llNGTON N C. FRIDA* NOON AUGUST 20. WIS (Special to the Dally Now*) ' Washington, D. C.. Aug. 10. ? While no oBlolal InformatltA ' ha* been glren out as yet. It la expected that President Wilson will call his cabin t together at once in order to decide, what action shall be taken In the sinking of the White Star llnqft Arable. The sinking of the reiser and the action that the cabinet will take, have born the principal topic* of conversation in official circles today. It is generally fait thai matters hare reached a crisis and that the link ing of the Arable will definitely de termine whether the United States will enter the war or not. Mr. Wllaon 'thfia far has declined to expreea himself on. the disaster, stating that It would be necessary to, await official "Information regarding the torpedoing of the liner, before notion could bo' taken. HAS A NEW . INVENTION homl larator H mm Dnbtd Additioa , to the OqBtwImn of the \ Telephone. A prominent local resident, who doee not deelre bis name gpade pub lie at the present time, has Invented a derloe b 7 meaflg o f which the re ceiver of a telephone may be hfted from, the ho0k. although the person le in another room from jarhleh the Instrument la located. The Inventor I does not desire l)is name to be gen era 11 jr known nntll after he hae ae eured a- patent pa hhr acheme. The invention wQrk? thl* waj: On; many occasions. after a person haa gone to bed, he Is awakened b j the ringing of the phone.- and is forced to get up and answer !t. Br means of thie new Invention, It Is possible to reach 0rar tft the wall, preea a button, and tfiereceiVer la automat teaUj. lifted from the hook of phoae. AH that then remains nec eaeary. le for the person to gojdown etalrs and anewer the phone. FIRUT HHRIEA ?'WHO PAY?" ? WSTW THRATKK TONIGHT In their six reel program tonight, the New Theatre offer* their patrons the Bm Mrlei of twelte powerful dramas depleting the twelve most rltal questions of Mfe. "Who Pays" kr the name of the aerlee that will fee ihown ?ach Friday for IS weeks. The subject tonight Is "The Price of Ftm?," Ho might's patrons of this house will eee what It cotts a person to gain fame. Hhreryone should see Chle picture tonight, for there will he spen one of the most powerful lessons portrayed on the ?creen erer shown In this city. The| "Who VaysT' series are true to life, | and wa predict they will he' olalmedj the most powerful ' pictures erer j ehown In the eltsr fit Wanhiriton, Be sure and go. RATS BAKHR. . TIi* old aarlnt la. "Whora thara U m *ni, thara IB & w ay." Wa ?nre Ir (ot th? will, and tha way l? bolos pared alnaa wa baa* gonn Into ttia amateur kodak and 9Qfn baalneu. Wa ara aolnr to pnat tha bualnaaa Wa know wa nan lira aa (god ??r ?lea aa aa? stpdto. Raatdaa thla wal can aall you fllnaa, dfHMr tliam goat' paid anywhara In Baatarn Carolina. Onr amataur (Inlahla* dn(*rtra?nt la a?iapta<a. Wa hava th? balp; wa haya tha ability; wa iaTa tb. k^ ' 4aka; wa kara tha (lima; *? S*tb tha batt wa can bar: wa bar* tha papal* and tha Rradaa to aalt *11 makatlror. wa ha?? tha aartlea (o *t?a. It'? yonra for tha aakln* liltmi STUDIO ??od? t*rrtcaU<w men arfctrt by the Oermars to the AlsaUan rill<y ?' R^oulevflle. aftt* It bad b<*en taken from the Fruneh. SEVERAL WOMEN HUNG in put in Years past Not Since CivU War, However, Has a Woman Paid tdhi; Death Penally. ?rccn?ni?. AaT" sen tence of Mrs.' Warren to the elecric chair ?? ma to have started the ques tion of hanging women, - and has North Carolina ever hanged them'. " ' ? ? . "/ A 1 Several Instances seem to have been cited where they havo paid the death penalty. S. V. Lan&hingbouse was right about a woman having been hanged in Pitt, if he could 'not give all the particular^ N L. W. Lawrence, an octogenarian, gave your correspondent the facts in the matter. He w&s an eye witness Xo the hanging. He gave the follow ing ?