AUGUST 2*. WIS WASHINGTON N. C. MONDAY NEGROES H WE GUN FIGHT MmUii Ooeemd la Colored tin of the CHy ImmiU y Morn ing. Oh IU4r W^uMled. A nltootlng affray occurred In th> colored aeetlqn of the city early y?e terday mornfng, In which luck fttt ton ?u ihof.ln the t tilth by Bon Burru*. The niH lor the tboollnn In not known, bat l? tnppoead to hate been the outcome of an Old grudge between the two men IBirrni ku beet arretted and -nil ha triad aa aoon aa tiatoa'a eondl tlon la tech that will ^?r?lt him to Itttlfl 000ft, " ' T HI ? NOT MISTREATED Atlanta, Qa., Au|. IS. ? The "In aUa" etory of the execution or Loo M. Frank waa mada public here to and many pointa which have Mob a myatory to many people all over U9 country hara boon cleared up. tha following may bo takan aa an ontllna sf aararal mattera, which hare been under general discussion 1iW alnce the hanging of Prank took place: Plrat ? Prank did not confeae. Ha twice wet taked If he had anything to aay but on each oecaalon replied "no." Atked pointedly If be killed tha Phagen girl, he hr aald to bare made no reply whatever. ' Second ? Mo gttrmpt wae made to foroe a confeealon. rrank'a atate ment mat prior to hit death that he loved kit wife and mother better' than be did hie life oame unexpect edly and without qnoatlonlng. Third ? Vrut waa not maltreated la any war prior to the actual Lynch In*. Startee that he might Mre met violent death betore bo waa hanged an without foundation. -? Ponrth ? Treat walked a dlatanca Of MO yarda from the automobile to the de^th Vie without a faltering atop; without a tlgh or aamblanoe of protect. Peering perhaps that hie body ailght never reach hit relatival h* aaked that the wedding ring ha wore be delivered to a uewapaper man with the aolenta promlte thtt It woold be turned over to hta wife. Tble with waa tarried out. Plfth ? Traak waa told from the ?tart that be wat to be "executed." aa the courta had directed' that ha be, and every effort waa made by the ao-ealled "vigilance committee" to to* that the "legal hanging," at they termed the lynching, waa car ried out In an orderly manner. Mem bera of the "vlgllanoe .committee" aro aald (o reaeat any* Intimation that Prank wae "maltreated" while lr their enatody. They aaeert be wat given exactly tha tame contldrratlon ueually given to a condemned man ah the day of hta exacatlon. The rough handling of the body after K waa eat down waa a matter concern ing which member* of " tha "commit tee" were not reaponalble. Sixth? The 'baemkera of the "vig ilance committee" felt they hed a "aacred duty" to perform la "carry lag oat the mandate of eoarta of the ?tale and of the Halted fltatee." There waa 'ho mob aplrlt; no demon stration, and th?re la' Cftld to have been no Idea of hcstltt Prank In the pnbllc aqnaro ut Wkrtetla e? It the cemetery la which Mary Phagan Ilea burled. There wae, however, a determination that the execution ahoold late place in Cobb county lnaemach a? all memba^~r of tho "committed" art aald to be residents of Cobb county, the ronton tor this It oEVfbns. ?even? Antomobllea were requir ed to tranaport the "vlgllnnoe com mittee" from Marietta to Mllledge viiie, ? it-' ? MANY EXPECTED, Farmer? througlyuU. ihe county are eagerly awaiting the Farm ere meeting which 1* to t% hold in this city next Tuesday. and which has been arranged for by Congroaaman Small. A number of those who have been in Washington daring the laat few day*, hare been making Inquir ies about the meeting and hare ex posed their Intention of being present. Ther% will be a morning and aa afternoon aeealon. - The morning leaelon will begin -promptly at tea o'clock. The enbjecto to to discuss ed and the men who will lecture, will nake,this a notable aad an ed ucational ifteeting. 