No. 37 J I OPENS HERETOMORROW Dunontionuira on mm \ v. a! noon and tkui raxo f BBS AJOE iffil.Nr, RVB8HD TO MBHTKDKS WRKRK IT 18 V'K DBRSTOOI) ATTACK IB TO TAXI PLACK. FIGHT LAST NIGHT . Om? V. a. Soldier KIT led ?td A?oth ?r Om VoibMM. MmlcJHU W U| Large Nu^n cm *v4<3tte Mwfcaa Bid* of th* Rio ?NMk. Brownsville, Teg., Aug. IT.? A force of Mexdcant, ranging froas I&O to S00 man, to reported to have 'crowed the Rio Grande and to be ^ preparing for an attack on the town of Mercedoe. about forty mllee from here. Detachments of U. 8. soldiers and Texas rangers are being rushed ?la automobiles to Mercedes to meet tbe Mexicans. A small band of Mexicans last night attacked an- outpost of Ameri can aofdkrs a short dtotarfoe from Mercedea. One of the U. 8. soldiers la reported to hare been klllod and another one seriously wounded. >? Large number of* Mexicans are assembling on the Mexican elde of the Rio Oraode. They are said to be well armed. It to beHered that affairs ha to reachcd a> crisis. ? NBGKO BEAT WIFK. Jim Bonn, colored, ?a? brought up before the recorder jneterday al ter noon, charged with aas? ailing h?5 ?M? ?? >M found guilty and wa? Oned fS end costs. FTNHD FOR SPBKpING. J. Hodges was tried before the recorder- yesterday afternoon charg ed spredlng. He we* fined ; coeti of comrt. It vu alio* ed that Hodge* was going twenty mtjea ?n hour, although the defendant had ite wltneaeea to prove that this Wt a hp't ?o. Mr. Young, of Roberionrllle, wa UAl.YKSTON HIT HAW. Oatlaa. T?., Aug. IT.? roll ef fepta at Ah* terrMe welt Indian hnr rlcan*, which peeeed through the ? ucAttn channel Sunder. were felt ?t gall eoget point* late today. when the wind reached TO qllea an hour 1 aad alarm waa folt for the eafetr of Tarloae porta, notably Oalreeton At ( p. m? water from Oglreeton bar waa being drtren Into the lower part at the city along the wh*r' front. In froat of the N*w? build lag, the water >u reported one foot IMP. ? No early report, of low of life were reoeirM. _ The new aea wall at Oalreeton waa hplding ftrmlr althongh epray from the breakera aplaehed orer It. ODOff nrn TOMATOES. ? - ? We an la receipt of a box of Bn< r?d tomatoea. which were grown br T. R. Hodge*. Mr llodiea makes a apenlalty of railing tomato** and the temple* he lift with n> are about II dno at we bar* ever teen *1 hain't help beta' euperattuoei ihottf *rWay," aald ?nh it... -fc,t I feeo'n\u dat It aln' eo Mao* wbul rwt doee m rr:.l*r dat brlnga bad kick a* whnt ymi aideatapa na Krldaj *?' ar* er eta other dan ? week hays baRhh. The Waehlngton tobacco market opona tomorrow Won't ??? root* Hjonf. BAKRR'8 STUDIO, Mob Wreaks Vengeance Upon Leo M. Frank. Body Found Half Mile From Mary Phagan's Home, k Was a Tree. FOUND AT 10:30 THIS MORNING (By wire to the Dally News) M illedge vllle. Q+., Aug. 17 ?The body of Leo M. Prank, who was dragf?d from the Georgia State prls* on farm here last night, was found this . morning, suspended from a tree, about half a mile from tbe home of Mary Pheagan, the young girl whom Prank was accused of having murdered. The discovery was made by the sheriff's poese. A number of bullet wounds were found in the body. T ho hands were hand cuffed In front of him. The wound la bia lag had been re-open^d. His body was covered with blood. No ono has yet been connectrd with the deed, although officials are making tireless efforts to locate the men who carried Prank off. It is reported that eeraral machines left Marietta last night and the police ^re working on this clew. 80 far, however, they hare bean unable to learn anything. _ ? ^ prisoner ?in the M tl>. st.tcment thla morula* lilt ?