MHm making appropriation*, lor aabmarlaaa. torpedo boat daatforara and tha rmilltr tjpo of m trait. U MM thla (?ttramrat naarlr fll. 000.000 to band and aqulp one of tha ItrgHt battlaahlpa. Baaing tha ?oMof I rabmarlno at about 1400. 000 wa caa bnlld 40 aubmarlnf. lor whftt it eoit to ron?truct one large bottKahlp. wa ha.. 10 anbmarlnaa a'roady aadar eoftatroetlon and If wa provide for 10 or 40 mora thla rear wa will ba protected agalaat the [ i .tciM "There l< itl a nation la tba world that eaald gat within HO allaa of oar .ahttraa II wa ha to, e naafh iabmirlp?a and torpado boat to patrol our eoaata Thla waa dem onstrated whan nne small fiirmin V eutirr.erlre worhad Ita war to tk? Dardeneltee, torn* 11,000 mllai from hone. Wkf* lha aubmarlaa waa dlecovered tha alllaa' float, those that wara left ? <1t? ol tham ara at tk* bottom of tha M* ? laft tat parti ohlraowa." "Too h??a aeea th? atatameat aa oradltad to tRntarr of tha Htirj Daalalt that million, will aa spent lor tha aa<rr during tba coming aaa ? loa Of Oengreee?" Jlr. Kllohln waa "O*. res, 1 h?ia nesrd of that it-mont. Dai fnnirra l> not go I tn !,0 atampodod Into approprlat ttanajr for Urge ? Oujr Harm*. ? Barn en pjtched* R dutiful ? ? tame yesterday, allowing only * ? tour bits ? and tfo of tli.ern ?* ? scratch hlu at that. In addT- * ? tloa to his pitting, he drove ? ? out two bale wallop* o?t Of-"* ? four t!mr a at bat. The above ? r?MM are sufficient for stick- ? ? ing h la name Into thl* Rectan- ? ? gle of Renown. - "? ? -Tsar home runs broke up the gome? ud alio the granditind? yesterday afternoon. Mlnton, Hor nlt and Barrett each clouted oat a elfcolt wallop. Hornlg'a Kail *u tke hardest hit that was BTer seen ?n the local Held. It want oat over center Oelder'. head an? didn't coma LM ^farif hit Una irl-wm. ... y Tha Walloper* rhul oat the Roar er* yeaterday, ll-O. Only two of the rUltorj got u far a* amad baae antl) the last Inning, when Moore managed ,to reach tl|jr?,, He waa kept from ^coring, however. when Bland fanned with two down. Fred mad* the only two clean hlu that were secured joff Barnes. He llso payed a am daks tame In left Held. '-j . :r ? ? .. The loeala made their flrat' score* In th* lecood lining Barnee sln fled and Barrett sent the tall M a vacation utll he had tourad th~ aicki. In the third Inning. Rivera felt Phelps and Carrow la aacceaelon end both si theae advanced and scored OS a aacrHce by Hackney and an Infield grounder by Minion. la (ho fourth Inning, Barrett Walked, Keith took one In the ribs and both of them scored dn Car row'a hit. Hornlg drove out his homer th the fifth. Mlnton, four bagger ceme in the sixth with Phelps end Hackney on ban. The anal tally wai made In theelgbth attar ftaekney. bad doabled and soo/ed on Horolg's grounder to Thompson (i CWTWAUOM. SHUT OUT GAME The Iwy. V< . Aaron A.B. R. h B. j R. Thorn peon, 2b. .... 4 0 0 1 banter, cf. '. 1 , . . ... . . 4 0 0 0 Bonner, ee t 0 0 0 Churn, c 4 0 0 0 ?. Hooker. ?b. 1 0 R 8. Thompson, rf. . . 4 0 0 0 Rlrera, p 4 0 1 1 Moore. If I ? | o J Hooker, lb 1 0 0 0 Blind, rf ..J 0 0 0 Total ? 4 *' Washington A.B. *<H. B. Cirrow, of. 4 Hlckney. ?b. . I Mlnton, lb flora!*, If. Brown, rf. names, p Barrett, ee. Keith, . ?helpa, lb t Total .??11 ? 1 > K,'- ? R.H.E. Anrora 00000000 0- 0 it Wllhlngton 9 II I 1 > ? 1 ?-ll I 1 ?at: by Birnai. ? ; ?y Base on ball* o* Barnes by pitch' r: Hotne MYERS IMPROVED lUoortM HO, While *-omxfc?l turn-. On. nil , w? chance* of recovery wars improved. RUNAWAY GIRL AT NEW BERN . (Special to the Dally Mm) ?aw Bern, i-at ?7? Upon the arrival of tbia 'eutbonud train ye? tacday afternoon alnln roar old line arm carried a bt^dle which evidently cootalned clothing. Look la( around the nation ehe apla&'tht Gaston Hotel baa and at om not over ami cot aboard at thl? vehicle along with peroral othej1 travelers. Coming on down to the hotel the girl afT.xed the San* of Grace Chan dler tp the reglater. Observing that the girl waa unaccompanied, Man* gar