No. 44 . EXAMINE TO SANITY MURDERER Y NOT BE TRIED to death with a dab. the law wonlc ?(and >etwsan him aad conrlctlor for m Im4 far which he was no ???illy responsible. The defenee la aaid to hare a let tar tram a Outoola, N. C., phyaiclan who treated Hill. The doctor stated that SHI, when aader hU treatment had pellagrs and showed unmtatak ahle itgaa of Insanity. Attorney Or wand earn he entertains not the slightest donbt that the alayer Is un TAR PROJECT IS POSTPONED (Vy wire to the Dally News) Hoekjr Mount, Aug. tf . ? Although Congressman Kltohln #aa at Tar boro last weak, the meeting that was to hare bean held for the dis cuseion of improving the Tar river for narlgatlon, was postponed, ow ing to the absence of some of the directors of the Tarboro chamber of Another date will be est for the I mooting some Ums In the near fn tnre. The project haa undergone considerable dlacuaalon aad It IsjtoH Herod If the matter la handled in proper fashion, It can be carried through emscesi fully. CITY \mt ?' ' - I ??? ? Little Rock, Ark.. Au?. 16. ? Food end money here been teat from Lit tle Rock to *14 the hundred* of flood refagers et Newport, Ark., who ere living on the seoond floors of their hotoce u the reeult of e rise In White river. A carload of oen ned good* end breed wee expected todey. i The etrcete still were covered with two to twelve feet of weter. The eewerege system hea been destroyed the weter end eketrlc light and ?ta plentu were oat of commission end rellroed eoennaeketlon still wm eat of. Offloer on the American batticahljj Utah operating: the range finder dur lag maneuvers. ? Setting Down to Essential?. . "Am a matter of professional cob Bieuce," said the lawyer, "are yoc "Whal e the use of wasting tine on a minor consideration like that?" re joined the up-to-date prisoner. "How do you think I nwfaure up for inaan | tt?r L \UTO UPSETS; CATCHES FIRE; NO ONE HURT IOC1DKNT CHXTRRBD TO AUTD MOllILE BELONGING TO HHAW BONNER. ,{o? Ran In Front of the Car, Cann ing it to Turn Off into a Ditch. ] Escape of Occupant* Was Mirac- 1 (Special to the Dally News) ^Aurora, Aug. 2?. ? The automobile *)eloriltns to 8haw Bonner of^hIa alty, turned turtle half way between, irre and New Bern; the occupants jf the car were thrown out and the nacblne waa completely burned. Shaw Bonner, Til ~pfcul, Ray Paul* 4r. Bonner's son and a negro, were n the car at the time of the aocl irht. Mr. Bonner was driving the car, when a hog, which had been rooting ilongside of ther oad. suddenly took It into his head to cross directly In *ront of the machine. The front wheela struck the animal and the ar skidded ofT into a dlteh and turp d over. Mr. Paul and one of the 'joya were pinned under the car. which Immediately caught fire. They -vere extricated from their perilous position before the Arc had gained much headway. The eecape of the men and boys was mlraeuloua. No one Buffered my injuries exoeptlng a few bruises. SMOKES CIGARS AND ASKS AID triad Beggar Puffs at Coatly Cher oot* While Collecting < Special to tbe Daily News) Nfrw Bern, Ang. >9. ? A beggar, whether a professional 6 r one who Is really to need of help Is seldom Indulging In the luxuries of live hat occasionally this occurs^ and one oi those caies look place at th? anion passenger tsation yesterday morn lag when a white man, who Is aap pqped to be blind, was atandlng un der the shed playing a banjo, t'wo tanas for a nickel, and