* beard mat froaata? aa Ue nrtn took Mm from the )m u< it l? t>? Uered that the doomed man i* National Rtveri and H?is ' bora Con areas with teadqugrters Is Washing tip, D. C, ? - Captain Davnny, It >ar be re. msplbered, delivered ?, waterway ad dreaa in thla ally * little more than two ysars ago, "The new Pad aril butldlsg," said Captain Daveajtf, "might entity h* the envy of many oitlet la the eon** try having (pur timet tM population ot Waahlngtoa, aad It items to have stimulated aa era of expansion along modern llaee In new home*. (or not a taw mercantile h on tea. And, all la all, deeptto the generally nnsat Itfactory hutloete condltlont Wseh Ington arhlMta a tmlllag face to the strangar" ? - ,yi Captain Davonny arrived In Wash ington from .Morahead City on ?nil day morning, and left this efternoon for Belhaven. Slnee hie former vttftj to Waahlngton'tbe Captain, In the prosecution of hit mission, haa trtiv> eled more thsn'?l,000 miles, la th? coarse of which ho travelled tha PaeMc Coast from San Diego, CaS Morale, to VaacouVer. B. C.*; and hai recently made a second trip along the Oulf Coaat from the Rio O rand a to Florida. Besides making ad dressee In lbs Interior oltl?t of Tcir as he baa. since the Brat of the jeer. dlsoussM warn rhnwnol develop' men! before commercial and dvk bodlee In gractleelly all tliv port clt Louisiana, Mlsslwlppl, Alabama. Oeorrla. South Carolina, and the "North State." Ha win continue up the Coast to Norfolk and complate a continuous eight month's trip at Washington. D. C. Captain Davcony visited Senator Simmons at his horn* In. Nsw Bern, and u an evidence of Intarast In the propaganda of th* National Rlrarn and Harbors Oonj'reaa, the ^Senator ?art th* Captain ij'fnl Wtor at Intro4uatl*n to tlx poop Is of Morth Carolina. JnVh?oll hp said: "I shall esteem as % personal fa T#r ??y courtesy shown him or aa ??st?D?? (Iran Mm In the furth* ????? ot hit niMHii." , rp? Captain Is tbrlM armed It) til* (lot that h* a Up carrie# l*tt#rs or IBtrpdmtlo* and lorllal (omasa datlon (rpm Copgrssaoan John H. Small, Wjip U Vl?a Pr?14*nt of tk? Confra*# f pt' North Carolina aad Seaator Jei, W. Ransdell, of Lo?t? laaa, the tireless aad popular Pres ident of tin organisation. Speaking of tha provlotou la the laat Elver and Harbor BUI, autho orltlnf a reexamination of th* Nor folk-Beaufort link la the iatrt-ooMal waterway, Capt. Daresay aald, "Br ery etudant of water-c hansel devel opment, unhampered by anta?oalatto affiliations, has arrlred at tha oon elusion that the proposed Inside f'rabl* that absolutely lnd? pa? a l>le to the development of a oonnact ed aad oompr*h*aslve system of American waterways. Qrttlully planned to aoord a sal* and shelter ed war for oMrehaatmet and ma rine#. avoiding the perils of th* saw side root* that hare - taken heavy human toll for the |Tav*taMe of the Atlantic, th* event* of reeent month* hsve Invested this prat**) With . new poMlMIHy of Mafnutaes aad a greatly Incresaed measure of (Coatla?*4 00 tow) ? * * - Jl i v v ?