AOCUST 24. HH LEFT BY HERSELF formerly a baaker of OrarBrUla, ta charged with a violation ol tha white ?Ufa U?~%bb to the fact that the plalatldf tB tha caw.. Mlao BulaJie Dndloy. of Ma* Ban. apeat tki "if" of July Jrd ta tMa e!ty. . One of lb. clarka at tho Hotel MURDER CASE UP THURSDAY KlnitOB, Aw. >4. ? Cooper Hill/ el) argot with hilling hi. wife fa La ?air eouaty about * month a (a. wtl' to triad hora Thuraday atferuoon. Tka dofoaae will ^ratably ba t? aaalty. * tka murder, aa roeoantad. was oao of tha Boat bratal that hae eror I IS DEAD through la a hard foa?ht (ante laat frt day, tha (mail baaoball team de feated tha aggregatloa from Beth by tha oeora of l-t. Tha nana waa played on tha Small diamond, tt waa a eptrlted and ?aappr eonteet throughout. Htwall played oaa of aoo, aaklag oaly two arrore. Small alao played Cdwards tiro gamaa Batarday. winning both of M wo copy aad enlarge ?a work wa tare oat It, ba aakad for A trial I foil, D?kw'? Slidlo. ELEVEN CASES IN THE SI * .' * ?'] Will Be Carried Jo Higher ty Nexi Bleraa cuh. will ba brouibt ub n court' ..xt arcak j rtta Saaofort Aw* Uw iaat laUraetUi oi* th. ?aa. Of It. Board o{ B4^ilo? yjj t? Board of Coaaty Cnm^flnjyr.' lM tUt o! W. jE. ??4 -0. L Morton *,loo U*ht * lya^r Cfl. tit Wl to b. triad, with (**'-?* ?cjra.ra lnurMted ^ them. wrft M ?J fo.lows: ^ (T ..?> ? ; 4 ' (1) J. D. UlloU IH* Roanoke B 'i. aM Utakar Co - . Daniel * -Warr.n tad 8-rwart A Jry.n for. ?lal?um? QmM. _ Mac "*an. BfWaw .A Rodman lor to ?adaat. .. : m AUK**. A??v ?? Waaklaftoa Uc^t A Wat.r Co. Daniel * Warren. Manning * (lUhla for plalplftr email. Mm /an, Bragaw * Rodman for da '.ndaat -i J . i 4?' i ?? (I) II. 8. Naal 't Camdar Fairy 'oniDany. Daniel ft Warr.n, Small. Mao Van. Braraw A Rodman for plain t It ; Ward A Ortana and Aydlatt A llmpaoa lor -dafaadaat. *? ? :?> ' < (4) Marr A. H. Cutler at all. va. "i. C. K.'Qotl?(_et ?la, ^ | ( Ward - A. Crimea for plaintiff: IHnl.l A Warr.n for defendant. | ; -?) w. B. A C.~ L. MorW a. Hooker. Small. VkUu, Brifi* ? Bod min (or pUUtl?; w. 0. Rodman for defendant. . (11) 1 H. Clark Ml Hanrr Whitahorat. ; W?4 * OrlmM for . ?la(aU*; Stewart * Brr??, HtUu i ItEIS <br DISCUSSES RELIGIOUS CONDITIONS IN WASHINGTON .7- -Vh- -!,0 V>T I ? ?" ?- -'??*'? >" - io-. i : 1 ?" . ? i " t k ft-? A Revival is Badly Needed. Observance of God's Laws is Lax. Profanity Appears to be in General Use. noticed U editorial la your very la s nisertg.t ?hrd cmfw vbgkq paper concerning a religi ous revival la which you say that 'he time l? ripe for one, end thet >on advocate ell churches In tike city to Join toiotkar and employ tha ?or leo of m? ro?atab!o WMhtnUoo ? has a??ar?l churchati wltk food paatora and thara are lot. at Maple who prof am to bo ekrtf ttav IB Ita border*. Why 40 poopla rofuae to attend tka Mrrioo of tha ehurebee eetabUdh**? U oatj tha ehrytlan people of WuWilMi TMld eoaoocrat? tkalr ilTao to Qod, denounce Ma, the world (and the doTll. ui look to Ood for bl> blosa |la?a the roTlTo) would, ho here. A rnlvtl maat>eome from Ood. Ho aloa* w ekaaca tk? tult and fir a e??r14?UB* 11(0. Tr*l? WMklngtoo ooodo a rarTrml. It IMI tbo rellftoo of tha Lord Alleged to Here' Ratered P<>?t office - Md Departed With Thirty ?toDoaan., jp, Now Bora, ii|. Iko foternmaat can or will prow cut* a ali-iroar-old koj and JlJjoJ 1 round guilty of a aorlooo orlaio wkl t will k* Aoao with him. la a qimtlota tkat M attraction cousldtrablo at tention $W*ad Coao City lllet I tiro*. ft I ow *6 oka aco.'flo It- I clalmd*, a&foar-oM Waltar Wblto, Aftor tha twit woa <M| ittWfd 4 aeareh ftt ikh money Wall 'rrxtotut 1 aad thlrteoa . dollar* oHjifejilrt - ? re wara found tao rrmalaiw'ka - ln? koto apaot Mr eaadr iW'4 op " Tha matter ka? koan turnad Mr pMtofllca lfupactot !