<?ry : ? Watt Hanrahan was a very large planter and land owner and owned a great number ot slaves. Tp keep them at some work, he bad a large piece of land near the present county homa. known as "Hanrahan's Quar ters'' npr the keeping of surplus slaves, pr those for whom ' he had llttlo to do. At that place they were employed clearing land, cultivating It and making support If not omney. The overseer was namfd' Griffin. He had occasion to whip <me of Mary's cfilldrep. a boy. This so enraged Mary that while the whipping was being administered, she. picked up a large light wood kxot and gave the j overseer such a 'low from behind I on his head that he died. >\fary was) j tried for the murder, .convicted #and ' irlth two negTo men, was hangod ! here la Greenville. The site of. the FOUR GAMES ?FOR NEXT WEEK uron* Ifn? AmngW for Three and OrlmMlud for t ho Fourth. .Fonr game* b?*e been Arranged by, the Wallopers for next week and all of them will be played on the lloeal flelj. Aurora Is not - satlsfl d and has -arranged for a seHes of! three fames which will bo played Taesday, Wednesday and Thursday. On Prlday of- next week, Giime*l?nd will be the oppononts' of the locals. It Is reported that ? Bcott will twirl one of the, games f?r .^Aurora next week. VRW pnPORB ATTRACTS *fUOM attention Dowor* Brother** new store o? MalnNatreet which opened thta weft, le attracting considerable attention dally Practically (Terr, victor who cornea t0 the city ha? no me comment *6 make, pralaing tho appearance of the new atructure Many hare Rone inside aad .mad* an InapecUoa of the arrangement*. . k ' ? The atore le fitted out (nt the moat modern way. The fixtures are most ly of> mahogany aad are heivtlfal in appearance. The west aide of the establishment ta taken up with -the ladles' department, while the men'* department la located on th* east aide. . . WIMi PHHAC1I AT Mrmomsr KFIHOt/PAI, iWrRDI HCWDAY Dr. It b5 R>tk, prnldont of Ar kftnMn foof<.r?it. Coll-*., Arlmn ??? citr. will nil ttii puipu ?f ta. Metkoflim rpi?codb| Cbarcli South Similar next ?t 11 n'stook ' ;v ? I hanging was about where Fifth | street eroase? b* ravine going to the I training school. , That was known as | th" banging ground and baa been the acene of several such^ eventa, the | bodies generally being burled there. The two negro men hangod with Mary had murdered a man named Haddock, the details of which crime have not be|p learned. 'The' burning of the court records in 1858 makes matters of this kind npw tradition. About three mllea east of this city, at the aite df the old courthouse on the aouth Bide of the road,* only a few years ago was the body and remains of ..some of the larger limbs at % Wifr wWkto* was said to hire : been usQd' for hanging criminals be fore the Revolutionary war. And k ie said a negro woman was hanged from that limb for killing her mas ter. About the cloae of the Revolution ary war, a .jiegro woman, named Roae. was publicly burned at the courtbouae for (he murder of her mi8tress' John and 8ibbey Tyson', his wife 'or slater, lived on the north Bide of Content* creek, about north o'f the present town of FramvlH^. [They had tw oslavea, Shade and Rose. Sibbey was very cruel to them*. With the help of Shade, Rose murdered her. Roao was tried; con victed and burned at the courthouse for the crime. Shade being only an accomplice, waa sold and #ent away ! south. # ? SAtES TODAY WERE 12,000 LBS. Good PHc^* I'fvltf for Toham> on the IjooaI Marleet. The <rmlM/ at the local tobacco market today amounted .,t0 over It, 000 Donods. Some of the tobacco sold nigh is twenty cents and a god average prlco was paid, being above nln* cents. The sales afrtbe warehotfee* were rathef. evenly divided, none of the three having more thaft-a few hun dred ^Qiinda difference. Yetierjlay's sales, ivfclch were pub lIshM ar being 8,000 pounds, wer# really^ about flv? thousand- jjounds. Would Not SacrMtafc Kin Manhood. Kington, Jtflg. %0. ? Been tin* he would in at "Merita* hi? manhood.'' A. L. C. Hill, the. local .adventurer, who ha* b^te^ Ob?<rvinf on the Fr< nch war front for terertl month* I* returning home on a Cunard ahlp. By rofnulniB .to aall on an American v. ^ 1 capfafn H "aieeriln* hl? ri*hta as at) American cltUen," ha wrOle to mtJJb4t{fe Tl$ American people lure not booh apprised of air the atrnettlpe *that% hare been committed In the war, and he trera ! that many of th* thlnfcram I06 ter rible to put on paper , ? - Ontt/ TWROWR ftAI.I, V : ? 