NEWS No. 43 |L7 ??? 1 LAGRANGE noaoKK onrr b^oaobd in i TKRIXAr EVfiXHJG; TOLIOW 1KO . BADLY WOUNDED Alleged IWt Grovef C. WeK Pulled I On tram Foctat *od Fired Bui /- ii tlirtaih Brain of 8. J. Myers | Chaocei for Rccotmt BUfhL (By wire to the Dally News) KloBton. Aug. II ? 6. J. Myers, of Lagrange, Lie* at the point ul death today m the result or a shoot In* which took plane in I?a Grang yesterday evening. It is stated tha the shot was fired by Grover C West, also of LeG range, The hul let entered Myers' forehead and lodged tn his brain. Myers hai been rushed to the hospital and -doc tore stated this morning that hU chance* of recovery were slim. It Is reported that the two m e< met on the street and had ? dispute which Is said to hare originated in family crcles. Myers, it Is alleged struck West with his fist snd thi latter pulled a gun out of his pocke and fired. West was Immedlatel) arrested and is being held withou bond. A hearing will be held thii afternoon. The two men married the daugh--< ters of Mrs. George L. Taylor. My ers la a Kentocklan, having been a resident of this section for about three or (our yeara. THRILLS BIG AUDIENCE 8*<t ? I ' Notoriety. "Slugger" played *n *1 ' errorless game at first; he made *| ' came pretty stops and catches % snd he secured four hlta; one *1 ' of them a home run ? one of *1 ' the prettiest wal'.opa ever seen *| ' on the local grounds. The Wallopers yesterday proved heir bight to the nickname which ihas been hung on them. They wal oped old Brother Pace for fourteen afe hits and they defeated Aurora by the score of 10-4. The local* were strengthened by the appear xnce of three new men on the field tnd the nowcomera showed up lr :ood style. They hit hard and thry iut up a good game In the field - The Boarers started ofT In the first inning as If they were determined ?o sew up the.gaipe at one. An er or by Phelps, a two-bagger by E looker and a single by Churn acor ;.d two runj for/ the visitors. Aft*r h,l. wMt ? core until the. ninth, .^wh^n . a , cou >le of hits by Hardy Thompson and ?cce and an error by Jim Hackney, md a wild heave by Barneo. ?rained two more runs for them. Keith drove In the first run for be locals in the second inning, driv ing out a two baggrr and sondinp Barrett, who had singled, across th< fate. In the fourth inning the Wallopers scored three more runr mtl In the sixth, they proceeded t< H-w up the gam" In good fashion Minion's home run, with Hackne? on base, took place in the seventh frame. Barnes only allowed seven hits. ?td cou'd probably have reduced this number If he had been forced 'o do so. The fielding feature of bo game Was the spectacular run ning catch made by Carrow In the tcvonth Inning, when he ran over a hundred feet after divers' harift hit ba'.I, catching It near the fence In left field. The Summary. Aurora A.D. B H. E B. Thompson. It. ... /4 ;CL " I Lanier, cf. 4 0 0 E. Hooker, Sb. ..A.. 4 % Churn, c .. 4 II. Thompson, air.. .... 4 It. S. Thompson, rf^lb. 4 divers. 3b. ... . . 3 Pace, p. ........... 4 0 ? 0 J. Hpoker, lb 3 0 0 0 Bland, rf 0 0 0*0 Total 33 4 7 I Washington A.B. B.-.H. E. CaTrow, cf ' 5 X 1 .0 Hackney, 3.b 3 3 1 1 Minton. lb 5 3 4 0 Hornlg. If i * 0 Brown, rf .S.-Jf ?? 