>. t. Varbifaofk for toTaatlaatlovAAd'to M aaved 1 y o> Whether tW hd will bo *K*d undar arraat rattat*o IN 4* a doe* also the probable penalty to t, placed upon hla la a?M la la fco*4a guilty and sentence passed upon hi v . Bishop L. H. -Hglagr, .* of the C. M. B chureh. * ir. Washington tomamnr pr art at the C. If, K, r4 the corner ef, Fifth and ?treat* tomorrow night* 1 i? ronlal'r nirliad to k* pt h??r Md CITY STIRRED ' OVER SCANDALS our llttl. city ari too nun?r<raa ?cd OJUn M ?ueb a ??lar? that It li almcm ?lMfHl to ttiok ot Oi?ia, and |? p?? ? imi.wMH* ml* ftiWl, Thla l? ? kroa< aMvrtloa an< one Mint ?i bar* hoittttM to ??ko &ttt, wt mpat iWnrtt* ttot lopajf tlum ma/ ln< thrtr Way Into th? >ou< a H eontfouto aMk In ?? Wt, W, tat ***** i RH5A "AND KOVNO THREATENED BY GERMANS IWow ?... u, Kovno. nm m ? nl j r? - _ the northern extremity of the new line of Rueaian defense which the Ger mans Are Mfttpf to ekpml ? Akor*, the Diutaburger railway station at Rice, Rttssla's most Important port after ?ttrocrad, tllds also la lA;danker Of capture by tho Teutonic armies and whiob was attacked a few da?e ago by ? Oertnan float: Jhm' chapel la Irani of the station was erected In memory o( the oscape of Emperor Alexander 111 4?4 fcfa lw*nr from death at Barkl i from diath at B?rkl. MUCH BURIED TREASURE | ISiFOUND ON OLD FARM ?*?> r-' - ? jjk Four Mel oa Tiial for Series of Murders Said to Be , Committe<l ]HaK ? Century Ago. Thrilling Details j Bedford. Iowa, Aug. >4. ? Burled Iraasures, three of them, on the old Klondike farm near Bedford, werej he principal theme of the procecd ngs In the exanxUktec trial of Bates | iqhtsman, 8am Bcrlvner and "the ; wo I^amewood brothers, the four d "men ander arrest here for a mar iJSDSWWfS Starting with a chest containing ?0,000, testimony brought out ihowad that another -of 980,000 and V third pile of $12,000 were all bur lad on the farm. Tha $90,000 chefltj *aa believed to hare contained thn proceeds- of- the alleged murder of 'a '?man. the $60,000 package sup jposodly came from Nevada and was Sthe proer-eds of a crime committed that State, and the package of [ill, 000 ''just growed" there. lart Story Only Is Lacking. All the blood and thunder that jtha most devoted dime novel reader 011I4 desire were revealed. Murder, bnriad treasure, the destroyed key o the place where ths cnests of gold were burled, everything but a protty girl and a love story was there with whl6h to make a sensational Action story. Mrs. Maria Porter, ths principal witness, was again on the stand. 8bo iaid that Sam Scrlvner and another man took the box containing $90,-1 000 after tho cattleman's death and wen* down Into the ditch whore it > wg* burled. Sam Anderson testified that hf dug for the treasure for; foore than ten years at the direction of Bates Huntsman, who. he said, told him that the money had been buried and that the chart of the place barned. Huntsman, eo Anderson testified, tried to frighten him by telling him ihe place was haunted, but when Anderson brought oat his rifle the ghost disappeared, never to return. For. years Anderson, so be te&Ufted, ttoe Klondyke farm fof the fnmtmi lim, . _r J^rally he' round it. but V*ture he could open the bor, HuntimM, Vtth a gun. forced him to l?ave and t<R>k charge of the mon?