210 FKB*, A ItHXHH) ?j?i| , : ? .; ^2 ./ /oiled.' Ill* [world's record for wdtnen U hetlev rd to hare baen made here by Ml** Glenn Wh1H>, a 14 y*t old Jellet flu. who pitched a baaehall 110 tW. J?. WALLOPERS BEAT OUT ROARERS YRSTKRDAYH CiAMB ONE OP| BKHT MKRN HEIUi THIS SEASON. HOMER BY*ARNES Former W .ulO?U> T*lrler Mikn Good on ;.j IMn to City. Score of VestenlAy'r Gmm Wh ft.!. THE FKAXB 6P FA.MK. o*! nmrmm. In Addition to knocking out' a home ran In yesterday's game, Barnes pitched * masterly game, allowing only flte hits and holding the Roftrere hitlers for the first five Innings. His work easily ?ntltlee him to hav ing his monker stuck Into this Sanctum 6i Celebrities. Yesterday's game with Aurora was one of the bent (hat has been played on the local field this season and the enjoyment of 'the fans was not decreased any by the fact that tho Wallopers trounced their rivals t-c the tune of 6 to Barnes pitched an excellent game for the locals. During the first six innings only nineteen ? men faced him. J. Hooker broke his bid for a no-hlt game la the sixth, whefi he hammered out a single. Aurora scored their1 lonely score In the sev enth when Barnes weakened for a moment. Rives clouted out a three bagger and scored on Keith's single. R. S. Thompson walked and Drown reached [first by the same route, filling the bases. Rivers at the bat and Keith on third trlrd/the squeeze play but the 'latter wa2 nipped at the plate. -Washington, jp*de thejji. first tally in the' second inning when Haekney singled, Davenport walked and Web ster singled^ scoring Hackney. In the sixth, the Wallopers made an other tally, Phelps singling. Hack ney sacrificing and Davenport scor ing Phelps on a safe drive. In thf seventh inning the Wallopers made three more runs. Leggett reached first when he look ouet of*RJvers' slants in the- rlhs.^ CarrqslJlnnled and Legget scored on Brown's ssfo drive over third. Barnos lifted one out to the rfght field fonce for a homer and scored Brown ahead of him. The locals played good ball all the way through yesterday's game. Oarrow made a peach of a throw from oenterfleld in tho sixth inning, cutting R. Thompson ofT at tho plate. Webster secured three hits out of four times at bat. Tally played a good game at first, although' he was rather weak at the bat. It proved a rbgular Christmas for Barnes, for in hammering out his homer, hq won for himself a new. fall bat. a pair of shoes and a lib eral donation from the fans. Two double plays weer pulled off by the visitors; one in the first Inn^pg with Carrew at first and Tally at the bat, and the second In the seventh to ning with the same men at bat and on first. The first one was worked by Rives and J. Hooker and the second by E. Hooker and J. Hooker. Reddy Davenport was back in the game and caught In big-league form. As Summary. Aurora A.B. R. H. E. R.' Thdlnpson, W 1 0 0 1 H. Hooker, 2b 4 0 1 1 Bonner, ss 2 0 0 0 Rives, lb. 2 1 1 0 Keith, o, >4 0 1 I R. 8. Thompson, rf. . . 2 0 0 0 Brown, cf. } 0 1 0 fivers, p. 4 0 0 o J Hooker, lb 4 0 .1 1 Total 21 1 S 6 Washington A.B. R. H. E. carrot, cf 2 "o 2 <f Tally, 'lb 2 0 0 0 Brown, If 4 1 1 0 Barnes, p . 4 1 1 0 Phrlpi, 2b 4 1 1 t Haekney, 2b. 2 1 1 0 Davenport, 2 0 1 0 Webster, rf 4 0 2 0 Lfgvett, as *,2 1 0 l Total .20 2 10 t R. H. E. Aurora 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 0^1 6 5 W'asblngt n 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 t-4 10 2 Qtmick ou^: by Barnes, 2; by Riv ers, 2. Bate da balls: off Barnes, 2; off Rivers. 2 Homo run. Barnes. Three-base hit: Rive?. Two-bas* hit: B. Hooker, Brown (Aarora). Sacrifice hits. Tally (Ih Hackae/ NfANUfc HONORS ROUGET DE L'ISLE On 'July 14, the national festival day of France, the nation paid flttlm tribute to the composer of the national anthem. "The Marseillaise." The body of Rongst de 1'Iule. tnt* composor. was exhumed from ?* e at Cholsy le Itol and v.