Cherry Inquired as to whsnct ?he came and how lone ehe InteMed to remain la the city. She replied that bar home was at Ooldeboro that the bad reeanUr undergone an operation ami bad coma bar* to m cu per ate and expected to remaia several days. Placing the girl in charge at Via got into commaaiaMSoa with th; chtcf ot police at Ooldsboro and In Qntred. If such a girl was mini at from that elty. Tba ofllelei there stated that tlMre Waal that bar aam< waa Catherine Andrews and tba her relatlrea were at that time mak lag a anarch for her aad aakad tba ?be ha he:d. A slater of the girl arrived In th city at mldslght and today will tak the girl hack to her home. 2 as why she ran away la a mystery. ASKS FOR TRIAL BY A JURY ? S|*IW<, (IuirM With HlriX To. Macb IJqnur, to be Glvm Trial ? ' MomOtt !?o<m At the trial of Oaorfa Dunn age J. R. KUIlbrew, 'colored. charjri with hiring t?o much liquor la their poiaeulon, the attorniqr for lb* d? r?Bda*t?, W. C. Rodman, yeatardajr afternoon aaked for a trl?l br jury Til* trial will take ?lac? Monday Vi -flu "in mnk HMOKRn Alto mi.T *<*?> ?? lowwt prima at i. * Atlanta * Co. ' " *3 " iTiK ?. . ,;"*?? v' ???>??? i ; NAVY TAKEN BY APMIRU CAPERTON Tkta b tha rwbosi <M"'" <" Admiral Caparto. -^r ^ ^ ? -ort-. |Mnr, Pronto to be Buth Jnler *etta? ?ad lastmctive. WiU Bo of BentfU to ffsnaesa ?p 1 Ttietr Wires. FINEST PEACH KH APPLBS, II A NANA8 and other fruits at low eat price#. J E. Adamg A Co. 8-17-ltc. FINK ROE HEKK1NUH AT X. E. AT>AJKfl A CO. Th? program for the 'farmers' meeting, which will -be held at th< high school auditorium Tuesday of next week, was given out.thls mom tug and wiU be as follows: , Lecture ? Or. L* I*. Bumsden, of the U. 8. public health service, on "Rural Sanitation m| . Public Health. " Illustrated. Lecture ? Prof. C. ?TWaAeatt, of I Bureau of Market*, and RurrUj U. and a Better Home Life." Lecture ? Dr. T. M. Owen, of th~ . Bureau of Animal Industry. U. 8. Department of Agriculture, "on| "Stock Growing tod Tick Eradica tion." Illustrated. (Lectare ? Mrs. J. H. Henley, of ? be 0, 8. Department of Agriculture, un "JL Batter Homo Making." The program promises to be an exceedingly interesting and instruc tive one. The speakers are all we'.l reread In their snbJectB and it la vgpected that many interesting facte ?111 be given out in their discourse. The illustrations will be both by rtereoptleon news and motion pic HI8 CRVK Is TREATMENT. Hvorce Petitioner Describes Worst Offense. (Philadelphia Telegraph) . . 8omo time since a pretty youag wife brought suit against her hue and tor divorce on the ground of :ruelty, sind when the case wa*. called the fair petitioner was put on ie witness stand. "You say In your petition, mad ?me," Interrupted the Judge at one ntervah "that your husband treat ed you with great cruelty?" "Year, sir," was t6e soft and meek "ejoinder of the wltnese, "he Was >*ruel to mo vefy often." "In what particular way?'* asked he Judge. "I wast to hear somo peclfic cases." "In many ways," answered the >etltloner. "One of the worsrt thing" Ie used to do was to say things to Tie on thn telephone, and then hang up the receiver before 1 could an swer back." . WilfHtWttWtWWtt /?"f 1 H "GOOD TASTE- I L/RYSTAL ice cream Made with fresh Peaches , also Red Cherry Cream. -rysta) Jce Company B " WASHINGTON, N. C ttMiiM4iMAAO>AiAAA IS IN FAVOR OF THE TAR PROJECT WXGHMWfXX SMALL EXPRESS ES HIMSELF ON WATERWAY IMPROVEMENT. OF GREAT BENEFIT Scries of IMraa mid Luck. Would Provide Cilia* of Washington, Reefy Mount, Tnrboro and (m?. Title With Power /or City Work, When interviewed this morning regarding the proposed improvement or the upper Tar river. Congressman Small Htated to a representative of the Da'jy News that he believed the b**Srtto?