at the srftnft time waa smoking a cigar, which ap parently waa of no cheap brand. It la not an unusual occurrence to aee a beggar emoklng but usually his parafrh&nalla oonslats of a corn cob' pipe and a sack of cheap tobaccos instead of high grade cigars. hm u as a twenty-five dollars per week; wage corner caunot alford. he puh^ lie should be careful in donating to strangers who wear colored glaaeea and claim to be blind for If their financial standing enab'.es them to barn up mopey In teL cent cigars, ^ they are not worthy o* the nlekcls that they get. SPECIAL BULLETINS KJa**, A??. 96, ft p. m.~? Ooof Mm, m irUl for ihf mmrt to of 10a wifo, wan Ju<%m1 ~ bMtM thte iftcnM ftjr tt?r gata! 1 1 fomMlMtott which had appointed b j Jpdf* 0o?. On*.*Nr. Am- ' m. ? Dm- <w ???'?* "? *? Pollock, who * ?? ??<?> '<?? ??? n,nr,w of FoMfMnM MmHfc t * ItaraTlllr two r*?r? *??. - b~. portpoBrf ?!' ?? atom of th* MiMftor ovart ??t ROARERS TIE ? . ^ BP WITH THE WALLOPERS T** 1 iiwr ? "-'ft*] VIKITOH8 TOO* HBCO.ND <JA)1K VKHTBBDAr.;,,.., * j SC0RE~WAS 8*4 Mook Chan Flora At?' 4t ij D?. H?. BM Pttrfttrt OOM B.U. fcin ?w? Sfcaky 8?| *"*' ?jw ?' ; . ?(.il ' "MMV.'O ' TI1K TOAftE OF PAMK. To make thrw hit* out ?f *1 four time* ?t bat ? oo? of th*m ?i a tout ? and to drtr? la six *| i roc*. l*n't a bad day'* work and d4Wflc a lltUe extra WW , men*, b*nc* oar reason toa IsA- 1 tint "Monk'*" aama adore this * Gallery of Oaala* today. In ad- ? (Utlon to bates re*poa*lbl? (or ^ tba abors, "Old Han" H?o ? ? caught an. **ootl*at ? appeared *n ha?? a kaaak ot * I ? iu?*ai the wnkMM ot tb? ?! ?.local batter* ' 49 ' *1 ? "D*t a'rlgbt, of Howl" ? * * ' * |* * * It "MoBk" Cburi. lid drowned when be Va* a yo?n*?t*r and It "JJ*c" m#n4 had pal/ *txaof led ov?r bla nursing bottle when he was an Intent, tb* Wallop*r* might ti?ve woa y**i*rday'? (am* Neither Jf th*ie aecldent* ha>p?*d. bow ser, and a*, a reeult. the Roarer, defeated the locale by U? of ?-?. Aurora played (be beet (am* y*? t'rday that they h?* ***r P*1 up on tb* loeal Md. Th*y ?'? Bland excellent tupport aad only made two rrora, *ae of whleb waa Iimwl>l* tor o run. In tb* opinion ot man# lixsa.-ssfts tbit baa been etna b?r* tbte ?*a?on, with the extaptlrfn of Scott. Two rub* wore mad* bjr ttle vla Uora in th* e**niok lanlng . ?wh? Tionner hatamseed oat ? two-bagger and Clm* ?nnf lit on* on thenoee 'for a bome ran The Walloper* mad" their Srn ru? In tb* aeeond Inning. Horning get tin* a eoratob hit and scoring later *W%en Riser* nude * miliar of Darenport'i grounder. In the third Inning, the Ytaltor* made two more rune. R. Thompson walked and Bonner reached *i?? wbon Barrett fumbled hl? jrOoadsr. Churn (Isgled ?nd. both Thompson mid Bonner gcorod on Barnes' iup gllng outltt right ftolt. In their bait of the rturth Inning, a eucceselon of tbrei bit* bjr Mintdn, Hornlg ,*?d Brown , r*^uU*d In the scoring Of two runs, tor the locals. No further eeorlng^ et|* done until ihe eevonth, when Aurofd made mad* thr** mor* la 1 Ilea. it. TboMp aon singled and Lanier r*aeh*d Bret on Hackney'* poor throw. Barrhtl muffed Bpnncr'a grounder and Thompson scored. Chnrn singled and Lanier aad Bonner acored. In tb* eighth Inning. Jim Hackney started thing* rolling with a three bagger and scored on Car row's atvi ?1?. Hornlg walked aad -?'"W? singled. Riling tb* bawe. Ktlth was | put In to bat tor Bavenport. and| fanned. Aurora made th* Baal score ot th*| game lo the