'j|"fc0 Barrett. ?n 5 1 2 0 Keith, c S 0 1 0 Phelps, lb 4 0 3 1 Barnes, p 4 1 0 0 R H. K. Aurora SOOOOOOO*-~4 7 6 Washingt 0 1 0 3 0 4 3 0 *--10 14 3 Struck out: by Barnes, H; by Pace, 9. Base on balls: off Barnes, 1; off Pace, 3. Home run: Minton. Three- base hits: Pace. Two- base hits: K. Hooker. B. S. Thompson, Carrow, Keith. Sacrifice bits: Blv ers, Brown, Barpes. Double play; Barrett to Phelps to Minton. tJm-| plre: Arthur Elliott. P? 5 SOIjD MICH TOBACCO. Abmrt Fifteen Thousand Pounds W? iKjaed of at Market Ts^yr. . At the local warehouses today, about IS, 000 pounds of tobacco was sold. The average kept up W"1I and the farmers are well satisfied with the prices that they grs patting rt?ir COMMENTS ON SIGNS OF TMTKHJSokut ClUS WASH, I*?^,^L?l?pSF,SBC , crw or ia^B stats. NO "HAwFwffiS' BmIdih bA Avpnim to (w BMir st*2? jE ~U U?r? l? ?ny "town to t*? cd/ra try that ah owe Indi cation pf *ba?d, tlmee/thst town la , Washington." The aboTe statement waa nude this morning by A. J. WilUson, a prominent travelling man, .who. -to well known In the city and who visits this section frequently. "I have been all over North and South Carolina and Virginia dUTlng the last couple of months." said Sir. WHlison, "and I can truthfully ?ay that Washington exhibits .the greatest sigm of prosperity and ac .Ive buaintas, than any town 1 have been In during that length of time, i-waa in another city in eastern Carolina a week ?*go and I aotually Counted twenty-one empty stores a oug Its mala atfeei. That is no ea aggr ration? It la a fact. "Here to Washington, however. 1 have yet ta.Md a store that hasn't a tenant. Not onl^ H^t, to*t. you'ro erecting a number of new buildings, and on evsry hand one eeee signs of prosperous stores. Washington peo ple are to be congratulated upon their city. There bn!i another one like it when it comes to shutting the door In old "Father JHsrd Time's" face." v . RALPH PHILtlPS ONSCHOOL BOARD] Local Young Man ia Elected to Ifflfj * Vacancy Hcbool Board at v Hotxland Neck. ? ' Z. Ralph A. Phillips, eon of Mr. andl Airs -J. L. Phillips, of this /illy, and! wen -known to many . persons ? In] .Yashingtoft, has been elected ncmber of the school board at 8cot j and Neck, as the following article | a ken from the Scotland Neck Com n:>nwea!th, will show:' * The school board made a wise se Section ln the sholee pf Mr. Ralph \. Phillips to aucceed- on the boarf :l?e late E. T. Whitehead. Mr. Phil ":ps came to Scotland Neck from ^ashinfftop, $?T. C., and has grown more populajf each year with boUi [ social .buainese life of the j town. He Is now manager and _ heavy Btockh older in the ScotTsnf Vack Furniture Company. We are onfldont that tpe .board ?ould not ^ave p'eke?l a man who could fill flu , bUl hardly a* ?4e11j as "W<& are sure Mfc ftrrtptf win. - I ' a ' : "OKT OUT Of THE BOX." With a roan on flrnt base and | when tb?M H. tfUrnoun flu, II went with other mmnbora of tli* Ntttoaat Rlv?r? ?nd |trlw'n CoBBltt** to Inipect the harbor* ?o*ti ?i?n, tlx w?t?ni m*t. PROFESSOR INVENTS WIRELESS WONDER ?teora an automohU^rfre^ tcxancm*' hS! J?i ^ 8",a11 T^?le8a machIno wfth which ho operates a seven foot boat. onj8, r D8a aud does mauy other tilings. Tho ir.achine hca no yW-mflZimiah imari 1 mKKNVII.LE BANK AND TKl'ST COMPANY TO HELP FARMERS TAKE CAKE OF THEIR OOTTOIf 4?ROP. Xowsf* Greenville, Aug. 25. ? The Green .llle Bank and Trifst Co. aunour.ced today that they would lend money! to the farmers of that section for whatever amount of cotton the lat ter were holding at the present time. The bank will issue notes In order l?o enabl? the farmer to hold his :rop and prevent him from dtapo* I ng of the cotton at sacrifice prices. ( rh- news has been received wiih treat. satisfaction on the port of | nany -of the farmors who were '.n ho elty this morning and there l? 10.