- -w - ? - " ? ROBERSONVlLLE MEETS DEFEAT IN FIRST GAME; 4-3 WAUbOFSftS WON OVT YKSTEK ?r mi nTni-nx.u iXHXVO. *"??' PW Wj? WwlM anamm Whe" Or FAME. Scoring two at the jour run? ' made ky kla? team; getting ? tkraa hlta Mt of tour tlmea it < but ? ft (ingle, a two bagger and ' a triple ? and pitohlns a good ' CUM baatdes, are a (aw at th? raawn'i why "P?u' " name has 1 been Jerked lata thu Acre or 1 Achievement today. Th? squeeze play In the Una! In ning won rent day's game for the Wallopers and resulted in the ic fe at of RobersOnrllle by the score or 4-S. The game was witnessed by a cood-slsed crowd of fans and ??? ?ii. WW ? Ml"" mil? ^ T*a> .Wallopers made the lira: ?core i?' the fourth inning when Brown started things with a two b agger. Jm Hackney got to first by taking one or Darden's curves a long-side of his head. Webster reached first safely on Leggett's er ror and Pose scored. Roberaoovllle tied It up In th' fifth Inning. Grimes getting a two bagger and James and Roberson rille following with singles, seorlnc O rimes In thair half of the fifth, Wssh Ingtoa draw' ahead again, Floyd sin gling and later scoring from second en Brown's hit. In the sixth in ning. Robereonvllle msde two more rus, Darden tripled, Roes {got to "fir^t safely and (Darden scored. 4 Orlmee sacrificed and Rosa scored on Mooro'a wild peg. The locals made another tally In tha eighth inning whan Webster started off with a hit and Phelps brought him In with a thrdo-bagger. in the final Inning, with tha score tkod. Brown triples to right field and scored on Mooree' bunt. H>? Nummary. Roberson rllle A.B. R. H. E Qy4ner. as. ^ 8 0 0 2 Leggett. 8b. 4 0 1 1 Uttle. cf . . . 4 0 0 n Darden, p .4 I 8 4? Roaa. o. ... . - ,4 1 1 o Oray, 1*. . , . v . .. . . 4 0 1 o Ortme#. 8b. 8 I 1 8 JMrtC, If 4 0 8 0 Robersoo. 4 0 1 0 Total I ? S Washington A.B. R H. R vitr*. ?. ,, I l I 0 Phelps, lb. ( 0 1 ? Carrow, if. ......... ? > 1 1 Brown, |I. 4 I I #] kfooro. Ik 4 (l 0 l t. Hackney, Ik. ..... 1 ? ? I Wottoa, Mr. 4 ? 1 0 Web'iter, K. . 4 1 I I 0*0. MMknoy, 1 f I 0 0 0 Total 4 10 4 Hobersonr 00001100 0?1 I ? waihlmtn 0 0 0 HI #11? 4 10 4 ?truck out: by Brown. I; by Dor dsn. 1*. Base on kollo: off Brows. 0: off Dord.n, 1: Tkroo-kuo hits Dard'n, Phelps. Two-base hits. Oray. Orimee, Brown. Raerlfloe hKs: Q rimes, Brown. Umplraa, War ren. Maxwell and Carter. j'-CHARMB OBAMJH" HAH MKV' HHOKH Tin Maw Thaatra ofr?r? thalr pat roni ? aaran raol proiram tonight Thf bMI pletnraa; aiaoni than Is Chard* Chaplin. In "B j the Saa." To aaa this pletora la to ?fill ,nur aldA langhlag. LM ?Mk OfcMlli aaarehed all over Ban Pranalaao for a 'flaw pair at old ahoaa. Ha found a pair In a aaeond hand atora. ail I I- now buajr. galling tha right rtapn lo# tham for bla mr?t*rlou? taat ISONZO PEOPLE WELCOME ITALIANS a scene in the Uonzo district when the long-prmyed-for Invasion tock place The Italian soldiers were hailed a* the "redeemers" of the section which for as far bnck as the Inhabitants could leraember iraa under Austrian ;-ole. Everywhere the Inhabitants turned oul to thorn fitting ireotlnf. Iba photograph iho\rs women giving flower* lo the Itnlian troops. NEW BERN GIRL CAUSES ARREST OF GREENVILLE MAN New Bern, Aug. 17. ? Acting un der Instructions from Judge Win ston of Windsor Commissioner C. 8. Hill a short time ago Issued a warrant for the arrest of F. A. Ed monson, a prominent banker of vio lating the Mann wrbite slave act. gia??d ft Tnfa hands of Deputy Marshal Ange who Saturday arretted Hd jionson and carried him before U. 3. Commissioner H. T. King ai Greenvlle. Edmonson was released jnder a $1000 bond for his appear ance at a