- 1th pomp and ceremony was conreyp^ ?ce of thf In valid The photograph shows the processi*- .ugh the Arc m Triorophe Ir. Paris. * INTERESTING CASE TO BE TR>ED TODAY ATTEMJT TO 11KMADK TO CLOSE | STORKS ON OITSKIHTS OP THK CITY. Haro IU-cn K^<'|)1iik Om-n on Sun day* in tlu? |ihn(. l>l?|?uto (?vcr Manner In Which Flnwt Can lh< An interesti&g ease will be tried In the recorder'* court thin after noon wlion an attempt will be made to break up the selling of soft drinks and other merchandise by the small store* located on the out skirts of the city. These establish ments do not come uidar the Juris diction of the city's "blue law," but the. police, nevertheless, hope to put an end to the practice of keeping the stores open on Sunday. There jure five defendants* In the case. Untder the law, no place of busi ness can keep open on Sunday un der penalty of a forfeiture of one dollar. This applies to all mercan tile establjshments in tho State, whether there is a blue law In effect or not. The law, however, does not specify how' this dollar shall be col lected. Recorder Vaughan stated this morning that ho believed It could be collected through a crimi nal court, but the aftorney for tho defendants claims that the forfeiture can only be collected through a qultam action: ? that is, if suit 1* brought ?galnst the defendants through a civil court. NEGRO FIREMEN TO MEET HERE Washington for Next. Con vention of Oriored Fire FUhtera. ?ocky rtount, Aug. 20. ? With today pi von over U> the hose reel races the 25th annual session of tho negro North Carolina fltato Fire men's tournament Is concluding at Tarboro one of tho largest attended tournamentr ever held. Tuesday afternoon there was held the annual election at which time the entire I personnel of those who have served for the pant year were reelected, while Washington, N. C., was chosen an the place for the next annual sea-; ?Ion over a lively bid by several oth er towqs In the state. WOMAN OF lOI IK * AOAINHT SirFFRAflli Newark, N. J., Aug. I0.r~-The !wl?h of Mr?. Catherine Yourth on j | her 101st birthday wag that woman! never will get the rote, because It .win "reduce them to an equality with men." rWlON BRKVICK8 8UWI>AY. Rev. S. R. Ryan, of Blloam fiprlriga. Ark* will preach at the uni^n aerrlcee which are to be held at th# Christian church Sunday night. Dr. Ryan la a most eonvlac iBf and forcaabl* apeaker and It la hoepd that a large congregation will be preaent to hear him. Umpire. John Smith A Mtoprtnt. In writing up Tueftday's bmll **m? an error ?u parked up acalant Paul, who played right (told for Waehtafton. ThWr was e mliprlnt. Paul had <nn1 r ono chance and h? handled thla without an wor. KNIGHT FINED $1(10 AND COSTS Warrant Again* II im Wan Chang***] to Read "Forroaltlo TrrMpaMH." At the trial which was held yes terday afternoon. th?? wig-rant a galmt William Knight van changed tc read "forceable ?respa*s." . The defendant submitted guilty ttv the charge and was fined $100 and coats 1 It appeared In the evidence thai Mr. Knight was not entirely re sponsible for his action* at the time: of entering Mr. Ellison's store. It j was stated that he was under the I influence of liquor. PROTESTS OVER NEIGHBOR'S rfENS Ik'ader Tluu. There Should B?? ft Uw, Keeping (tikkt-nn at Home. Mr. Editor: 1 read in your paper some days ago an article about cows running at large on tho streets. 1 have yet to read an article on chickens run ning on tho streets. What is more destructive to a. flower gardeu than chlckena ? unless it a oow? Yet I so many persons are raising brood after brood of chickens and turning them loose on the street* to teac up their neighbor's^ yards. What is more, they do not care what harm the chickens do. Juki a* long as they And a good place to scratch. The owner of a cow has to pay for her pasture; why not make the owner of the chickens pay too? Why not pass a law against chickens run ning at large? Then we can try for a city beautiful, and not before. Very truly your*, MRS. a. KX(1TIN(i 11AIX OAMK A1 WApH I Nf iTON 1*ARK A heart-rending ball game, full of thrill*. featured by flafihy fielding and heavy hitting, oc^irred at Wash ington Ptfrk yestenlaj afternoon be tween the Marvels and the Invlnei bles. Tho game went eighteen In ningB and was Anally called on ac count of darluieRa with the acore a tie. Marvel* ? i 683792740* S U 2 8 " n Invincible*-- ? 