IlnoSsr poled 3 **or?d Lanier's ?ro practically Mjgwfre *t thffk players who *ra*Jt^?a' [tall* thai w*r* wkH ,kl??Y* tb* I jjfe'rs. In thhr r**pect. the gum* | fidt bddlty In tt**rt? If Blaad lai ball oyer th* plat* tkat yUa\ tb* walet. they w*rs few aad Practically all of Ms high one* and lh?y tb* oatdolag of th* Vatfop*ra. Horalg'a rannlog c*t^h DEVASTATED BY CLOUDBURST street. Id tH*. Pa-, just after the clcuddtirai and flood that caueed the deeth of tnor* than " the destruction of a vast amount of property In that city. It was alon* this street that and drowuod by the rapidly rising water*. were cang' AGED MAN SUICIDE (By wire to the Dally News) New Bern, Aug. 26. ? Caswell Askew, aged 74, a resident of Tren ton, N. <5., committed suicide in a boarding house on South Front St. last night by cutting hi* throal with a pocket knife. He was in the room by himselr when tne tragedy oeccfr red. No reason has been aaslgn'd for his act ?skew owns considerable property I te -Jones county and is well kuowh Ul* section of the Staled r.ARKWELL PARTY. Miss Ma ?<le Hodges delightfully | entertained at a farewell party Wed nesday Evening complimentary to her house guest. MIsb Elsie Mae Dillon, of Greensboro. During the evenfng music wsn furnished by Misses ' Jessie end Esther Hodges and Jamie Bonner, after which a course of delightful refreshment* was served- Quite s number called during the evening. of J. Hooker's fly In left field In the fourth Inning, was a pretty p'.ay and | kept Riven from scoring. The Summary. Aurora a d. r. h. e. I R. Thompson, If 3 2 1 o Lamtr. ef 6 1 0 o Bonner, ss. 5 3 1 I Churn, e 4 1 3 0 E. Hookey, 2 b 4 0 0 0 R, 8. Thompson, rf. .. 3 0 2 0 Rivera, tV ......... 8 0 1 1 Bland, p. 4 1 1 o Total 31 8 9 2 Washington A.B. R. H. E Hackney, 3b 4 1 1 l Barrett, as 4 0 0 3 Carrow, et 4 0 1 0 Mlnton, lb 4 1 1 0 Hornlg'. it 3 2 2 0 Brown, p 4 0 2 o Davenport, c 3 0 0 0 Phelps, lb 4 0 0 0 Barnes, rf 4 0 0 1 Keith 1 0 0 0 ^ Total . r. 35 4 7 6 R.H.E. Aurora 20200030 1?8 9 2 [Washing ton 01020001 0 ? 4 7 5 Rtruek out: by Rland. 16; by by Brown, 9. Base on balls: off Bland, 1; off Brown, 3. Home run: Churn. 3-baae hits: R. S. Thomp son. Hackney. 2-bsse hits: Bon ner. J. Hooker. Sacrifice hits: R Thompson Double play: Barrett tc Ph Ips to Mlnton. Umpires: W Thompson and A. Elliott -= " TG0OD TASTE" " "t Crystal ice cream j Made with fresh Peaches , also j deficients Red Cherry Cream. J Crystal Ice Company i j| PHONE M WASHINGTON. N C. J WILL PLAY GRIMESLAND lntcir*Uii{ Game Tomor row Ulien Grlmewland Gooa lip Ag*lnst the Walloper*. Owing to events which hare pre ceded the game, It Is expected that i large crowd of fans will be on hand tomorrow afternoon to witness the game between the Wallopers and Urlmealand. It is reported that he latter team have an exception ally strong line-up and that they will use every effort in winning the contest. It is not known yet who will work In thrt box for the Wa!lopers. Man ager Bell stated this morning that he was trying to secure the ser vices of auotlier pitcher, but could give out no announcement at the rresent time. 18,000 POUNDS OF - TOBACCO SOLD Cioutl ilrrak mt Loral Tobacco Ware (mum-* Today. Malm Are .Steadily I nrr easing. Close to 18.000 pounds were sold at the local tobacco warehouses to-, day. One of the houses reported a sale of 3,888 pounds, which sold for $383.06. Another sold 3.964 pound for an average price of 