4 special attrac tion haa been provided tor the la dles. One of the moet efficient wo men of the South wHl talk to wtfmen about home /tnd home-keeping. The ladlea are urgently Invited to hear this address. There*will be a spec ial aesslon for them. Dnrlng the noon recess, a basket picnic will take place. All visitors are requested to bring a cold lunch with them. Tables will be arranged on the grounds. > The meetinge wtyl be held 19 the auditorium of ths'high echool. build ing. . Low excursion rates hpve be< n eeciVred on the Norfolk Southern frost fielhaven and oa the Washlag Woodbury, N. J., Aug. tS. ? For two days Mayor Ladd's pet dog Spot was ttisslng from his home, and for Awo day a search was made In every direction. Monday night a farmer llvlnf tWo miles from the city, who hid known the dog. telephoned thn mayor that Spot was at hla hOuse. "Put Mm up to the phone," call ed the ma/or over the* wire. The dog was placed so that ho could hear hie master's voice. 'Come right home. Spot." said the msyor. The dog, the farmer said, leaped Joyously through a door and in a very short time reappeared at the home of the mayor here. HAD 10 QUARTS; IS ARRESTED Late SatfjUfJay night Lamael Blrd^ who torasiitf?plktlng from the^ortol^ Bout her if was taken tntfe cua today by 4*9 ?polloe for having too, ranch IltwW In hla poaaeatdM. It (? claimed lb at Mr. Bird had about tan (juartu In hf4 ault-cate add the SoUce allege that he had ateo ImblWd-con elderable of tly> fit u ft He- Will b> tried thia or. Din*. ORIKH "WOI*." IH KINRI) 02.-1 Atlantic city. Ant. IS? A . pr cullar Mate of humor poeevMed by Arthar CNetn colored, cost htm MS, with the alternative of i0 day? In the county Jail, when arralnncd before Recorder Oaaklll. Whfle awlmmlng <flT the beach at North Carolina avenue, ahouied loatlly :?r help, and ' Life 6uard Sohtera ruehed w jlll^ld the negro roled oyer lattW'le ^h* we'er. Dyrlng Col Theodore Roosevelt's vtelt to the 8e* Diego exposition he was much Imprsessd when an Indian boy, bora two hour* before the former president arrived at the "Painted Desert" on the exposition grounds, was christened Theodore Roosevelt. The colonel took put In the ceremony and seemed to e^oy It Immensely With bis customary emphasis he de clared "This Is the finest Indian boy I erer looked at." The photograph sbows the mother, Harla Trujlls, as Acoma Indian, holding the Infant in a blanket while the former preekloct admires It GUARANTORS TO MEET Postponed Meeting to be Held To morrow Night hi /loom* of Chamber of Commerce. A meeting of the Chautauqua guarantors will be held tomorrow night in the roome of the Chamber of Comtaeroe. This meeting was postponed from last Tuesday. All of the guarantors are ^Woted to ha present as R TO 1* Ifiwwty do-1 cldi*d whit arrangements are to be | mRde for Chantanqna for nest year ! The meeting will start promptly atl eight o'clock. J HI8 YOUTH AT 87 WINS JOR. Octogenarian Replaced Judge of 01, Who Gives Way to Young Blood. Elisabeth, N> J., Aug. U,? Lin den's township committee accepted the reelgnation of Police Justloe Milton C. Low den, 91 years old, who anked (hat he be relieved of his du ties "in order to make room for a younger man." The committee im mediately Oiled the position ^by ap pointing as his successor Peter Bun d y. 87. Benjamin Cavely, 78. a member of the township committee, wss the tfrst to congratulate Bandy. , Youth will be served," answered Pundy. "Lowden has been policc Justice for more thaa SO years, and there is no reason why I should not sorve equally as long.' EXPLOITS OF ELAINE y NEW THEATRIC TONIGHT Tho Wew Theatre offers tonight the 20th -episode of the "Exploits of Elaine" that great serial ?tory that Is drawing