*jr practicable and oae which would b' of immense benefit to the cities of Rocky Mount, Tarboro, Greenville and Washing ton. "Wr had a meeting In WaeMng toa over a year ago," stated Mr. Small, "at which Mr. Bernhard, of New Orleans, was present and which was also attended by a delegation of about twelve prominent citizens of Tarboro. The prpject was discussed at that time and was enthusiastical ly received by those who were ac quainted, with the possibilities of the work. "By a series of locks and dams, 1 am sure enough water power could be derived to furnish power for transportation and lighting pur pose* In the cities of Rocky Mount, Tartoro, Greenville and Washing ton. Thia power would be sold to fhese. cities by the government at V nominal cost and would provide a ;cod- sized revenue to pay for the : ?St of the work." Wheq asked whether he believed 'he project would be carried out at *ny time in the near future, Mr. 3maU stated that he did not know, but be felt suro that If the people rea'ised the advantages ? both In the way of powor and navigation ? It would be agitated more than It Is it present. THROWING PAPER ON C'TY STREETS Ltw Against This to be Strict" y Enforced, Says Sanitary Inspector Flynn. Sanitary Inspector J. K. Flynri sta'.ed this morning that tho law, regarding the throwing of paper and rubbish on the streets, wou'.d be strictly enforced In the future. "There is a Ave dollar fine for a violation of tfcHs ordinance,*' said Mr. flynn, "bat In splto of this a number of persons will persist in ] throwing rubffch on the streets, in stead of plactag it In reeeptacles which 'hare bsen provided for that purpose. From now on this law !s go ng to bo strictly enforced and I I hom that the people *111 eo-oporate with us and eliminate the neoosslty of having thom brought up lato Ccurt and lined.' "WHO PAYS" AT NEW j f. \ THRATKK TONIOHT The New Theatre offers tholr pa trons aft exceptionally strong bill for tonight. The second series of tlu famous series op dramas entitled "Wbo Pays" wilt be pKWtil to nght In which "T%o pursuit oi M >",Y ATTEND BARBECUE GIVEN IN HONOR OF TOBACCO MEN IN THE CITY YESTER DAY AFTERNOON. Between 75 and 100 Men Wm Pitvwm. Excol'ent Sj>r?che? Wen Mule on the Local Tobaerc MwkeC, Between seventy-flv?> and one hun dred persona tttended the barbecue which was riven yesterday after noon by T. R. Hodges and W. M Cooper at the home of the latter The event was held as a special en tertainment feature for the tobacc: men In the city. It was a grand success and was thoroughly enjoyed by aH" present. Capt. George Hill acted as toaat master aoA he ailed h* position _ii_ . k manner which won!d have mad' ven William J. Bryan sit u* and take notice. Hla frequent wlttl clsms brought forth much laughtei and applause. He Introduced b number of speakers who were en thuslastlc In thefr predictions of th' succcss of th^ Washington market At about 1:30 o'clock dinner wai served and the appetites of every one seemed to be equal to the quan tlty of tempting viands which wer set out on the large table. Specta mention might be made In this con nectlon of Dr. Josh Tayloe and Cap :a!n G. H- Hill. The barbecue wa propared by John C. McGowan anr he add'd additional laurels to hi? roputatlon T>y tbe manner In which I he prepared the excellent dinner. | Got His Goat, Got It Rack. Klnston, Aug. 17 - Hou'toi Pierce got Ellis Slrjan't s at. I1 caught It IP t'J go-Un'o.: Blor street. T!i n, when Plerc wasL looking, S'riMk rot It Lack. ; A cas' resulting |u poll* j coir t yesterday Pierce, colo: 1. t/d a tangible tal of how the 3 at of Simon, Syrian, tied by a rope several ter t too long to a post on an adjoining lot, did Just what any goat would be ex pected to do ? walked right over *nd ate what it could of the collardB and beans in Pierce's garden. The court Impatiently asked for an ee tlmate of the damage, and Pierce could not estlmats it. Judge Wooten, who had not teen the goat nor th' I damage, dismissed the case. DEATH OF MRS. GRIFFIN. The news of the death of Mr? Maude Griffin, who died at th< Washington hospital, came as a-sad shock to her many frlenda in this1 section of tbe Btate. Mrs. Griffin had