*y box, telling Anderson he wotlld give him1 his rhar0 for finding it later. That was twelve yearn sgo. but Anderson re ceived nono of the money. Hunts man telling him It had not bren di vided. Other witnesret testified to hav in* been employed by Huntsman to dig. but none of them discovered anything with, the exception of H nry Anderson, who found a bone of a human leg. which he gave to Huntsman. A portion of the story told of a waihtub of monny. $43,000 !c all. found In the old 6hack of A. M. Gol llday, of Dedford. upon his death, several years ago. The mnney was of an issue prior to the murder and robbery, ?30.000 of lit being thf Hplaner cuironcy, wl^ch bad .not been In general circulation for forty years. Golllday was ono of the men whom Mrs. Porter testified to hav ing seen on the night of tho murder caxry one end of tho blsnket In ! which the body #aa being taken te the old well. Into whleh It was dropped. MLAKVBU) BEAT OUT INVINCIBLKM AGAIN, At Washington Park yeaterday evening, the Marvel* made it three straight over the Invlnclblee by de feating the latter, 7-8. Pegram twlrjed for the Marvels while Prl vette. formerly with the New York National*, worked in tbo box for the Iftvlntlblee. I. Morris, who lead the Houaton teem of th" Texan league In hitting last year, played ahort ?ton for tbb Invincible* The com plete line-up* war* aa follows: .Marvel* ? Pegram. p; O. T. Mayo, lb !. M. Harrington. lb; 1^1 ham Tanfleld, Sb and rf. Invincible# ? Prl vet te, p: Fiynn. lb; Jordan, tb; Morris, n; Shaw, " 10,000 POUNDS SOLD TODAY L< c?l IViInuxo Wir(4ioUMa H?ul Day'* Hale*. The three local warehouse* en joyed a good day's aftlr? toaay; two of them disposing of 4,000 pounds each and th? other 2,000 pounds. The prices are ?ald to have averaged clone to ten cent*. One of the local tobacco men stated today that thrf largest sales Of the week would probably take place on Thursday and Friday Many of the farmers hare stated that they roiild hare their crop* In the olty by that time. SAVE SOMETHING - Economy and Thrift are the % pat-gnu of Independence and Re spectability. SAVINGS & TRUST CO. Oft c \STAbJD3 FOR SERVICE OLD RESIDENT PASSEDAWAY KLDKR BENNETT OF SMALI. DIKI> FRIDAY. WAS WE},!. KNOWN IN OOl'NH. 83 YEARS OLD Wm Mlnl?trr for 60 Ve?n, Bdored Iljr All Who Knew Htvn. Muy Friend* Left to Mourn HIn Dmtli. (Special Correspondence) The entire community of Small, ah well an all of the surrounding CounXcjr, wu* deeply saddened Fri day flight by ft le death of ~TUHr. BK" der Jetae Bennett Ho died at about midnight on hi* eighty-third birth day, af?er a serious illnean of only a few days. However, he had been more or lesa confined to his home sine- he met with the sad accident of breaking his leg ab~>ut three year* ago. The remains were iuterred In the cemetery near the Free Will Bap tist church at White Mill. The fu neral iHer\41ces were conducted by Key. Mr. Toller. A large congrega tion of sorrowing frlrnda was pres ent. Elder Bennett was born in Pam lico county August 20, 1832 I* was born of peor parents. lac> ? 1 th' financial advantage* of - uduc.Vion, but being nature iv a vrty ae -ju* and pious youth, |.> rap' lly pic* >d up the ru I'mcnta of rxn o. lary ed ucation a; d al-rays ilrlcg k.i clon communion with bis- Heavenly Fath er, he see; "J to be endowed from above with ijlrltual wisdom. lie entered the ministry when he v an a young man of only about 23 y nrs of age. Ho ban given slJtty full years of his life In the service of the Lord. He was married to Mies ItTlisa Phillips Just before the Civil War broke out- Six children wore born to them, Ave of whom , still live. Eld^r Bennett proved himself a devoted and affectionate husband and father, loving and car ing for hla wife and children with the name devotion and real that characterised him In hla love and service of Ood. In th^ latter yearn of hla life. Elder nennett continued, whenever