8 3-4 cents The third eo'd 10.000 pounds for tin average price of 9 cents. The sales are increasing steadily and by next week the local tobacco men expeot to see dally sales of from 25,000 to 80,000 pounds. WILL TAKE OVER HAITI Washington, Aug. 36. ? Secretary Lansing Maid today that iiio treaty the United States hag submitted to Haiti for ton years' A- m oilcan corn trol of the island government's fi nances had (or its sole purpose the establishment of a stable govern ment which could be entirely turn ed over to the Haitiena themselves. The Amurlcan charge at Port iu Prince has asked the Haltlen gov cvnm nt for an answer today. Sec retary Lansing confirmed the out line of the plan In despatches from 1 1'irt au Prlnoc and said: "We have only one purpose ? that , is to help the Haitien people and . pr- vent I hem from being exploited ( by Irresponsible revolutionists. These , are not properly revolutions; they are unorganised enterprise* which Involve no question or -"inclple and they ar*? ruining the country. While they are In progress people are flirting in the streets of Port au Prlifce because they cannot securo the supplies 'of food which abound In the country. Things have been gning from bad to worse and sonie , tiling must bo done. The United States government has no purpose 6f aggresirion and is entirely dialn tereated In promoting thnls protec torate. Wo have not e*en asked lor Mole 8t. Nicholas." The secretary added that, of comae. the arrangement would have o be approved by the United States Seaate. \v; , , Ashovllle. Aug 2?. ? Tracd by bloodhounds <o a mountain cabin, four or Ave mllsa from Topton, Har r> Wiggins and Merrill Miller were arrested last night about 7 o'clock chargcd with the murder of P. L. Phillips, according to a message re ceived this morning from Toptoti. A dying statment from Phillips wa? to the effect that these men are re sponsible for his death. Wiggins and Miller are now in jail at Robbins t'llle and a posse is in pursuit of EtI ' Williams. Tom Jordan and Jim Na hum. supposed to be members of s hand or outlaws to which Mlll'r an<* Wiggins belonged. This morning a strong posse tarte4 into the depths o( the Smoky Mountains to capture Williams.' lor Ian and Naburn. Jordan Is wanted u ('lay county to answer the charge of killing a man there about twe years ago, -Naburn is said to liavr murdered a young man about twr *? eks ago. Ttanrn is a reward of fered for "Williams for the murder nt Mrs. Phillips, hl? mother-in-law ?.ud her son snd daughter. MRS. WEEKS PASSED AWAY Well Known Washington R*s!clar Died This Morning, Follow Prolonged lilt: Mrs. T D. Weel died at 1- r home on Wett Sec- nd : * tli.* morning t' 6:'fl o'<! 'k. The fu n- ral serve s v'll be held at the home tomo- ! v morning at oleven. Rev. H. B. Searlght officiating. Mrs. Week's death followed a pro longed Illness. Her condition grew worse several days ago and the doc tors statrd at that time that It would only be a matter of a few days before sh<? passed sway. Her many friends, however, did not give Up and her death comes as a sor rbwfuf shock to them The pall bearers will ho Oilberl Rumley. W. R. Pedrlck. W. K Ja cobf-OD. J. I- Warren. Soph I,egge*t and n H. Whltford PATH Kit III NH OYKK OWN HOY. ( Special to the Dally Neww) Rocky Mount, Aug. 26. ? George Hales, a boy of eight years of age. was run over by his father's auto mobile when he attempted to alight from the ear