been suffering from throat trouble; the doctors saying that shr had cancer of the vocal cords. She la survived by her husband and six chlldraa and a sister, Mrs. C. A. Cutler, of this city. Mrs. Griffin resided in Klnston, but she Is wel' known her* In Washington. Pleasure" will be the title of the drama. This will ha ona of the atrongeet plcturea that this house has aver presented, and one that win do f very one good to aaa. There will also be a three reel Broadway Star feature entitled "From Haad I' quarters" by the Vltagrapb film company and will hold audience 3 yell hound from start to flatab. > FOH MTVMMVi LOU I ?r1oo? ob all D*r Oon?!?, Sho?? ? MO I ?, A???* h C?, ? ' ?Vj '< ? ? ? - , ? BANKERS OF DISTRICT TO ? MEET SEPT. 6 FIRST Hnma TO BJE fMil I ' OH THAT DATE AT 1.WL. ABIBTH CRT. MANY EXPECTED Representative* of All the Banks la v the V*wt CtmcreMtooAl DUcrict Haw Bee* Invited Co Attend the Meeting. (By Eastern Press) Elizabeth City. Aug. 17. ? A meet ?g of unusual Interest will be held U?re on Labor Day. September 6th. -rhen the bankers of thl? congres sional district will gather In Elisa beth City to hold their first conven ou as a distinct organization. At the state bankers' convention it Wilmington In June it was de .i(l' d to divide the state association ato as many subordinate assocla lons as therr* are congressional dis ricts In the State. Tho Association >f the First District elected as its irst president, Mr. L. W. Norman. ashler of the Hertford Dunking Co. it Hertford, N. C., and as its secre ury. Mr. C. H. Goodwin, cashier of he Bank of Mart'.n county at Wll iams'on. El'zabrth City was named as the ?lace of the first meeting and Sep ember 6th was designated as the tme. Accordingly preparations are ieing m-ie hero now for the meet ng and (ho local banks are all co jeratlon to that end. The South- ' ' rn Hotel will be the headquarters f the bankers while they are In .lie city and there will be held all he formal meetings of the aseo? iatlon. An interesting program is eing worke^ oijt .. and ^ addresses "T5tn~T>'rbinfftct!ft bank men of the :ate may be looked for. Arrange^ uents are being made also for the ntertainment of the Tlstton. Every ank in this district is expected to nd delegates to the meeting. Definite announcement as to the urogram and as to tho entertain ment features of the meeting may >e looked for within the next few lays. COST OF RIGHT LIVING IS LOW Luxuric<t And F?l*c Appetite# Make / High Cost of Living. R Vsh, N. C., Aug. 27. ? The lontH'y health letter of the Life xt yt on Institute give* much end !ce on what we should cat xJ what we should spend in order o be well nourished but not pamp rcd. It maintains that the coat of ha real necessities of life has not nor'ased to a point that should ?ause hardship, privation or. under lutrltlon even among smsll wage earners. For Instance, air, the first requirement of life, coats nothing. "Food, the next retirement of *lf^. coirts Iltt'e. If what the body -eally m?ed? Is considered. 10.6 cntB a day will provide plain, sim ple. palatable food (hot pork and beans, or its equivalent, bread and ^Tj'.ter. milk and coffee, and the uel to cook It). sufflci- nt to nour ih a person of average weight and ictlvlty. When the cost of food pre lared In the homn rises above 50 ",ents per day per individual, there a crtalnly either waste or luxury. "The greatest satisfaction In eat ng (a provider! by sound health and a natural appetite, not by the tltll 'atlon of the palate of the gavtron lome, who passes from one Indul gence to another until apprtlte, di gestion and health are mere mem , orlea "Within reasonable llmita, food ihould be prepared arrd served In an appetlalng way. But It la mom Important to create appetite by bodily condition* than by food con ditions. New Theater TO-NIGHT. "WHY PAW "The Pursuit of Plibavr*" ... <? Three Reels TRCM HEADQUARTERS" Thr? MM (bM?r< frtrf Jc u4 l#? ?

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