possible, to preach the gospel. H*; attended hla old church at White Hill Juat one week before bis death and aaalated Dr. St. Claire In con ducting the eervlces. A better and more faithful and devout follower of Christ has never been known than Elder B'nnett. He was spoken of by all who knew him u "til# Good Old Man." OLD (t)lxmKI) Nl'IWK. WELL KNOWN IN CITY, DIED LAST JIIOHT Phyllis Mitchell, an old negro woman, who has been employed In half of the famlllea of Waahlngtoo, | died last night Phyllle wee well I known throughout the city and her death will be mourned by a hoet of White friend* In Washington. She baa been employed in practically all of the prominent famine? of the city Her faneral wllj take plaoe tomor row afternoon the lea res six chll Mflfc GERMANY ^ V ?5&tj -t <5tmfV.iJv .- i APPEARS DEFEATED TUASCXY SAID TO BK EI. HAOTKD. XAVAL LOMBg BAVX ncBN HKAVY OUIUKO v RBCKKT KNOAOBMRTT9. MAY SEEK PEACE (Jcnnan Chancellor Reported to be I'rglng Tlut "Pence With Honor" IVopoaate Be Made. Intro**, ot BontU Would Oimm Nation to go Bankrupt. i London. Aug. 24. ? Germany's natal loase* In the fight In the Gulf of Riga and In the Baltic were "or* 'of the most powerful dreadnoughts . of the German fleet," two crulaers and eight torpedo boats, according to : Ite Rusalan admiralty statement today. It had been previously an ?jounced in PetrogTad that the biff rets 1 sank was the battle cruiser Mi like, torpedoed by a British sub marine. The only Russian lose mentioned by P*>trcgrad was that of the gun Sivntch. ?ur*k After a Jfight .vith a Oerman cruiser and torpedo raft* after disabling two German orpedo boat*. A German torpedo boat destroyer was runk off Ostend Sunday ulght oy two French torpedo boats, Paris announced. Araaterdam, Aug. 2 4. ? At the jecret conference of cabinet minls ert>. political leaders and Influential writers, CSJlcd by tke Gorman im r ?rt?l chancellor - be/ore the-.; re** temtjlng ocf the R^chstag last Thursday, the Tolegraaf says, Karl Helfferlch, secretary of the treaeary, .?xplalned that the new German war loan would completely exhaust thu empire's financial resources and that the Increase in exchequer bond* would cause bankruptcy. Therefore. Or. Helffsrlrb urged, i; was needful to prepare for an hon orable peace. London. Auk. 24. ? The British sorernmert issued an official denial jf t'.se report that the steamer Dun ilc . torpedoed shortly before/the sin v ;-j of the Arabic, was an un rwtd vatrol. She w?* an unarmed nd n-aeeful trader. It Is declared. PlaLi: for joint military action by Italy, England. France and RusMa against Turkey were arranged in Tuly and can Immediately be put into execution advices from Italy loclaro. flank Without Warning. I/ondon. Aug. 24. ? The Ilrltlnh government officially Mated today that the steamer Arabic wa? sunk without warning and that she neith er attempted to escape nor to attaek the German submarine. The govern ment prevteualy bad declared tho Arabic was not und'r convoy. TWO CANE8 RROl'GKT BKTORR RECORDER Umufll Bird, charged with being intoxicated and having too much li quor In his possession, was flood costa of court In both cases. A. Willis, charged with soiling I cigarettes to a colored boy andsr !egal eg*. waa fined coats of court. The boy, who was a big. burly ne gro, stated that he wait aeventeen years of age. but upon investigation by the police, It waa found that ho was only sixteen. New Theater ? ToiflOMT. "EXPLOITS or Ftf -A INK Two Reela "THE TRAPDOOR" Two Reela "THE NEMESIS" Two Reela "PATH? NEWS" ?' i One Reel "THE JONOUI STOCKADE" One Reel TO1CS9 tt?

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