preliminary hearing to be held at Greenville August 2411). The, violation occured in' July when as the woman in the cas^, MUs Eulalia Dudly. of New Bern. charges Edmonson took her to Norfolk for Immoral purpose*. The warrant charges a violation of sections 2 and 3 of chapter 305. known as the Manu White 8 1 a v r Act. This section pro vides that no person shall transport | in lntrretate traffic or between any| territory or tuc District of Coltim- j | Two Quun Have Bwn Arnngnl Brtnwii tlie Wallopers and Au rora. Will Play Here To morrow and Thurmlay. Aurora li coming back again. Not aatlaflad with their defeat of th? Wallopers In. the eerie* last wee*, they are determined to atllj further trample the pride of the localB in ' the dust and make them come out at the abort end of the sooro a few moro times. Two games have beep arranged between Wifhlngton and Aurora for tomorrow and Thursday. Both of thorn will be played on tho looal diamond. It la raportad that Auro* ra baa lhade ?everal new change* In tha itne-up and that thay will bo rataforood by playars from Frank lin. MAKING TKfrt OF SOT BEANS. Inteecodag ItomMtxatioa Ooloc on ?Mt the Farm of P. P. UUuun. L. E. Blanchard, of the U. S. Farm Demonstration work, located at Lombarton, Robe r son county, has been sponding several day* at the farm of F. F. Latham, near Bolhav en. wh"re be ban been atudyinR tin culture of soy beans. Mr. Blanchard this morning ex pressed hlmnelf aa- very much 1m proekftd with this section of the State, especially with the corn In the Wilkinson swamp and other placcs In Pantftfo township. Mr. Latham Is tbla year making a toat demonstration of the dlffer ent varieties of 907 bean* and he reports that ttriajs the inoaf Inter esting and satisfactory test he has ever mad*. bin any woman or girl for lmmorr.' purposes. * It hIho forbids the as sisting in any way to procure a tick et or passage for a woman 'o b?' used for such a purpose,- If convict ed tho penalty is a $5000 fine or five years in prison. The case was brought to the at i*ntion of Commissioner ftnr wKo'ftt once took it up with District At- 1 torr.ey Winston. As a result of an Investigation Commissioner Ull) was ordered to issue the warrant which1 he dfd. The preliminary hearing will probably be h-Md before CommisHion er King at Greenville. ? The girl who is bringing the charges formerly held a position in Greenville and it was there she met Kdinoncon. She has in the past bo|pe an excellent reputation, she lisvlng secured a number of affidav its from dmerent people in New Bern in proof of thin. This is one of the first car-s of this kind ever brought In this sec tion of the state, cormluiy hero, since; this act wn? panned. R. L of rf:j?1llp Recdvcd Not of Vitvk Till# Morning. T- Wyoot and a Number of Hurt*** KUI?x1. (By wire to the Daily Nnwe) * Greenville, N. C-. Aug. 17. ? A telegram * was received by R. L. Smith, of thi? city, this morning, notfylug him of a wreck of a freight train which occurred nt Mean, Va., early UiIa morning, and which reeuled In the derailment of several of the can, among them b*? ing one which contained a number of horeet belonging to Mr. Smith. Two negroes, who were mending to the horiei on the train, were killed. Several of the anlmale alto met tbelr death In the wreck, An other negro had hl? leg broken. The horaea were being brought from the north to Tarboro, where they were to be entered In some racea that are to be btfld in that city , next month. Mr. Smith flgurei hii Ion at aeveral thousand dollari. FIB8T COTTON BOLL. Grown bj Mlt* E rie Morgan, of Thb OHjr. The first cotton boll,? an far a? we ham knowledge of ? ?U brought1 to thla Office today and was ratted by Mia? Glaie Morgan. Mtaa Morgan alio haa the ?dlatfnctfon of having had the first cotton bloaaom to open. Olttl I.OlKiK MTtKTlNO. A regular communication of Orr U>dK? will too held tonight, befta n;n* at eight o'clock. All ?re roqnm?od t6 bo preeaat. 