such iarge crowds every ( Monday night. There will also be a three reel feature entitled **The Blessed . Mlraole," a drama that is ficsrt thrilling all the way through. There will also be a one reel com edy entitled "Police Dog Wo. This Is an Exceptionally strong bill tonight, so be sure and go. HEN HETft TWO WEEK* ON BOTTLE. NO CHH.'KN <f ' . '? * v1^"., . H ? K Inst on, Auk An Bast Kin stoa man has nampri an enthusiastic J old hen in his backyard "Craay.f*Poi' | two weeks she ,aas Me covering nothing but a threfr-ounc* bottle. The hen. he believe*, really expeets In abont seven day*. If she laboring und??r an Illusion, he lay. is making a desperate at tempt at fumigation. The bottle I"? "" ard of r??e .Whet it Wm Igham, nillam kobllen War U Mlaa [Wright > Eliza Carrow, uck man. i Moore. YWerday again fcaw bar of. vlaltorv at Tbanr vara thr*e boata lngtoo, two 6?m Aurora bar of atttouobllea froc ton and Belhavcn. 8a >ore4 ttj moat otK ' , the popular raaort Tba Btarltag carried lng: U ?/ 6qulrea and ?Mayo, R.J). Simpson R G. Stockwell, Baa Spencer, Swindell ?Ur Record. ?. ** Terrell, Prank Otlaa, 8. O. II SteHiag. 1*r*d B. U Bell, jpi Tba fflttowlnf were Mary Wat#on, Bell Small. LUala Hill, mora, Mary Clyde Haaaell^ Rumley, M^aara William H. C. Jackaon, David fill Rumley aad Jamie H11L The So Long had the f< board: Mrs. L-. D. Burton, ' I. Dale. Mlaa Kllaa I Henry Moore. Thoee wbo came In from Waahlngtoo- were L< ren, Mlaa Emily Harris, mount, Jr.. H. C. Orav? Stella Phillips, Mlaa Ella Mlaa Juatlne Carmalt, M! beth Ta ytoa. Mlaa EJIsabetl R..C. Hutchlnon. Edmund William Bloaat, ' . Charlt, Phil OJdB. Mr?. E. Wlndl^. Aurora had 'a fairly Ttflfe repre sentatlon preaent, among whom were Misses Qarnet Bonner. Loli Thomp son, Mabel A Hen and Rtblec* Bon ner and <pharfea Dixon aa<T tawre; Midgette. Prom ,Bel haven, Vf. S. WTilte, Mr. Btaartr Q. Tooley. MO.OOO OIAJB POR WILSON. Wilson. Aon 28. ? The contract for the erection of tfc* Wilaon Conn try Club houae bae been let to E P. Klllette A Co.. the conattteratlon boing $20,000 Work will brgln Immediately The rflte la located a Ixhit tbree mllea aouth of Wilaon. near Wlfglna* mlllr Among the out of-door attractions ?ntb+ be tennis eoarts, golf links, boating, bathing and flabibg. WALLOPERS HAVE SOME NEW MEN HAS RENTED k POR C. L. Carrow has rented the old | Pulford Hardware ' Co. building on Main street and haa made Improve ' menta to the building, which he w!l! Ic the future uae forh la garage. Mr I Carrow haa received a new abipmeni of Bulck cars which are aow on ex Mbltton. The new Oulek la a hand some car and the price la lower than heretofore. A Number of New Paoee WH1 K. Seen Among Ra^ks of the Locals In Tonaorrow'a Game. There will be several changes In | the line-up of the Wallopera In to morrow's game. K^lth, who caugh for Aurora laat week. "will bo aeer I in the ranka of the locals, and wll j probably work behind the bat. Gu> Barnes Returned to the city thl* | morning with three new players: John Honig. Judaon Barrett and J B. Minton. One of these will prob ably be uaed In filling short-atop'. poBltlon and another will work In the field. it !? not known aa jet what pitch will have working foi They are exceedingly anxlou. to take the. aeries this weak, how ever,- and can be relied upon to have the serricea of soma capable TH* SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY * STANDS FOR SERVICE n I1.' 1 J. 'Jif 1 .J? ?!? 