57R82742938870894 2 , R. H. H. Marvel* 99 107 S2 Invincible* 99 112 48 ?Hatterlon: Marvela, C. A. Flynn and O, T. -Mayo. Invlnclbles. 8. C. Pegran and Latham Tanfleli. CX?.\HT LINK ofl?KHfi VKAKI/Y I.OOO VKWKHT FBKIGRT CAKM Wilmington, An*. 20. ? The At lantic Coast Line railroad. had ju*t placed orders for the early delivery of 7 90 new freight care and ten locomotives. according to a state ment made by President John B. Kenly yesterday. The delivery of the car* la to begtn In three mopth* and eontlnue at the rale of ISS dally until the order oontract Is complet ed. The locomotives are to be de livered by Novinaber 1, The dew In vMtment reports an ottlay estimat ed at more than $1,000,00. "We are simply patting our house In order." President Kenly Mid. "and while there la to Immediate need for the new eqttpmeut, we want to be la a position to mm tor our future need." STRONG FOIir ATTACKED BY GERMANS HA VK BBGIN FIGHT HOR BRKV LITOV&K. HTHONGE0T MI 1,1 TAHV STATION OP THE Hl'tt MAN 8. OTHER ftAINS Have A I ??> AdvanctKl on Other Im |NtrUnt FnrtrMMn. Kovno XoC Vh ('aptuivd Iyendon, .4?ig. 20. ? Russian re ports do not concede the total lost of Kovno. asserting the Germans have captured only the fortifications on the left bank of the "Niemen. South of the Bug the Germans are now before Brest-LUovsk, which Is Russia's greatest military station, and an Important railroad center. Novogeorgievak, which has been in vested for the laat ten daya, is la imminent danger. Reports from both Hidea indicate that a desperate battle may be un der way along a line parallel* to the Bialyatok-Brett-Lltvosk railroad. On the British section of the western front there has been no serious Infantry fighting since the advance at Hoogp. The French, however, are more active. Paris an nounces violent artillery engage ments in tho Arlois region. In the Champagne, beyond the Mease and in the Votsges. Attack swith grenades by the army of the German Crown Prince in tho Argonne are reported to have been repulsed. An Austrian squadreu attacked the island of Pelagosa, in the mid Adriatic, seUfed by the Italians early in the war. Attempts to make a landing were defeated. There is no further change in the. Balkan situation. Berlin Announce* Advances. Berlin. Aug. 20 (via London) ? A further advance on the part of the German army, which is attempting to capture the important Russian fortress of Brest-LltovBk was an nounced here officially today. Tho statement says that outer positions of the fortress near Rokltno, be fore Brest-I*ltov6k, were penetrated. Announcement also was made of the capture of two forts north of N-ovogeorglevHk. which have been Invested by tho Germans for Bev cral days. In taking these forts 1,000 prlsollers and 125 cannon were captured. NEGRO TAKEN NEAR WILSON Ik ('ImrKwl With Having Ii? on En rar?1 in Hh0otli)f( affray on N. H. Train. (By wire to the I>aily News) Greenville, Aug. JO. ? -Paul Dixon, the negro who several weeks ago In alleged to have been engaged In a Rhaotlng affray on the Norfolk Southern train near thla^clty. haa been captured at Wilson. The ar- , rest was made by Qeorge H(>ward. \ special agent for the Norfolk South- | em Dixon has b*en brought to thla clt* and is now lodged In Jail here. H^wlll b?- given a preliminary trial tomorrow. HAYH UAKFR. 26 yearn ago 300 men of this oity wore beards. Today there are only three. An worm an they aee or hear of thte ad. we will all ^ok alike. Watoh the change. Baker'a Studio. WANTHD: art jmuiwrw for ? Fall term. Apply to IfiM Rath Hndoell. 701 W*?irt H^oond 8t. 8-1*-?tp. New Theater / ? TONKJHT. "WHO PAW "The Prlc* of Fame" Three Reels "A PIMjAR Or PI/AJIB" Two Reel*, ?me OOULD MOT RXPKAFN'* One Reel. A Pr oRTtm Worth Seeing. * pricm 1? ni in

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