80 Joarsfag brat bran are cordially in dued. '? 1 IHHEE WAREHOUSES IN THK CITY ARE IN READINESS FOR HANDLING PIRST-DAY SALES. BUYERS ARE HERE ? 11 u/ the Ltrgf Tobacco Companies Arc H |>re#ented. Good Price* Ale Augured for the Bctte. Grade* cf I jImkxw. Willi the three large warehouse* in the city ready to handle this year's tobacco and with more buy l's on hand than have ever before bioa a: the local market, it lis ex-* .it tried that all records for first-day *aleg will bo broken at the opening j' ho tobacco market in Washing U-i tomorrow morning. yor the last month or more, rep rer.ciitetlVeu of the Central, Wash n^lon and Beaufort warehouses have visited every part of Deaufort 'ouniy, have talked with the farm ers and have secured the assurance of the Utter that Uiey would bring their crops to this olty. Qood j>rftes are assured for the better grades q' v'-ed and there is no question but liat the farmers will derive a good uoilt from their cop this season. The opening of the local market ?s an event of considerable Impor tance and it 1h expected that Inrg" crowds wll be present at the differ ent warehouses to follow up the auctioneering. All of the principal tobacco companies have sent buyers here and tho prices paid for tobacco here will be as high as is paid in ^uy other market in the State. While this is only the th'.rd sea son lor the Washington mantel, it is -xpecRd that over 5,000, 000 pour.ds w'l be sold here, L*ast year the sales i-vvt-dud the three-mllllou mark. It i* practically certain that i his auiouni w'il ho ai lea . t doubl ed. The public Is cordially invited to present at the opening aales to* i ? " r o A and on any other day there f T ? 1 Small IJreak nt Circcnvtlle. The following telegram was re ceived from Greenville today at noon from V. It. Shelburne. manager of the Central warehouse in this city, who in attending the opening of the market In Greenville todayr "Breaks small here today. Offer ings b-'lter than la?t year and prices dollar and half average bettor than last ycar.'iy offering. All buyers ready to go on over sales tomorrow and prepared for a big year's work, SHELBURNfl," HA, 006 I'oundN hi Kinntnn. ( By wire to the Pally News) K '.nut on. N. V., Aug. IT. (noon) ? It |? estimated that 18,000 pounds vre noM st the opening of the to* banco market in th1a oily today. The prices paid svereged much higher than those of last year. 300. 04 K) l>tM. Hold nt Rocky Mount* ( By wire to the DallJ New*) Rocky Mount, Aug. 1T.# 1 p. The local tobacco market opened In an auspicious manner here today. It Is eetlmeted that 200,000 pounds were sold and that 11,000 people were present to witness the sale*. Tb<> prlcea averaged from 8 to ? 1-1 cents. New Theater TOXIOHT. CHARLIE CHAPLIN ?to ? ? By Tine SWA" "POUJO*fNO A CLUB" TWO 9t??!s. "DO LiH OP INTRIGUE" Two RoU. "HIS JltNOUt SWBBTHKART" Ml RmI. "PATH* N*Wfl" Tho World B?for? To?r Bra*. PRICES -to and 10c