1 I JI'HIWI I PRISONERS FROM RIVAL ARMIES Above are seen Ruitalan prisoners taken in Poland rear-guard actions and being marched bark to German conrentration camps Hclow is a scene during an inspection of German prisoners in a French camp In Alaacc. Gou- 1 eral Joffre was there, and as they passed him the Germans. by command of' their ofllcera, respectfully saluted him by "eyea left " WILL CLIMB BUILDING ON MAIN STREET WEDNESDAY "S.itanet" to Give One of His Daring Exhibitions in This City Wednesday Noon. ? "Satinet," tbe V'Ufflsia dtrvil ?vho hag been giving thrilling ex hibitions n the larger citieB by -limbing the walls of skyscrapers, ring absolute'y no appliances ex ?ept what nature has given him, will , irrlre in this city on Wednesday nd give one of his marvelous ex :ibItions In the Jarger cities by vill climb the Buckman building on ?tain street. "Satenet" is said to be the only ?won In the world who attempts hese f- at a ? with success. It is # vonderful exhibition and no doubt he whole city will turn out to see t. He begins at the very founda 'on and then bv dexterous use of %!s nhnble fingers and tonB he as ??nds foot by foot until he reaches I he top; then In the same way he | ? irabs back to th? ground. This Is program he will follow here. A . mun.ll; or two ago "Satonet" climbed the Palmetto building in Columbia. S. C.. and many people In the crowd turned their heads as he reached the fifteenth story and start ed over the cornice to the roof. Thi mxt afternoon "fiatenet" stated that he would attompt to climb the dome of the state capital. He scaled one of the columns as easily as most of i?a go up stairs. When he reached the ^ome a hard diving rain had started and Just aa h" started over the dome hla ham] slipped, causing him to slip and he fell forty feet, breaking four rlhs. The accident did not stop* hltn, but he says that he will never climb another building when It is raining. He states that he will Rhow tile people of Columbia that he can climb the dome even If he has to make another trip to t ie city to do so. GROCERY STORE WILL MOVE '.eported Tli*t New Tenant Will Oc ru|?) Htorc Formerly 1>?1 by Itowcm-llroH. on Main HtrrH. Although no oflicUtt Information J as beon given out as yet, It Is re orted that one of the leading groc ery stores In tho city will move into tbe building on Main street, recently - seated by Dowors Brothers. Mr. {avans, owner of the building, has ?I ready begun changing the interior >f the buHdihg. ITALTV AOTMHf OAIT8K8 "ST IK AMONG BAI-KANH London, Aug. S3. ? Italy's decla atlon of war against Turkey Is ox x?ct^d to have an almost Immediate effect on the Balkan States, which rtlll are debating which side they will take Jn the conflict. Relations tetween tl*ly and Rumania have bee nlntlmate aod It Is predicted here that especially In view of the hreatening attitude of the Oerman le powers becaunn of Rumania's re fusal to allow ammunition to paas through her territory, Rumania wlfi Join the Quadruple entente. AT TffR BKIJjMO. ' ? M Don't fall to too Vivian Rich and J o* Oalbralth In "Tho Right to Hap AlM. "'Thott Bituir ?woata." Tonight. Com* wad ?nj?y the cool brocM. Ton may nta> win ? throa poond bo* of aandy. Wo giro, it to Itba lucky Off Hold yonr tkklt. t W? appreciate yoor patroMgo HAS PHOTO OF I LYNCHING SCENE l.ocM Mcn.Iiant in I'nwMMkm of Photograph ffhowlBff Frank H muring to True. 0n? of the local merchants this morning received a photograph of The Leo. M. Prank lynching scene. Tho photo fthowrd Frank hanging toi Im limb of a tree, with his hands handcuffed In front of him, n white bandage over his eyes, and ? tatter ed blanket wrapped around the low er' part of his body. He had on neither shoes nor socks. KENT TO ROAIM FOR ?TKAI/INO NKCKIjACK Henry Rbora, a Wlf? Desrrtfr, (Hs I/>n| TVym. Rllsabcth City, W. C., Aug. 23. ~ Henry Kborro, 4 young white man about 26 years old. was aent to the road* for two montha thia morning for the thrft of a necklace belonging to Mrs. Violet Bechtold, of Elisabeth) <N. J., who l8 stopping at the Caro line hotel here. The young man pleaded guilty to the olfenee. Chief Thomas Was given the ca*e /yesterday about IS o'clock and had hla men by S In the afternoon. F.borm. Who Is wanted at Belhaven on a charge of wife desertion, was i pretending to be unmarried and had | gfvon the stolen necklace to a youn> I lady to whom he waa paying atten | tl?m' ?mall Part* ?wt Hfirm. ?njr koraaa in tha longaat IItM aad nmi color*4 oaaa Ika mat ?'