^ doubt but that many will take I advantage of the proposition. COW AND GOAT IN FIERCE FIGHT (uhnaon-Wlllarri N crisp Iljid Nothing on fit? One That Wan Pulled t Off in Mr. KllU-m's Itark mlt an outraged bellow of pain Billy kept this up for about ter. minutes and Anally Brlndle turned tall and fled. Billy is cock of thz yard today. BOSTON FIRM RRFVHEft TO URAL WITH THE ATLAMTA MERCHANTS Atlanta. Aug. J5. ? A Boston firm which for the past two years has been furnishing the city of Atlanta with oaulklag yarn* and tools ha* refused to have afty further dealings ? with the municipal authorities until those who are responslb'e for the ' TfSWhg M "Frank arepunlshed. This statement la made by W. ?. Cham Vfr?. V* frgrcbMtng agent MRS. DAVENPORT WANTED TO SEE EX-PRES. TAFT Mr. Tuft, However, Was Not at !I?>?e to Mrs, Lev I>av?-u|M>rt (of Portland, Ore.) There are probably many "Mrs. John 8miths" and "''Mrs. Tom Jones' lr? the country, but Washington up to now had probably considered her a^Jf the only possessor of a "MrsT Ul Davenport." Tl??t this Is not the cane, however, and that the well kii'jvii local lady haa a nam *ake In :h?' far west, may be seen from the d in Portland. Ore.. Auk 24. ? Former President William H. Taft declined to rcc- lve a party of. congressional union buffrnKiats at his hotel here yesterday It became known today. Mrs. I.ce Davenport of thib cfty leil he delegation. uhlch was composed of about a dozen women. Th y sent ivord to Mr. Tafr that they desired Ir !a.v before him their propaganda. Mr. Taft sent back an answer say ug hi* Efbedulc of engagements for the day was full and that he could ?jot possibly rec lve tbr?m. Mrs. raven port split up an insistent re ply, but the former president stood firm. NEWS FROM It. F. D. No. 4. Rev. J. J. Lewis hrld services at /.?bury church Sunday. MIrs Annie Congleton and Vcnla Alligood vlsilrd Miss Mamie Lewis Wednesday afteruoon. Curtis Nelson and Lonnle Dixon ???ere the guest* of Carl Nelson Sat urday night and Sunday. Lawrence 8pencer spent n few davtf last week with his daughter, '??'rs. L. F. Cotten. Leonard Cotten left Monday to at nd the Farmer's convention at (nleigh. Quite h number gathered at the ''Onie of W. A. Congl'ton Saturdny -.'.ght. Music on the organ, banjo ?nd guitar was very much enjoyed Misses Claudia Spencer and An -.Jo Congleton were the guests of ?Irs. W. n. Woolard Sunday. Mrs. William II. Congleton re urncd home Saturday aft r npend ng last week with Mrs. W. A. Con :leton. Mr. and Mrs. W. B Woolard am ended preaching at Wares Chapel Sunday afternoon. ?Mrs. Olive Nelson was the guest I of Mrs. Beesle Aliifrood Monday af ternoon. Mrs. W. A. CongV ton spent last Thursday with Mrs. M. F. Congle ton. Mrs. H. E. Gurkln and Mrr. Frances B Waters vletted Mrs. Bes sie Alligood Saturday night and Sun day. Mlsa Claudia 8pencer visited Miss Annie Congleton Saturday night Cecil Gurkln. of Plnetown, visited hla tfater. Mrs. B. F. Alligood, laat Thursday night. EXPRESS REGRET CKKMANY SAYS KlNKI.Nd OF AR.1BIC WAS AGAINST IX STKi:(TU).