befor* It stopped. The lad tripped over the running board and fell under the wheel* of the car. He Is suffering, from a broken collar bone. H.lYH RAKKR. We make photography of excellent quality. We will ship them out on approval anywhere. You can thor oughly examine them, show them to your friends, compare them with any work you ever ssw, at the price. If you are thoroughly satisfied yon can send us check; If not you can return pictures at our expense. We j have aent out over 100 doaen pic tures In the laat six months, with not a single picture returned, and i every dollar paid In. We are yoirs ' to please and eerve by the simply aaklaq. . BAKER'S flTVDJQ. "SHOT UP" CITY YOUNG MEN ARE FlflED hrlhavIn vol* no men had GAY TIME WHILE THE CITIZEN M SLlfPT. ARE ARRESTED ? Brought l'p Into Court ud Arc M?V to Pay for tbo "Bl< Tin**' Titer Had U?o Nl?ht iWorc. &hoo*ng Occurred at Midnight, (Special to the Dally News) Belhaven, Aug. 10. ? Between eleven and twelve o'clock at night, while most of the law-abiding citi zens were safe in tbe arme of Mor pheus, a couple of young men tried to "shoot up" the town In true wee tern fashion. The disturbers of the peace rod* around the streets In a horse and juggy. At frequent interval# the algbt'e quietness was broken by th-> aolse of revolver shots. Several clt zens. awakened by the shots, left their beds and meandered forth to ascertain the cause of the distur bance. Policeman Dillon got news of th? affair and arrested the young men on Front street and took them b* fore Mayor Tooley, where they jn *??"" placed und^r bond. At the hearing, which took place In the morning, one offender was Aned $7.00 atid coj-t-. and his partner 15.00 and costs They were charged with * violation of the toWn ordinance, vhich forbida the discbarge of fira . rms within the corporate limits. GIVE NEGRO A LONG TERM KlHhton liurglar In Hrntrncfd to Fife V'san on the Road.*. (Special to the Dally News) Klnston. Aug. 26.? -Judge Connor n Superior Court sentenced Will lorham, colored, to Ave years on he county roads for burglary. Ar -algned with him was his wife. Fren* ?oriipm Tho pair are behuvod 'o :;ive peri-pirated a rtcri?.,!< of robber s'* in the i*Dutliern part y' ihr oi t y wlilt-h netted th?*m mare than >750 ?n loot, moht of whlrii was recovered when the police raided their home. Gc:::im plead guilty to rifling the hor* .?f M. Goldstein, on South In 1epv . nt street. He tried In his Mil. to absolve his wife, who ... em^.cd to prove an alibi. The Jury found the woman guilty. The court reserved judgment in the case of the wife, who Is a consumptive. In working up the rase the police dis covered that Irene florham cooked in one or more of the houses which her husband robbd. al different times WAD 5 GALLONS: ARE ARRESTED Two Nkrto^ Apr < aught u Tlifj Wfr? Trying to Enter Cltjr Wltli Too Much liquor In ThHr Pnwmlon. Gror*? I>unn and J. R. Kllllbrew, niHrnhdrt; of the colon d race, went apprehended nt th* county brldgn !a*t nlirhr by Officer Ilardlaon and are today reponinp in jail, dun lo the fact that thAy had five gallon* of monkey rum In their poaaaaalon at fh? time they encountered Mr. Har riliton The two negroea were rid ing In a tranafar. They had avl* dently aecured the liquor comewhere acroaa tha rWer. The trial will b^ I held this afternoon. New Theater Change Program < Tonight. PRICM le ?l>4 1?o

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