUttT? mi row oMjmm* (wwrf." Qom of (1? "Ij ?ndwotud tlMt roar aaaja* ' . UtirtrtU*. OuMli 'OSSm *1 aadaraUu .*??*? Llaai 36" "Vaa." aaawr <* ? Mi- u'?h? IF >?? Ml KHimn Unit ' '?:><( MEXICANS QUIET < u) .i 1 r..!? )?> v Mill. ?*> uttib ?? ??!?>? IU?* HXnK?l Into the Interior o* _ Their (>Mu*try. . j ...f,- ?| '* Browne vllle, T?x.'f Aug. *16. -p. * 8everai ha nil red Unltfcd Btates rex- " ' liars from Tern City arrived hern lpd?' 19 retnfors? i the companies stationed at Fort Brown. More ? . troops nre expected this afternoon and it. 1 la reported that about i.OOO ? (Ja.all vffil ho stationed at, the foft..!i ? >? ' Some of tbete will be^ dispatched to, . th4 flUiallef towns near here In 9r der to protect the tftlxen*' from the luvaalon of bands or "Mexicans from ' r ac-osa. the river, -l.n- ?' ? ?" ? ?'! TheMoxican ontbrea* gppoars to ? ^ve opded. aa no new dlaWpbarwcea -\ 1 Have occurred during the (aat thr?9 days. Repcffta from San. Beoito. M<jrc*Je?, '-Donna, Harllngen and" ' Other of the amaller town* near he**-' are to the effect that everything is quiet. Small detachments of troc-os are -stationed at each or the above places. ?Band* of Mexicans, which for the .jyit- few weeks have .been > ?a,lfc?riuc . : aJong the horde^ on; Jhq Maxl^jn sifle are said to have retreated Intpttv? intotior. Y ." ? ,1- ;?>!?! la J l?il ?<***? .'???iV < 1 ,u! !K? i.Li-. !!!? ?i'"M TRIED STEAL - MOTORCYCLE ?? > f tf ' 'l "? 4 ,t". 1 Thieve* Tok Machine BeAangtng to :{i Gordon Dillon. Left it Lfter on Bonner Street, Tj^l'vap last nlgV.t stole li motor >cjBfeie from the home of Cbrdbn Dil- ? Ion, made their escape with tbe ma chine, but later left It on Bonner street. * her-- it was found this n6rnla|. ' The ihitorcycle was* stolen out of Mr. Dillon's yard srome Mrae early thjp morning. Sam Held, ( ho lives on Bonner street, heard - nifii trying to start th^ machine "ront of hs fcddse *t- an early ' ' I ur today. As he came out of JJja I house, the men who were- .with th,a I motqroycle, jnude their escape. Their 1 identity has not y^t been Je*rned. ' Costly Animal Perts. Australia . 1# curat*} w,tb certaH pasts, racii aM rabtrfta, wild doc. ka*> tvoo and blowfly. Large sums of money are tpent In on endeavor to iegaon the 1. amber of rsbblta. It ta^ estimated that In Victoria ak>a? 1*0,1 000.000 were put to death la Hit. l| U generally admitted that tim rabMtt eat aa muoh as ops sbssp. ?ad raaay m, fraalers have \om since rtaluod tha| , , they cannot ptofftghly mn sheep ?| properties Infested With *bbttt. Mat iral enemvee, eooh a? foxes and Wtl4 lost, which pc# troublesome to oar* tain district!!, tend to keep the rabbltg '-0 ehecfc, assisted by thewir* netting tn tea that JsadhMdera are araot^Qf, 1." Kaatarooe mm raosa^ coaa^?ri)rt? 4Vna?te In the northwest pa-t of Waafr aostrfUU. where ranr\ -,wnsrs a* r?Ml tfl Mfe paid for Uiouaaade of .'A noalpe,? Frr.m Report of ^Um "onetJl VMalMften at Malhnuf?% ? -H rtH ? -ii,- : ' ?? '"f?!1 .'jjj ? -;af ,<r\l coek far Agreaeble ThVa??. ? %?? igr^lbU; ^ r;?h llaagveoabla thtng* We W*at be*?*4M/- v " <m; own U* >4 inirfii.i ii w ?' *> - '/ v'l . : %?,i.heaten^'. . U 1); ?il??r ji t /iT^nSn '4>t0( 'yll ? ?T."'1 ?t< .t . TONiai^Wf^iir^rt #t?5 . "EXPt/WEt or tt4 ihTmii ; 11 T**ownv or- rw*' mtur ill. ? t- '-nl i ?Mto MUi' 1W ?THD U!fl?BT*.?PR ? WCWI> >o i> 14mm '1 11 ui \** New

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