\i, A.SKh U. 8. ^ ^ TO AWAIT DETAILS. Washington, I>. C'., ug. 23. ? According to official advice* received today by (he Gorman nmbne^ador from Ilrrlin, tli** act of torportuing the .Vrtlrft woji against tilt' Instruction? of the German government. The t'nlted Stat*?? government liiu Ih?u aflkrd to defer action in the matter until Germany ran report, in detail. PARTI" LAST NIGHT. Ml 83 .Yddell O'Brien charmingly enfrtalr.ed taut evening at the homr of her sister, Mrs. C. G. Morris, in honor of her guest, Mias Nellie Arm strong. of New Hern, N C. Pri rresslve conversation was ;?lay during which fruit pir-'i wc acr> ?d. Those pret< > ro: .V 's* m i ?Nellie Am- trotr. K "* B; ' *rd. Krancc; i ea. \ Tl. ma y.yo, 1: ^ta Warren. Irat ? Jo 1' " n Lewi*. Dorothy r;:o* . 1: Ima L'ggett. Virginia T*. nC". cf Wilson. Mary tthodes. ( ; .tine aud Mary Baugh mi, lle'ene Ifudnell. Bertha Bus nan. Mary Robbiut., Lucille Credit. ?f Hyde. Maud Swindell, Nela O'- ' irien, and Virginia Bell; Messrs. ' "iarV a T. Harding. Henry Handy, li^gene Coley. Bruco Tankard. Rich ivd Leach. Edward Lee Archbeli. '-?th Cordon. Arms'ead Hudnell, 'obert I>all. George Lench. Mc Thomas Bobbins. l/ouis 8m man Surellus Willis, John Johnston, Art Kfsingor. Dan L"e Simmons. Lloyd Lewis. Willie F Freeman, Roy Ken snger and Rnlph Hodges. The affair wan a lawn party th" porch and yard being decorated In Japanenn lanterns. Ml*s Neta O' Brien presided over the punch bowl. Ice cream and cake were served. l'REHENT RIROIUAN CONFLICT WAS PORRCASTKO HV TOI.KTO? Atlanta, Aug 25 ? -Declaring th.v Leo Tolstoi predicted the l**adlnn e vents of the present world-war be | fore he died, the editor of thr An I nulty Mrssenger, published in At lanta. quotes from a remarkable and little known piece of writing by that great author. "The great conflagration will rtart about 19 It. i"t In the coun tries of southeastern Kurope. It will deve'op Into a destructive calamity In 191 3. In that year 1 aee all Eu rope In flames and bleeding. I hear the lamentations of liuf battle fields." And then comest he part which Is of the newest and keenest Inter eat. for the writer la quoted aa say ing: . "But about ih* tut 1*11 ? strung* !ft?urt (ran th* north. ? ??* N? LARGE SUM mm f FOR ROAOS CIU\1!r OOUIfTY PLANS TO HPE!fD ONE HI WED THOL'H AND IN LMPnO\1NQ HI Oil ? WATS. A BOND ISSUE i .'onunLwionijw Heid Special Session V? mil* or lunm On# of Wif? Evil* Edmund Burke said : "War km*, be rules of obligation, and *r. ong suspended is !n danger cf [? n#Al!v abreast *4 - polean. entera the stage of the bloody drama II* ]w a man of little military training, <\ writer or Jour nalist, but in IiIr grasp most of Ku rope wil) remain until 1925. The end of the great calamity will mark ? n?"w political era for the Old World. There will bf? left no ein r?*rps or kingdoms, bit" the world Will form a federation of the 17nit*d State* of nations. There will re naln only four great giants? the Anglo-Saxona, the Latins, the Slavs and the Mongolians." New Theater TONIGHT. "THE BOMH BOY" Three Keel Feature "HIS PHANTOM pWBBTHWART" On* Reel "The Other Woman'! Picture" On* Reel "BIX EP BBAUTUtUt H1.RKP" O*. RmI ComMr pmcw ? f, ..a id, V v mrr ' ' M