? XMA kr ??muarattxa oba'xrpj ? NO ACTION REGARDING THE ARABIC ^ASHINOTON 18 STILL AWAJT ISO OfTIOUI, REPORT* OP DISASTER. FACTS WANTED President And HocrfUry Determined Tb*t There Shall TUt So Precipitate Action. Po??lbtll Uem are Varied. Washington. Aug. 23. ? Complete :r formation concerning the destruc tion of the liner Arabic still was a vralted In official quarters here today and the admlnlatratlon's attitude be cause of the lack of such data was undecided. An official of the stale departemnt said no dispatches bear :ng on the Arabic case had been re delved today. Tt 1h assumed t'/at Ambassador I a *e and the American consul at Qu enstown are making the Inves tigation directed by this government nnd will file their reports at the ? c vilest moment possible. Meanwhile the administration is at rtcd to be maintaining an open mind and no decision will be reached as to i he course of this government ? tlie new crisis with Germany un til the President and Secretary Lan sing have every fact in connection with the torpedoing of the Arabic. Official advices from London con cerning the tragedy hav0 been un- ? usually slow in arriving and devoid of the full details desired. The lat est London cable merely reported definitely that two American* were missing but was silent as to the facta surrounding the actual destruction ?f the liner. The paucity of dispatches con cerning the circumstances surround ing the sinking of the Arabic, to gether with "certain Inconsistencies" in the incomplete accounts at hand, places government officials here to day In an attitude of nervous ox nertancy and Indecision. It has been fully determined by President Wi'son and Secretary Lansing that there will Jje no pre cipitate action. The fullest infor mation must be at Wild heforo the attitude of this government is de termined and nunounced. The posbI T ."'tics range from proof that Ger^ I..?- y's act was "deliberately un f i : : -Ily" to development that there s ;i.. justification for the torpedoing of t'! Arabic. At this moment It la not seen how (iermnny can plead justification, but f Is en Id In official circles that the administration ' is maintaining an 'open mind" and will give the Ara-* !)!c case the most thorough Investi gation. MHH. SIMMONS rMI'ltOVKS. New Hern, Aug. 23. ? The condl- x j tlon of .Mrs. F. M. Simmon*, wife of Unlt'd Slateg Senator Simmons, who underwent an operation several days ago In Philadelphia, Is improved considerable, according to word re ceived here. The operation. It was * said, was a success and she Is rest Ing comfortably. She will return to New 'Bern a soon as sho Is able. CARD OF TIIANK8. Wo. the undesigned. wish to Uk? this opportunity to thank the city. Hoard of Aldermen and tho whlto and colored citlacnn for their liberal donation In helping un to d<*frajr our expensen to the oplored firemen's convention at Tjffboro last week. Wo hopo that/ we have merited a continuance of the same. The town anient and convention will be held *V?r city next year. * . \ onra for the protection of prop* The Salamander and l;ihblo fire Companies. New Theater j TONIGHT. Expi-orre or vujnw 10th HpUo4?. -THE BI.BRBnD MIRACLE" S H?\ PMtor* POLICE DOG No. t" price?? ? u Ui 10?

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